Oracle's Chamber - High Ledge With Poison Vents and Grapple Rings
Single-Player Version (Part 2)

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Go up the stairs on the left.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
If you like, you can shoot the eyeballs on the columns, but this doesn't yield points or gems, just some viscous, green goo.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Use a remote bomb to destroy the giant eyeball sticking out of the floor.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Doing so turns off the poison vents near the glowing sphere and extends a bridge back to the starting area.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Go back downstairs and roll the ball across the bridge.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
When you reach the area where you found the flamethrower earlier, another swarm of scarabs attacks. Deal with them.

Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris screenshot
Then roll the ball past the first switch and into the round cage to open the gate next to it.

[Part 1 | Return to the Oracle's Chamber Walkthrough]