NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls, and I have not yet included strats for all achievements/trophies.
INTRO CREDITS: A flash of lightning illuminates the golden likeness of the Egyptian god Anubis. The camera shifts to reveal a darkened room in disarray. In a voiceover, a news announcer with a French accent describes the latest in a series of murders, which he refers to as "Monstrum killings", believed to be the work of a single psychotic perpetrator. The latest victim: Professor Werner Von Croy. According to the announcer, a brunette woman with a ponytail was seen leaving the crime scene, and police have been advised to use extreme caution when apprehending the suspect. A door opens and Lara Croft enters stealthily. As Lara explores the apartment, we see strange symbols scrawled on the wall in what looks like blood. Lara steps on something which cracks under her foot. She picks it up and sees it is a photo of herself with Von Croy. She looks in the mirror, perhaps searching for answers.
INTRODUCTORY FMV: "Two days earlier." It's a dark and stormy night. Lara argues with her former mentor, Von Croy. The older man believes he's being stalked and asks for Lara's help. He urges her to go see someone named Carvier, but Lara stops him before he can explain further. She's not in a sympathetic mood. The memory of Von Croy abandoning her in the collapsing temple of Horus (in Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation) is still too fresh. They argue, then there's darkness, scuffling, confusion...and gunshots. Werner lies dead and Lara has blood on her hands. The police arrive on the scene and Lara flees.
Updated: 3/13/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*
Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Items: 19, including 5 health items, 3 chocolates, CROWBAR (x2), gantry gate key, courtyard key, and M-V9 SEMIAUTOMATIC
Cash: 160 euros
Kills: 1
Upgrades: Upper Body
ALLEYWAY AT START: Avoid the dog (not killed) chained to the wall ahead on the right. The door at the far right end of the alley doesn't open. From the starting position, move forward and pick up the chocolate bar (1) (10% health) in the doorway. (screenshots)
NOTE: There's an achievement/trophy for collecting all chocolates but not eating any of them: "Chocollection." So be sure to pick them up but try not to use them. The "Good Boys" achievement/trophy requires you to not kill or take damage from any dogs, but "Darwin Awards" requires you to die in several silly ways. This is one of them. I'm not sure if both can be unlocked in the same playthrough. But if you want to try it, you can save the game, approach the dog and let it kill Lara, then reload and avoid it the next time. (The other silly deaths occur in BOUCHARD'S HIDEOUT and MAXIMUM CONTAINMENT AREA.)
UPDATE: For the "Parkour" achievement/trophy, you'll need to follow a slightly different sequence than I describe here. Please see Super-kitty-cat's excellent description in this Reddit thread. I will update at some point.
Follow Lara's instructions and climb onto the bin to the left of the doorway. Move to the right edge of the bin and jump straight up. She'll automatically grab the ledge above. Press Forward to pull up. (You may notice a yellow grab bar appears below Lara's red health bar, at the top left corner of the screen, when she's hanging. More on this shortly.) Once Lara is standing on the ledge, press Walk to activate walk mode so she doesn't accidentally fall off. You can hold Walk while maneuvering on ledges, but you can also press then re-press the Walk button to toggle Walk on and off. The blue Lara silhouette in the bottom right corner of the screen indicates Walk is activated. Walk to the edge and jump forward across the gap, as instructed. (screenshots)
Deactivate walk mode (by pressing Walk again), turn right, back up from the edge if necessary, then take a running jump over the railing to the alcove with the large health pack (2) (100% health) on the opposite side of the alley. The doors here don't open, so you'll have to jump back over to where you started. Either take a running jump and press Action grab the railing of the opposite ledge, then press Forward to pull up, or jump down to the ground, then use the bin to climb up again. (screenshots)
Continue along the ledge toward the illuminated green sign. Lara wonders if she should go on or climb the ladder. In the original game, the area beyond the green sign was inaccessible without cheating, so you'd have to take the ladder. In the remaster, you can choose your path. We'll attempt to explore the whole area with all pickups and only a bit of backtracking. (screenshots)
For now, climb the ladder per Lara's instructions to reach the walkway above on the left. At the top, activate walk mode again to keep from accidentally vaulting over the low railings. Follow the walkway to the left and climb through the window as Lara instructs. You can't open the padlocked wardrobe yet, but you'll find €160 cash and a chocolate bar (3) in the cabinets and some Antique Doubloons (4) lying on the floor. (screenshots)
NOTES: Cash is counted separately from regular pick-ups. If you open your INVENTORY (Esc on keyboard, View/Create/Share on controller), cash is tallied at the top left. Other collectibles are stored under Health, Items, etc., and tracked under Statistics, near the bottom of the menu ring. (screenshots) A bit later in the game, you'll be able to sell items like these Antique Doubloons for cash. You won't need much cash to progress, but there's an achievement/trophy called "Cash Overload" for earning more than 3500 euros. To use items from inventory, press Up/Down to rotate the menu to the desired category (e.g., Health, etc.) Then follow the on-screen prompts to examine/use. Or, if you're playing on PC, check the list of keyboard Hotkeys under Options > Control > Shortcuts. At this point, you'll only have a few collectibles under Health and Items, but you'll soon acquire more.
Climb back out the window. Climb onto the white HVAC unit mounted on the wall next to the window opening. Face right and jump straight up to grab the edge of the opening overhead. Then press Forward to pull up onto the balcony. Pick up more Antique Doubloons (5) just ahead. Then follow the tutorial and walk to the edge. Jump forward across the wide gap and press Action to grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up. (The controls here are a bit different than in the previous games. Release Action once Lara has grabbed. Wait a moment and then press Forward to climb up. If you press Action again while hanging, Lara will let go and fall.) (screenshots)
Turn left, approach the low railing, stop, then press Forward to vault over the rail. (Yes, these controls are wonky, but you'll get used to them.) Pick up another chocolate bar (6). Vault back over the railing and follow the ledge forward to the corner. Lara says she can hop across. Turn right and use the short hop maneuver (Walk + Jump) to cross the gap as Lara instructs. Continue forward across the small bridge made of planks. (screenshots)
Now climb the vertical drainpipe. At the top, press Up + Right (or push diagonally on the stick if you're using a controller) to grab onto the ledge. Continue traversing to the right until you can drop onto the shingled corner ledge. At the start of the game, Lara can only hang for about 15 seconds, so you need to keep moving or she'll fall when the yellow grab bar runs out. Walk to the corner and jump up to grab the edge of the roof with the broken railing. Traverse around the corner to the right and pull up onto the roof. (screenshots)
FIRST ROOFTOP: Approach the little shed with the padlocked door. Lara comments that there could be something useful inside, but she'll need to find something to pry the door open. Go around behind the structure to find some health bandages (7) (40% health) sitting on a barrel. In the far left corner of the roof, beyond the water tower, is a barrel Lara can pull. Position her next to it and hold Action + Back to pull it away from the railing. (screenshots)
Stand where the barrel was and Lara will spy the CROWBAR (8) on a ledge below. Walk to the edge and press Action. Lara will turn around and lower herself to hang from the edge. Press Action again to let go. Then press Action once more to pick up the CROWBAR. Lara doesn't have enough upper-body strength to traverse across to the ledge on the left...yet. So, for now, climb back up to the roof. (screenshots)
Return to the padlocked shed door and press Action to use the CROWBAR. Lara will pry off the lock and, in the process, gain an upper-body strength upgrade. (You'll see the blue lightning bolt icon and Lara will say, "I feel stronger now." From this point, she can grab and hang for about 20 seconds.) Press Action again to open the door. Go in and search the cabinet to find an M-V9 SEMIAUTOMATIC (9). No ammunition yet, though. (screenshots)
NOTE: In the original game, when the area beyond the illuminated green sign down below was not accessible, you'd backtrack for a pickup in the room with the padlocked wardrobe before proceeding to the exit. Now that this level is a little larger, we'll take a slightly different route.
Return to the corner of the roof and once again drop onto the ledge where you found the CROWBAR. Face the building and sidestep (Walk + Left) to the left edge of the ledge. Then jump up to grab the edge of the roof. This way Lara will have a shorter distance to cover. Traverse to the left without hesitation, passing above the ladder and metal gate, and drop onto the next ledge. If you start too far to the right or pause for any reason, Lara won't have enough 'grab' to make it to the other side. (screenshots)
ROOFTOP WITH GUARD & KEY: There's a guard (1) around the next corner. Lara explains how to get past him. Press the Stealth button to go into stealth mode. (Drunken monkey style FTW!) Stand close to the wall and press Action to hug the wall. Then use direction buttons or left stick to move along the wall and peer around the corner. Press Action again to step away from the wall. Still in stealth mode, sneak up behind the guard. Press Action to subdue him. Then pick up the GANTRY GATE KEY (10) from the sawhorse at the foot of the low stairs. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you accidentally alert the guard, Lara can fight him hand-to-hand. Move in and press Action (singly and in two- and three-tap combos to punch and kick). She may be injured in the process, though, so you might want to save before approaching the guard and reload if your sneak attack doesn't work.
Once you have the key, return to the other end of the walkway and press Action to unlock the gate, then Action again to open it. Walk forward and Lara will climb onto the ladder. Climb down to the bottom and let go. (Again, Action. So. Much. Action.) As she descends, Lara says, "I could hide in that building. I'll head for the doorway." If you don't care about 100% completion, proceed directly to the wooden doors opposite the ladder to FINISH THE LEVEL. If you want everything, read on. (screenshots)
RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD: With the ladder you just climbed down on Lara's right and the wooden doors on her left, head down the stairs ahead on the right. There are some pickups in this area, but we'll get them shortly. For now, go through the wrought iron gate on the other side of the street from the stairs. In the next alley, ignore the locked gate, the movable barrel, and the door at ground level for now. (That door leads back to the area with the chained dog.) Proceed to the end of the alley, climb the stairs, and follow the short hallway to emerge back in the STARTING AREA, near the illuminated green sign. (screenshots)
Climb the ladder and dismount on the left. Then follow the walkway around to the open window. Climb inside and use the CROWBAR to open the padlocked cabinet. Search inside to find a necklace (11), which you can sell later for cash. If you missed the cash, chocolate, and doubloons earlier (3-4, above), you can get them now. Climb back out the window. Climb down the ladder and return through the doorway under the green sign. (screenshots)
Back in the alley with the wrought iron gate and movable barrel, follow the tutorial to grab the barrel and pull it under the drainpipe. Climb onto the barrel, then climb the drainpipe and traverse to the left, until you can pull up onto a ledge with some V-packer standard cartridges (12). (It'll be a while before you get the gun, but hey, it's fun to collect things.) Turn around, walk to the edge, jump forward, and press Action to grab the wires running across the alleyway. Traverse to the right and drop onto the ledge with the COURTYARD KEY (13). Take the key, safety drop to the ground, then use the key to open the wrought iron gate just to the left. Press Action again to open the gate, then go through. (screenshots)
In the small yard with the two trash bins, Lara explains how to crawl. Hold the Duck button and move through the gap in the fence. On the other side, pick up another CROWBAR (14), which you don't really need if you found the first one. Then follow Lara's instructions to commando crawl under the broken gate: Hold Duck, then press Stealth to drop lower. Crawl forward through the gap, then release Duck to stand up on the other side. (screenshots)
NOTES: You can switch between holding or toggling Duck in the menu under Options > Control > Duck Mode. Later, when you unlock the ability to Sprint, you can do the same with Dash Mode. If you entered the area beyond the green illuminated sign before exploring the rooftops, you'll meet a gendarme just after commando crawling under the gate. (screenshot) You'll need to avoid him. If he sees Lara, he'll arrest her, and it'll be Game Over. He doesn't appear if you follow the route I describe.
Just beyond the commando-crawl gate, go around to the left to find a box of health pills (15) (20% health). Move out to the street and head to the left, away from the police car with the flashing lights. At the next corner, use the CROWBAR to open the locked gate on the right and go inside. Here you'll find a large health pack (16) sitting in the middle of a walled courtyard. Return to the street and proceed straight ahead to another iron gate that opens when you try it. (screenshots)
NOTE: Again, if you entered this area without first going to the rooftops, the gendarme will be waiting here, and you'll need to avoid him as you go after the remaining pickups.
Climb onto the brown box thingy on the left. (Maybe an electrical transformer?) Jump up to grab the narrow ledge and traverse to the right, around the corner and onward, until you can pull up onto a small ledge. Climb the drainpipe and dismount on the ledge above on the right. Here you'll find a camera (17), which you can pawn later for euros. Turn right, walk to the edge, and jump across the street onto the wooden scaffolding. Drop through the opening to the lower level of the scaffolding. Commando crawl under the metal bars, pick up another pile of Antique Doubloons (18), and continue crawling through. Hop down to the ground behind the scaffolding. Then climb the drainpipe, traverse to the left, and pull up onto the ledge with the large health pack (19). Take the health then safety drop down to the grass. (screenshots)
If you like, you can open your Inventory and scroll down to Statistics to make sure you have everything. When you're ready to move on, approach the wooden doors and open them to finish the level. (screenshots)
Cut Scene: Lara is spotted by the police. She kicks down a door and enters an abandoned building and bars the door behind her.
†UPDATE HISTORY: Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the archived classic guide.
2/17/24 - Remastered guide first posted.
2/23/25 - Added a link to Super-kitty-cat's explanation for the "Parkour" achievement/trophy.
3/5/25 - Added note about"Darwin Awards" achievement/trophy.
3/13/25 - VGCartography maps updated with the latest versions.
*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.