STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet


Updated: 3/19/17()

WARNING: This page contains spoilers! Lara Croft GO includes 17 achievements and 18 trophies. These are listed below, along with details on what is required to unlock each achievement, followed by the level in which each is most likely unlocked. Links go to the relevant sections of the walkthrough. Note that the Android, Windows, and iOS Game Center achievements are identical, although they are scored differently. The achievements you've unlocked so far are listed in the Settings menu (under the jackknife icon in the main menu).




Key of Snakes

Found the Key of Snakes

An Unknown Gate

Key of Stones

Found the Key of Stones

They Key of Stones

Key of Spirits

Found the Key of Spirits

The Key of Spirits

Atlas of Beyond

Discovered the Atlas of Beyond

The Atlas of Beyond


Found a Relic Fragment

A Forgotten Path


Completed a Relic

A Clever Climb


Completed all Relics

A Bridge to Daylight
The Void (Mirror of Spirits Expansion)*

Preservation Society

Broke all Vases

A Bridge to Daylight
The Void (Mirror of Spirits Expansion)*

Gathering Moss

Got crushed by a Boulder

A Narrow Escape

Getting Crafty

Stacked two Pillars

The Balcony of Stone

Master Builder

Stacked three Pillars

The Doorstep of Spirits

Into the Abyss

Killed a creature by making it fall to its death

One Deadly Step

Put this Apple on your Head

Threw a spear six nodes or farther

The Terrace of Forked Tongues


Slayed the Queen of Venom

The Queen of Venom

Immortal No More

Unearth the Shard of Life

Core of the Mountain (Shard of Life Expansion)

Déjà Vu

Slay the same creature four times in a row

A New Adventure or Fields of Lava (Shard of Life Expansion)

Back to Reality

Return from the Mirror of Spirits

The Void (Mirror of Spirits Expansion)

True Adventurer

PS4 and Vita only - Platinum Trophy for collecting all other trophies


NOTES: If you're playing the original game without the Shard of Life and Mirror of Spirits expansions, the Curator achievement should unlock when you find the last relic piece in the level A Bridge to Daylight. If you've found all the gems as well, you'll get the Preservation Society achievement at the same time for smashing all the vases in the game. If you're playing the game for the first time with both expansions installed, you'll also need to complete the relics and smash the vases in the bonus levels to unlock these achievements/trophies.

Or click here for more ways to help.

[Main Lara Croft GO Page]

Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen
Lara Croft and the Frozen Omen comic series is now available from Dark Horse Comics. Available at your local comic shop, used bookseller, or on eBay (commissions earned).

UPDATE HISTORY: 9/17/15 - Achievements page first posted, following completion of main walkthrough.
3/4/17 - Added the two achievements/trophies included in the expansion packs.
3/19/17 - Updated achievement list. The Steam version has been fixed and now includes the Back to Reality achievement, earned for completing the Mirror of Spirits expansion. Thanks to Treeble for sharing the good news!