After destroying the machine guns, as shown in the previous section, return to the east end of the street, near the iron gate where you parked the motorcycle.
NOTE: If you didn't destroy the machine guns, check the note in the main walkthrough for another approach.
Vault over the low wall with the short pillars on the right (directly opposite the gate).
Press Action to kick open the door and enter.
Inside the building, Lara's attention seems riveted on the dead soldier, but knowing her, she's more likely interested in the trapdoor beneath him.
Stand near the soldier's head and hold Action + Back/Down to drag him away from the grate and crawlspace. You can't get into the crawlspace yet, but you'll be back.
Pick up a small medipack lying on the floor to the right of the doorway. Then exit this room and return to the motorcycle. (If you haven't destroyed those machine guns, you'll want to make a run for it.)
Ride back along the road to the west, then make the first left, opposite the building that had the machine guns on its roof. (Of course, if the guns are still active, you'll want to go quickly to get out of range.)
When you reach the intersection with the hump in the road, turn left...
... into the DEAD-END ALLEY WITH CRAWLSPACE. Dismount here. If you didn't get the shotgun shells one of the soldiers dropped earlier, pick them up now.
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