Stella's Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Walkthrough

NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls, and I have not yet included strats for all achievements/trophies.


Updated: 3/12/25()

LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*

Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy

Items: 6, including 1 health items and 1 chocolate
Kills: 4
Upgrades: upper body
Notebook Entries: 1

At the start of the level, Lara slides into the sewers, and your notebook is updated (31/62). The new entry just says, "Get into the Louvre." (Again, this page on Von Croy's Notebook attempts to list all entries.)

SEWER TUNNELS: Kill the rat (1) just ahead. If you use the K2 Impactor to shock it, this will count toward the "Electrocuties" achievement/trophy, for defeating two different non-human enemies by tasing them. (The other will be a bat in the TOMB OF THE ANCIENTS level. I'll remind you.) (screenshots)

Follow the tunnel to a shallow pool. Pick up the chocolate bar (1) on the ground to the left. (I guess fugitives can't be too particular about where they get their snacks.) Climb the stairs just ahead and get a large health pack (2). The door here doesn't open so return downstairs. Hop down into the shallow water and proceed through the sewer pipe, shooting another rat (2) along the way. Enter the narrow passage on the left. Wade into the water and swim forward to a small, flooded room where several tunnels converge. (screenshots)

NOTE: The first rat doesn't seem very aggressive, but remastered rats can poison Lara with their bite, causing your health bar to turn green and begin to drain. (screenshot) Use an antidote from the Health section of your inventory (assuming you bought some from the WILLOWTREE HERBALIST) or use a large health pack for a full recovery. Smaller health items will restore Lara's health, but not cure the poison.

There are no other exits, so climb the ladder. (Maybe quick-save as you climb.) At the top is a SMALL ROOM WITH A VALVE, where Lara is immediately attacked by an aggressive rat (3). Shoot it and use an antidote if necessary. Lara isn't strong enough to turn the valve yet. So, for now, follow the narrow hallway, pick up a Vector clip (3) just below the pipe venting steam. Then continue through two open doors to another wider tunnel. Turn right and proceed to a hub where several wide tunnels meet. (screenshots)

HUB WITH VALVE CONTROLS (lower level): Avoid the deep hole in the center of the room. You can walk around the sloping rim, but if Lara falls into the hole, she'll die. Notice the water falling from above. You'll need to do something about that. First, go around to the right and shoot the rat (4) in the tunnel ahead, so you don't have to deal with it later. (Again, use the K2 taser for at least one of the rats if you want the "Electrocuties" achievement/trophy later in the game.) The valve-monitoring station, on this side of the hub room, has various lights and dials which can't be manipulated. It displays the state of the 6 valves you'll be using soon. Move around to the far side of the hole and climb the vertical pipe to the catwalk above. (screenshots)

HUB WITH VALVE CONTROLS (middle level): Follow the curved walkway around the edge of the room. Use the switch to shut off a huge fan elsewhere. There's some Desert ranger ammo (3) and a valve on the other side of the room. Lara still isn't strong enough to use the valve, but you can walk across the black-and-yellow striped beam, through the falling water, and around to the right to get the ammo. Then return to the vertical pipe. Stand with Lara's back to the wall and sidestep toward the pipe. Press Action to grab on and climb back down to the lower level. (screenshots)

Exit the hub through the tunnel opposite the one where you entered (i.e., the one with the large pipe running along the left wall). Kill that rat (4) now if you didn't do so before. (screenshots)

HUGE FAN: Climb the short ladder ahead on the right to reach the fan you just turned off. (There's also a chute a little farther along the tunnel, but it's too steep to climb.) Rotate the huge fan to gain an upper-body strength upgrade. Now that Lara is buffed, you'll be able to turn all these valves you've been ignoring. Crawl under the blades and pick up V-packer shells (4). Continue through the duct to another valve. (screenshots)

NOTE: For the "Super Lario" achievement/trophy, you'll need to open all 6 valves in 5 minutes or less. So you'll probably want to save, do a trial run, then reload and hustle for the challenge, quick-saving after each valve if things are going well. If you don't care about achievements/trophies, relax and take your time.

TURNING THE VALVES: Since this valve, beyond the big fan, will be the first one you actually use, we'll call it valve #1. Give it a twist. A brief cut scene shows the valve-monitoring station. The third light from the left lights up green. (screenshots)

Ignore the dead-end passageway at floor level. Instead roll and take a running jump into the duct. Run forward, crawl under the fan, then vault over the railing (run up against it, briefly release Forward, then press it again to vault). Turn left and take running jumps along the wide tunnel back to the hub. Run/jump around the left side of the round room, past the valve-monitoring station, and on through the wide tunnel where you came in. Follow it nearly to the end. Turn left, go through the two open doors, and continue past the pipe venting steam, to the small, hazy room from before. (screenshots)

SMALL ROOM WITH VALVE (again): Valve #2 is on the left. Turn it. The cut scene shows the second light from the right turning green. Return through the narrow hallway to the wider tunnel, turn right, and return to the hub, taking running jumps where it's safe to do so. (screenshots)

As you enter the hub, veer to the left, jump over the bent pipe at floor level, then climb the vertical pipe again to reach the middle level. Follow the catwalk around to the left, but before you reach the switch, turn left and walk/run across the black-and-yellow crossbeam. Turn valve #3. Water fills the shaft below and the rightmost light on the panel turns green. Roll and run back out to the middle of the black-and-yellow crossbeam. Veer to either side to drop and hang from the beam. Then let go to drop into the pool below. (Be sure to drop from the middle of the beam; otherwise Lara will land in shallow water and die.) (screenshots)

HUGE PIPE: Dive straight downwards (Jump + Forward). Then follow the long pipe to the next room. Don't worry about getting lost. The pipe twists and turns, but all the side passages are barred so you can't make a wrong turn. Just keep swimming straight down, forward, right, then up, until you reach the next room. (screenshots)

SECOND HUB AREA: As you come to the surface, head to the right and aim for the space between the collapsed catwalk and the dark metallic pipe. Use the collapsed catwalk as a ladder to climb out of the pool. Follow the walkway to a break in the railing. Jump straight up to grab the narrow, horizontal pipe and climb out to the middle of the room. Drop onto the black-and-yellow crossbeam. Turn left, walk/run to the end of the beam, and and turn valve #4. The third light from the right on the valve-monitoring panel turns green. (screenshots)

The ladder near the valve leads nowhere, so return to the middle of the crossbeam and jump up to grab the pipe. This time, traverse all the way across and drop onto the catwalk. Climb the bent catwalk to get up top. Follow the walkway around the room counterclockwise. Jump the gap where the walkway is broken. Run to valve #5 and turn it. The second light from the left on the valve-monitoring panel turns green. Just one more to go! (screenshots)

NOTE: There's no need to go into the huge pipe near the gap in the walkway. It's possible to crawl under the bars and slide down the chute, but this dumps you way back near the fan where you got the strength upgrade. Then you'll have to swim through the pipe and climb all the way back up here.

Return along the catwalk, jumping the gap in the other direction. Walk to the edge of the bent section where you climbed up earlier. Jump forward and grab the next section of walkway on this same level; pull up. Go through the door and follow the hallway, picking up M-V9 ammo (6) on the way (if there's time), to emerge back at the top of the first hub. (screenshots)

HUB WITH VALVE CONTROLS (top level): Walk out onto the black-and-yellow crossbeam. Stand under the narrow pipe running across the shaft. Jump up to grab it, traverse all the way across, and drop onto the small ledge near valve #6. Turn it. The camera pans to the right, showing that water is no longer gushing from the huge pipe. And, if you've been fast enough, the "Super Lario" achievement/trophy unlocks. Wahoo! (screenshots)

Jump up and grab the narrow pipe once more. Climb hand over hand along the pipe and drop down onto the black-and-yellow beam. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you missed the M-V9 ammo (6) in your haste to reach the last valve, go back into the hallway on the right to get it. There are no more pickups ahead, but you can re-explore this area for anything you may have missed. (statistics) Once you enter the next area, you can't return here.

When you're ready to move on, follow the crossbeam to the far end and jump into the huge pipe that was previously blocked by flowing water. Climb into the smaller pipe within, open the door, and enter a new area. (screenshots)

POOL & FUEL TANKS: Lara says, "I can smell oil. I'd better be careful." We all know "Croft" is the opposite of "careful," so let's see what we can blow up! Safety drop to the walkway below. Notice the large fuel tanks at the far end of the room. Lara needs to destroy one of them to get into the Louvre. (Apparently nobody told her admission is free on the first Friday of the month.) The landscape varies slightly depending on which tank you blow up, but you'll end up in the same place. (screenshots)

NOTE: If Lara falls into the pool while exploring, there's a ladder on the left (when facing the fuel tanks) where you can climb out. (screenshot)

To blow up the right tank, follow the walkway along the edge of the pool and approach the large tank. Lara says, "I think this is the place. Better check the map." You don't have to do this, but if you like, you can examine the Map of Sewers Around Louvre in your Inventory under Items. Sure enough, the X's mark the spots. Stand near the tank and press Action to automatically place the explosives you're carrying. Alternatively, to blow up the left tank, swim across the pool and use the ladder to climb out. Follow the concrete walkway to the right and pull up onto the ledge in front of the two tanks. Face the tank on the right and press Action to use the explosives. (screenshots)

After setting the explosives, Lara says, "Dive, girl! Dive!" Immediately backflip into the water before the tank explodes. A brief cutscene shows the explosion blowing a hole in the wall. Stay underwater because there's burning fuel on the surface, and Lara will die instantly if she tries to surface. There are two openings on the left side of the pool. Swim through either one. If you go through the pipe nearer the fuel tanks, take the second left. Then continue straight on as the pipe slopes upward and you can surface. (If you go through the other pipe, swim straight ahead to a T intersection, then turn left. Just ahead, the pipe slopes up out of the water.) Continue to an opening overlooking the flaming pool. (screenshots)

Depending on whether you blew up the right or left tank, the landscape here will be different. If the right tank exploded, the room is basically intact, though small fires burn here and there. There are a few different ways to get out. I found this path easiest: Safety drop from the opening to the walkway below. Climb the short ladder to the left (right if facing the pool) and follow the concrete ledge to the corner, but don't climb down the next ladder. Instead jump forward over the first small fire, taking care to land near the wall to avoid the gap in the walkway ahead. Now you could take a running jump over the second small fire, but if you want to be extra safe, climb the ladder, cross the catwalk, and drop down on the other side. Move around the corner, carefully avoiding the third fire, and go through the gaping hole you made. (screenshots)

Alternatively, if the left tank exploded, there will be a lot of debris in the room with the pool. You can't cross all the way over on the big pipe. So instead safety drop from the opening to the walkway below. Turn left and climb onto the ledge near the broken ladder. Vault up onto the piece of broken pipe and jump straight up to grab the narrow pipe overhead. Climb hand over hand across the flaming pool. At the end, let go to land on the mangled catwalk. Cross the catwalk, climb onto the fat pipe, and walk across to the opening you made. Hop into the room beyond. (screenshots)

ENTERING THE LOUVRE: Follow the dimly lit corridor to the left. Approach the double doors to end the level. (screenshot)

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UPDATE HISTORY: Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the archived classic guide.
2/20/25 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
3/12/25 - Remastered guide posted.

*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!