Updated: 1/10/15(†)
Challenges: None
Rings: None
Amulets: None
Weapons: Flamethrower
Follow this link for a complete list of collectibles and their powers/effects. See here for PlayStation Trophies and Steam/Xbox One Achievements.
NOTE: In the walkthrough for the first level I attempted to note the location of every gem, breakable urn, etc. In subsequent levels, I haven't mentioned them all in order to save space. Points don't matter in this level since there are no challenges, but you should still pick up as many gems as possible.
LEVEL ENTRANCE: The entrance to this area is located in the northwest corner of the Shrine of Osiris part of the Overworld. It is only accessible during rainy weather when the spike pits are flooded. For details see the Shrine of Osiris - fifth visit walkthrough. It is also marked on the in-game map. (screenshot)
STARTING AREA: Jump across the gap at the bottom of the stairs and pick up the FLAMETHROWER. About time! (screenshot) A swarm of poison scarabs appears, providing a nice opportunity to test your new gear. (screenshot) When you've killed them all, a giant eyeball emerges from the floor. Destroy it with a remote bomb to turn off the poison vent on the right so you can continue downstairs. (screenshot)
HIGH LEDGE WITH POISON VENTS (Single-Player Game): As you approach, another eyeball appears on the ledge above and the poison vents on the wall activate. Also notice the metal cage near the gate ahead on the right. You must now find a ball for that cage in order to open the gate.
In the single-player game, there is a grapple ring high above and an Eye of Horus switch down at ground level. Shoot the switch to flip it from red to green and turn off the lower set of poison vents beneath the grapple ring. Plant a remote bomb near the switch. Then grapple the ring and climb up until Lara is hanging between the two rows of poison vent. Detonate the bomb to turn off the vents above, while simultaneously turning the ones below back on. Now you can climb up the rest of the way. Destroy the eyeball with another remote bomb to deactivate the poison vents on the floor to the left. (screenshots)
Go around the corner to find a second switch and grapple ring. Shoot the switch to turn off the poison vents near the corner or the ledge. Plant a remote bomb near the switch. Grapple the ring and move to the right so Lara is standing just above the vents you just turned off. As you jump back off the ledge detonate the bomb to flip the switch, turning the horizontal vents back on and simultaneously turning off the vertical ones below. Now you can swing over to the left and drop onto the square pressure pad. Stepping on the pad turns off one set of poison vents on the ledge above and turns on the vents near the glowing sphere. Another giant eyeball appears on the ledge above. (screenshots)
Go up the stairs on the left. If you like, you can shoot the eyeballs on the columns, but this doesn't yield points or gems, just some viscous, green goo. Use a remote bomb to destroy the giant eyeball sticking out of the floor. Doing so turns off the poison vents near the glowing sphere and extends a bridge back to the starting area. Go back downstairs and roll the ball across the bridge. When you reach the area where you found the flamethrower earlier, another swarm of scarabs attacks. Deal with them. Then roll the ball past the first switch and into the round cage to open the gate next to it. (screenshots)
HIGH LEDGE WITH POISON VENTS (Co-Op Game): In the co-op game, instead of a switch, there is a pressure pad on the lower level. Have one player stand on it to deactivate some of the poison vents on the wall so the other can use the grapple ring to climb onto the ledge above. That player can then use a remote bomb to destroy the giant eyeball. This turns off the poison vents on the walkway but not the ones on the wall below. (screenshots)
In the 2-player game, have the character holding the grapple move to the left end of the ledge and grapple the character down below. The poison vents will re-activate, but the character below can then climb the cable so he or she is hanging between the two rows of vents. Both characters should then move carefully to the right so the one hanging moves along the wall between the two rows of vents. When they reach the right end of the ledge, the character below can then climb up the rest of the way. (screenshots)
If you're playing with 3 or 4 people, have one character remain on the pressure pad while the others use the grapple cable to climb onto the ledge. Then, to get the last character up, use the 2-player method described above. (screenshots)
Go around the corner to find a second switch. Shoot it to toggle the poison vents down below so the one just below the edge of the walkway is off. Plant a remote bomb near the switch. Then have one character grapple another so they can step off the ledge and hang below the vents you just turned off. Then detonate the remote bomb to flip the switch. (If you're playing with 3 or 4 characters, you can have one of the others can shoot the switch instead.) This once again toggles the poison vents below. Now the character standing on the ledge can move carefully to the left, as the one hanging from the cable moves to the left, past the deactivated vent, up a little, and then farther to the left, until he or she can drop onto the square pressure pad. Stepping on the pad turns off one set of poison vents on the ledge above and also turns on the vents near the glowing sphere. Another giant eyeball appears on the ledge above. Destroy the eyeball with a remote bomb in order to turn off the poison vents near the glowing sphere and extend a bridge back to the starting area. (screenshots)
Go back downstairs and roll the ball across the bridge. When you reach the area where you found the flamethrower earlier, another swarm of scarabs attacks. Deal with them. Then roll the ball past the pressure pad and into the round cage to open the gate next to it. (screenshots)
ORACLE "BOSS" FIGHT: Before going through the gate, you may want to equip items that increase bomb power, bomb reload, speed, poison resistance, and/or fire resistance. As you enter the arena, the gate closes behind you, a brief cutscene plays, and a GIANT MECHANICAL EYEBALL emerges from the floor. Throughout this battle, the eyeball will sink into the sand then pop up elsewhere scattering poison orbs in all directions. Try to avoid these orbs, especially if you don't have poison resistance yet. Each time the eyeball appears, move in quickly, plant a remote bomb close to it, get out of the way, and then detonate the bomb before the eye disappears again. Each successful strike chips away at its health bar. (screenshots)
When you've damaged the eyeball by about a third, swarms of regular and giant scarabs, including poisonous and flaming varieties, emerge from the vents around the perimeter. You'll need to fight them while continuing to avoid the poison orbs and bomb the eyeball itself. The flamethrower kills scarabs fairly quickly, but it also allows them to get close before you torch them, so you may suffer some poison and/or fire damage in the process. Fortunately some of the bugs leave behind health packs, ammo, and/or gems. (screenshots)
In addition to the scarabs, the watching eyes along the walls will wake up and begin shooting smaller poison orbs, which you'll need to dodge as well. You can shoot the eyes on the wall, but it's more important to concentrate on the main eye. If you can lure the scarabs near the eyeball, you may be able to use your bombs to damage both the bugs and the boss. (screenshots)
This fight is the same in single-player and co-op, though things get a bit more chaotic since more enemies seem to appear the more players there are. Keep moving, dodging the poison orbs, fighting the bugs, and bombing the eyeball, and before long you'll destroy it. When it explodes, so do the smaller eyes mounted on the wall. The giant eye leaves behind a hail of gems and the SHAPELY LEFT LEG OF OSIRIS. (screenshots)
You also receive a new Objective: Return to Osiris's Shrine and Banish the Rain. Go back to the stairs in the lower corner of the tomb and return outside.
NOTE: There are no challenges in this level, but should you feel like replaying it anyway, just re-enter it from the Overworld and everything inside will have been reset.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/10/15 - First draft of walkthrough posted.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to my co-op crew, Alonzorion (Isis), NathPlays (Lara), and ShotgunJen (Horus), and to Treeble for general support and advice. Thanks also to TheJollyMage for the 2-player screenshots. So far I've only played single- and 4-player versions.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at tombraiders.net/stella/community.html. If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
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Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.