NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls, and I have not yet included strats for all achievements/trophies.
Updated: 3/17/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*
Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Items: 11, including 5 health items, 2 security passes, Louvre Guard's Key, crowbar, and SECOND VECTOR-R35 SEMIAUTOMATIC**
Kills: 15**
Upgrades: lower body, upper body
Notebook Entries: 2
Your notebook is updated (32/62) as you begin the level. The note says, "Locate Carvier's office. Need security pass to reach archaeological dig." (Again, this page on Von Croy's Notebook attempts to list all entries.)
**NOTE: The in-game statistics screen lists 12 pickups. I have only been able to find 11, not counting the respirators, which can only be had using a glitch (below). The "Ghost of the Louvre" achievement/trophy requires you to complete this level without being spotted by any guards, tripping any lasers, or passing through the sweeping red lights of the security cameras. This walkthrough describes a stealthy path, with a few notes on what happens if you mess up or don't choose stealth. If you complete the level entirely through stealth, your total "kills" will be zero. Sometimes even if you try your best, things go wrong, and you'll need to reload and try again. So if you haven't already developed this habit, it's a good idea to make a level-start save and not overwrite it until you're finished. Then if things are going well, quick-save or save in different slots as you go.
FIRST STAIRWELL: Climb the stairs cautiously. As you approach the second landing, Lara says, "I have a nonlethal weapon. This will help me get past the guards." Indeed, tasing certain enemies will be crucial for stealth. Stop on the stairs just below the second landing. Open Inventory, then Weapons, and equip the K2 Impactor. (screenshots)
A museum guard (1) with his own taser moves onto the landing above, stopping beneath the security camera to look around. He may take a few steps down toward you. Just stay out of sight and wait for him to return along the hallway to the right. Then move up the stairs and stop before the third landing. Wait for the camera's sweeping red beam to move away from Lara. Then quickly run around the corner. If she's caught in the beam, you fail. (screenshots)
NOTES: The door beneath the security camera can be opened but only after a strength upgrade. Just ignore it for now. Also, try to avoid tasing the first guard so he falls under the camera or on the stairs. This can make it difficult to pick up the ammo he drops. If the first guard spots Lara, if you use a regular gun without a silencer, or pass under the camera, a second guard (2, optional) appears at the top of the stairs, and you'll need to deal with him.
Continue up the stairs, around the corner, and up the next flight of stairs. Here the camera shifts to show another guard on patrol outside the window. We'll meet him later. (If Lara bugs out and her arms go sideways, aiming for enemies you can't see, just holster your weapon until you actually need it.) Continue up the final staircase, following the guard, but don't tase him yet. (screenshots)
At the top of the stairs, go into stealth mode, step into the doorway, face right, and press Action to hug the doorframe. With taser drawn, press Left to lean out around the corner, then quickly fire to subdue the guard before he notices Lara. This should unlock the "Corner Frag" achievement/trophy. Press the Stealth button again to return to normal. Pick up the Impactor battery (1) the guard dropped and continue around the corner to the end of the hallway. (screenshots)
FIRST GALLERY WITH ALARM SYSTEM: This room is protected by laser tripwires. They won't harm Lara, but touching any of them trips an alarm, causing your stealth mission to fail. (screenshots)
NOTES: If you do trigger the alarm, security gates come down at both ends of the room and an armed guard (3, optional) appears at the entrance. To continue, you'll need to kill the guard, reset the security system using the button on the wall near the entrance (screenshot), and try again. You will need to successfully circumvent the lasers to get out the other side.
To get past the first set of lasers, climb onto the display case just beyond the entrance. Turn left, walk to the edge, and jump to grab the top of the ancient frieze. Pull up and take the large health pack (2). Turn right and take a running jump over the stationary lasers to the next display case against the left wall. Jump onto the middle case and turn left to face the far end of the room. To get over the moving lasers, take a running jump when they are almost at their lowest point. Lara should sail over them and land on the next display case. Walk to the far edge. The next set of lasers cycle on and off. When they go off, take a standing jump from the edge of this case to land on the next one. Don't use a running jump or you may run on into the next laser. (screenshots)
Now hang from the right side of this display case and shimmy to the right above the floor-level lasers. (There's a laser at waist level on the left side of the case, so don't try to traverse there.) When you've cleared the lasers, drop to the floor. Climb onto the cabinet against the right wall. Position Lara with her chest or back against the wall and take a side flip through the gap in the crisscrossing lasers to land near the exit, or jump straight up to grab the molding above the cabinet, traverse to the left, and drop down beyond the lasers. Go through the door. (screenshots)
SECOND GALLERY WITH TALL WINDOWS AND SQUARE COLUMNS: A cut scene shows the layout of the next gallery and the vestibule beyond. There are a few guards on patrol and various points of interest, including a locked door near a sign about an archaeological dig. When the cutscene finishes, there's a guard (4) lurking just ahead near the windows. If you step forward a bit, you can use photo mode to scout his position. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you skip the cutscene, the first guard doesn't seem to appear at all. If you trip any of the lasers in this room, another guard with a gun (5, optional) joins the party, and you fail your stealth mission.
Carefully crawl underneath the X-shaped laser trap. Stand up, immediately draw the K2, and take down the guard before he spots Lara. The next guard (6) is posted near the side door along the right gallery wall. Turn around so the X-shaped laser trap is on Lara's right and walk forward, staying close to the dividing wall between the entryway and the gallery. As you approach the vertical lasers, Lara will automatically swing around to aim at the guard. You don't want to be too close to those lasers when she does, or you'll trip the alarm. Tase him immediately before he notices you. (screenshots)
NOTE: You can also sneak up on this guard and try to knock him out, but the taser seems faster and more reliable.
Move past the vertical lasers, either by standing close to the wall and sidestepping past them, or by standing near the wall and pressing Stealth then Action to hug the wall, and sidling past, as shown above. Or, return to the middle of the gallery, and take a careful side flip over the two horizontal laser beams. Approach the second guard's body and pick up the LOUVRE LOW SECURITY PASS (3) he dropped. Continue toward the far end of the room. (screenshots)
VESTIBULE: There's a security camera mounted on the ceiling here. Stay out of the sweeping red light, or another armed guard (7, optional) will appear at the other end of the gallery, and you'll fail the stealth achievement/trophy. When the camera swings away, run to the Archaeological Dig Site sign ahead on the left. Examine it for a notebook update (33/62): "Get access to the archaeological dig at the second buttress." There's also a locked door with a card reader that you can't use yet. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you miss the sign, don't worry; you'll have another opportunity to unlock the notebook entry later.
Turn to face the large health pack (4) on the floor below the camera. When the red light swings away to the right, run forward and pick up the health. Turn around, wait for the camera to pan away, then run back to the sign. Again, wait for the camera to point away from the doorway and run back into the GALLERY WITH SQUARE COLUMNS. If there's no armed guard here, all is well. Head for the door on the right, near where you tased the last guard for his SECURITY PASS. Go through the door into the next gallery. (screenshots)
SMALL CONNECTING GALLERY & MONA LISA DISPLAY: Once more, watch out for the security camera in the small gallery. If you're caught in the red light, an armed guard (8, optional) comes up from behind. To maintain stealth, move toward either side wall as you enter the room. Wait for the red light to sweep away then run into the doorway ahead. Don't rush forward; there's another guard (9) on duty in the next room. It's possible to sneak up behind him and knock him out. However, you can't use a stealth on a moving target, and he moves around quite a bit. It's safer to just step forward and shoot him with the taser. (screenshots)
So, this is where they keep Leonardo's Mona Lisa. She's looking a little worse for wear. A bit like Tomb Raider composer Peter Connelly after a rough night, in fact. ;) The painting is well guarded, with lasers and, in case someone manages to penetrate them, a vent that pumps out poison gas. Avoid it for now. (screenshot)
The large display case in the middle of the room is movable, but Lara lacks the muscle to do it. Go to the smaller case in the far corner beyond the Mona Lisa and slide it out along the wall. This gives Lara a lower-body strength upgrade. Now she can move the bigger case. Push it as far as you can toward the Mona Lisa. It will stop when it reaches the row of small benches. Return to the corner where the small case was and use the LOUVRE LOW SECURITY PASS at the card reader to temporarily disarm the lasers around the painting. You'll then have a little more than 15 seconds to reach the ledge above the painting before the lasers reactivate. (screenshot)
Here's a timed-run strategy that worked for me: Swipe the card but don't run yet. Wait for the lasers to cycle back on. Then face the card reader and quick-save. Now, if you make a mistake, you can quick-load and swipe the security pass again without having to wait through the cut scene. (You can also move the small display case a little more if it's in the way.) (screenshot)
When you're ready to go, swipe, roll, and take a running jump over the low benches between the card reader and the display case. Run around to the left side of the case, pull up on top of it, and take a running jump to grab the ledge above the painting before the lasers come back on. If the lasers reactivate while you're hanging, it's OK as long as you don't drop to the floor. Just pull up and crawl into the duct. (screenshots)
VENTILATION DUCTS: Crawl forward to a T intersection and turn right. A bit farther on, the passage widens and Lara can stand. Continue forward, then around the corner to the right to an intersection with a broken grating on the floor. Crawl through the duct ahead. (The passage to the left is a dead end.) You emerge in a small room with with a fan overhead and a yellow ladder. Climb the ladder but wait before kicking down the metal grate at the top. (screenshots)
LOUVRE ROOFTOPS: There's a guard (10) out on the roof. If you want to remain stealthy, watch him through the grate and wait for him to head off to the left. (He'll tend to move right first, then about-face and head to the left, then away from the grate.) Give him a few seconds to move off, then kick down the grate, move out, and tase him before he notices Lara. (screenshots)
Face the duct opening, head to the left, and climb onto the air conditioner, then the curved metal duct above it. Turn to face the wall and jump straight up to grab the ledge. Traverse to the right, past the fan-shaped wrought iron decoration, and pull up. Walk along the ledge to the next bit of decorative ironwork. Hang and traverse past it. Pull up again and keep going. When you reach the overhead cable, you can either jump up to grab it or hang from the ledge once more, traverse around the corner to the right, and pull up onto the protruding bit of ledge. If you grab the cable from here, you'll have a little more time as you climb hand over hand to the next building. When you reach the other side, you'll get an upper-body strength upgrade. (screenshots)
Walk to the right end of the ledge. Now check your inventory to see if you have a CROWBAR from the PARISIAN BACKSTREETS level. If you do have a CROWBAR and don't care about missing one pickup, climb all the way down the drainpipe to the flat roof below. Skip the next paragraph. (screenshots)
If you don't have a CROWBAR, or just want all pickups, climb halfway down the drainpipe and step onto the narrow ledge in front of the open window. There's a security guard (11) on patrol inside. Wait for him to head down the corridor to the left. Then quick-save just in case. Climb in through the window and either sneak up behind him and punch him out or just shock him. Take the LOUVRE GUARD'S KEY (5) he drops. Return to the open window, climb out, and drop to the ground. (screenshots)
Climb the metal stairs in the middle of the glass roof, open the mesh door, and continue down the steps on the other side. Turn right, run forward, and break down the bluish metal door. (Lara is unable to do this before getting the previous upgrade.) There are some bandages (6) inside. (Lara can break down the other blue door, but there's nothing inside.) Return through the mesh door to the drainpipe and climb past the open window to the top. Traverse to the right and pull up onto the ledge. Walk forward, then jump onto the perpendicular ledge with the iron railings. Follow this ledge all the way to the end of the building. If you already have a CROWBAR, skip the next paragraph. (screenshots)
If you don't have a CROWBAR or just want all pickups—because who doesn't feel stronger carrying around 8 kilos of hardened steel?—climb down the ladder near the storage cage and go to the right. Unlock the blue door using the LOUVRE GUARD'S KEY. Enter and get a CROWBAR (7). Exit, go right, and climb back up the ladder. (screenshots)
STORAGE CAGE & MORE DUCTS: Use the CROWBAR to pry the lock off the STORAGE CAGE door. Go inside, climb up on the whatever-it-is, and crawl through the duct. Climb down the yellow ladder and continue to an opening in the floor. Drop into a storeroom. (screenshots)
MUSEUM WORKROOMS & OFFICES: There are no goodies in this storeroom. Watch the small window in the door until a guard (12) walks past heading to the right. (This may take a little while.) Then open the door, go into stealth mode before stepping outside, sneak up on the guard, and take him down. Or, wait for him to move to the left, open the door, step out, and tase him from behind. You don't yet have a pass for the locked door near the storeroom, so head toward the other end of the hallway. (screenshots)
The first room on the right is a LABORATORY. You can skip it for now unless you want to cheat a little and take advantage of a useful bug. The inner room, beyond the glass doors, contains a cabinet with 3 RESPIRATORS (not counted in total). You aren't supposed to be able to get them yet, but if you position Lara in front of the cabinet a bit left or right of center, then press Duck and quickly press Action, Lara should crouch down and grab a respirator through the locked door. Adjust her position and repeat twice more to get the other two respirators. Later, when you return to this area in the GALLERIES UNDER SIEGE level, you'll be able to get a fourth respirator in the usual way. In addition to protecting Lara from toxic gas, a respirator can be used later in the game like an aqualung, to extend her air gauge underwater. (screenshots)
The second door in the long hallway leads to a SECURITY OFFICE. There's another guard (13) inside, so you may want to save before going in. The guard is in the inner room behind the round glass door. He can't see Lara as long as the doors remain closed. So walk forward just as far as the desk near the door. Wait for the guard to move into the corner. Then, when he moves out toward the security monitors and his back is toward you, step forward, and tase him as soon as the doors open. Enter and pick up the VECTOR-R35 (8) on the shelf to the right. Assuming you found the first VECTOR in the DERELICT APARTMENT BLOCK level, you'll now have a pair. This is one of two weapon types needed for the "Two of Every Kind" achievement/trophy. (screenshots)
NOTE: My game glitched here, and I unlocked the achievement prematurely. (screenshot) Normally you need to find a pair of VECTORs and a pair of SCORPION Xs, which you'll obtain later in Prague. Unlike the classic game, the remaster allows you to equip dual guns. Open your Inventory, select Weapons, then scroll down to the bottom, and you should see "A Pair of Vector-R35s" if you've found both. (screenshot) You'll probably want to stick with the taser for now.
There are also several computer monitors. Use the one on the left to spy on MARGOT CARVIER'S OFFICE. (On keyboard, use direction keys to move the camera, Jump and Action to zoom in and out. On controller, use the left stick to move the camera and the right stick to zoom.) Zoom in on Carvier's computer to see a sticky note with her office access code: 14639. Press Esc on keyboard or Roll on controller to disengage from the camera. Exit the security office, turn right, and continue to the end of the hallway. (screenshots)
MARGOT CARVIER'S OFFICE: Enter the code you just found on the keypad beside the office door. Go inside and snoop around. The cabinets on the right are empty. The right side of the desk contains CARVIER'S SECURITY PASS (9). Activating other objects in the room—the computer, drafting table, artwork above the mantel—provides information about Carvier's work on the Obscura Paintings, including the involvement of Eckhardt and the Lux Veritatis. Lara also learns that each of the five Obscura Engravings contains a map leading to one of the paintings, and that the five paintings together hide something called the Sanglyph or "Blood Sign." (screenshots)
NOTE: If you missed the notebook entry (33/62) unlocked by examining the Archaeological Dig sign in the VESTIBULE (earlier), you'll receive it when you steal Carvier's pass. It reads, "Get access to the archaeological dig at the second buttress."
After gathering all the intel you can, leave the office, run to the far end of the hall and swipe CARVIER'S SECURITY PASS at the card reader to unlock the door. Enter and go down the stairs to the bottom. Follow the hall to a room with two exits. The left door doesn't open. If you're attempting the "Ghost of the Louvre" achievement/trophy, it's crucial to save the game before opening the door on the right. (screenshots)
THIRD GALLERY: This is a long, narrow room with paintings on the walls and a single display case in the middle. The security guard (14) on patrol may or may not be facing your way as you enter. If he is, he'll call out and you'll immediately know you've failed. Load your save, wait about 30 seconds, save, and try again. If he's facing away from Lara, shock him quickly. Go to the far end of the room, use the card reader, and go through but don't rush forward. (screenshots)
VESTIBULE (again): The security camera above is still active, so if you're still maintaining stealth, you'll want to avoid the sweeping red light. Get the large health pack (4, above) on the floor to the right if you didn't pick it up earlier. (screenshots)
If you don't care about getting all pickups, wait for the camera to swing to the left, then run forward to the Archaeological Dig Site sign. Then proceed through the exit, just beyond the sign on the right. Skip down to the last paragraph. (screenshots)
If you want all pickups, wait for the camera to swing to the right, then run through the doorway into the gallery on the left. (screenshots)
SECOND GALLERY (revisited): The last two pickups are way back at the beginning of the level. Start by making your way through this gallery, past the door to the Mona Lisa display, to the far end. If you're still maintaining stealth for the achievement/trophy, avoid the laser traps as you did before. At the far end of the room, turn left. Swipe your stolen card in the card reader and go through the door. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you do trip the alarms in any of these areas, various armed guards (the ones noted as "optional" above) will appear to investigate. If you already set off the alarms the first time through, and killed these guards, they won't show up again.
FIRST GALLERY (revisited): The alarms are no longer set, so just run through to the end. Follow the twisting corridor to the stairwell. (screenshots)
FIRST STAIRWELL & LOCKED GALLERY: Go down the stairs and stop just before the landing with the security camera. To avoid tripping the alarm, stand near the right wall, wait for the red light to sweep to the left, and run forward into the doorway. Lara is safe here. Barge open the door. (Lara couldn't do this before getting the strength upgrade in the Mona Lisa room.) Gather some bandages (10) and a small medipack (11) from the display at the far end of the room. Return up the stairs and through the FIRST and SECOND GALLERIES, again avoiding the cameras and lasers if you're trying to remain stealthy. (screenshots)
VESTIBULE (once more): At the entrance to the VESTIBULE at the far end of the SECOND GALLERY, once again, wait for the security camera to pan to the right, then run to the door ahead on the left, near the Archaeological Dig Site sign. Use CARVIER'S SECURITY PASS in the card reader to unlock the door. Go through and down the stairs. Stop just before you reach the landing with the compass rose floor tiles and the open door on the right. There's one final guard (15, optional) in that gallery. Stand to the right of the doorway and watch him patrol. When he heads toward the far end of the room, step out and tase him. Or, since there's nothing of interest in the gallery, just ignore him and sneak on down the stairs. (screenshots)
BASEMENT & ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG: At the bottom of the stairs, go through the double doors into the basement. Turn left into a storeroom, then right, down a short flight of steps to the DIG ENTRANCE. Go through the blue metal doors on the right to end the level. If you've managed to avoid all guards, lasers, and cameras during your museum excursion, the "Ghost of the Louvre" achievement/trophy unlocks as the next level loads. (screenshots)
†UPDATE HISTORY: Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the archived classic guide.
3/17/25 - Remastered guide posted.
*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
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