Follow the ledge to the dark opening. Go cautiously; there's a long drop ahead.
Turn around, drop and grab the edge, then climb down the handholds to the bottom of the shaft.
There's a boulder trap just ahead. Run forward to the step...
...and quickly duck so the boulder rolls over Lara's head.
Repeat this for the second boulder: Run or sprint forward until Lara runs into the low ledge.
Then quickly crouch to avoid the boulder.
The third boulder is dangling from the ceiling just inside the next room. On either side of the walkway are steep slopes with flames below. And there are more flames inside the doorway at the far left end of the walkway. You can avoid the boulder by running along the walkway...
...and jumping over the slope into the hallway.
Just take care not to run on into the flames.
If you're having trouble outrunning the boulder, try one of the alternative strategies in the next section.
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