Tomb Raider I-III Remastered updates are in progress. For levels that have not yet been updated, I will continue to link to the ORIGINAL WALKTHROUGHS, which cover all the basics. Please check the introductory notes at the start of the first level for info on my process, modern vs. classic tank controls, etc. Note thatThis guide covers most but not all possible achievements/trophies. Follow this link for the archived classic City of Khamoon walkthrough.


Updated: 5/9/24()

Secrets:Pickups: 24, including 2 keys  Kills: 15
Save Crystals: 4 (New Game+ only)

NOTE: One of the regular pickups here will be the MAGNUMS if you didn't get them earlier.

LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)

City of Khamoon Video Walkthrough by Eldincy

OBJECTIVES: Explore the area near the sphinx to find the first sapphire key, which will unlock the second part of the level. There, you'll need to find a switch to open the cat temple, then locate a second sapphire key to unlock the exit.

LEVEL START: Go forward to the right side of the drop-off. Drop down onto the corner block below and take a running jump to grab the edge of the alcove with the switch. (Or, drop and hang from the ledge, let go, and quickly press Action again to grab the narrow crevice just below. Then traverse to the right until you can drop into the alcove with the switch.) Use it to open the door in the trench below. Drop down, enter, and pull the carved block three times. Go into the opening behind it and retrieve some magnum clips and a small medi pack (1-2). (screenshots)

Climb out of the trench, go to the second movable block on the ledge above, and pull it once. Now stand on top of the first block and pull the second block over it into the room (three times in all). Climb onto the block and jump to grab the edge of the carved pillar. Grab the crevice above, traverse to the right, and pull up into the opening. (screenshots)

Stay on the sandy ledge in the opening to kill the black panther (1) running around in the cave beyond. When it's dead, hop down, turn around, and climb onto the ledge above the opening to find another small medi pack (3) and magnum clips (4). (screenshots)

NOTE: If you didn't find the MAGNUMS earlier, you'll get them here instead of the clips.

OPEN AREA WITH SPHINX: Drop down and continue forward to the opening overlooking the sphinx. Take a standing jump up the slope onto the sandy hill between the two areas. Don't slide down the other side just yet. Kill your first mummy (2) from here. Then side down to the area at the base of the sphinx. (screenshot)

Take a little swim in the pool at the base of the carved pillar with the artifact receptacles. Retrieve 2 sets of magnum clips (5-6) from the bottom. (screenshot) Climb out of the water in the green area with the palm trees. Use the low step hidden in the foliage to reach the ledge above. Follow the ledge to the left, then take a running jump to grab the top of the carved pillar. Pull up and claim the shotgun shells (7). (screenshot)

NOTE: The 4 locks on the carved pillar are designed to accept specific artifacts; however, you won't actually find them in this level.

Drop down or take a running jump down onto the sphinx's paw. Stand on the movable block between its paws. (No need to move it yet.) Pull up onto the sphinx's chest, then walk around to the back of its head. Climb up and retrieve some more shotgun shells (8) and a SAPPHIRE KEY (9) in the little alcove above (plus a save crystal in New Game+). (screenshots) Return to the movable block and pull it out. Behind it you'll find a small door, with a lock that fits your SAPPHIRE KEY. (screenshots)

AREA BEHIND THE SPHINX: Enter and follow the hallway to a room with pharaoh statues flanking a narrow passage. Climb onto the first block on the right (actually the base of one of the tall statues) and pick up a small medi pack (10). Hop over to the next block on the same side of the aisle. Draw weapons and kill a panther (3) that emerges from between two of the statues ahead on the left. (screenshot)

NOTE: It's possible to take a shortcut here, using the corner bug, to skip most of the level. Details are included with this series of screenshots.

Hop across the remaining statues and enter the sloping hallway on the far right. Advance with weapons drawn until another panther (4) charges. Either backflip down the hall shooting or roll, run back into the statue room, climb onto one of the blocks and shoot from there. (screenshots)

OPEN AREA WITH POOL & CAT TEMPLE: Continue up the sloping hallway. When you emerge outside, go to the left and pass underneath an elevated walkway. Approach the edge overlooking a large room with a pool and a temple. (There's a save crystal just before the drop-off.) Kill the crocodile (5) from above. Then drop down and follow the long passageway below where you were just standing. At the end, you'll find a large medi pack (11). (screenshots) (Maybe you noticed it earlier from the other side of the bars.)

Exit the hallway and go to the ramp on the right. Run up the ramp, and when you see/hear the boulder begin to roll down from above, run or side flip off the ramp. Or, just hop up onto the ramp near the middle and run off the other side. (screenshots) (Tripping this trap now will help you avoid being flattened later when Lara drops from the roof.)

Now head for the northwest corner of the sandy area, beyond the CAT TEMPLE and to the right of where the boulder landed. Climb up as far as you can then take a standing jump up the sandy slope to land just to the right of the square pillar in the corner. Hop down into the dark depression to the right of the pillar. This is SECRET #1, a large medi pack and magnum clips (12-13). (screenshots)

NOTE: If you'd like to learn more about the Gayer-Anderson cat, the real-life inspiration for the statues found in this level, Tomb Raider Horizons publishes a fascinating series called "Arte-Factual," which covers art and artifacts from all the TR games.

POOL & TALL ROOM WITH MANY LEDGES: Climb out of the secret area, turn right, slide down the slope, and continue straight ahead toward the pool in the southwest corner. Jump in, turn around, and follow the underwater passage to a lever. Pull it to open the nearby door. Swim through and climb out of the water quickly. Kill the crocodile (6) in the pool from the ledge. Pull up onto the walkway above. (NG+ players will find a save crystal here.) Push the carved block twice toward the steps (east). Climb on top of the block, turn left, and walk to the edge. Take a standing jump to grab the ledge above and pull up. Enter the small room ahead. Go to the top of the stairs, turn around, and pull up through the opening in the ceiling. Use the switch there to extend a golden block above the pool in the other room. (screenshots)

Drop down and return to the TALL ROOM WITH MANY LEDGES. Step out to the edge of the ledge overlooking the first carved block. Hop back once, then take a standing jump down onto the block. Hop down on the right side of the block and push it twice more toward the steps. Go around to the right side and pull it once. Then climb over it and push it once more to the end of the walkway. Take a running jump from the top of the block to grab the ledge next to the second movable block. Pull up and push this block once to reveal an opening. There's a mummy (7) waiting inside. To prevent it from shoving Lara off the ledge, immediately hop back several times, grab the end of the ledge, and drop to the ledge below. Climb onto the first movable block to shoot the mummy from safety. Then take a running jump to grab the ledge near the doorway, pull up, and go inside. (screenshots)

NOTE: Alternatively, if you feel compelled to prove your womanhood, after pushing the block out of the doorway, draw weapons and run/jump past the mummy into the room, firing as soon as Lara gets a lock on it. Roll and shoot, jumping/flipping out of the way if necessary, so it doesn't pin Lara against the wall. (screenshots)

Throw the switch to open the trapdoor above the golden block. (You can also get a glimpse into the next room through the window opposite the switch. There's another SAPPHIRE KEY on the pedestal below.) Return to the walkway above the pool, push the second movable block once more, and climb onto it. Take a running jump onto the golden block, then pull up into the room above. Use the switch at the top of the low steps to open the trapdoor entrance to the CAT TEMPLE, below. (screenshots)

ROCKY LEDGES ABOVE THE CAT TEMPLE: Step out into the opening overlooking the main area. Jump to the L-shaped ledge on the left. Walk to the far end of the L-shaped ledge and take a running jump to the slightly sloped stone ledge beyond. Turn right and walk to the base of the rough stone pillar to find a set of magnum clips (14). Turn around and walk back along the lower part of the ledge. Step off the edge onto the long slope and slide down to the flat ledge below. Pick up a small medi pack (15). (screenshots)

Now turn so the long slope you just slid down is on Lara's right and the CAT TEMPLE is off to her left. Notice the stone overhang jutting out toward the temple. That's where you're headed. Walk to the corner of the ledge nearest that overhang. Take a running jump to land on the slightly angled middle block of that stone overhang. Kill another crocodile (8) that emerges below. Then take a running jump onto the roof of the temple (i.e., the aqua-colored roof with the 4 angled blocks). Pick up the magnum clips (16). (screenshots)

Climb onto the angled block at the front right corner of the roof. Ahead, on top of the doorway with the stone ramp below and the silver )O( ornament above, is SECRET #2. To get there, walk to the upper right corner of the angled block. Use Look and adjust Lara's angle so she's squarely facing the silver ornament in the room above. Then hop back and take a running jump to land on the ledge above the ramp. The secret chime sounds when you do. Pick up the Uzi clips (17). Then safety drop onto the ramp. You did trip that boulder earlier, right? If not, jump to the side immediately, or it's Croftcakes for breakfast. Alternatively, drop from the left end of the ledge to avoid losing health from the fall. (screenshots)

NOTE: The )O( symbol is generally associated with the Egyptian goddess Hathor, who is often depicted as a human woman wearing a headdress of cow horns with a sun disk.

INSIDE THE CAT TEMPLE: Go to the temple and drop down onto the blue block below the front left corner of the trapdoor opening. From there, drop to the floor. The alcove in the northwest corner near the sand-colored tile is a trap. If Lara climbs down here, the ledge turns into a slope, dropping her into a spike pit. If you fall in and manage to survive, climb the blocks on the side away from the slope to get out. (screenshots)

Proceed through the other (south) doorway, pick up the magnum clips (18) in the alcove and drop down through the opening in the floor. Go around to the left and pull the switch in the alcove to open the trapdoor above, letting in some light. (There's also a save crystal here in NG+.) (screenshots)

Now you can see, and kill, 2 panthers (9-10) in the room below. For a better shot, hop down onto the long, narrow ledge below. When the live cats are dead, get the magnum clips (19) in the alcove behind the cat statue. Then return to the other end of the ledge. Save the game if possible because this next jump can be tricky. You're aiming to grab the edge of the platform to the left of the central pillar. If you're using classic tank controls, take a few moments to set it up this way and you'll never miss: Turn around so Lara's back is toward the open room, hop back, and grab the edge. Then pull up. Without stepping forward, roll, then take the running jump. Lara should be able to grab the ledge easily. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you don't set up the jump this way and Lara misses the grab, you'll need to fight the next 2 panthers up close or reload and try again. If you've already fallen and saved the game down below, no worries. Check the alternate strategy in the footnote.

When you pull up onto the center platform, two doors open below, releasing 4 more panthers (11-14). Kill them with pistols from above. You may find it easier to target them from the wooden bridge or the carved block below it. (Of course, if you like conflict, you can instead drop down to the floor after collecting the magnum ammo and go to town.) (screenshots)

When you've dealt with the panthers, go around to the northwest corner of the central platform (i.e., the corner diagonally opposite the wooden bridge). Take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge with the cat statue ahead on the left. Pull up and climb into the alcove behind the statue for SECRET #3, a box of shotgun shells (20). (screenshots)

Drop to the floor and retrieve a small and a large medi pack (21-22) from the dead-end passageways where the panthers came from. Climb up on the carved block against the south wall and from there to the ledge above, where the wooden bridge is anchored. The exit is here. (screenshots)

LARGE, SANDY ROOM WITH MUMMY: Follow the serpentine passageway to the next room. At the end, you'll meet a mummy (15). If you'd rather not fight this wicked little critter up close, follow the passageway just far enough to trigger it, roll, and run back to the previous room and onto the wooden bridge. The mummy won't follow Lara onto the bridge, so you can shoot it from there. If the mummy retreats into the passageway, you'll need to step onto the solid ledge in front of the doorway to get its attention, then hop back and continue shooting. Repeat this until it explodes. Then follow the passageway to the end. (screenshots)

Alternatively, follow the passageway into the sandy room with the mummy, run/jump past it into the open room, and fight. (screenshots) If it gets Lara cornered in the narrow hallway, she'll take a lot more damage. If you have shells to spare, use the shotgun. (Three clean shots at close range will take the mummy down.) Otherwise, just keep firing, jump and roll as needed, and don't hesitate to pause the game and use a medi pack.

SAPPHIRE KEY ROOM: When the mummy explodes, climb into the raised doorway in the southwest corner—the only other accessible opening out of this room. (screenshot) Follow the passage to the room above. Here you'll find the SECOND SAPPHIRE KEY (23) on a golden block. Take the key and climb to the exit at the top of the sand pile. (screenshot) Here you'll emerge at the top of the room with the pharaoh statues, where you were earlier. Hop across the small ledges, pick up the magnum clips (24), then jump across the room and climb into the alcove with the switch. (screenshots) Use it to open a trapdoor, dumping a load of sand into the previous room.

NOTE: If you fall off the ledges into the room below, either reload or use the corner bug to get back up to the ledge with the switch, in order to avoid the long trek back to this point. The page describing the shortcut at the beginning of the level shows how.

LEVEL EXIT: Return across the small ledges to the opening above the SAPPHIRE KEY ROOM. Approach the opening cautiously. It's a long way down. To avoid injury, safety drop onto the slope below the opening and slide down. Then turn around and go up the slope just to the right of the one you came down. (screenshots) At the top is a room with gold doors. Use the SAPPHIRE KEY to open them and exit the level.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 3/24/24 - First major update for the Remastered version. Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider I-III Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the original guide.
5/9/24 - Updated tactics for Inside the Cat Temple and Large, Sandy Room with Mummy. Thanks to Alexandre and and auron402 for the suggestions.

DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)

ALTERNATIVE STRATEGY FOR PANTHER ROOM: If you're having trouble with the running jump and grab from the ledge near the entrance to the center platform, try this instead. After killing the first 2 panthers (9-10) and retrieving the magnum ammo (19), drop down to the floor and roll to face into the room. The door on the right opens as you approach, and 2 more panthers (11-12) emerge. Keep moving and shooting, or run and climb up on the carved block on the far side of the room, then shoot the cats from above. Climb from the carved block onto the ledge above. Cross the wooden bridge to the central platform. Another 2 panthers (13-14) come out of the second door below. Shoot them from above or drop back down onto the carved block to do it. When the panthers are dead, return to the platform around the central pillar. Pick up the main walkthrough just before secret #3. Get the shotgun shell secret (20) and the 2 medi packs (21-22) in the dead-end alcoves at floor level. Then proceed to the exit.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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