STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet


Updated: 9/6/15()

Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 2

Follow this link for my video walkthrough.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Smash the vase on the steps to the left to get another piece of THE TWIN SNAKES relic (8/10).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
We now meet a new enemy type: the lizard. Unlike snakes, these guys will chase Lara if she passes in front of them, but you can kill them by sneaking up from behind. So move around to the right to approach the first lizard and kill it from behind. Smash the vase sitting in the dark area on the right to collect another EMERALD (15/19).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
When you climb onto the ledge above, the second lizard spots Lara and begins to move toward her. Like Lara, it can only move one space per turn. So you can use this to your advantage.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
To defeat it, climb up onto the next ledge, and move to the right, passing over the cracked floor. The lizard will follow you.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
If you then climb onto the next higher ledge, the lizard will step on the cracked area and fall through the hole in the floor, unlocking the Into the Abyss achievement/trophy.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Now climb up onto the ledge on the right and pull the lever to raise the gold block on the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Drop down, head to the left, and climb onto the gold block.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move one space to the left, toward the SPEAR, but don't try to grab it yet. The lizard sitting just beyond the spear notices Lara and will kill her if she gets to close. Instead, move to the right, then twice to the upper left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb up the left face of the square pillar, where there's a cracked section. The lizard will follow, but you should remain two spaces ahead of it.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Once you reach the top of the pillar, drop down on the right side. As the lizard attempts to climb up after Lara, the cracked section will give way, and he'll fall to the ground. With Lara out of sight and his brain being the size of a pecan, he'll quickly lose interest and sit facing the wall. Before climbing down, smash the vase hidden behind the tall pillar to get another EMERALD (16/19).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Drop down and approach the lizard from the side to shoot it with your pistols. Now you can safely retrieve the SPEAR.

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Zigzag over to the right so Lara is standing on the path to the left of the remaining lizard. You can spear it from here without having to get too close.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Once the lizard is dead, climb up to the exit.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 8/30/15 - Walkthrough first posted.
8/31/15 - Added achievements.
9/6/15 - Added video walkthrough.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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