IMPORTANT: If you haven't already done so, you may want to review the INTRODUCTORY NOTES on the storyline, controls, treasures/relics and saving/checkpoints. These appear at the start of the PROLOGUE walkthrough.

As always, I highly recommend that you do not rely exclusively on the autosave. Instead be sure to save manually at least once or twice each level. Then, if you miss something or run into a bug, you can reload rather than having to replay the entire level. Many common bugs are documented in this walkthrough. They are in hot pink text, like this, so they're easy to spot. I have also included an overview of major bugs without game spoilers. However, not every potential problem is covered here. So be safe; save often in new slots. In case you need them, Underworld Save Files for PC, PS3 and Wii are available.

Stella's Tomb Raider Underworld Walkthrough - For Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One
(PlayStation 2, Nintendo Wii and DS - click here)


Updated: 8/26/09()

Health Items: 12  Treasures: 24*  Relics: 1*  Keys/Puzzle Items: 0

*There are 30 treasures in the entire Jan Mayen Island chapter. Twenty-four of these can be found in this level. They are numbered 7/30 through 30/30 below. There are 6 relics in the entire game, numbered accordingly.

NOTE: This level starts when you activate the last gate mechanism, causing the fourth beam of light to shine down onto the ground in front of the VALGRIND GATE. So if you've done this in a different order than I describe here, you may find yourself on another level of the MECHANICAL TOWER when Valhalla begins.

CLIMBING DOWN FROM THE TOP OF THE MECHANICAL TOWER: Descending is a bit easier than ascending. (These screenshots show the sequence.) First, hang from the ledge and drop to grab one of the horizontal poles. Now you can quickly drop down to each of the lower poles in turn, though you may need to use the saving grab maneuver (Interact) each time to keep Lara from losing her grip. Once Lara is hanging from the lowest of the three poles, climb inward toward the tower and drop to grab one of the small, light-colored handholds. Here Lara is safe from the steam vents, so there's no need to hurry. Wait for a handhold to pass below and drop to grab it. Then drop to the SECOND TIER ledge.

Hang from the edge, wait for one of the horizontal poles to pass below and drop to grab it. Now you can climb inward toward the tower and use the handholds to climb down, or just wait for another horizontal pole to pass beneath this one and then drop to grab it (as the first of these screenshots shows). You'll definitely need the saving grab after this long drop to keep Lara from slipping. Climb inward along the pole toward the tower. When the pole passes above the four stacked handholds, drop down to grab the nearest one and then drop four more times to reach the FIRST TIER ledge.

Again, hang from the edge, wait for one of the horizontal poles to pass below and drop to grab it. Climb in toward the tower. Wait for a handhold to pass below and drop down to grab it. Wait for a pole and drop to grab it. Climb in toward the tower if necessary and then drop to grab the next handhold that passes below. Then wait for this ring to rotate a little farther so you can drop and grab the lowest handhold. Drop from there to the ground.

XBOX 360 ACHIEVEMENT/PLAYSTATION 3 TROPHY: To unlock the Speed Demon III and IV achievements/trophies, you must drive through the maze in under 40 seconds. I'm not sure if the timer starts when you open the door or after passing the first checkpoint, so you may want to save the game at the checkpoint before opening the gate. The goal is to get from the entrance to the end of the hallway just below the exit from the maze (i.e., between areas 9 and 12 on the map below, following the path marked with green dots). So just ignore all enemies and pickups as you race through the first time. Then you can always reload and play this section again or backtrack to get anything you missed.

Note that to unlock all four Speed Demon achievements, you must complete each of the speed runs in order during the same play-through. So if you've gotten the other two, you will get the third and fourth here simultaneously. Follow these links ofr more info on Xbox 360 Achievements and PS3 Trophies.

ENTERING VALHALLA: Approach the gate, grab onto it and step to the right to slide it open. The map below shows the layout of the next area. All items and other points of interest are noted. Only the thralls are listed on the map as enemies, though I have noted bat encounters in the walkthrough text.

Valhalla Map 1 - Relic Area

DARK MAZE OF HALLWAYS: Just inside the gate on the right (in the area marked 1 on the map) are some breakable jars, one of which holds a treasure (7/30). There's another treasure (8/30) ahead on the left, just before the ramp leading down.

There's a Viking thrall in the hall beyond the ramp, as well as a flock of bats ready to drop down from the ceiling. If you go forward slowly, you can shoot the bats, then get a lock on the thrall and back away shooting. Or, run over the thrall with the motorcycle and then shoot the bats. When the coast is clear, continue deeper into the maze of dark hallways.

At the bottom of the first ramp, in the corner on the left, you'll find a jar with another treasure (9/30). Just ahead, the passage comes to a T (area 2 on the map). Go around the pile of rocks on the right to find another treasure (10/30). It's lying on the floor between a pair of empty jars.

Now turn around, so the hallway leading back to the entrance is on Lara's left, and continue straight ahead (toward area 3 on the map).

You'll need the motorcycle later on, but at this point it doesn't really matter whether you proceed on foot or on the bike. There isn't a lot of room to maneuver in these narrow halls, but the donut maneuver works very well to crush Viking thralls. When you see a thrall approaching, hold the brake, rev the engine (Forward) and steer to the left or right to spin the bike in circles, crushing any thralls that get too close. Or, if you prefer, leave the motorcycle at the T intersection and return for it later.

At the next corner (3 on the map), the hall turns to the right, and there are 2 Viking thralls in the distance. As with the earlier thrall, you can lure them back down the hall, shooting with pistols as you go, run them over, or just step right in and dispatch them with a stronger weapon. (You may want to save the shotgun for later, though. There's another area ahead where it'll come in handy.)

BUG NOTE: If Lara dies while exploring this maze, or if you quit the game and reload, you may find the motorcycle is missing. As far as I know, the motorcycle never completely disappears, though it may materialize some distance away from Lara when you reload. If you can't find it by exploring on foot, try using the Sonar Map in the PDA.

At the foot of the ramp on the right, there's a treasure (11/30) lying on the floor near some empty jars, and another treasure (12/30) just around the corner to the left, behind some rocks. (This is area 4 on the map.)

The large stone door at the end of the hall doesn't open yet, but if you approach it, you can hear the groaning of thralls from the other side. You'll return here in a bit. For now, turn so the doors are behind Lara, go to the left at the intersection. Ahead, beyond the stone arch, is a dead end where a cave-in blocks the passage. Get the health potion in the far left corner and 2 treasures (13/30 and 14/30) on the right.

Now backtrack along the hallway to the first T intersection near the entrance (2 on the map). If you didn't get it when you passed this way earlier, pick up treasure #10 from the floor behind the rocks on the right. And, if you left the motorcycle here, get it now. With the hall leading back to the entrance on Lara's right, drive forward and around the corner to the left.

Ahead is another ramp leading down (to the area marked 5 on the map). Here you'll encounter 2 Viking thralls—one straight ahead beyond the stone slopes partially blocking the hallway, another in the hall on the right. Again, drive over them or shoot them, as you please, just make sure to destroy the corpses when you've finished.

When you've dealt with these enemies, pick up another treasure (15/30) in a breakable jar at the bottom of the ramp that leads back toward the entrance.

Turn around, so the ramp is directly behind Lara, and continue forward, past the hall leading off to the right, and over the rough stone slopes. Round the corner to the left, go under the stone archway and get another treasure (16/30) and a health potion, both on the left side of the passageway. (This is area 6 on the map.)

Return to the previous intersection, just beyond the ramps made of rough stone slabs (5 on the map), and turn left.

The next T intersection (7 on the map), you'll meet a flock of bats and another thrall, which approaches from the left. A second thrall waits farther along the hall to the left, beyond another set of rock-slab ramps.

And, if you're treasure hunting, after dealing with the thralls you'll want to go back to the T intersection (7 on the map) and go straight ahead to the end, where fallen rocks partially block the passage. Roll through the low opening to find another treasure (17/30). Then roll back out into the hall and continue forward to the next intersection (8 on the map).

Another Viking thrall comes from the hall to the left, and 3 more thralls lurk in the area beyond the rock-slab ramps and arch, farther along that hallway (9 on the map). After dealing with the first thrall, I recommend getting off the bike and carefully climbing the rocks on foot in order to lure the other thralls out one by one. This is much easier than fighting all three at once, bike or no bike.

When the coast is clear, there are several pickups to be had here. At the intersection where you encountered the first thrall (8 on the map), one hallway leads to a cave-in. Here you'll find a treasure (18/30) on the floor to the left.

The hallway that leads away from the stone-slab ramps and archway dead-ends at another large stone door (marked 10 on the map). This doesn't open yet, but make a mental note of its location. You'll return there shortly.

Just beyond the next stone ramp, on the floor to the left there's another clay jar containing a treasure (19/30). Then go back and the get the motorcycle. Use the first rock-slab ramp to jump the bike over the next pile of rocks. Then continue beneath the rough stone arch to the intersection (9 on the map). Dismount for now.

There's another thrall on the high ledge to the right (12 on the map). If you advance slowly, you can get a lock on it with pistols, even though the targeting reticle is still gray, and do quite a bit of damage before it notices Lara. Then, when the reticle turns red and the thrall drops down and comes toward you, finish it off and stomp on its bones.

The exit from this area is beyond the ledge where the last thrall was standing. Don't go there yet, though. You've got a few more goodies to collect first.

At the four-way intersection (9 on the map), there's a gold-bound wooden pole lying on the floor. You'll need that soon, but leave it for now. One of the hallways leading away from the 4-way intersection is blocked by a cave-in. Stand with the cave-in on Lara's left and go forward. Roll through the low opening ahead into the dead-end area beyond. Here you'll find a health potion and another treasure (20/30). Roll back out into the hallway.

NOTE: If you're not collecting treasures, you can skip the next section and continue with the retrieval of the relic, below. However, you may want to use the race to the treasure as practice for getting the relic, which involves a similar process.

The timed sequences for obtaining treasure 21 and the relic are covered in the screenshots linked below and in this gameplay video.

FIRST TIMED DOOR AND TREASURE #21: Just ahead (still in area 9), between the stone ramp and the archway, there's a moveable block. Grab it, pull it along the hallway, and place it below the wooden pole sticking out of the wall, leaving some space between the block and the wall. Park the motorcycle beneath the pole, facing the stone ramps and archway, and leaving a gap between the wall and the bike (as shown in these screenshots).

Climb onto the block, jump over the bike to grab the pole and let Lara's weight pull it all the way down. This opens the huge stone door at the end of the hallway (10 on the map). The door is on a timer. When you activate the mechanism, it begins to open, but it only stays open for a short while. To get there before it closes, you can't wait for the door to open all the way. As soon as the pole reaches the bottom of the track in the wall, drop down and hop on the motorcycle. Race straight forward beneath the stone arch, up the ramp and over the rocks, then straight on through the door before it closes. If you don't make it the first time, drive back to T-intersection, park the bike beneath the pole and try again.

Beyond the big door you'll find a health potion and treasure (21/30). You'll also encounter several small spiders. Deal with them, get the goodies and then pull the switch near the door to re-open it. Drive straight back to the intersection with the pole and movable block.

SECOND TIMED DOOR AND RELIC: Now move the stone block from beneath the pole toward the metal socket on the wall on the other side of the hallway that leads to the exit. Pick up the wooden pole lying on the floor, climb onto the block and insert the pole into the hole (Interact button). Hop down and pull the block away from the wall. Leave enough space between the block and the wall to park the motorcycle and still have room for Lara to drop from the pole to the floor. (These screenshots and this video walkthrough show the correct positioning, along with the rest of the run.)

Now comes a more complicated timed ride. Remember the big door you saw on the other side of the maze (in area 4 on the map)? This level's RELIC is hidden behind that door (11 on the map). Pulling down this pole opens that door. This time, you'll have a little more than 35 seconds to get from the pole to the door before it closes. Once you have the block and bike in position, climb onto the block, jump to grab the pole and let Lara's weight pull it all the way down. (If you don't let the pole descend all the way, the door won't open at all.) A distant thump is audible, followed by rumbling as the door mechanism starts to work.

When the pole sinks to the bottom of the track, immediately drop down and get on the motorcycle. Race straight forward, under the stone arch and up the ramp directly ahead. When you've cleared the rocks beyond the ramp, instead of continuing straight toward the first timed door, make a wide turn into the hallway on the right. Aim for the left side of this hallway to avoid the rocks that partially block the way.

Beyond those rocks you'll see the dead-end with the low opening where you found treasure #17. Turn right into the hallway before you reach that dead end. Continue straight on to the next T intersection. Turn left there and go up the ramp. At the top, turn right and continue straight ahead, passing the hall leading back to the entrance to the maze. At the end of this hallway, turn right. Just ahead is the ramp leading down toward the rocks and the relic room.

Two of the 4 Viking thralls that had been inside the room will now have wandered into the hallway. Run over them only if they happen to be right in your path. Otherwise, just ignore them and keep going. Continue down the ramp and veer to the left through the narrow gap between the rocks and the corner. Then race forward to get through the door before it closes.

To recap, from the pole to the relic, it's straight forward, then right, right, left, right, straight, right and finally left to the door. The route is also marked with red dots on the map above.

If you don't make it through the door the first time, you'll probably still have to fight 2 thralls in the hallway. But then you'll only have to deal with two more next time. Return to the block and pole and try again.

Once you manage to get inside, pick up the RELIC (5/6) and the health potion in the back right corner. Use the switch near the door to open it so you can get out. If you haven't already killed all of the thralls from inside the relic room, watch out for any stragglers.

NOTE: If you're having trouble with the timed run, you're welcome to download my PC savegame file for the checkpoint inside the relic room.

EXITING THE MAZE: Return through the maze to the area with the block and poles (9 on the map). If you didn't kill the first thrall on the ledge here earlier (area 12), do that now. When it's completely dead, go to the end of this short hallway. You'll have to leave the motorcycle here and proceed on foot. Just below the ledge on the right is a narrow space you can use to chimney jump to the ledge above. Pull up, turn around and jump over to the wide ledge where the thrall was standing earlier. Head forward toward the light.

ENTERING THE MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM: There are 2 Viking thralls on the walkway ahead. As you approach, one of the thralls comes toward you. If you back away shooting as soon as you get a lock on it, you should be able to soften it up quite a bit before it reaches Lara. Finish it off and stomp on its bones to put it down for good.

The other thrall will ignore Lara as you pick up a few goodies: a health potion on the left side of the anteroom between the hallway and the big room with the walkways, and a treasure (22/30) in a breakable jar just inside the big room on the left.

MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM - SCARY SLIDE AND COLUMN CLIMBING: Step out onto the walkway and head toward the lone thrall. When Lara reaches the slightly elevated section of floor, a cut scene shows the huge hammers above begin to work. One of them swings down, smashing the walkway, and the hapless thrall in the process.

Without the rest of the walkway to support it, the section on which Lara is standing pitches forward. At this point time slows for a situational adrenaline sequence: Wait a second or two for Lara to slide forward along the tilting walkway. Then, just before she reaches the end, press Jump to make her leap forward and grab the handhold on the square pillar ahead. If you jump too soon or too late, Lara falls into the abyss and the game reloads at the previous checkpoint. (These screenshots show the whole sequence.)

When you successfully make the jump, time goes back to normal, but you can't hesitate here. The handhold starts to crack, so quickly climb around the corner to the left before there's nothing left to hold onto. Tap Interact in time with Lara's movements to make her go faster. Then, when you reach the end, jump to the left to grab the handhold on the next pillar. This one does not crumble, so you have a moment to catch your breath.

Drop and grab the horizontal pole below. This pole is unstable and begins to break under Lara's weight. Swiftly climb out to the end before it breaks off. When it does, Lara will land on the angled column below and start to slide. Wait until she's almost at the bottom of the slope and then jump across the gap to land on the metal beam ahead. This beam is solid, so you now can relax and take your time.

Walk to the other end of the beam and grab the handhold on the column ahead. Climb all the way around to the other side of the column and drop down onto the next horizontal beam. Look ahead to the next column to spot and shoot the giant spider crawling up the right side of it. Now walk to the end of the beam. It doesn't quite reach the next column, so jump forward to grab the handhold there.

Climb around to the other side of the column, either by hanging and traversing or by pulling up and sidestepping along the narrow ledge. When you reach the other side, there's a gap in the ledge. In order to get past it, you need to stand on the ledge, and jump to the right (Lara's left). Rather than landing on her feet beyond the gap, she'll grab the ledge. Then you can pull up again and continue sidestepping around the corner to the right.

There's a short beam below running between this column and the next, but that's not where you're headed. Instead chimney jump between the two columns to reach the top and grab onto the walkway above the spot where Lara had just been standing.

NOTE: From this elevated walkway, it's possible to jump across to the nearest doorway leading to the side rooms (i.e., ROOM 6 on the map below). It's ahead on the right when you first pull up after the chimney jump. However, the treasure in that room cannot be reached from below. You'll come at it from above later. So just continue following the walkthrough as written.

MORE COLUMN CLIMBING: Now that you've reached the elevated walkway again, turn around and jump to grab the sloping handhold on the nearby column (i.e., the one you just used to chimney jump.) . Climb around the corner to the left. Watch out for giant spiders as you go. You may see one down below on the beam between this column and the walkway support. If you equip the pistols, you can shoot them one-handed while hanging from the column. Climb along to the left, past the gap in the handhold. Then drop to grab the corner handhold below. Climb back to the right just a little and then drop once more to grab the next handhold below.

Pull up to stand on the narrow ledge. Step to the left and then jump to the left to grab the narrow ledge on the next column. Climb to the left a bit and then drop onto the horizontal beam below. Walk forward and shoot another spider off the column ahead. Walk to the end of the beam and jump forward to grab the ledge on the next column. Traverse around the corner to the left (Lara's right), then the next corner. Drop onto the beam below. Walk to the end and then jump to land on the small metal projection ahead. Jump from there to grab the handhold on the next column. Pull up and sidestep around the corner to the left.

Again, ignore the short beam below and chimney jump up the columns to reach the top of the shorter one. Turn right, so the taller column you just used to chimney jump is behind Lara) and jump to grab the edge of the slightly higher ledge ahead. Pull up.

Run forward toward the end of the ledge, where you can see a health potion. As you go, the walkway breaks away under Lara's feet. Just keep running until you reach the health. That part of the ledge is safe. Immediately turn left and shoot the giant spider in the doorway ahead. Then pick up the potion.

Valhalla Map 2 - Hammer Room Area

The map at right shows the general LAYOUT OF THE MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM and the various small rooms that connect to it. These are numbered on the map in the order you will visit them. Health potions (H) and treasures (T) are also indicated on the map.

FIRST SMALL ROOM - BLUE POOL: Jump across the gap to the walkway with the spider. Kill a few pesky bats from outside the doorway. As you enter the room, a Viking thrall rises out of the glowing blue water. If you run forward and blast it with the shotgun as it materializes, it will fall back into the pool and dissolve. In case you didn't guess it, this water is deadly, just like the stuff in the Jörmungandr pool. So, no swimming.

The only useful thing here is the treasure (23/30) in the jar beside the door. Get it and then return outside to the walkway. Jump back to the ledge where you found the health. Turn right, go to the end of the walkway and jump the gap where the walkway broke away earlier. Then follow the L-shaped walkway around to the next doorway.

SECOND SMALL ROOM – GEARS AND WEIGHTS: Advance with guns drawn. If you go cautiously, you can kill the 2 giant spiders inside before they reach Lara. Otherwise, try and jump past them into the room so you have space to maneuver and don't accidentally fall off the walkway. Just inside the room on the left are some breakable jars, one of which contains a treasure (24/30).

NOTE: The health indicated in room 2 on the map is actually on the upper level. You'll get it soon.

This room is one of several housing the huge gears and counterweights that drive the giant hammers. Approach either of the big, stone weights. Don't stand too close or Lara will get hurt when the weight comes down. When it does, step forward and jump to grab the iron band around the middle of the weight. Jump straight up to grab the higher band. Then ride the weight upward. At the top, jump back to grab one of the moving metal shafts connecting the two highest gears. As the gears rotate, pull up to squat on top of the shaft. When it reaches its highest position, jump straight up to grab the chain above. The chain moves toward the ledge where you're headed. So you can just hang on for the ride or go faster by climbing hand over hand along the chain. When you reach the ledge drop onto it. (These screenshots show the sequence.)

Pick up the health potion on the right side of the ledge. Then enter the hallway leading back to the MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM. Avoid the metal rollers on the floor. To get past them, stand a few steps away and jump forward to grab the bar above the first set of rollers. Swing, jump and grab the second bar, then the third and finally the fourth, which is a bit higher than the others.

RIDING THE SECOND HAMMER: Swing around the bar as you wait for the giant hammer to approach. Then jump forward off the bar to grab the pole. (You can also squat on top of the bar and jump forward to grab the hammer, but this sometimes results in Lara landing on top of the hammer and slipping instead of grabbing on.) When the hammer swings forward, stay in the middle of it for now. A flock of bats appears to the right. Shoot as many as you can while clinging to the hammer as swings back and forth.

When the hammer again returns to the doorway where you started and starts to swing forward again, climb around to the right side of it. Climb as far to the right as you can go, so Lara is hanging just to the left of the round, metal pin in the middle of the hammer. Then, when the hammer swings all the way to the right side of the room, jump to grab the handholds on the wall next to where it strikes (as shown in this screenshot). Shoot any remaining bats while hanging here.

Traverse along the narrow ledge to the right. Climb as far as Lara will go and then jump to grab the side of the huge hammer lodged in the doorway (as shown in this screenshot). Pull up and drop down in the passage behind the hammer.

Step forward toward the metal rollers and try and shoot the bats in the next room from here. It will make things less complicated as you navigate the roller trap. Jump over the first set of rollers then duck under the next set. Stand up just before reaching the third set and then jump over them.

THIRD SMALL ROOM – GEARS AND WEIGHTS: Enter the gear room and pick up a health potion on the left side of the ledge and a treasure (25/30) on the right. Stand at the edge and look down. If you hold the Target Lock button, Lara can probably spot and kill the giant spider on the floor below even if you can't see it.

To get down to the floor, grab the chain on the right, when facing the weights, and climb hand over hand toward the huge gears with the metal shafts connecting them (as shown in the first of these screenshots). Position Lara above the highest shaft and drop to grab it. Climb to the left if necessary to position Lara so she's squarely facing the stone weight. Swing, jump and grab it. Once Lara is hanging from it, it sinks to the floor.

Drop down and deal with that spider now if you didn't kill it earlier, along with its 2 arachnid sisters that enter through the partially blocked doorway.

STARTING THE THIRD HAMMER IN MOTION: When the coast is clear, locate the rough stone block jammed beneath one of the gears. (It's on the right if Lara is facing the doorway.) Pull it out from beneath the gear to start things moving again.

NOTE: If you're not interested in treasures, skip the next paragraph.

To get the next treasure, push the block up against the stones blocking the doorway and use it for a boost to reach the opening. Drop down on the other side and get ready to blast another giant spider that crawls in along the ceiling. Go to the end of the hallway and pick up another shiny treasure (26/30). While you're at it, you can shoot the spider on the ledge across the way. Use pistols to save ammo. The targeting reticle won't turn red, but as long as you see the spider jerking and green blood spurting out, you'll know you're hitting it. If not, step a little closer to the edge and try again. Return along the hallway and drop back down into the gear room.

CLIMBING OUT OF THE THIRD ROOM: Approach either of the huge weights, which are now moving up and down. You'll notice these don't have iron bands around their middles like the other ones did. Stand in either corner, next to the spot where one of the weights will touch down. Position Lara so her back is toward the spot where the weight will be, but not so close that she's standing directly beneath it. Wait for the weight to descend and jump toward the wall. Immediately jump again to rebound off the wall and grab the iron band on top of the weight. This is just like a chimney jump except the target is moving, so you have to time it carefully. (Alternatively, you can push the stone block next to either weight and jump from the top of the block to grab the iron band.)

As Lara rides the weight upward, climb around so her back is facing out into the room. At the top, jump back to grab one of the metal bars connecting the two highest gears. Pull up to squat on top of the bar. When it reaches its highest position, jump straight up to grab the chain. Climb hand over hand or just ride along as it moves toward the ledge. Let go of the chain to land there. If you didn't pick up the health potion and treasure #25 here earlier, do that now.

The metal rollers in the hallway ahead are still moving, and now the upper rollers are tracking back and forth as well as spinning. To get through, wait for the upper rollers to move away. Jump over the first set of rollers and duck to avoid the upper rollers when they return. Stay crouched as you move forward toward the third set of rollers. Wait for the upper rollers to move back toward the gear room and then stand up and jump over the ones on the floor.

RIDING THE THIRD HAMMER: Stand beneath the horizontal bar and jump to grab it. Swing and jump to the higher bar. Swing around the bar as you wait for the hammer to approach. Then jump forward off the bar to grab the pole.

As the hammer swings toward the other side of the room, climb around to the right as far as Lara will go. If necessary wait for it to swing back and forth again, then jump to grab the light-colored stone handhold beside the doorway. Climb around the corner to the left and then jump to the left to land in the doorway. Don't just drop down; there's no floor below the handhold. Follow the dark hallway toward the room ahead, shooting some more bats as you go.

FOURTH SMALL ROOM - BLUE POOL: There's a tempting treasure on the ledge below, but no easy way to get there. (The following sequence is shown in this series of screenshots.) First, grapple the metal ring on the ceiling in the doorway. Step back off the ledge and rappel down the wall above the eitr pool. Now the ledge with the treasure is behind Lara. Adjust the length of the cable so Lara's feet are about level with the small, grayish stone handhold on the wall to the right. Run back and forth along the wall to build up a nice long arc. Then, when Lara swings to the right, jump to release the cable and grab the handhold.

Drop down to the handhold below. Climb to the right as far as possible and then jump past the broken section to grab onto the solid handhold beyond. Continue to the end and then jump to grab the next handhold on the wall to the right. Climb to the right end of it and jump toward the ledge with the treasure. Lara will just manage to grab the edge, but you'll need to press Interact to make a saving grab and prevent her from falling into the pool. Pull up and claim the treasure (27/30).

Then turn to face out across the pool. You'll see another giant spider on the walkway outside if you didn't kill it earlier while going after treasure #26. You can't target it from the ledge, so take a running jump down to the doorway and then deal with the spider.

MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM – MORE SLIDING AND CLIMBING: Go to the end of the walkway overlooking the abyss and jump forward to land near the middle of the sloping pillar below. (These screenshots show the sequence.) Slide but don't jump. At the end of the slope, Lara will drop onto the metal beam below. If she slips, she'll grab the beam; pull up.

Walk to the other side of the beam and jump up to grab the handhold on the square column. Pull up to stand on it and sidestep around to the left (Lara's right) and then jump to the flat-topped column. Turn right and jump across the two small metal projections to grab onto the next column. Pull up and sidestep along the narrow ledge around the corner to the right. Now chimney jump between this column and the next to reach the walkway above.

Once Lara grabs the edge of the walkway, quickly pull up and take care of the Viking thrall that drops down onto the right end of the walkway. If you hang too long below the ledge, the thrall will spit blue goo at Lara, making her lose her grip. If you pull up quickly and move so the thrall is between Lara and the edge, a well-placed kick (Interact) or shotgun blast will send it into the pit. Otherwise shoot it down and stomp on its corpse as usual.

NOTE: Again, if you're not collecting treasures, go directly to the metal grappling ring at the end of the L-shaped ledge, where the thrall just dropped down. Skip down to the section GRAPPLE SWINGING ACROSS THE MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM, below.

FIFTH SMALL ROOM - BLUE POOL: If you are treasure hunting, then head for the room at the end of the L-shaped walkway. Another thrall rises out of the pool. If you run forward with the shotgun, you can blast it back into the water to destroy it. Otherwise, fight it as you have the others.

This room contains no goodies, but there's a passage high on one wall that leads to another small room on this side of the MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM, where there is a treasure that is unreachable from below. To get there, grapple the metal ring high on the wall opposite the entrance. (These screenshots illustrate the entire sequence.) With the cable attached to the ring, take a running jump off the ledge so Lara ends up dangling above the pool. Climb the cable until Lara's feet are just below the rough horizontal band on the wall. Run back and forth, tracing out a long arc on the wall. When Lara is running as high as she can go, swing to the left and jump to grab the handhold on the left wall.

Climb along this handhold to the left. Jump across the gap where the ledge is broken and then jump straight up to grab the edge of the rough opening above. Pull up into a small, dark tunnel. Follow it to the end to emerge in another small room with an eitr pool. (This is the one labeled ROOM 6 on the map above.)

SIXTH SMALL ROOM – BLUE POOL: The camera may bug out a bit at the tunnel opening. To keep Lara from falling into the pool, stay on the left side of the opening and move forward until she steps off and grabs the edge. Drop to grab the light-colored stone handhold below. Climb along it to the left and then jump to grab the higher handhold on the next wall. Do not drop down to the L-shaped handhold below. Instead, just climb to the left end of the higher handhold and then jump down to the ledge with the treasure (28/30).

To get back up to the tunnel, take a running jump from the ledge where the treasure was to grab the L-shaped corner handhold. Jump straight up to grab the handhold above and climb in toward the corner. Jump back, not to the right, to grab the handhold on the wall behind Lara to the right. (NOTE: You can test the direction Lara will jump by pressing on the direction keys or left analog stick. Press the direction that makes Lara lean away from the wall and then jump in that direction.) Climb to the right and jump up to grab the tunnel opening. Pull up and return through the tunnel to the previous room.

FIFTH SMALL ROOM - BLUE POOL (again): Move to the left side of the opening and step off the edge to hang above the pool of eitr. Drop to grab the handhold below. Climb to the left and jump to grab the handhold just beyond the corner of the room. Traverse to the left along this handhold until Lara is hanging above the doorway. Then drop down, follow the hallway back to the MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM and go to the left end of the L-shaped walkway (i.e., where the thrall dropped down on you earlier).

GRAPPLE SWINGING ACROSS THE MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM: Grapple the metal ring on the underside of the walkway above. Then use the grapple cable to wall run and jump across to the small, square ledge, where you'll find a health potion. Turn around and jump to the next L-shaped ledge.

There's another giant spider in the doorway ahead. If you draw weapons and sidestep to the right toward the doorway, you may be able to get a lock on the arachnid without it noticing Lara right away. Try and kill it before it gets to you, and if you can't, then take care not to step off the broken corner of the ledge as you fight. Continue forward into the next small room.

Cinematic: Lara approaches the hulking corpse lying on the floor remarking, "Perhaps these Yeti creatures inspired the Viking stories of frost giants." As she turns away to examine the gear mechanism, the huge creature begins to reanimate.

SEVENTH SMALL ROOM – GEARS AND WEIGHTS: As soon as you regain control of Lara, target the Yeti thrall. Don't let the brute corner Lara or it'll pound the daylights out of her. Instead try and circle around it, firing constantly. The SMGs are good here, since they offer both power and maneuverability. You'll need to pump a lot of lead into the thrall before it falls, but if you're proficient with the adrenaline headshot maneuver, you can destroy it fairly quickly. You might also try the enemy vault maneuver, where you get a target lock on your foe and then do a running jump toward it. This can knock the thrall off balance and propel Lara back out of its reach so she can get in a few more shots. If you don't use the headshot, be sure to smash its corpse to put it out of your misery.

Alternatively, after the cut scene run back down the hall. The yeti may only follow a little way, so you can fire at it from a safe distance until it falls. Then either finish it with a grenade or move in for the final stomp. This technique may not work in all cases. If the yeti does follow, reverse course and run past it into the room, rather than trying to fight it on the narrow ledges in the hammer room. There's no room to maneuver there, and the yeti's pounding attacks can easily knock Lara into the abyss.

Once the thrall has been destroyed, pick up the last 2 treasures (29/30 and 30/30) in the level: one in a breakable jar just inside the doorway on the left (i.e., left when Lara is facing the stone weights), the other in another jar on the floor between the weights.

Now climb to the top of the room using the weights and poles. First, position Lara in either corner, next to the spot where one of the weights will touch down. Face the wall and when the weight descends, jump toward the wall and then immediately jump again to rebound off the wall and grab the iron band on top of the weight. Climb around to the front of the weight and ride it upward. At the top, jump back to grab one of the metal shafts connecting the spinning gears. Pull up to stand on the shaft. Then, when it reaches its highest point, jump straight up to grab the chain.

Unlike the other chains you've crossed, these are moving toward the weights, rather than toward the ledge. If you just hold on, Lara will be carried backward. Then, when she reaches the wall, she'll fall to the floor. So, in order to get across, you must climb hand over hand along the chain, tapping Interact as you go to make Lara climb faster. When you reach the ledge on the other side of the room, drop down and pick up the health potion on the left.

Enter the hallway with the metal rollers. These are configured a little differently as well. Jump over the first set of rollers. Then step forward toward the next set of rollers. Here they're positioned both above and below. To get through, jump forward to grab the horizontal pole. Then, as Lara swings forward but before she can swing all the way around the pole, quickly jump again to let go and land on the floor ahead. Jump up to grab the next pole and swing from there to the higher pole in the doorway.

FINAL HAMMER RIDE AND RUN TO MJOLNIR ROOM: When the huge hammer approaches, jump forward to grab it. This time climb around to the left side of the hammer. Wait for it to swing above the elevated walkway at the center of the room. Then drop onto the walkway, which immediately starts to crumble under Lara's feet. Sprint forward to clear the hazardous section of walkway before Lara plunges to her death. (Sprint is Forward + Shift on the PC, L1 on the PS3, LB on the Xbox 360.)

Once you reach the wide, safe ledge, go to the right corner and pick up another health potion, though you probably won't have any use for it now that the level is almost over. Then climb up onto the stairs in the middle of the ledge and approach the room containing THOR'S HAMMER.

Cinematic: Lara deciphers the runes carved around the doorway, recording her findings on camera. "Thor, greatest of my sons, and the greatest weapon on Earth are at last reunited," she reads. "Upon my return, through rituals old and the power of Mjolnir, together we will open the seals of Helheim and fulfill our destinies."

As she enters the room the belt and gauntlets begin to glow once more. Mist swirls around the pedestal holding the hammer. Lara strides forward as lightning crackles between the hammer and the statue, then between the hammer and her fingertips. As she grasps the weapon and removes it from its resting place, a blinding light shines down from above then subsides.

"Mjolnir," she muses, examining the hammer more closely, "slayer of giants and the Midgard Serpent. . . more importantly, the key to Helheim, wherever that is." Then, as she turns away from the statue, she adds, "Time to pay Natla a visit."

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UPDATE HISTORY: 12/15/08 - First draft posted online.
12/20/08 - Added mention of the spiders near treasure #21, which I had forgotten, and fixed a few typos.
2/5/09 - Added link to PC save file after the timed run for the relic.
2/13/09 - Added Xbox 360 Speed Demon achievement.
2/19/09 - Updated both maps slightly, adding the path for the Speed Demon run to the first map and the hammer room ledges to the second. Also fixed type for sprint control on the PC. It's Shift, not J, as listed in the manual.
5/3/09 - Made several small changes for accuracy and clarity. Also added bug note about missing motorcycle.
7/11/09 - Added video walkthroughs for all relics.
8/26/00 - Revised the yeti thrall strategy, thanks to a tip from Cas. Apparently running back into the hallway doesn't always work.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to Andrew J., Andy M., Cas, Greg H., harel and Jim R. for their help with this level.

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