Stella's Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough - Updates for Tomb Raider 3 Remastered Coming Soon


Updated: 5/2/24()

Secrets:Pickups: 12, including the ROCKET LAUNCHER  Kills: 16  Save/power-up Crystals: 8(9)

NOTE: The maximum number of kills, items, etc., will vary depending on which path you choose. The walkthrough describes the all-secrets route as well as a substantial shortcut. There are 9 save crystals in the level, but one is only available if you take the shortcut. So the maximum you'll normally find on the longer, all-secrets route is 8. However, it may be possible to get the extra one with some effort. (See the note below.) Be sure to find all the secrets so you can access the bonus level at the end of the game.

LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)

Madubu Gorge Video Walkthrough by Eldincy

Objectives: Find a kayak. Paddle down river and locate a place where you can climb out of the boat. Return up river on foot to the building where the control for the river plug is. Let the water out of the plugged pool, get your kayak back, and paddle down into the "drain" to find the exit.

RUINS WITH DRAWBRIDGE OVERLOOKING THE RAPIDS: Move forward from the starting point. A harmless flock of bats flies out of the building on the left. Draw pistols and continue straight ahead to the broken column sticking up out of the ground. A poison-breathing lizard (1) climbs down from the corner ledge behind the palm tree. Back away shooting until it falls. (screenshot) It can't do much damage with its teeth or claws, but If its toxic breath touches Lara, you'll need to use a medi pack to antidote the poison. Advance forward once more with pistols drawn. When you pass the square, carved column on the right, a second lizard (2) crawls up from below. Again, hop back shooting before it can breathe on Lara. (screenshot)

IMPORTANT - CHOICE OF PATHS: You must now choose which route to follow downriver. If you take the shortcut you'll miss 2 secrets. If you want every kill and pickup, skip down to the section LONGER ROUTE DOWNRIVER - ALL SECRETS. The kill/item counts follow the longer route.

SHORTCUT - ACROSS THE RIVER AND BACK AGAIN: There is an opening under the overhanging ceiling of the building on the left, but you'll need to do a little bit of business before going inside. So ignore it for now. Instead, go around the second carved column and drop down onto the square ledge where the second lizard came from. Turn left and climb down two ledges to a flat spot overlooking the river. Take a few steps back from the edge, then a standing jump onto the square block in the middle of the river. Don't let Lara fall in or she'll be killed in the rushing rapids. (screenshots)

Take a running jump from the block to grab the sloping ledge on the other side of the river. Traverse to the right until you can pull up. Turn right and pull up onto the higher block. Walk to the outer corner and take a standing jump down to the triangular ledge ahead. Then take another standing jump up to the next triangular ledge. Walk up the slope to the next triangular ledge. Angle Lara to the left, sidestep to the outer corner of the triangle and jump forward onto the ledge around the corner. (screenshots)

Press the button to open a trapdoor back at the starting area. Then sidestep to the outer corner of the block and jump back onto the triangular ledge. Walk down the slope and jump onto the block just around the corner to the right. Position Lara with her back against the angled block and the river on her left. Sidestep so she's standing on the left side of the block. Now take a running jump to grab the edge of the higher block ahead. Pull up. (screenshots)

Walk across the top of the block, angle Lara a little to the right, and then take a standing jump onto the slope ahead. Slide back and grab the edge. Traverse to the left above the rapids until Lara reaches the first block with the light green and white top. (screenshots)

If you don't care about getting the next crystal, skip the rest of this paragraph. Otherwise, continue traversing to the left along the base of the slope. At the end, you'll come to a flat green ledge where you could pull up. Instead, hang from the left side of the corner block and then drop and grab the ledge below. (If Lara drops on the right side, her legs will dangle into the rapids and she'll be sucked under.) Pull up and crawl forward until Lara can stand. Step down onto the block below. Then take a standing jump-grab (pressing Action lowers Lara's trajectory) to the ledge with the save/power-up crystal (1). Press the button to open the nearby trapdoor. Turn around, walk to the edge, and jump back to the previous ledge, Then climb up through the trapdoor. Now turn around, drop back and grab the edge of the green ledge, and traverse to the right along the angled blocks until the square block in middle of the river is behind you. (screenshots)

You can't see the block behind you when you're hanging, but if you stop at the rightmost section of the slope with the green-and-white top, you'll know you're in the right spot. Pull up and immediately press Jump to backflip onto the block. Turn around, walk to the far right corner of the block, and then take a standing jump to grab the flat ledge ahead. Pull up and climb back up the rocks on the left to the ruins near the start. (screenshots)

Climb up into the opening in the ceiling between the columns, where the bats flew out. (screenshot) Inside you'll find Uzi clips, grenades, and a small medi pack (1-3). Drop through the trapdoor you opened by pressing the first button and climb into the kayak.

KAYAK CONTROLS: To get in, face the middle of the kayak from either side and press Action. To get out, press Roll plus Left or Right. (For her own safety, Lara will only climb out in calm water.) Use the direction controls to paddle forward, backward, left, or right. The basic controls are easy enough to master in still water, but navigating the rapids can be a challenge. You can back paddle (hold the Back direction button) to slow the craft, allowing you to fight the currents a little more easily. The paddle turn maneuver (Hold Walk + Left or Right) makes Lara plant the paddle on one side of the craft for a tighter pivot turn. Also note that the river is laced with red and green tripwires stretched between rocks. Red ropes are bad and trigger traps like spikes, blades, and falling rocks. Green ropes are good. They deactivate traps or cause items to appear. Lara will take damage when she goes through spikes/blades or when taking a long drop. So don't hesitate to use medi packs as you go. To get out of the kayak, press Roll + Left/Right, but note that it's only possible to exit the kayak in calm water.

KAYAKING DOWNRIVER FROM THE START: Paddle out of the room and turn left. Try to steer along with the current so you're always facing downstream. This will give you a little more control of the boat. Continue around the corner to the right, past the ledge with the second button. As you turn the next corner to the left, try to stay in the middle of the channel so you can snag a save/power-up crystal (9). Keep to the middle or right side as you pass under the wooden bridge and over the next small waterfall. Make a tight paddle turn to the right (hold Walk + Right) at the next corner to avoid the red tripwire beyond the large boulder. If you do accidentally go over the tripwire, try to back paddle to avoid being crushed by falling rocks. Once they've settled, continue past them. As you move out into the slightly calmer pool ahead, steer to the left to cross the green tripwire, which deactivates the slicing blades on the right. (screenshots)

NOTE: Completionists may want to attempt retrieving the 9th crystal. I will add notes and screenshots when I get to the remastered game revisions, but for now, check out this video by Ashja. (Thanks to Rob B. for bringing this strat to my attention.)

Now pick up the walkthrough below at the section "THE TWO PATHS CONVERGE."

LONGER ROUTE DOWNRIVER - ALL SECRETS: If you want all kills and pickups, you should follow this path instead of the shortcut described above. Beginning at the ruins near the start of the level, climb up into the opening in the ceiling between the columns, where the bats flew out. (screenshot) Inside you'll find Uzi clips, grenades, and a small medi pack (1-3). There's also a closed trapdoor. Below it is a room with the kayak you would use if you took the shortcut. Ignore it and instead, exit the building the way you came in.

Head to the left, go around the second carved column and drop down onto the square ledge where the second lizard came from. Turn left and climb down two ledges to a flat spot overlooking the river. Take a few steps back from the edge, then a standing jump onto the square block in the middle of the river. Don't let Lara fall in or she'll be killed in the rushing rapids. (screenshots)

Take a running jump from the block to grab the sloping ledge on the other side of the river. Traverse to the left along the base of the slope. At the end, you'll come to a flat green ledge where you could pull up. Instead, hang from the left side of the corner block and then drop and grab the ledge below. (If Lara drops on the right side, her legs will dangle into the rapids and she'll be sucked under.) Pull up and crawl forward until Lara can stand. Step down onto the block below. Then take a standing jump-grab (using Action lowers Lara's trajectory) to the ledge with the save/power-up crystal (1). Press the button to open the nearby trapdoor. Turn around, walk to the edge, jump back to the previous ledge, and climb up through the trapdoor. (screenshots)

Jump straight up to grab the handholds on the stone archway above. Monkey swing all the way across the river and drop down on the ledge near the far wall. Hang from the edge and traverse to the right along the horizontal crevice until you can pull up on the green ledge. Turn around and jump onto the green slope ahead on the left. Slide back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right and pull up onto the flat ledge. Then take a standing jump over the slope into the doorway. (screenshots)

INTO THE CAVES: Go past the wooden gate and turn right into the only open doorway. Step off the edge and slide down the ramp onto the landing below. Turn left and step—don't jump—off the edge onto the slope below. Then immediately jump forward to clear the spikes. (Or, hang from the edge, drop onto the slope, and backflip over the spikes.) Drop down into the dark passageway below. Light a flare if you have one and turn to face the crawlspace on the right. There's another poison-breathing lizard (3) inside. So if you don't want to take damage, crawl forward just until Lara's hands and upper body enter the tunnel. This triggers the lizard. Immediately back out of the opening. Draw the shotgun or Desert Eagle and hop back firing as soon as Lara targets the lizard. You should be able to kill it before it spews poison. (screenshots)

Now go through the crawlspace and climb the blocks ahead. Cross the wooden bridge spanning the river, enter the room ahead, and follow the passage on the left to a green ledge overlooking the water. Jump over to the stone archway covered with greenery to get another save/power-up crystal (2). Turn around and kill the lizard (4) in the doorway where you came from before jumping back. (screenshots)

Climb back up the way you came, exit on the right, and cross the wooden bridge. Drop down the block ledges and crawl through the dark passageway where you shot the lizard earlier. Turn right and head up the slopes to a stone staircase. Just before the slope, the passage widens, and you can see a save/power-up crystal (5) through the window on the left. You can't reach it from here, but you'll get it later. Start up the steps with weapons drawn. Another lizard (5) appears at the top. If you hop back shooting, you should be able to kill it before it breathes poison at Lara. Continue to the top, drop down into the alcove on the left, and press the button to open the wooden gate back at the cave entrance. (screenshots)

To get back to the wooden gate, return down the stairs, slide down the small slope, head past the window with the crystal you can't reach yet, and continue along the dark passageway. Pull up onto the green ledge with the spikes. Walk into the spikes to avoid taking damage. Position Lara against the climbable wall on the left. Hold Action and press Forward to grab on. Don't let go, or Lara will fall back into the spikes and die. Climb up and right until Lara is hanging above the ledge. Then let go. Use the next section of climbable wall to climb over the slope into the room above. (screenshots)

CAVES BEHIND THE WATERFALL: Exit through the wooden gate you just opened to emerge on a ledge above the water. Below and to the left is a waterfall. Drop down onto the flat block below the doorway. Then take a standing jump onto the sloping ledge beneath the waterfall. Walk through the falling water into the cave. This is SECRET #1. Walk to the edge and kill the lizard (6) lurking below. Drop down and pick up the MP5 clips (4). Then climb back up to the opening. (screenshots)

With the falling water behind Lara, walk to the edge and take a standing jump forward to grab the handholds on the ceiling. Monkey swing around to the far right corner of the cave and drop down in the doorway. Save the game if you can. Then slide down the ramp almost to the bottom and jump over the flames to grab the edge of the nearest pillar. Pull up. The middle pillar, with the save/power-up crystal (3), ignites when Lara passes over it. To avoid touching it, take a running jump from the first pillar over the second to grab the edge of the third pillar. You'll get the crystal in the air. Now pull up and take a running jump to the ledge below the doorway. Turn around and kill the poison-breathing lizard (7) below or just move on. (screenshots)

NOTE: If Lara does catch fire, either reload or jump into the pool to douse the flames. Then swim to the ledge below the first pillar, climb out of the water, pull up onto the first pillar, and continue from there. Do the same if you fall into the water while crossing the room or drop down off the third pillar, since you can't reach the exit from below.

Climb up through the doorway. Pick up the small medi pack (5) on the left. Move carefully past the poisoned dart trap on the right. (Crawling helps.) Slide down the ramp into another cave. Step out onto the ledge overlooking a pool with a wooden bridge and turn left. Jump up to grab the handholds on the ceiling. Monkey swing forward to the wall, then let go. Cross the bridge to get the save/power-up crystal (4). (Be careful not to fall into the piranha-infested pool.) Return across the bridge, jump up to grab the ceiling again, and monkey swing back toward the entrance. Then make a U-turn to the left and continue swinging along the ceiling to the opposite wall. Drop down onto the sloping ledge below. Then climb up into the doorway. (screenshots)

Crawl through to a ledge high above the water. Turn left and take a running jump across the gap to grab the rock ladder. Climb to the top. On the left is an opening leading down to a pool with a kayak. If you don't care about getting all secrets, you can go that way now. Skip down to the section KAYAK ROOM - HEADING DOWNRIVER. If you do want the secret, continue with the next paragraph. (screenshots)

SECRET IN THE THATCHED HUT: Position Lara's back against the rock at the right side of the ledge. (The back of this block is steeply angled.) Walk five steps forward, then backflip to land on the steep slope. Slide back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right and drop onto the small, wooden platform. This is SECRET #2. Jump across the rocks to the ledge near the thatched hut. Walk down to the corner of the hut. Then take a running jump to the base of the steps and follow them up to the entrance. Inside you'll find a large medi pack and a rocket (6-7). Return to the wooden platform the way you came. (screenshots)

The next jump is a little tricky. So save the game if possible. You're aiming for the tall, angled block on the right side of the pool, just below the ledge you jumped from to reach the rock ladder. To set up the jump, start by walking backward to the edge of the wooden platform. Then sidestep to the left corner. Take one sidestep to the right. Then pivot to the right so Lara is facing just a smidgen to the left of the overhanging block. This is crucial. If you angle her too far to the right, she'll hit her head on the block when you jump. Too far to the left and she'll miss the landing. Now take that running jump without grabbing. As soon as you clear the overhanging rock, tap Right just lightly to veer in that direction and land on the corner of the tall, angled block. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you're having trouble with my strategy, you might try positioning Lara at the back edge of the wooden platform, with her right hand against the wall. Then take the running jump along the wall and veer to the right in the air to stick the landing. I find the first method works best, but several players suggested this alternative.

Climb onto the ledge above. Turn right and take a running jump to grab the same rock ladder you climbed earlier. Climb to the top and follow the passage on the left to a small, flooded room. (screenshot)

KAYAK ROOM - HEADING DOWN RIVER: Kill the 2 crocodiles (8-9) in the pool from the ledge. Then jump into the water and pull the underwater lever to open the wooden gate. The lever is below and to the right of the gate when facing it. (screenshot) Swim over to the kayak, face it, and press Action to get in. Now get ready for some white-water action.

NOTE: See the section on KAYAK CONTROLS, above, for some tips on maneuvering and dealing with the red and green tripwires stretched across the river at intervals. Generally red ropes trigger traps and green ones deactivate them. The walkthrough includes details.

This may sound bizarre, but if you want the next save/power-up crystal (5), it's actually much easier if you turn around and paddle through the gate backwards. As you slide down the chute facing uphill, paddle forward periodically to slow your descent. Then, when the waterfall widens, steer left and forward to fight the current as you paddle over the cascade into the pool beyond. There are several waterfalls feeding this pool. The crystal is behind the one on the left. You probably noticed it several times as you explored the various caves and ledges. Now you can finally get it. (screenshots)

Once you have the crystal, head back toward the cascade where you came down from the building, then around the corner to the right. Although there is a red tripwire below, try to stay to the left as you go over the waterfall. It's a long drop, but you can back paddle as you go so you don't land too hard. (If you go over the falls on the right, you'll land on a huge boulder and Lara will take damage.) Continue to back paddle as you cross the tripwire to avoid being crushed by falling rocks ahead. Once they've settled, continue past them. As you move out into the slightly calmer pool ahead, steer to the left to cross the green tripwire, which deactivates the slicing blades on the right. (screenshots)

THE TWO PATHS CONVERGE - CAVES AND RAPIDS: The shortcut and the all-secrets route meet up again in the pool with the green tripwire. The tunnel splits twice between here and the large pool at the end of the run. There is no wrong way to go, since all the tunnels eventually lead to the same place. However, you may want to save the game near the green tripwire in case you want to try different paths.

Make sure you go over the green wire to deactivate the blades. Then continue past them. Back paddle as you go over the next small waterfall to minimize the damage from the landing. At the bottom, the current carries you off to the left. At the bottom, the current tries to carry you off to the left. Fight it by paddling hard to the right, into the cave with the dangling, black fronds. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you are swept off to the left, the only thing you'll miss is a single save/power-up crystal. If that's OK, and you have a few health packs to spare, just continue that way. You'll go over a steep drop-off with a red tripwire that activates the spikes and slicing blades below. Don't back paddle. Just get through the hazards as quickly as you can, feeding Lara medi packs as you go. Next, you'll go over a waterfall into wide tunnel with a flock of bats. Immediately paddle to the left into the tunnel with the save/power-up crystal. This is SECRET #3. If you are swept downstream to the right, it's OK. Once you reach the CAVERN WITH THE CHAIN AND PLUG, you can always backtrack for the secret.

If you do manage to steer to the right, into the cave with the black fronds, you'll immediately come to another split. Choose your path (LEFT CHANNEL or RIGHT CHANNEL, below) and back paddle if necessary to get on the side you want. Each has pros and cons. On the left side, you'll probably take more damage, but you can get an extra save/power-up crystal if you play it right.

LEFT CHANNEL: First you'll go over a red tripwire that activates a poisoned dart trap. The darts sail over Lara's head though, so they won't harm her. Next, you'll go over a green tripwire, which causes a save/power-up crystal (8) to appear on a block just below in the middle of the river. You'll retreive it shortly. (screenshots)

NOTE: Don't worry if you miss the green wire by going down the right channel. You can't get this crystal right away anyway, and you'll have another chance to trigger the tripwire later on.

Next comes another red tripwire that raises some spikes. Move through them quickly. Back paddling just prolongs the agony. Then head into the channel to the left of the building with the zip line. (You'll return here later on foot.) The next hazard is a very high waterfall with a save/power-up crystal (6) floating in the air partway down. Aim for the far (right) side of the channel as you go round the corner approaching the falls. Then paddle turn to the left to straighten out the kayak so the bow is pointing downstream. You can then use a combination of back paddling and steering to the right to aim the kayak just to the right of the middle of the falls. Back paddle like mad as you crest the falls to slow your descent as you slide down through the crystal. If you lose control of your angle and go over the falls at full speed, make sure Lara's health is at 100%, as she'll take nearly that much damage in the fall. (screenshots)

Once you reach the pool below the big big waterfall, turn left and you'll see smaller twin waterfalls. The one on the right is too steep to climb, but Lara can paddle up the rapids on the left. At the top is a cavern with a large piranha-infested pool. In the middle is a chain attached to a stone plug. Do not get out of the kayak here or Lara will be devoured. (screenshots)

Now skip down to the section CAVERN WITH THE CHAIN AND PLUG.

RIGHT CHANNEL: When you enter the tunnel beyond the split, a flock of bats flutters past. They're harmless, so just stay on course. Steer around the square rock on either side. Cross the first red tripwire without hesitation. As soon as you pass over it, a row of spikes pops up. Don't back paddle; that will just keep Lara in the danger zone longer. Do the same with the second red tripwire and spikes, using a medi pack if necessary. Just ahead, the river takes a turn to the right. Paddle turn to the right and try to steer between the next 2 clusters of spikes. Stay near the far (left) wall as you go around the third cluster of spikes just beyond the first two. Then just ride the current down the hole into a cavern with a large piranha-infested pool. In the middle is a chain attached to a stone plug. Do not get out of the kayak here or Lara will be devoured. (screenshots)

CAVERN WITH CHAIN AND PLUG: If you already have the third secret or don't want it, you can skip the rest of this paragraph. Otherwise, paddle into the tunnel with the brick ledges on each side. Continue around the corner and forward under the falls into the low tunnel with the save/power-up crystal (7). This is SECRET #3. There are also some items on the ledges near the falls, which you'll get later on when you pass this way on foot. Turn around and follow the tunnel back to the plug room. (screenshots)

Cross the pool and exit through the tunnel to the right of the raised alcove with the wooden door. Paddle up the rapids and around the bend to the left. At the top you'll find a calm pool with a crocodile (10) swimming in it. Position the kayak near the middle of the pool and jump out (Roll + Left/Right). Then quickly climb out of the water on the stone ledge. Kill the poison-breathing lizard (11) on the steps first; then take care of the croc. (screenshots)

IMPORTANT: When you jump out of the kayak, be sure to do so in the middle of the little pool. The opening near the rapids is deadly. If you exit the kayak too close to it, Lara may die immediately, or you may find that you won't be able to get back into the kayak later.

UPRIVER ON FOOT: Climb the steps and hop down into the opening near the burning torch. Walk to the edge and take a standing jump forward to grab the handholds on the ceiling above the pool with the plug. Monkey swing across the piranha-infested pool, past the chain and on toward the two fire-breathing carved heads. Use careful timing to pass the flames. Then continue monkey swinging into the passageway with the brick ledges. Follow the handholds around to the left, monkey swing toward the wall, and drop drop onto the ledge below. (The page with screenshots includes additional tips for safely passing the flame traps.)

Turn around and take a running jump across the river to the next ledge. Enter the alcove and pick up the ROCKET LAUNCHER (8). (This will be a single rocket if you already have the weapon.) Climb up on the left and follow the short passage to an opening. Turn around and safety drop (or use the handholds to climb down) to the ledge below. Follow the ledges toward the waterfall where you got the third secret. Jump over to the ledge with the large medi pack (9). Take a running jump across the water to grab the ledge with the MP5 clips (10). Pull up and get the ammo. To get back to the other side, turn around and position Lara just to the left of the middle of the ledge. (If you start on the right, she won't grab on when she reaches the other side. If you start too far to the left, she'll bang her head on the overhanging rock.) Hop back and then take a running jump to grab the white ledge opposite. Pull up and jump back over to the ledge on the right. (screenshots)

Rather than returning toward the plug room the way you came, climb into the curved alcove on the left. Pull up to the thin ledge above. Jump straight up to grab the handholds in the ceiling. (Do not try to jump forward and grab; Lara will miss and fall into the water.) Monkey swing straight across the river toward the waterfall, pausing if necessary to wait for the flame trap to cycle on and off before swinging past it. When you reach the last block with handholds, turn left. (Do not attempt to turn left or right before this or Lara will lose her grip and fall. The black-and-green squares are safe; the plain gray ones have no handholds.) Then continue monkey swinging across to the wall. Drop onto the ledge below. Get the flares and shotgun shells (11-12) in the cave off to the right. Then return to the ledge where you dropped down from the ceiling. (screenshots)

Jump up and grab the handholds on the ceiling again. Now monkey swing straight across the river. The waterfall will be on your left. Keep going until you reach the far wall before dropping down. Turn left and follow the path upstream. Take a running jump across the water to the square block to the left of the spikes and blades. Turn around and take a running jump to grab the handholds on the wall beyond the spikes. Climb up and to the left as far as you can. You'll come to a flat ledge. The first (rightmost) block slopes down toward the water and is very slippery, so don't drop down there. Climb just a little farther to the left and drop onto the next block. (screenshots)

TUNNEL WITH ROLLING BOULDERS: Follow the ledge to the dark opening. Go cautiously; there's a long drop ahead. Turn around, drop and grab the edge, then climb down the handholds to the bottom of the shaft. There's a boulder trap just ahead. Run forward to the step and quickly duck so the boulder rolls over Lara's head. Repeat this for the second boulder. The third boulder is dangling from the ceiling just inside the next room. On either side of the walkway are steep slopes with flames below. And there are more flames inside the doorway at the far left end of the walkway. You can avoid the boulder by running along the walkway and jumping over the slope into the hallway. Just take care not to run on into the flames. (screenshots)

Or try one of these alternatives: Vault up onto the walkway. Stand under the boulder and turn to face either side wall. Side flip out onto the walkway and immediately hop back and grab the edge. Hang until the boulder rolls past, then pull up. Head for the end of the walkway where the boulder landed and jump into the doorway on the left. Or, vault up onto the walkway and walk forward 6 or 7 steps. (Any farther will cause the boulder to drop.) Turn to face either side wall. Then drop back and hang from the walkway. Traverse along above the fire until Lara is hanging above the slope next to it. Then pull up. As long as Lara doesn't stand on or jump over the middle tile in the walkway, the boulder will stay where it is. (screenshots)

Now jump into the doorway near the boulder, taking care to avoid the burner. Take a standing jump from the middle of the square near the doorway to clear the flames. Immediately run forward to the step and crouch to avoid yet another boulder. Continue forward and up to emerge near the river again. (screenshots)

ROCK HOPPING ACROSS THE RAPIDS: If you didn't pass this way earlier in the kayak, you'll trigger another harmless flock of bats as you enter this tunnel. Position Lara just to the right of the doorway, so she won't hit the overhanging rocks, and take a running jump to the square block ahead. Use the handholds on the wall to climb over to the next ledge. Crawl through the low opening to a ledge overlooking the rapids. Take a standing jump from the corner of this ledge to the square block in the middle of the river. Then take a running jump along the downstream edge of the block to land on the pile of rocks ahead. (Be sure to aim to the right of the pointed rock hanging down from the ceiling.) Walk to the far corner of this rock pile. Then take a standing jump down to the rocks below the zip line handle. (screenshots)

If you ran over the green tripwire earlier, there will be a save/power-up crystal (8) on one of the blocks downstream. If you missed the tripwire, it's not too late to trigger it. Just hang from the edge of the block below the zip line handle and traverse to the right until Lara's feet touch the green wire. This should do the trick. To get the crystal, move down to the lower right corner of the rock outcropping and take a running jump to land near the crystal. Turn around and take a running jump, without pressing Action, back to the bottom of the rocks below the zip line. Climb back up to the handle. (screenshots)

ROOM WITH PLUG MECHANISM: Ride the zip line down to the building. If you let go just before reaching the doorway, Lara should land there without losing any health. Climb down near the big chain. Then climb up the opposite wall with the carved faces. A poison-breathing lizard (12) emerges from the dark hallway on the right. Shoot it. Then go around to the left and use the switch to pull the plug in the pool below. Follow the dark passage away from the chain. The torch at the end of the hall ignites, and another lizard (13) climbs up out of the opening on the right. You can back up as you shoot, but watch out for the hole in the floor near the chain. Drop into the hole the lizard came from, and then slide down into the room with the kayak. (screenshots)

DOWN THE DRAIN TO THE LEVEL EXIT: If you didn't shoot the crocodile (10) in the pool earlier, do it now. Then climb into the kayak and paddle downstream to the CAVERN WITH THE CHAIN AND PLUG. When you used the switch in the room above, you raised the stone stopper out of the pool. The water is now swirling down the huge plug hole. Make sure Lara has full health as you approach it. Back paddle a little to break your fall as the whirlpool carries you down the drain into the room below. (screenshots)

Climb out of the boat and either harpoon the crocodile (14), or swim to one of the ledges, climb out of the water, and shoot it from above. Swim under the ledge with the wooden door and pull the underwater lever to open the door. This also lets in 2 more crocodiles (15-16) . You can kill them or just avoid them and exit the level. (screenshots)

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UPDATE HISTORY: 5/5/14 - First major update since this walkthrough was created in 1998. This revision includes many new screenshots as well as various other corrections and clarifications.
10/5/16 - Added the warning about climbing out of the kayak in the middle of the crocodile pool and avoid the opening near the rapids, thanks to a tip from Najm.
2/5/24 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt for high-res versions, and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
5/2/24 - Added kill and item counts, as well as the note about obtaining all 9 save crystals. (Actual remastered updates coming eventually, but this should help.)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to the participants in the newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough could not have been written. Thanks also to Allison, Andy D., Cujo, Haydon, JSenecal, Rick S., and Stuart, who sent in various tips for this level, and to the many players who explained how to get the last save crystal by triggering the tripwire with Lara's feet.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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