Madubu Gorge - Longer Route Downriver (part 5) - Caves Behind the Waterfall
Climb up through the doorway.
Pick up the small medi pack on the left.
Move carefully past the poisoned dart trap on the right. (Crawling helps.)
Slide down the ramp into another cave.
Step out onto the ledge overlooking a pool with a wooden bridge and turn left. Jump up to grab the handholds on the ceiling. Monkey swing forward to the wall, then let go. Cross the bridge to get the save/power-up crystal. (Be careful not to fall into the piranha-infested pool.)
Return to where you dropped down a moment ago, jump up to grab the ceiling again, and monkey swing back toward the entrance.
Then make a U-turn to the left...
...and continue swinging along the ceiling to the opposite wall. Drop down onto the sloping ledge below. Then climb up into the doorway.
Crawl through to a ledge high above the water.
Turn left and take a running jump across the gap to grab the rock ladder.
Climb to the top. On the left is an opening leading down to a pool with a kayak. If you don't care about getting all secrets, you can go that way now. (Pick up the main walkthrough at the section KAYAK ROOM - HEADING DOWNRIVER.) If you do want the secret, continue with part 6.
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