City of Khamoon - Inside the Cat Temple - Secret #3

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After opening the entrance to the CAT TEMPLE (here) and retrieving secret #2 (here), head for the temple and drop down onto the blue block below the front left corner of the trapdoor opening. From there, drop to the floor.

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The alcove in the northwest corner near the sand-colored tile is a trap. If Lara climbs down here, the ledge turns into a slope, dropping her into a spike pit. If you fall in and manage to survive, climb the blocks on the side away from the slope to get out. Proceed through the other (south) doorway.

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Pick up the magnum clips (18) in the alcove and drop down through the opening in the floor.

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Go around to the left and pull the switch in the alcove to open the trapdoor above, letting in some light. (There's also a save crystal here in NG+.).

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Now you can see, and kill, 2 panthers (9-10) in the room below. For a better shot, hop down onto the long, narrow ledge below.

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When the live cats are dead, turn around and retrieve the magnum clips (19) in the alcove behind the cat statue.

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Then return to the other end of the ledge. Save the game if possible because this next jump can be tricky. You're aiming to grab the edge of the platform to the left of the central pillar.

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If you're using classic tank controls, take a few moments to set it up this way and you'll never miss: Turn around so Lara's back is toward the open room, hop back, and grab the edge. Then pull up.

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Without stepping forward, roll...

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...then take the running jump. Lara should be able to grab the ledge easily.

NOTE: If you don't set up the jump this way and Lara misses the grab, you'll need to fight the next 2 panthers up close or reload and try again. If you've already fallen and saved the game down below, no worries. Check the alternate strategy in the footnote following the main walkthrough.

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When you pull up onto the center platform, two doors open below, releasing 4 more panthers (11-14). Kill them with pistols from above. You may find it easier to target them from the wooden bridge or the carved block below it. (Of course, if you like conflict, you can instead drop down to the floor after collecting the magnum ammo and go to town.)

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When you've dealt with the panthers, go around to the northwest corner of the central platform (i.e., the corner diagonally opposite the wooden bridge). Take a running jump to grab the edge of the ledge with the cat statue ahead on the left. Pull up and climb into the alcove behind the statue for SECRET #3, a box of shotgun shells (20).

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Drop to the floor and retrieve a large medi pack (21)...

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...and a small medi pack (22) from the dead-end passageways where the panthers came from.

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Climb up on the carved block against the south wall and from there to the ledge above, where the wooden bridge is anchored. The exit is here.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)