Louvre Storm Drains - Six Valves and "Super Lario" Achievement/Trophy (part 1)

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After spinning the huge fan and following the duct behind it, as shown in the previous section, Lara finds herself in a small, steamy room with one of the valves.

NOTE: For the "Super Lario" achievement/trophy, you'll need to open all 6 valves in 5 minutes or less. So you'll probably want to save, do a trial run, then reload and hustle for the challenge, quick-saving after each valve if things are going well. If you don't care about achievements/trophies, relax and take your time.

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Since this valve, beyond the big fan, will be the first one you actually use, we'll call it valve #1. Give it a twist.

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A brief cut scene shows the valve-monitoring station. The third light from the left lights up green.

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Ignore the dead-end passageway at floor level. Instead roll and take a running jump into the duct. Run forward...

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...crawl under the fan...

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...then vault over the railing (i.e., run up against it, briefly release Forward, then press it again to vault).

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Turn left and take running jumps along the wide tunnel back to the hub. Run/jump around the left side of the round room...

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...past the valve-monitoring station, and on through the wide tunnel where you came in.

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Follow it nearly to the end. Turn left, go through the two open doors...

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...and continue past the pipe venting steam...

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...to the small, hazy room from before. Valve #2 is on the left. Turn it.

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The cut scene shows the second light from the right turning green.

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Follow the narrow hallway back to the tunnel, turn right, and return to the hub, taking running jumps where it's safe to do so.

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As you enter the hub, veer left, jump over the pipe at floor level...

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...then climb the vertical pipe again to reach the middle-level catwalk.

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Follow the catwalk around to the left, but before you reach the switch, turn left and walk/run across the black-and-yellow crossbeam...

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...to the other side. Turn valve #3.

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Water fills the shaft below...

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...and the rightmost light on the panel turns green.

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...and run back out to the middle of the black-and-yellow crossbeam. Veer to either side to drop and hang from the beam. Then let go and drop into the pool below. (Be sure to drop from the middle of the beam; otherwise Lara will land in shallow water and die.)

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)