Parisian Backstreets - Residential Neighborhood (continued)

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After retrieving the COURTYARD KEY and using it to open the second gate in the residential alleyway, as shown in the previous section, you enter a small yard with two trash bins. Lara explains how to crawl. Hold the Duck button and move through the gap in the fence.

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On the other side, pick up another CROWBAR (14), which you don't really need if you found the first one.

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Then follow Lara's instructions to commando crawl under the broken gate: Hold Duck, then press Stealth to drop lower. Crawl forward through the gap, then release Duck to stand up on the other side.

NOTE: You can switch between holding or toggling Duck in the menu under Options > Control > Duck Mode. Later, when you unlock the ability to sprint, you can do the same with Dash Mode. If you entered the area beyond the green illuminated sign before exploring the rooftops, you'll meet a gendarme just after commando crawling under the gate. (screenshot) You'll need to avoid him. If he sees Lara, he'll arrest her, and it'll be Game Over. He doesn't appear if you follow the route I describe.

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Just beyond the commando-crawl gate, go around to the left to find a box of health pills (15) (20% health).

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Move out to the street and head to the left, away from the police car with the flashing lights.

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At the next corner, use the CROWBAR to open the locked gate on the right and go inside.

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Here you'll find a large health pack (16) sitting in the middle of a walled courtyard.

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Return to the street and proceed straight ahead to another iron gate that opens when you try it.

NOTE: Again, if you entered this area without first going to the rooftops, the gendarme will be waiting here, and you'll need to avoid him as you go after the remaining pickups.

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Climb onto the brown box thingy on the left. (Maybe an electrical transformer?) Jump up to grab the narrow ledge and traverse to the right, around the corner...

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...and onward, until you can pull up onto a small ledge.

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Climb the drainpipe and dismount on the ledge above on the right.

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Here you'll find a camera (17), which you can pawn later for euros.

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Turn right, walk to the edge, and jump across the street onto the wooden scaffolding.

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Drop through the opening to the lower level of the scaffolding.

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Commando crawl under the metal bars, pick up another pile of Antique Doubloons (18), and continue crawling through.

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Hop down to the ground behind the scaffolding. Then climb the drainpipe, traverse to the left, and pull up onto the ledge with the large health pack (19).

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Take the health then safety drop down to the grass.

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If you like, you can open your Inventory and scroll down to Statistics to make sure you have everything. (Don't ask me where those 3 kills came from. We only killed one guy.) When you're ready to move on, approach the wooden doors (shown in the previous screenshot) and open them to finish the level.

[Previous | Parisian Backstreets Walkthrough]

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)