General Information | For Donors | For Players
What is Extra Life?
Extra Life is a charity gaming marathon benefiting Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. It's like a walk-a-thon or fun run, but instead of actually breaking a sweat, participants collect donations then play games for 24 hours. The main focus is on video games, but some people also play tabletop games, board games, etc. Any type of game is fair game!
When is Extra Life?
The official Extra Life marathon is usually the first or second weekend in November. In 2025, it will be November 8-9. The TR Community team is planning other events throughout the year. In 2024, we did two TR Remastered Charity races. in June and December, as well as a midsummer marathon focusing on Tomb Raider Level Editor games, players, and creators. Many of us also fund-raise for Extra Life throughout the year.
Is Extra Life a legitimate charity?
Extra Life is not a charity in itself; all money raised goes to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals, a registered charity that helps fund 170 children's hospitals across the United States and Canada. Since its inception in 2008, Extra Life players have raised more than $120 million to help sick and injured kids!
What is the Tomb Raider Community Extra Life Team?
We are a group of Tomb Raider fans who have joined forces to make our fundraising efforts more fun for ourselves and our supporters. Since 2012, we've raised more than $95,000. You can help us smash our $10,000 goal for 2025!
Details about upcoming events will be posted on the Tomb Raider Community team page. Many of us will also be streaming on Twitch and YouTube throughout the year. Donations of any size are most appreciated!
How do I donate?
It's easy and secure. Go to the Tomb Raider Community team page, click "Donate" then choose the team member whose local children's hospital you'd like to support. (Or ask a team member for their direct link. Mine is Once you're on the player's page, click the "Donate" button, and follow the instructions. To donate offline with cash, check, or money order, contact me or another team member.
Where does the money go?
Most Extra Life players choose to support their local Children's Miracle Network Hospital, shown on their fundraising page. 100% of your donation goes directly to that hospital. Players who don't have a local hospital can choose to support the organization's mission-critical funding, which directs resources where they are most needed. These players have the CMN Hospitals 'balloon' logo on their fund-raising page rather than a specific hospital's logo.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Children's Miracle Network Hospitals is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All US donors will receive an IRS-compliant tax receipt as soon as the donation is made. Canadian donors will receive a tax receipt by mail from their local hospital foundation, usually in February of the following year. If you live outside the U.S./Canada, you'll need to follow up with your country's tax authority regarding international charitable donations.
For more information, check out this FAQ for players and supporters on the Extra Life site.
Charity is great but what's in it for me?
Apart from the warm, fuzzy feelings you'll get from helping hospitalized kids, the TR Community team also sponsors an annual prize raffle to coincide with the Extra Life marathon. In the past, we've given away games, consoles, books, statues, artwork, and other collectibles. The raffle is open to everyone (except team members), and Extra Life donors receive bonus raffle entries. We announce details a few weeks before the official marathon. Individual team members also do giveaways and incentives. You're also welcome to show your support by purchasing Tomb Raider Community swag from our Redbubble store. All proceeds go to Extra Life, and you get to proudly display your community spirit!
Does it cost anything to sign up?
No. Basic Extra Life registration is free. To sign up, visit the Tomb Raider Community team page and click "Join Our Team."
What if I live outside North America?
Extra Life is open to participants worldwide. Children's Miracle Network Hospitals are located in the U.S. and Canada but serve patients from all over the world. When you sign up, you'll have the opportunity to choose a specific hospital or raise money to support mission-critical funding wherever it's most needed.
What do I need to do once I've signed up?
Once you've registered for Extra Life, joined the team, and chosen a hospital (or not), you should set up your fund-raising page. Sign in on and click "Your Page" at the top left. From there you can scroll down to "Settings" and change your display name (if you want to use a screen name instead of your real name), view and edit your fund-raising page, create a custom link to your page, connect your Extra Life page with your social media, etc.
When you signed up, you will have set a fund-raising goal. Now it's time to get the money! Extra Life has lots of resources and tips for soliciting donations. If you can meet your goal before or during marathon weekend, that's great, but Extra Life continues through December 31 if you need more time.
I also encourage team members to join our Discord server. Contact me or any other team member for an invite.
How do I collect donations?
The quickest and easiest way is to send people a link to your Extra Life fundraising page and have them make a secure online donation there.
What if people don't want to donate online?
Not a problem. You can enter cash, check, or money order donations on the Extra Life site then send them in later using this form. Or, if your donor doesn't mind, they can give you cash and you can make the donation in their name.
What if nobody wants to donate? :(
Don't give up! There are lots of creative ways to solicit donations. Here are some fund-raising suggestions that may spark your creativity. You'll also find ideas on the Official Extra Life Discord server.
Is there swag involved?
If you upgrade to Platinum registration by paying a $19 registration fee, you will then be eligible for prizes once you reach various fundraising thresholds. There are new incentives each year, including decals, T-shirts, and silver or gold medals for raising $500 and $1,000, respectively.

There are also unlockable Achievement Badges for both individuals and teams. These are available to Regular and Platinum players.
The team has a Redbubble store featuring various items with NondescriptMidnight's Tomb Raider Community logo. All proceeds are donated to Extra Life. The Extra Life organizers, sponsors, and some individual team members run giveaways during marathon weekend. So if you participate (or tune in) you may win something then.
Do I have to stream my gaming during the marathon?
No! Not at all. Some players enjoy streaming on Twitch, YouTube, etc., and this can help drive more donations, but it's not required. Many participants play offline, on their own or with friends. Some play PC or console games, others play tabletop games or log time on their tablets or mobiles. Whatever you want to do is great. If you do stream but aren't available for our events, by all means, set your own schedule.
Do I have to join Extra Life to play on the Tomb Raider Community livestream?
Probably. We used to offer unfilled marathon slots to anyone who wanted to play, but in recent years, the team has grown to the point where this is no longer possible. But there's no harm in asking. If we have room, we'll certainly try to fit you in.
I still have questions that weren't answered here.
For more information, check out the Extra Life Player FAQ and feel free to contact me.