TOMB RAIDER 2013 Skill, Gear and Weapon Upgrades

Updated: 1/18/14()

WARNING: This page contains spoilers. No major plot points are revealed, but you will learn more about Lara's expanding abilities and arsenal if you read ahead. Follow this link for spoiler-free notes on controls and gameplay.

The tables below detail the following skill, gear and weapon upgrades available in the game. Use these links to skip down to the section(s) you need.

You'll also find info on Controls and Gameplay Tips, Collectible Items, Outfits/Skins and Other DLC, Steam and Xbox 360 Achievements, PlayStation 3 Trophies, and my Guide to 100% Completion on separate pages.

Skills and Experience

Lara starts the game fresh off the boat, as it were, with limited skills and no equipment or weapons. As you solve puzzles, meet goals, hunt prey, kill enemies, find special items, etc., you receive Experience Points (XP). A shield-shaped meter appears in the top left corner of the screen whenever you earn XP. This meter gradually fills up. When it does, you earn a Skill Point, which you can then use to unlock a new ability for Lara.

To spend skill points, interact with any Base Camp in-game and select the Skills Menu. There are 24 unlockable skills divided into three classes: Survivor, Hunter and Brawler. Only some of the possible skills in each category are available at the start. These are the Rookie level skills. After you've unlocked any 7 skills, you will gain access to the Hardened skill tier. Unlocking any 14 skills will enable you to choose from the Specialist tier as well.

RECOMMENDATIONS: The table below describes each of the different skills and lists any prerequisites. I've included a few notes that will hopefully help when choosing skills. I find a few skills indispensable: Animal Instincts and Steady Shot at the very beginning of the game; Pain Tolerance, Arrow Retrieval and Ammo Capacity once you start getting into more combat situations; and Dodge Counter as soon as you unlock the Hardened tier. You may decide to prioritize differently. That's fine. Choose skills that suit your play style. If you explore the island thoroughly, you won't have any trouble unlocking all the skills well before the end of the game.




Survivor Skills

Animal Instincts


Keen observation allows you to spot hard-to-find animals and food sources. When you press the Survival Instinct button, Q/L2/LB, prey and edible plants glow, making them easier to spot. This is also very helpful for early combat since wolves also glow in the dark woods. I highly recommend taking it as your first skill. After that the order doesn't matter so much.



Earn extra rewards when looting animal corpses and food caches. This skill isn't crucial but it does help you earn more XP from each kill and food pickup, allowing Lara to level up faster.

Advanced Salvaging


Thoroughly search crates and caches to find extra salvage. Again, not essential but useful for making gear and weapon upgrades a little sooner than you normally would.

Bone Collector


Carefully looting animal corpses will reward you with extra salvage. Also not essential but will allow you to unlock certain upgrades a little sooner. Obviously if
you don't like hunting, you won't want to take this skill.

Arrow Retrieval


Resourceful archers can recover arrows from the bodies of enemies and prey. If the bow is your preferred weapon, this is a great skill to take. You'll almost never run out of ammo. Once unlocked it kicks in automatically every time you loot an enemy or animal corpse. Unfortunately you can't retrieve arrows that miss the target and end up on the ground.


Rookie (Requires Arrow Retrieval)

Spotting hidden pockets on enemy corpses will reward you with extra ammunition. Once unlocked you don't need to do anything special. Just continue looting dead enemies and you'll find a little more ammo than usual each time.

Climber's Agility


Increase your climbing skills to traverse the environment with more speed and resist falling damage. This skill also unlocks the ability to roll after falling. When Lara hits the ground after taking a long jump or falling from a moderate height, just tap the Dodge button (Shift/Circle/B) to somersault and come up standing. Note that Lara can still die from a long fall, so you still need to be careful.



Use your keen perception to find hidden rewards in the environment. When you press the Survival Instinct button, nearby collectibles will light up and be visible through walls. Their locations will also then be marked on your in-game map. If you like, you can set a waypoint to help find the item.


Specialist (Requires Orienteering)

All tomb entrances and map locations will be revealed on your map. Check your map as you explore each new area. It will now automatically update to show the locations of collectibles, camps and challenge tombs.

Hunter Skills

Steady Shot


A focused mind allows you more time to aim deadly shots with your bow. This skill allows you to hold a charged shot longer, giving you more time to aim before Lara's arm fatigues.

Ammo Capacity


Efficient use of bags and pockets allows you to carry more ammunition. Applies to all four weapons. If you haven't collected some of them yet, they will come with the greater ammo capacity once you do find them.

Heavy Lifter

Hardened (Requires Ammo Capacity)

Your increased strength allows you to carry the maximum amount of ammunition. This is the advanced version of the Ammo Capacity skill. It further increases the amount of ammo you can carry for all four weapons.

Accomplished Killer


Eliminate your enemies with finesse to earn greater rewards. This gives you a slight XP bonus whenever you use special moves like headshots, stealth kills and finishers to eliminate enemies. I recommend taking it as one of the first skills once you've unlocked the Hardened tier. Then you can use the extra XP toward additional skills.

Bow Expert


Stab enemies at close range with your arrows for extra rewards. Also unlocks headshot reticle. To use this skill, shoot an enemy or hit him with melee attacks until he's stunned and you see the Melee icon above his head. Then, with the Bow selected, move in close and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to finish him off with an arrow. (The "extra rewards" refers to bonus XP for using this tactic.)

Pistol Expert


Execute enemies at point-blank range for more rewards. Also unlocks headshot reticle. To use this skill, shoot an enemy or hit him with melee attacks until he's stunned and you see the Melee icon above his head. Then, with the Pistol selected, move in close and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to finish him off with this gun. (The "extra rewards" refers to bonus XP for using this tactic.)

Rifle Expert


Unload your rifle at close range to brutally finish enemies and earn bonus rewards. To use this skill, shoot an enemy or hit him with melee attacks until he's stunned and you see the Melee icon above his head. Then, with the Rifle selected, move in close and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to finish him off with this gun. (The "extra rewards" refers to bonus XP for using this tactic.)

Shotgun Expert


Blast enemies with the shotgun at close range to stop them in their tracks and earn extra rewards. To use this skill, shoot an enemy or hit him with melee attacks until he's stunned and you see the Melee icon above his head. Then, with the Shotgun selected, move in close and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to finish him off with this gun. (The "extra rewards" refers to bonus XP for using this tactic.)

Brawler Skills

Pain Tolerance


Withstand more punishment in combat and live to fight another day. This skill enables Lara to take more damage before dying. I highly recommend it since it will keep you alive longer early in the game while you're building up your other skills and arsenal.

Dirty Tricks


Cleverly use dirt and rocks to blind your enemies and leave them vulnerable to your attacks. To use this skill, when an enemy approaches press the Dodge button (Shift/Circle/B) to scramble out of his way, then press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to throw dirt in his eyes, blinding him temporarily so you can finish him off. A lot of players seem to like this one, though I tend to prefer keeping my distance in the early battles. It's up to you.

Axe Strikes


Deliver two swift strikes with the climbing axe to stun your enemies. Once you've unlocked the Hardened skill tier, Lara automatically gains this ability, which allows her to use the climbing axe as a weapon. Move close to an enemy and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to deliver an axe attack that will stun the bad guy, enabling you to finish him off more easily.

Axe Expert

Hardened (Requires Axe Strikes)

Use your climbing axe to deliver a deadly, stunning blow to your enemies. This skill further improves Lara's ability to use the axe as a weapon. To use it, shoot an enemy or hit him with melee attacks until he's stunned and you see the Melee icon above his head. Then, with no other weapon selected, move in close and press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) to finish him off with with the axe.

Dodge Counter


After dodging an enemy, stab them in the knee with an arrow to cripple him and leave him vulnerable to a killing blow. To use this skill, you must wait for an enemy to strike at Lara and then press the Dodge button (Shift/Circle/B) while moving in any direction to duck out of the way. Then press Melee (F/Triangle/Y) in time with the on-screen prompt to to stun the enemy with an arrow to the knee. This technique takes a little practice, but it's covered several times, with screenshots, in the walkthrough. I HIGHLY recommend taking this skill as soon as you unlock the Hardened tier. It will make certain fights so much easier.

Dodge Kill

Hardened (Requires Dodge Counter)

Skillfully dodge lightly armored opponents and then strike them at close range to kill them instantly. This skill works exactly the same way as the Dodge Counter (above) as far as the button presses. The only difference is that when fighting unarmored opponents, it will kill them instantly instead of only disabling them. For tougher, armored opponents, the exact same maneuver will still only injure or stun them. You'll need to repeat the move or finish them off with a different attack.

Dodge Kill Mastery

Specialist (Requires Dodge Kill)

Striking after dodging becomes even more deadly, allowing you to kill almost any enemy. Again, this is a more advanced version in the Dodge Counter – Dodge Kill progression. Use the same controls as the Dodge Counter (above), to do greater damage even to heavily armored enemies.

[Top of Page]

Equipment/Gear Upgrades

Just as Experience Points (XP) allow you to upgrade Lara's physical skills, Salvage Points let you improve her gear and weapons. Most of these improvements do not cost anything to unlock, but the first pry axe upgrade does require you to collect salvage. For more info on Salvage and where to find it, see the Collectibles Guide. The table below shows the gear, other than weapons, you will acquire throughout the game.





Scavenger's Den

This is found early in the game. To light the torch, stand near a fire source and hold the Interact button (E/Square/X). Hold the Dodge button (Shift/Circle/B) or draw a two-handed weapon to extinguish the flame.

Pry Axe

Coastal Forest

This is also found early on. It allows Lara to pry open doors and salvage crates, and also serves as a makeshift lever. (Note that it must be upgraded before it will do certain things. This upgrade costs 50 salvage points and is required to complete the Coastal Forest level. So it can't be missed.)

Fire Striker

Base Exterior

This item allows you to light your torch without having to find a fire source in the environment.

Climbing Axe

Mountain Village

This replaces the Pry Axe. In addition to its use as a lever and prying tool, it allows Lara to climb certain craggy surfaces. To do this, jump toward the climbable surface and press Interact (E/Square/X) to sink the axe into it. Then climb using normal movement controls.

Once you've unlocked the Hardened skill tier, Lara will also be able to use the axe as a melee weapon.



Allows you to light your torch as well as create fire arrows.

Rope Ascender

Ciffside Bunker

This enables Lara to quickly ascend zip lines. It can also be used, along with rope arrows, as a makeshift winch to move certain objects. These appear in later game levels wrapped in coils of rope. Shoot a rope arrow into the object. Then hold Interact (E/Square/X) to pull the line using the rope ascender.

[Top of Page]

Weapons, Weapon Parts and Upgrades

There is a basic introduction to weapons and ammo on the TOMB RAIDER Controls page.

Lara starts the game without any weapons. As she explores the island she gradually builds up quite an arsenal. Rather than filling additional slots, the new and improved weapons take the place of their weaker counterparts. For example, the first weapon you find is a Makeshift Longbow. Later you are able to upgrade this weapon into the Recurve Bow, which then becomes your only bow until the next upgrade.

The four weapon types, which you will gradually collect during the first third of the game, are the Bow, Pistol, Rifle and Shotgun. Each fills one of the four slots and can be selected with the D-Pad (controller) or numbers 1-4 (keyboard). If you are a diligent explorer, by the end of the game all four weapons will be fully upgraded and super powerful.

Once you have found each weapon, there are several ways to upgrade it: (1) Lara may find a better version of the same weapon as the story progresses, (2) you can discover weapon parts and combine them to form a new weapon, and (3) you can upgrade certain features of your existing weapons by spending Salvage Points. In order to upgrade weapons, you must use the Gear Menu accessed when you rest at any Base Camp. (Again, see the Controls and Gameplay Tips page for info on selecting and using weapons, as well as general info on Salvage and Base Camps.)

The tables below list each weapon, weapon part and upgrade in the game. Note that most weapon parts appear in random salvage crates or on slain enemies within a particular area. The walkthrough provides details. Also note that some upgrades are not available until you unlock an improved version of a particular weapon. However, once you upgrade a weapon, those upgrades carry over to all future versions of that weapon.

RECOMMENDATIONS: I don't have any very strong feelings about which upgrades to take first. Much depends on which weapon(s) you prefer and how you like to fight. If you're into stealth, you'll probably want to concentrate on the bow for the most part and purchase upgrades like the pistol and rifle silencers as soon as they become available. I also like the ones that allow you to use larger ammo clips or magazines. As with skills and XP, if you're vigilant about exploring each area thoroughly, opening salvage containers and looting enemies, you will have more than enough salvage to unlock all the weapon upgrades before the end of the game. You'll also learn which weapons and fighting styles you prefer so you'll be better able to choose your upgrades on second and subsequent play-throughs.

Bows and Bow Upgrades





Coastal Forest

This is the first weapon Lara discovers as she begins exploring the island.

Bow Part (1/2)

Base Exterior

See the walkthrough for details.

Bow Part (2/2)

Mountain Village (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 2 bow parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Makeshift Longbow into the Recurve Bow.

Bow Part (1/3)

Chasm Monastery

See the walkthrough for details.


Shipwreck Beach (first visit)

Lara receives this bow as part of the story progression. You do not need to use any bow parts or salvage to make it.

Bow Part (2/3)

Shipwreck Beach (first visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Bow Part (3/3)

Shipwreck Beach (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 bow parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Compound Bow into the Competition Bow.




Rope Arrows


You receive this upgrade automatically during the Cliffside Village level. Rope arrows do not use any actual ammo, so you can fire them even if you run out of arrows. To shoot a rope arrow, aim your bow at any of the rope-wrapped objects in the game world. You'll see a three-pointed reticle, which will turn red when you aim at a viable target. Then press Alternate Fire (R2/RB) or Space on the keyboard to shoot the rope arrow.

Rope arrows can be used to pull certain objects or to create zip lines, allowing Lara to reach new areas. You can also shoot rope arrows at enemies to pull them off ledges and, in some cases, kill weaker enemies and small prey without expending any ammo.

Fire Arrows


You receive this upgrade automatically during the Shantytown level. Press the Bow Select button (D-Pad Up or 1 on the keyboard) repeatedly to toggle between regular and fire arrows. Fire arrows do more damage to enemies and can also be used to burn flammable objects like salvage nets.

Napalm Arrows


Once you've unlocked the Compound Bow (above), this upgrade becomes available. Napalm arrows are basically super-charged fire arrows. Each one does more damage, and the flames can spread between several closely grouped enemies. When you unlock napalm arrows, they replace Fire Arrows and are used the same way.

Explosive Arrows


Once you've unlocked the Competition Bow (above), this upgrade becomes available. Explosive arrows detonate on impact, causing extensive damage. They are are made by taping a grenade to an arrow before firing. Lara does this automatically when you choose the explosive arrow ammo. Again, to toggle among regular, fire/napalm, and explosive arrows, press the Bow Select button (D-Pad Up or 1 on the keyboard) repeatedly. When you run out of grenades you can no longer fire explosive arrows until you replenish your supply. So use them wisely.

Reinforced Limbs


Reinforced bow limbs allow a stronger pull for increased damage.

Plaited String


This upgrade can be applied once you've unlocked the Compound Bow. It requires the Reinforced Limbs upgrade (above). Twisted bow string increases arrow damage.

Stabilizing Weight


This upgrade can only be applied to the Competition Bow and requires the Plaited String upgrade. Stabilizing weights improve accuracy resulting in increased damage.

Penetrating Arrows


This upgrade can be applied once you've unlocked the Compound Bow. Charged shots will penetrate armor or pass through soft targets to hit multiple enemies. Unlike fire and explosive arrows (above), this is not actually a different arrow type. It just makes your charged shots with normal arrows more powerful.

Wrapped String


The wrapped string enables a faster firing rate.

Key Ring Trigger


This upgrade can be added to the Recurve Bow or any more advanced bow. A makeshift key ring release trigger further increases firing rate.

[Top of Page]

Handguns and Handgun Upgrades





Mountain Temple

Lara picks up this gun as part of the story progression. You can't miss it.

Handgun Part (1/3)

Mountain Village (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Handgun Part (2/3)


See the walkthrough for details.


Summit Forest

Lara picks up this gun as part of the story progression. You do not need to use any weapon parts or salvage to make it.

Handgun Part (3/3)

Shipwreck Beach (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 handgun parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Tactical Pistol into the Magnum Pistol.



I'm not telling, but if you complete the game, you can't miss them. ;)




Burst Fire Mod


Allows for an alternate three-round firing mode. Tap the Alternate Fire button (R2/RB/Middle Mouse) to activate burst fire.

Extended Mag


Longer magazine holds 10 rounds.

High Capacity Mag


This upgrade can only be applied to the Magnum Pistol. Extra long magazine holds 12 rounds.

Port Vented Slide


Recoil compensation improves accuracy for increased damage.

Muzzle Brake


Delivers round more accurately for increased damage.

Polished Barrel


This upgrade can only be applied to the Magnum Pistol and requires the Muzzle Brake upgrade. Improves mechanical performance for increased damage.

Magazine Well


This upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Tactical Pistol. Magazine is easier to insert for decreased reload time.

Rapid Fire Mod


Hair trigger modifications increase rate of fire.

Ergonomic Grip


This upgrade upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Tactical Pistol. Rubberized grip modification reduces recoil.



This upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Tactical Pistol. Shots are quieted at the cost of slightly reduced damage. Press the Pistol Select button (D-Pad Down or 2 on the keyboard) to cycle between normal and silenced shots. (Details are included in the Summit Forest walkthrough.)

[Top of Page]






Chasm Monastery

See the walkthrough for details.

Shotgun Part (1/3)

Mountain Village (third visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Shotgun Part (2/3)


See the walkthrough for details.

Shotgun Part (3/3)

Solarii Fortress

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 shotgun parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Trench Shotgun into the Pump-Action Shotgun.

Shotgun Part (1/3)

Shipwreck Beach (first visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Shotgun Part (2/3)

Cliffside Bunker

See the walkthrough for details.

Shotgun Part (3/3)

Research Base

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 shotgun parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Pump-Action Shotgun into the Combat Shotgun.




Full Choke


Adds and alternate firing mode which concentrates the cone of pellets and gives them longer range.

Incendiary Shells


This upgrade upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Pump-Action Shotgun. Modified barrel tip applies ignitable fuel to outgoing pellets. This does more damage to enemies and can set flammable objects on fire.

Barrel Shroud


Slotted barrel shroud improves gun handling for increased damage.

Modified Receiver


This upgrade can only be applied to the Combat Shotgun and requires the Barrel Shroud upgrade. Tuned mechanics improve performance for additional damage.

Polished Bolt


Faster cycle rate between shots improves firing rate.

Padded Grip


Padded front grip helps steady the weapon for reduced kickback.

Wrapped Stock


This upgrade upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Pump-Action Shotgun requires the Padded Grip. Wrapped folding stock further steadies the weapon while firing.

Shell Mag


This upgrade upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Pump-Action Shotgun. It eliminates the need to load shells individually, resulting in faster reloading.

Drum Mag


This upgrade can only be applied to the Combat Shotgun and requires the Shell Mag upgrade. Improves reload speed and doubles magazine size to 12.

[Top of Page]

RIFLES and RIFLE Upgrades





Mountain Base

See the walkthrough for details.

Rifle Part (1/3)

Mountain Village (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Rifle Part (2/3)

Mountain Village (second visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Rifle Part (3/3)


See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 rifle parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the WWII Submachine Gun into the Assault Rifle.

Rifle Part (1/3)


See the walkthrough for details.

Rifle Part (2/3)

Shipwreck Beach (first visit)

See the walkthrough for details.

Rifle Part (3/3)

Shipwreck Beach (first visit)

See the walkthrough for details.



Once you've collected the 3 rifle parts listed above, go to any Base Camp to upgrade the Assault Rifle into the Commando Rifle.




Grenade Launcher


Lara acquires this in the Solarii Fortress level. You can't miss it. Makeshift grenade launcher removed from an enemy turret and attached to the rifle. Press the Alternate Fire button (R2/RB/Middle Mouse) to launch a grenade.

Frag Grenades


This upgrade can be applied once you've obtained both the Assault Rifle and the Grenade Launcher. Frag grenades spray shrapnel upon detonation, incapacitating enemies in a wide blast radius.

High Capacity Mag


Longer magazine holds 15 more rounds.

Barrel Shroud


This upgrade is available once you've unlocked the Assault Rifle. It improves gun handling for increased damage.

Match Grade Barrel


This upgrade can only be applied once you've unlocked the Commando Rifle. It requires the Barrel Shroud upgrade. Custom barrel rifling increases bullet speed for more damage.

Padded Stock


Rifle butt and grip padding helps steady the weapon while firing.

Muzzle Brake


Effectively dispels the gas from bullet firing to reduce recoil.

Taped Double Mag


Two magazines taped together increases reload speed.

Polished Ejector


Increases firing rate.



This upgrade can only be applied to the Commando Rifle. It increases zoom magnification for improved accuracy at long range. Press the right stick button (R3) or Z on the keyboard to zoom.



This upgrade can only be applied to the Commando Rifle. Shots are quieted at the cost of slightly reduced damage. Press the Rifle Select button (D-Pad Right or 4 on the keyboard) to cycle between normal and silenced shots. (The Summit Forest walkthrough includes tips on using the pistol silencer. The rifle silencer works the same way.)

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UPDATE HISTORY: 7/7/13 - Page first posted online.
7/10/13 - Made a few minor tweaks and corrections.
1/18/14 - Fixed typos in the handgun upgrades section (should be x/3 handgun parts not x/2), thanks to a heads-up from RardRaider.

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