NOTES ON THE REMASTER: This guide has not yet been updated for the remastered game. Revisions are in progress but will take time. I hope this version, based on the classic game, will still be helpful. Thanks for your patience.
IMPORTANT: Levels 21 through 26, set in Cairo, are interconnected. Some backtracking among them is needed to find all the necessary items. This walkthrough covers what I hope is the most direct route including all kills, pick-ups, and secrets. I have also included a CAIRO FLOWCHART outlining the basic path through the levels. This chart contains minor spoilers, such as keys and puzzle items, so you may want to avoid it unless you get lost/confused. The walkthrough also contains notes on what to do if you missed any crucial items.
LEVEL 21A: CITY OF THE DEAD (first visit)
Updated: 2/21/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)
Last Revelation Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Kills: 16 Items: 17, including Revolver and Laser Sight Secrets: 1*
NOTE: There are two secrets in this level; however, the second is very difficult to reach during your first visit. It's covered in the CITY OF THE DEAD (revisit) walkthrough. Also, The regular pick-ups include the GRENADE GUN if you didn't find it earlier. Note that I count the mounted machine guns as hazards, rather than kills.
BUG NOTE: Some players experience a bug at the beginning of this level in which one of Lara's arms won't work. Try using the binoculars or lighting a flare and tossing it away. If that doesn't help, try reloading an earlier save or downloading a save file here.
STREET NEAR LARGE IRON GATE AND BUILDING WITH WIDE STAIRS: You begin the level under fire. Immediately backflip twice to a safe position. There are 2 snipers (1-2) in the building to the left: one in the raised alcove just to the right of the facade with the fancy columns, the other up on the roof. You can kill the sniper in the alcove (1) fairly easily by sidestepping out just far enough to spot him through the laser sight attached to the crossbow. Hit him with 2 explosive arrows or use the laser sight bug to fire pistol ammo at his leg until he falls. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you missed the LASER SIGHT back in Alexandria, don't worry. You'll get it soon.
Step out a little farther to target the second sniper (2) on the roof. He'll start firing grenades down at you, but in the PC version, at least, these don't do any damage. Use the crossbow + laser sight + pistol ammo as described above. Or just kill him quickly with Uzis. (screenshots)
Alternatively, take out the lower sniper by running across the street and positioning Lara very close to the ledge where he's standing. Draw weapons (the shotgun works nicely) and jump in place, shooting at the peak of the jump. When he's dead, climb up and take the REVOLVER (1) he drops. Finally! Then run back to the safe spot near the gate and use your new toy to kill the sniper on the roof. Combine the REVOLVER and LASER SIGHT. (You may need to first separate the sight from the crossbow.) Draw the revolver and sidestep out until you can get a clear shot. Use the laser sight to target the sniper's head or chest. You'll need to be quick, since he can shoot back, but one or two well-aimed shots should bring him down. If the grenades aren't hurting Lara, you can take your time and shoot pistol ammo with the revolver using the laser sight bug. (screenshots)
Before moving on, notice the black switch high on the wall near the LARGE IRON GATE. (screenshot) You can't reach it yet, but you'll be back.
Just a little farther along the street to the west, there's a machine gun on a tripod. This gun is broken, as you can tell by its jerky motion and the smoke billowing out of it, so it's not a real hazard. If you like, you can destroy it by using the revolver with the laser sight to aim at the red triangular red logo on the white tank. Don't waste precious revolver ammo on this, though. Use the laser sight bug or just skip it. (screenshot)
STREET WITH PATROLLING SOLDIERS: There are 4 more armed soldiers (3-6) a little farther along the street. You can kill all but one of them by running them over with the MOTORCYCLE. Review the motorcycle controls first if necessary. Then get on the bike and ride toward the corner where the machine gun was. Run over the first soldier (3) just around that corner and stop where he falls. There's a second soldier (4) on a ledge around the next corner. You can't run him over, but as long as you keep your distance, he can't target Lara. Use the revolver + laser sight (with or without the laser sight bug) to kill him. Get back on the bike and continue down the hill then up the next hill to the left (north). The third soldier (5) is just ahead, standing in front of a RUINED BUILDING WITH X-SHAPED WOODEN BARRICADES. Turn right as you run him down. Continue straight on (eastward) over a large hump in the road. Run down the fourth soldier (6) just ahead. Dismount and pick up the shotgun shells (2) he drops. (screenshots)
Alternatively, you can advance from the starting area on foot, taking out each of the soldiers as you go. The first two won't animate if you approach cautiously, and you can kill them with the revolver + laser sight, with or without the laser sight bug. Note that the first soldier can't be hit in the head or chest until he animates, but conveniently, you can shoot him in the legs or groin by aiming with the laser sight. (Ouch!) Deal with the second soldier as described above. The third soldier animates as you approach, but you can shoot him with pistols before he can target Lara. If he gets too close, just jump back and continue firing. Do the same with the fourth soldier, who drops shotgun shells (2). (screenshots)
NOTE: You can also race through this area on the motorcycle, running over the first, third, and fourth soldiers as you go and ignoring second soldier for now. Then deal with him later.
DEAD-END ALLEY WITH BLOCK AND CRAWLSPACE: In the alley to the east, where you met the fourth soldier, there's a white building on the left with another broken machine gun on top. Note the crawlspace above the block at the end of the alley. There's a small medipack (6, below) inside, but a closed door prevents you from going farther. So unless you're desperately low on health, don't bother with it yet. (screenshot)
NORTH END OF THE STREET WITH MACHINE GUNS: Save the game before trying this next tricky sequence. From the intersection with the hump in the road, ride the motorcycle along the street to the north, under the green-lit archway. As you approach the T intersection ahead, the 2 machine guns on the roof begin firing. Race around the corner to the right (east) to make the machine guns track Lara that way. Veer left (north) and park next to the iron gate at the northeast end of the street. (screenshots)
At this point, I will describe how to take out the guns from below. This takes a little patience but will make things a lot easier going forward. If you prefer, you can wait until you reach the ROOFTOPS to deal with the guns. In that case, skip down to the second note, below. To destroy the guns now, you'll sneak past them toward the west end of the street then approach the guns carefully from the west. This will allow you to shoot them with the revolver without activating them. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you accidentally step out too far and the guns activate, either reload and start again or run back to the safe alcove with the gate and motorcyle, letting the guns target Lara briefly so they point to the right (east/southeast). The guns must be pointing away from Lara in order to destroy them from below.
When you come to the end of the blue-and-white wall, continue around the corner, still staying as close to the right wall as possible. Vault up into the doorway on the right. Inside you'll find a small medipack (3) and GRENADE GUN (4). (This will be 10 grenades if you already have the weapon.) From the doorway of this alcove, check out the building across the street. Notice the three vertical brown bands spaced at intervals along the wall. Run across the street toward the rightmost band. The machine guns should not target Lara at this distance. (screenshots)
NOTE: Do not continue any farther along the street to the right (west). There are more enemies and a deep pit. It's possible with some fancy driving to jump the pit and get back again, but it's not necessary at this point. We'll explore there later.
Turn left and follow the wall back to the east, just as far as the second brown band. Draw the revolver and walk forward one step at a time, just until Lara aims at the second machine gun on the roof. If you go any farther, the motion sensors will activate and the guns will start shooting. Now use the laser sight to target the second gun (i.e., the one on the right). Aim for the red triangle on the top of the white tank, or even a little above it. Again, you can use the laser sight bug to fire pistol rounds in order to conserve revolver ammo. A direct hit on the top of the tank, near the red triangle, should destroy the gun. Step forward until Lara is standing about halfway between the second and third brown bands. Draw the revolver and she should aim at the remaining gun. Again, use the laser sight to target the red triangle on the white tank. If you can't see the triangle, take another step forward, but be careful not to go too far, or the gun will activate. Shoot the red triangle to destroy this gun. Now the street is safe. (screenshots)
Return to the east end of the street and vault over the low wall with the short pillars on the right (directly opposite the gate where you parked the motorcycle). Press Action to kick open the door and enter. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you don't destroy the machine guns, you should still park the motorcycle near the iron gate at the east end of the street, as described above. Save the game and run from the shelter of the gate to the door across the street. (screenshot) Lara will take fire when you're out in the open, so move quickly and use health packs if necessary. Press Action to kick open the door and run inside. You'll have another chance to destroy the guns later, when you reach the ROOFTOPS, and you can get the medipack and GRENADE GUN after that.
ROOM WITH TRAPDOOR AND DEAD SOLDIER: Inside the building, Lara's attention seems riveted on the dead soldier, but knowing her, she's more likely interested in the trapdoor beneath him. Stand near the soldier's head and hold Action + Back/Down to drag him away from the grate and crawlspace. You can't get into the crawlspace yet, but you'll be back. Pick up a small medipack (5) lying on the floor to the right of the doorway. Then exit this room and return to the motorcycle. (If you haven't destroyed those machine guns, you'll want to make a run for it.) (screenshots)
Ride back along the road to the west, then make the first left, opposite the building that had the machine guns on its roof. (Of course, if the guns are still active, you'll want to go quickly to get out of range.) When you reach the intersection with the hump in the road, turn left into the DEAD-END ALLEY WITH BLOCK AND CRAWLSPACE. Dismount here. If you missed the shotgun shells (2) one of the soldiers dropped earlier, pick them up now. (screenshots)
CRAWLSPACE AND ROOM BELOW TRAPDOOR: Climb onto the block in the corner and crawl backwards into the small opening. Drop down and follow the passageway to a room with a lever and a small medipack (6). (Lara won't target the rat that scuttles across the floor, so we don't count it as an enemy.) Use the lever to open the trapdoor above. This will work only if you've dragged the dead soldier's body off the grate, as described in the previous section. Climb up into the opening, turn around, and jump straight up to grab the edge of the crawlspace. Pull up and crawl forward until Lara can stand. Follow the passageway up to a second lever. Use it to open a door above the grate in the ceiling. You can't get there from here, so return to the DEAD-END ALLEY WITH THE CRAWLSPACE, where you left the motorcycle, either through the crawlspaces the way you came or via the streets if you destroyed the machine guns. (screenshots)
RUINED BUILDING WITH X-SHAPED WOODEN BARRICADES: Position the motorcycle so the block and crawlspace are behind and to the right. Use the hump in the middle of the road to jump the motorcycle up onto the ledge with the X-shaped wooden barricades. You'll need to get a good running start to build up speed and veer to the right a bit at the top of the hump in order to land on the corner of the ledge. Crash through the barricades and let the bike fall through the unstable floor. Drive through the room below, making a U-turn to the left and crashing through the wall to emerge back on the street. (screenshots)
Dismount and climb back into the building through the opening you just made. Pick up a small medipack (7) on the ground just around the corner to the right. Climb into the brick alcove and drop into the pool below. Climb out of the water and follow the passageway past the burning torch to the next room. (screenshots)
ROOM WITH NARROW COLUMNS AND ARCHES: Your entrance disturbs 4 bats (7-10) . Kill them. If you're using Automatic Targeting don't forget that you can tap Look to switch targets. This feature can be helpful here with the bats flitting around the room. Pick up flares and wideshot shells (8-9) in the far corners. Turn around and head for the left (west) side of the room. Slide down the ramp. (screenshots)
SQUARE HALLWAY WITH DEAD SOLDIER: Pick up the LASER SIGHT (10) near the soldier. (screenshot) This pick-up won't give you an extra laser sight if you found the first one in ALEXANDRIA. You'll still have to switch the attachment between the revolver and crossbow as needed.
This hallway forms a square around a small, central room. Inside, behind the grate just opposite the ramp, you can glimpse a blue-and-gold orb swinging back and forth. (screenshot) There's also a closed door in the southeast corner, which blends in with the wall (screenshot), and stairs on the west side, farthest from the ramp. (screenshot)
NOTE: You don't need to climb the stairs yet, but if you do go exploring and accidentally fall into the pool at the top of those stairs, follow the underwater passage to a ledge where you can climb out. Then drop down off the other side of the ledge to get back to the SQUARE HALLWAY.
BUG NOTE: A few players have reported problems in the next section, so I recommend saving the game before shooting the blue orb. Sometimes when you release the ice wraiths, they will chase Lara to the pool, but only one of them will be extinguished. When you return to the SQUARE HALLWAY, the other will still be flying around causing trouble. If that happens, you can reload and try again.
Jump to grab the horizontal crevice in the northwest corner of the SQUARE HALLWAY. Traverse around the corner and on to the right (east) until you can pull up. Turn around to face the small opening into the center room. Don't shoot the ceramic jar on the ledge. This only releases a swarm of locusts. Instead aim carefully and shoot the swinging blue orb inside the room. (You can use the revolver or crossbow and laser sight or crouch at either side of the alcove, wait for the orb to swing to that side, and shoot it with pistols.) When it shatters, 2 ice wraiths (11-12) emerge. Hop down and run to the right, around the corner, and up the stairs. Slide into the pool. The wraiths will follow, extinguishing themselves. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you do release the locust swarm, there's no way to actually kill them. You can either run away and wait for them to disperse or try saving the game in a new slot and then reloading. Doing so should cause the locust swarm to disappear.
After luring the ice wraiths to the pool, the current sweeps Lara off to the left. Follow the underwater passage to a ledge where you can climb out. Safety drop off the other side of the ledge into the SQUARE HALLWAY with the dead soldier. Go back upstairs to the pool, which is now frozen so you can walk across its surface. Jump up to the ledge with the lever and use it to open the door back in the SQUARE HALLWAY WITH THE DEAD SOLDIER. Return downstairs, follow the hallway around to the right, go through the door you just opened, and follow the ramp to the top. (screenshots)
ROOM WITH BROWN COLUMNS AND LIT TORCHES: Head for the back right corner to find a small medipack (11) in an alcove. Backtrack to the first alcove near the entrance and use the CROWBAR to pry open the wooden door. Inside is SECRET #1 (55/70), a large medipack and Uzi clips (12-13). (screenshots)
BACK TO THE LARGE GATE AT THE START: Exit the secret alcove and turn right. Climb onto the bluish block, then onto the ledge above. Turn right, climb up, then pull up into a crawlspace. Go through it to emerge on a ledge above the street. Crawl out backwards and hang from the edge. Traverse to the right along the crevice until you can pull up and stand. Turn around to face the switch high on the wall near the gate at the beginning of the level. Take a standing jump from the edge to grab the switch. This opens the LARGE IRON GATE. There's a soldier (13) with a grenade launcher just beyond the gate. Kill him and pick up the small medipack (14) he drops. (screenshots)
Now retrieve the motorcycle. If you followed this walkthrough, it should be near the RUINED BUILDING WITH X-SHAPED WOODEN BARRICADES. Follow the street to the west to get back there. If you didn't kill the soldier (4) behind the sloping ledge when you first passed through this area, you'll need to take care of him now. Then get on the bike and ride eastward back to the starting area and the LARGE IRON GATE you just opened.
RUINED BUILDING WITH STAIRS AND RAMPS: Drive the motorcycle through the gate and around the corner, into the large, shallow pit, then on into the building ahead. Ride down the stairs, follow the ledge around to the right, and run over another soldier (14) at the bottom (or dismount near the top of the stairs and shoot him). Crawl into the low opening on the east wall to get some poisoned arrows (15). Now ride the motorcycle all the way up the stairs to the top level. Here you'll find a small ramp jutting out toward the middle of the room. Drive into the room to the right of the ramp. (screenshots)
NOTE: The wide opening here leads back down to the street. (screenshot) There's no need to go there yet, but if you accidentally drive off the edge, just follow the street back to the gate at the start. Then drive down into the shallow pit and up the stairs again.
Race up the ramp to jump the bike into the opening on the other side of the room. Get off the bike near the first lit torch and walk up the ramp to the second lit torch. Climb/jump into the alcove on the left, kill a couple of bats (15-16) roosting inside, and pull the lever to raise a block downstairs. (screenshots)
Get back on the motorcycle and ride up and over the steep ramp near the second torch to get back to the stairway. Dismount, head down the stairs, and climb onto the block you just raised. Turn right and pull up into the passage above. Continue to an opening overlooking the DEAD-END ALLEY WITH THE BLOCK AND CRAWLSPACE. (screenshots)
ROOFTOPS: Take a running jump to grab the edge of the roof next to the broken machine gun. Pull up and take the revolver ammo (16) lying next to the gun. Go through the door you opened earlier and follow the passageway to the end. (screenshots)
NOTE: If this door is still closed, take a running jump-grab back to the opening in the wall of the building to the south. Return to the motorcycle and drive up the stairs to the landing with the ramp. This time, instead of jumping across the gap, head to the right (screenshot) to find an opening that leads back down to the street. Refer to the CRAWLSPACE AND ROOM BELOW TRAPDOOR section, above, to find the lever that opens the door near the broken machine gun. Then return to the ROOFTOPS via the RUINED BUILDING WITH STAIRS AND RAMPS.
If you didn't destroy the 2 machine guns on the rooftop earlier, enter this area cautiously. Move out beyond the end of the first low wall and turn right to face the guns. Lara is safe as long as you don't get too close. Once you pass the far edge of the low wall, the motion sensors will activate, and the guns will start firing. Now aim at the red fuel barrel on the roof between the guns and the helicopter in the background. You can use the pistols and just tweak Lara's angle until you're able to hit the barrel, or use the revolver and laser sight (with or without the laser sight bug). Shooting the barrel sets off a chain reaction that destroys the helicopter and both guns. If you already destroyed the guns earlier, you can still do this just to watch a cool explosion. :D (screenshots)
Move to the edge of the roof. (Note the gate below. This is where you parked the motorcycle earlier after that frantic ride under the guns.) Take a running jump from the jutting ledge to grab the ledge on the other side of the street, where the guns were. Pull up and make your way to the back left corner. Pick up a small medipack (17) and use the lever to open the gate below. (screenshots)
You'll need the motorcycle to reach the exit, so return the way you came: Take a running jump from the jutting ledge to grab the ledge on the opposite building. (screenshot) Pull up and continue through the hallway to the roof with the broken machine gun. From there, take a running jump-grab into the small opening on the side of the next building. (screenshot) Follow the passage back down to the block you raised earlier. Crawl backward off the block into the room at the bottom of the stairs.
NOTE: If you miss either of the jumps on the way back, you can return on foot to the RUINED BUILDING WITH STAIRS AND RAMPS. It's at the southeastern end of the street, beyond the large gate where the level started.
RUINED BUILDING WITH STAIRS AND RAMPS (again): Get back on the motorcycle, drive up the stairs to the top level. This time, turn right at the ramp where you jumped the bike earlier. (screenshot) Here you'll find an opening that leads back to DEAD-END ALLEY WITH THE CRAWLSPACE, below the broken machine gun.
Follow the street to the north. (screenshot) It's safe now that you've destroyed the machine guns. If you didn't get the GRENADE GUN and small medipack (3-4) in the alcove to the left of the building with the guns, do that now. (screenshot) Then get back on the motorcycle, continue to the northeast end of the street and drive through the open gate on the left. (screenshot) Continue up the hill to the next level, CHAMBERS OF TULUN. (screenshot)
REVISITING THE CITY OF THE DEAD: There is still an unexplored area in the northwest corner of the level. This is covered later in the CITY OF THE DEAD (revisit) walkthrough. See the CAIRO FLOWCHART for details.
*NOTE ON SECRETS: There are 70 secrets in the entire game. These are marked "(x/70)" in this walkthrough. To check your progress in-game, press Pause (P on keyboard, Start on PlayStation or Dreamcast controller) then choose Statistics. At the end of this section, you should have 55/70.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/17/11 - Added note about saving and reloading to possibly eliminate the locusts if you accidentally shoot the jar releasing the swarm.
5/5/19 - First major update since this walkthrough was created in 1999. This revision includes many new screenshots as well as various other corrections and clarifications.
7/22/21 - Attempted to clarify the section on destroying the mounted machine guns from below.
1/23/25 - Added running item and kill counts, which hopefully will be useful in the upcoming Remaster.
2/21/25 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to the participants in the newsgroup and the old forum, without whom parts of this walkthrough could not have been written. Thanks also to Andy C., Annie, Craig M., David, Don L., Dorothee, Jeff Reid, J.K., Mark, Nathaniel, Sturm, Theresa Jenne, and Theo for their help on this level.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 1999- Stellalune (). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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