Stella's Tomb Raider Anniversary Walkthrough - Windows PC, Macintosh, PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii

IMPORTANT NOTE ON SAVING & CHECKPOINTS: Checkpoints are the spots in each level where the game auto-saves. These are noted in blue and numbered in the walkthrough text to correspond with PC, Macintosh, PSP & Wii savegame files available for download. (Please note that the number and location of checkpoints vary slightly for the Nintendo Wii game.) Although it is also possible to save manually, the save system in Anniversary is very different from the older Tomb Raider games and differs in several ways from the TR Legend save system. Please see the Anniversary Controls page for details. This may save you a great deal of frustration as you make your way through Lara's latest adventure.

DESIGNERS' COMMENTARY: The commentary tracks are unlocked after completing each chapter (i.e., Croft Manor, Peru, Greece, Egypt and Lost Island). For details, see the Rewards page. You'll also find full transcripts of the commentaries here. (Many thanks to Treeble for these.)


Updated: 3/6/11()

Kills: 24  Supplies: 36 (37)*
Artifacts:Relics:Rubbing Rewards: 5(**)
Time Trial: 20:30(***)

NOTE: A number of players have experienced a minor bug at the start of this level, in which the manual grab function is turned on automatically. If you find that Lara is not grabbing onto ledges and objects the way she should, go to the Options menu, select Controls, then make sure Manual Grab is set to Off. (You may need to set it to On, play for a moment and then reset it to Off.) That should solve the problem.

SANDY TUNNEL: The starting area is unremarkable in most versions of the game. In the Nintendo Wii game, there's a small opening straight ahead that leads into a dark room with a cage containing a model of a sphinx and pyramid, along with various other buildings—perhaps part of the complex which Lara is exploring now. It reminded me of the map room in Raiders of the Lost Ark. As far as I know, there's nothing useful here, but it is interesting. On the opposite side of the sandy passage is a dirt-encrusted panel concealing RUBBING REWARD #1 (4/12), "Beheading Ra." Brush off the dust and make the rubbing to add to Lara's collection. Then continue along the tunnel.

SUNKEN ROOM WITH BREAKAWAY PILLARS: From CHECKPOINT 1 at the start of the level, follow the sandy passage to a ledge above a square room. Drop down to the floor and CHECKPOINT 2. Find the movable block in one corner, pull it out of the alcove and go behind it to find a small medipack and shotgun ammo. Use your grapple to pull down the 2 tall pillars in the corners, leaving the flat, square ledges that formed the pillars' bases and a big chunk of carved stone on the left. Doing this triggers CHECKPOINT 3.

Use that chunk of stone to climb into the alcove above, where you'll find another small medipack. Grab the handhold on the left side of the alcove. Climb around the corner to the left and jump to grab the handhold on the next wall. Jump up twice and then climb to the left again. Jump to grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump to the angled pillar ahead. Slide almost to the bottom of the slope and then jump to grab the corner ledge ahead. (This was the base of one of the pillars you pulled down.)

The ledge's rough top prevents you from pulling up, so climb around to the left. Jump back to grab the horizontal pole, swing and jump to the next pole and from there to the other corner ledge. Pull up, grab the crack on the wall and jump up to grab the higher crack. Climb to the right, jump and grab the edge of the large opening and pull up near CHECKPOINT 4.

CORRIDOR WITH SCARAB SWITCHES: Head forward to a switch in the shape of a scarab beetle. Grab the switch and before it can descend too far, jump up to grab the ledge above. Pull up and continue to a shallow pit. Slide down the ramp on the right side of the pit and jump to grab the horizontal bar. Move to the middle of the bar and then swing, jump and grab the scarab switch. Quickly jump up to grab the ledge above. If you don't make it in time, return to the other side of the pit, climb out and try again. Once you've made it to the other side, follow the hallway to CHECKPOINT 5.

In the Wii game the passageway between the second scarab switch and CHECKPOINT 5 is dark and rubble strewn, but there's no danger. There is, however, a pickup that isn't in the other versions of the game. As soon as you pull up into the hallway, turn on the flashlight and look straight ahead for a small opening at floor level. Roll through and pick up a small medipak. Then roll back out into the dark hallway and continue to the end.

ROOM WITH SLOPE & PANTHER: The next room has a slope in the entrance. Once you slide down, you can't get back out the same way. There's a black panther lurking below. If you'd rather not slide down and confront it directly, you can step to the left and inch forward to the edge above the slope to get the cat's attention. Then you should be able to shoot it from above. If you try to slide down and run for the opposite ledge, the panther may lunge at Lara, pulling her down before she can climb up. When the panther is dead, pick up the shotgun shells on the left side of the slope when facing it.

You'll also find RUBBING REWARD #2 (5/12), titled "The Lion's Den," here in the Wii game. Face the opening leading outdoors. Turn left and scrutinize the wall. Find the rough patch and use the trowel tool to chip away the loose stone. Then make a rubbing of the cartouche.

Climb into the opening that leads outside but don't slide down yet. Instead grab the handhold on the left side of the opening and climb to the left as far as you can. Jump to grab the next handhold. Pull up into the low opening above. Lara will crouch automatically, so just move to the left. When she straightens up, step forward and grab the handhold ahead. Head to the left, climbing, traversing, then climbing again until you can pull up onto the ledge above the entrance. The secret chime sounds, but there's no artifact, just a large medipack. Get it, drop down, and climb back into the opening that leads outdoors. Slide into the open area below.

In this next cut scene Lara surveys the area. On the other side of the pool, guarding the door at the base of a large sphinx, she spots an unusual creature—some sort of bipedal cat made of flesh held together with rotting bandages. As she tries to make sense of what she's seeing, she hears a noise to her right. Turning cautiously she spots another mummy just a few feet away. It notices her too.

OPEN AREA WITH OBELISK, POOL AND SPHINXES: When the cut scene ends, the 2 cat mummies attack. They're fast, they're agile and they throw fireballs, so keep moving. Like the live panthers, they'll try to swipe at Lara and knock her down. If that happens, tap jump to get back on your feet. I definitely recommend pistols over the shotgun here. The shotgun is better at close range, where you definitely do not want to be with these guys. Use the 50-caliber pistols if you have enough ammo; otherwise use normal pistols. Move in wide circles to avoid the fireballs and keep your distance from the mummies themselves. Note that the island in the middle of the pool is not actually an island, and the mummies will cross the walkway to reach Lara. They'll also use fireballs to knock her off the columns if she tries to climb up and get away.

If you're having trouble defeating them, you may want to try an alternate strategy: Run to the small pool and jump into the water. Surface and watch the mummies' movements. If you swim to one side of the pool and wait, they'll generally approach that edge. Then you can swim to the opposite edge, climb out of the water and squeeze off a few shots before they approach or start throwing fire. Repeat this, moving from one side of the pool to another, until you've destroyed both mummies. (Thanks to Niyaz for this tip.)

When the coast is clear, go after a few pickups: 50-caliber ammo at the base of the ramp, shotgun shells in the far left corner (left when Lara's back is to the ramp), a small medipack behind the column to the right of the sphinx with the broken face, and another small medipack on the bottom of the pool.

To open the exit, you'll need to reach a switch on the back of the sphinx whose face is still intact. Begin by climbing the two columns in the corner to the left of that sphinx to reach the ledge above (as shown in this screenshot). This is CHECKPOINT 6.

ARTIFACT #1: Take a running jump to grab the slightly higher ledge on the left. Pull up and shoot the button to extend a horizontal pole. It retracts into the wall after a few seconds, so immediately jump to grab it and swing over to the next ledge. Pick up the 50-caliber clips, go to the end of the ledge and turn left. Take a running jump to the top of the round column. Jump down to the top of the broken column ahead. Then turn right and take another running jump to the small ledge below the ladder on the wall beside the sphinx. Climb to the top and jump to the left to land on top of the sphinx. Vault into the alcove behind the sphinx and climb up into the raised opening on the right (outlined in this screenshot), where you'll find ARTIFACT #1 (27/44). Hop back down into the alcove behind the sphinx.

In the Nintendo Wii game, you'll also find the clue you'll need to solve the next puzzle here. On the wall directly behind the sphinx is a rough spot on the wall. Use the trowel to reveal the cartouche underneath and then make a rubbing of the three symbols: The Eye of Horus, a pair of reeds and a serpent.

OPENING THE EXIT: Return to the top of the sphinx and turn right. Take a running jump and grapple the metal ring above. Swing and jump to the top of the column ahead. Then take a running jump to the corner ledge. Go forward to the wall, turn left and take a running jump off the edge. Grapple the first metal ring on the wall above. Wall run back and forth to build momentum. Then jump and grapple the second ring. Wall run once more and jump to land on or grab the next ledge. Go to the end of the ledge, turn right and take a running jump to land on the slope near the wall. Slide down behind the sphinx.

Turn around and duck or roll into the space below the slope to find a large medipack. Roll back out, go to the back of the sphinx and use the switch to open the door below on the front of this sphinx and trigger CHECKPOINT 7.

In the Wii game this switch is a cryptex puzzle. Use the clue you found behind the first sphinx to solve it: Turn the top cylinder once to the right. Then turn the bottom cylinder twice to the left. Now all three symbols should match the ones on the cartouche, and the door on the front of the sphinx should open.

Go to the far side of the ledge behind the sphinx, slide down the short slope and drop to the ground.

INSIDE THE SPHINX – ROOM WITH PHARAOH STATUES: Go through the doorway you just opened in the base of the sphinx and follow the twisting passageway to CHECKPOINT 8. The long, rectangular room ahead contains two cages with panthers inside. (They can't get out yet.) The room is lined on both sides with statues of seated figures holding flat tablets, each of which forms a ledge. There's an open cage containing 2 more panthers at the far end of the room beyond the statues. To shoot them from safety, climb onto the chunk of rock just to the right of the entrance and jump to grab the first ledge. Pull up and jump from ledge to ledge along the right side of the room. About halfway along, you should be able to target the panthers from above.

When the panthers are dead, drop down to the floor and head for the far end of the room. (In the Wii game, there's an extra large medipak here.) Pull the switch next to the open cage door. This moves the pharaoh statues together temporarily and also opens the cage doors near the entrance, releasing the first 2 panthers. Try to shoot them before they reach Lara. If you don't run forward between the statues, they should approach one at a time. As you fight, the statues will gradually move back into their original positions. When both cats are dead, head back toward the entrance and enter the cage on the right to get a small medipack. Then return to the switch.

Pull the switch once more. As the statues move together, run between them back toward the entrance. Climb onto the chunk of rock, which is now on the left, and jump to grab the ledge on the first statue. Quickly pull up, tap the HUD key if necessary to center the camera behind Lara, then run across the ledge and jump to grab the next one on the right side of the aisle. Pull up, turn left and take a running jump across the center aisle to the middle ledge on the other side. At this point you can stop hurrying, since you'll be able to reach the next ledge even after it retracts. Take a running jump to grab it. Then, if the statue hasn't retracted all the way, wait for that to happen. (These screenshots show the entire sequence from the timed run across the ledges to the exit.)

Take a running jump off the ledge and grapple the metal ring on the wall above. Wall run, jump and grab the handhold near the corner. Drop down to the handhold below and climb to the right. Jump to grab the top of the cage door and immediately jump up to grab the stone lintel above before the cage door descends too far. If you don't make it, you must repeat the whole timed run to get back to this point. Once Lara is hanging above the doorway, climb to the right and jump to grab the next narrow ledge. Climb around the corner and continue until you can pull up in the doorway at CHECKPOINT 9.

Follow the hallway to a slope. Slide down into the pit and kill 3 rats. Then pull the square block out of the alcove next to the ramp. Pick up a small medipack in the space behind the block. Now pull/push the block to the far end of the pit and position it next to the small pile of rubble. Pick up another small medipack on the ground and then climb onto the block to reach the rim of the pit.

Continue along the passageway to another shallow pit. If you need shotgun ammo, slide down into the pit and get some. Then use the handholds beside the slope to climb back out. The first horizontal pole above the pit extends and retracts every few seconds. Wait for it to extend, take a running jump to grab it, swing around only once and then jump to grab the long horizontal bar ahead. Move to the middle of the bar, swing around, jump and grab the scarab switch on the far side of the pit. It's a long jump, and Lara will catch on with only one hand. So immediately press Interact then quickly jump up to grab the rim of the pit before the switch descends too far. If you're not fast enough, let go of the switch, wait for it to rise just a little bit and then jump up to grab it, and quickly jump up to grab the rim. If that doesn't work, return to the other side of the pit, climb out using the handholds on the right and try the whole sequence again.

OUTDOOR AREA WITH CAT TEMPLE: CHECKPOINT 10 is just beyond the pit. Continue from there to another open area. You can't see it from above, but there's a crocodile lurking in a small passage just below the entrance. A second croc will approach from the far left corner if you drop down. You may want to draw out the first crocodile by hanging from the doorway and traversing to either side. It should then emerge and you can pull up and shoot it from above. Alternatively, leap forward off the edge, run to the right and jump up into one of the alcoves where the crocodile can't reach Lara. Shoot it from there. Then hop down, approach the pool to draw out the second croc and run back to the alcove to kill it.

When both crocs are dead, go into the tunnel from which the first one emerged. At the end is a small medipack. In the far left corner, behind the three painted columns is a raised alcove containing another small medipack and some shotgun shells. The secret chime sounds here as well.

Jump in the pool and swim down through the opening at the bottom. Pull the lever to open the gate on the left. It closes after a few seconds, so swim through quickly and surface, but don't climb out of the water yet.

ROOM WITH RETRACTING LEDGES: First swim to the far right corner of the room. There's a large medipack in a niche at the bottom of the outer corner of the square walkway. Get it and climb out on the ledge to trigger CHECKPOINT 11. Now you must make your way to the door high above the walkway. (This sequence is shown in a series of screenshots.)

Face the scarab switch on the wall and take a running jump to grab it. Quickly jump up to grab the handhold above before the switch sinks too low. Climb to the right and jump to grab the ledge beyond. This ledge starts to retract into the wall as soon as Lara grabs it. So quickly pull up onto it (it may help to tap the HUD key in order to center the camera behind Lara first), and run forward, veering a little bit to the right toward the scarab switch on the wall ahead. Taking running jumps instead of just running keeps the ledge from retracting too quickly, since it doesn't move unless Lara's weight is on it. Try to time your running jumps so Lara takes off at the edge of the ledge. Then hold down the Jump key to keep Lara in the air a little longer and try to grab the scarab switch on the wall ahead. If Lara misses the switch, she may still land on the retracting ledge that runs along the wall below it. If so, try and jump up to grab the scarab switch before the ledge retracts. (It's much easier to do this on either side of the switch, where the wings are, than in the middle where the beetle's body protrudes.) When you manage to grab the switch, quickly jump up to grab the handhold above before the scarab sinks too low. Then climb to the right and jump to grab the doorsill. Pull up.

NOTE: Special thanks to Ivan and Kim for pointing out this shortcut. I found it much easier than the longer sequence I had initially suggested for this section. If you have trouble with the method described above you might want to try the original strategy, which is included on a separate page.

SIDE ROOM WITH VERTICAL POLES: In the Nintendo Wii game, this room contains RUBBING REWARD #3 (6/12), "The Archer." It's on the wall just opposite the entrance. Use the brush to dust off the carving then take the rubbing with the paper and charcoal.

Drop down on the right side of the ledge to get a small medipack. Climb back up and jump to grab the short vertical pole. Climb to the top of the pole, jump to grab the scarab switch and quickly jump up to grab the handhold above and then up once more. From this higher handhold, jump back to perch on top of the vertical pole you just climbed. Move the camera behind Lara and jump forward to grab the longer vertical pole that extends from the ceiling. Climb as high as you can and jump into the barred window on the right. Pick up a large medipack and 50-caliber clips.

NOTE: In this area I encountered a potentially useful bug in the Wii game. There's an extra checkpoint in the barred window with the medipak and ammo (above). When I saved and reloaded here—or killed Lara to force a reload—the game resumed with Lara at the checkpoint on the other side of the bars. I was then able to skip straight to the section with the drawbridge (below). I don't know if this happens every time, but it might be useful in a time trial.

Jump from where the medipack was back to the long vertical pole. Climb to the top again and this time jump into the opposite alcove. Pick up more 50-caliber clips and use the switch to retract one of the ledges in the previous room, dropping a stone block onto the ledge below.

In the Wii game, this switch is another cryptex puzzle. The clue is carved on the left wall. Use the paper and charcoal to record the symbols: reeds, Eye of Horus, scarab (from top to bottom). To solve the puzzle, turn the bottom cylinder once to the left. Turn the top cylinder once to the right. Then turn the middle cylinder once to the right.

Jump back to the long vertical pole, slide down (Back/Down key or Down on control stick) and jump onto the center ledge. CHECKPOINT 12 registers in the doorway.

ROOM WITH RETRACTING LEDGES (again): Drop down onto the ledge below. The weight of the block keeps it from retracting so you can move freely. Just try not to fall off the ledge. If you fall and Lara lives, you can either save and reload or climb back up using the first scarab switch.

Push the movable block across the walkway to the other side of the room and then to the right. Position it near the edge of the ledge, climb on top of it and jump to grab the lower handhold on the wall ahead. Jump up to the higher one and then jump back to grab the edge of the retracting ledge behind. It immediately starts to slide into the wall, leaving a gap between the two sections that jut farther into the room. So pull up, run along the first section, jump to the second section and almost immediately jump to grab the scarab switch on the wall ahead. Quickly jump to the handhold above and take a few deep breaths. When you're ready to move on, jump to grab the scarab switch to the right and quickly jump to the handhold above. (These screenshots show the whole sequence.)

Once Lara is hanging from the handhold above the second switch, climb to the left as far as you can, then jump to the next handhold. Climb in toward the corner and jump back to grab the horizontal pole. Swing around, jump to grab the windowsill ahead and pull up. This is the other side of the same barred window where you found the large medipack and clips earlier.

Turn to face out over the room. Notice the two metal rings: one on the ceiling, one on the far wall. Stand with Lara's back toward the barred opening just a step or so away from the edge of the ledge overlooking the room. Grapple the second ring—Lara should do this automatically, but you can use manual aim if necessary—and pull to lower a drawbridge-style ledge. Keep pulling on the cable until the ledge comes all the way down. Then detach the cable and quickly jump forward off the ledge, grapple the ring on the ceiling, swing forward and immediatlely jump onto the trapdoor before it closes. You won't have time to swing back and forth first. So, if you can't jump on the first try, turn around and swing back to the ledge and try again. (Check these screenshots if you need a visual aid.)

In the little room beyond the drawbridge there's another switch. Pull this to lower the drawbridge-style ledge permanently and open the trapdoor in the ceiling of the ROOM WITH RETRACTING LEDGES. This also triggers CHECKPOINT 13.

Step out onto the ledge and scrutinize the open trapdoor. The panel on the left has a broken crosspiece, so jump and grab the one on the right. (This screenshot shows where to grab.) Jump straight up to grab the top of the door panel. The ledge above is broken, so Lara won't grab onto it. Instead jump back to grab the horizontal bar across the opening. Swing and jump to grab the top of the other door panel. The edge of the opening on this side is intact, so jump up to grab it and pull up.

HIGH ABOVE THE CAT TEMPLE: Pull the switch to open the trapdoor surrounding the cat statue in the temple below. Then step into the doorway to trigger CHECKPOINT 14.

IMPORTANT: While not technically a bug, there's a minor design flaw here that I think warrants special emphasis. Because standing in the doorway—not using the switch—triggers CHECKPOINT 14 (at least in the PC version), it is possible to autosave before using the switch. If Lara dies before the next checkpoint and the game reloads, you must then remember to pull the switch again. Otherwise you'll get all the way to the temple only to find that you can't get in. If this happens, save the game manually and reload. If you previously reached the artifact, you'll still have it and won't have to redo that part. Instead just take a running jump into the pool and continue from there.

Using the switch also causes 2 crocodiles to appear in the area below. If you step out on the ledge overlooking the pool, you can shoot both crocs from above using manual aim. The targeting reticle will be gray instead of red (as shown in this screenshot), but you can still kill them from this distance using basic pistols with unlimited ammo.

NOTE: If you've already gotten the artifact or are doing a time trial, you can ignore the crocodiles, take a running jump into the pool, climb out on the far side and then climb up into the temple.

ARTIFACT #2: From the doorway at CHECKPOINT 14 you can also spot the artifact on top of the temple. To get there, you'll need to do a series of maneuvers with the grapple. (These screenshots show the details.) First, turn left, take a running jump off the ledge and grapple the metal ring on the wall above. Wall run back and forth and jump to grab the handhold on the right, where the carved panel depicting the goddess Hathor is missing a chunk.

From this handhold it's difficult to see the second metal ring on the ceiling above and behind Lara. (If you move the camera below her and to the right, it's visible.) You can also just jump back off the wall, press Grapple and trust Lara to get it right. When hanging from the cable with the grapple attached to this second ring, turn to face the next ring mounted on the ceiling ahead and to the right. Lengthen the grapple cable a bit if necessary (Interact + Down) and then swing, jump and grapple the third ring. Repeat the process for the fourth ring. Turn to face the temple. Again, lengthen the grapple cable if necessary and then swing and jump onto the flat part of the roof. Pick up ARTIFACT #2 (28/44).

NOTE: Be sure to allow a long enough cable to swing over to the flat top of the temple roof. If Lara lands on the sloping edge, she'll slide down. She may grab the edge or not, but in either case, you won't be able to get back up to the flat roof. If this happens, you'll have to save, reload and repeat the grapple-swinging sequence.

ENTERING THE CAT TEMPLE: After picking up the artifact, slide down the sloping front of the roof and grab the edge. Drop and grab the ledge below. If you miss the saving grab, Lara will fall safely into the pool. Pull up and drop down into the small room below the cat statue. Follow the hallway to CHECKPOINT 15.

ROOM WITH SUPPORT COLUMN & PANTHER CAGES: If you have room in your inventory, pick up 2 sets of 50-caliber clips, one on each side of the doorway. Hop down onto the ledge below the entrance. From here you can use the regular pistols to shoot the panther prowling the floor below. Switch to 50-caliber pistols before dropping to the floor. When you do, 3 more panthers emerge from the open cage on the left. Keep moving as you blast away, and don't let them corner Lara. If Lara does get knocked down, remember to tap Jump to regain her footing. When the cats are dead, CHECKPOINT 16 registers.

Go into the open cage for a large medipack. Then pull the switch on the opposite wall to open the second cage, releasing another pair of panthers. If you want to, you can quickly climb up onto the central structure (as described in the next paragraph) and shoot the panthers from above. Otherwise, kill them first and then climb up. In either case, CHECKPOINT 17 registers when the last 2 panthers die.

To get out of this room—and pick up a few items on the way—first climb the handholds to the left of the second cage. (The following sequence is shown in these screenshots.) From the upper handhold, jump to grab the top of the cage door. Before it can descend, jump back to grab the lower handhold on the column behind. Jump up to grab the handhold above, climb to the right and jump to grab the metal bar protruding from the column. This bar swings around to the left until it is flush with the other side of the column. Climb along the metal bar to the corner and then jump to grab one of the higher set of handholds on the wall to the left. Jump up to the higher handhold and from there jump back to grab the ledge surrounding the column. Pull up.

If you're playing the Wii game, walk around the column and examine the side nearest the entrance. Use the trowel to chip away the patch of loose stone. Then use paper and charcoal to get RUBBING REWARD #4 (7/12), titled "Offerings for the Gods."

Shoot the button in the raised alcove to the left of the ledge where you entered this room. (This screenshot shows Lara targeting the button.) Doing this extends a metal hook from the ceiling ahead and triggers CHECKPOINT 18. Grapple-swing across to that alcove and pick up 50-caliber ammo and a large medipack. (The secret chime sounds here.) Grapple-swing back to the ledge surrounding the column.

NOTE: If you didn't get the 50-caliber ammo near the entrance earlier because you had no room in your inventory but have since used some, you can easily get those clips now. Instead of swinging back to the ledge surrounding the column, jump and grapple the ring, then turn and swing over to the entrance. Don't forget to manually reload: Select the 50-caliber pistols, press or hold Target Lock and press Interact to reload. Depending on how many rounds you've fired, this can make room for an extra set of clips. After picking up the ammo, drop down to the lower ledge. From there, take a running jump and grapple the ring on the ceiling. Shorten the cable if necessary. Then turn and swing back to the ledge surrounding the column.

Cross the ledge to the opposite side of the room and follow the hallway to CHECKPOINT 19.

ROOM WITH TWO RAISED OPENINGS: There's a panther in the room ahead. Rather than letting it corner Lara in the narrow hallway, run and jump past it, leap onto the low ledge that runs around the edge of the room and shoot the cat from there.

There are two other openings leading out of this room. One is too high to reach. So climb into the opening opposite the entrance. Climb the ladder and get ready to meet another nasty cat mummy at the top. If you hesitate at the top of the ladder, the mummy will swipe at Lara, shoving her off the edge. So jump past it and run into the sandy area on the right. Then use one of your heavier weapons to take it down quickly.

Alternatively, climb to the top of the ladder to get the mummy's attention then quickly climb back down. Back up to the far wall of the small room at the bottom of the ladder. Select the regular pistols and then press or hold Target Lock to lock onto the enemy. You can then move forward a bit while shooting to get a better view of your target. Once it's dead, climb back to the room above. (NOTE: In the PC game, I found it easiest to back into the corner to Lara's left when she's facing the ladder. In the Wii game, I had to move all the way to the right edge, just before the drop-off into the previous room, in order to target the mummy from below. In the Wii game there's no need to hold Target Lock; just hold the camera button, aim with the remote and fire.)

SANDY ROOM WITH SCARAB MECHANISM: Head for the far right corner of the sandy area at the top of the ladder where you'll find two block steps with 50-caliber ammo and a large medipack. From the top step you can see the third artifact on the ledge above the doorway on the far side of the room. Getting there is a little tricky. (These screenshots show all.)

ARTIFACT #3: From the top step, where you got the medipack, take a running jump and grapple the metal ring high on the wall with the barred window. Although there is a ledge you can grab off to the left, there's actually no need to wall run here at all. Just hang from the ring and adjust the length of the cable so Lara's feet are planted at the bottom of the barred window. Then press Jump (without pressing any direction key or moving the analog stick) to leap off the wall and perch on the vertical post behind you. Quickly press Interact to steady Lara after the awkward jump.

Turn so the barred window is on Lara's left and then jump to grab the horizontal band on the first complete column ahead. Jump to the right to grab onto the next column. (Alternatively, drop and grab the lower band on the first column before climbing around to the right side of the column and jumping back to grab the next column.) When hanging onto the middle column, climb around to the right and then jump to grab the third column. Climb around to the right again and then jump up to grab the higher horizontal band on the same column. Climb all the way around to the other side of the column, so the other two columns and the barred window are on Lara's right. Jump to the right to grab the middle column once more. Position Lara so her back is toward the wall and the other two columns are to her left and right. Jump back to grab the small stone handhold on the wall behind.

Finally, jump to the right and grapple the ring on the wall above. Wall run and jump to the ledge ahead, where you'll find ARTIFACT #3 (29/44). Drop down from the ledge, but watch out for the hole in the floor below. Lara loses a tiny bit of health when you do this. If you prefer, you can wall run back to the small handhold and drop down there with no injury.

PATH TO TRAPDOOR SWITCH: Go through the doorway beyond the hole in the floor and climb the ladder to the hallway above. Pass CHECKPOINT 20, then an opening overlooking the ROOM WITH PHARAOH STATUES. Use the switch to move the statues out from the wall.

This time you'll need to jump across the tops of the statues before they retract. To make things a little easier after pulling the switch the first time, wait for the statues to retract and then pull the switch again before making the run. This will give you more time since you won't have to wait for the cut scene to end before starting to run.

The broken stone walls extending from the sides of the room prevent you from jumping between certain statues. The safest path across is to start by jumping to the first statue on the right. Then turn and take a running jump to the first statue on the left. From there, jump to the middle statue on the left, then the middle statue on the right, then the third statue on the right and finally to the wide ledge on the far side of the room.

NOTE: It is possible to begin by jumping past the first stone wall to the first statue on the left instead of the one on the right. Just be sure to angle the jump carefully and hold the Jump key after takeoff to keep Lara in the air a little longer. Then proceed to the middle statue on the left and continue from there.

Go to the left up the short ramp, picking up another large medipack on the way. Use the switch to reset the scarab mechanism in the sandy room on the other side of the bars. It also re-extends the pharaoh statues permanently and triggers CHECKPOINT 21.

In the Nintendo Wii version, there is no large medipak here, and instead of the switch there's a cryptex puzzle. Find the clue on the protruding section of the right wall. Take a rubbing of the symbols: reeds, eye, scarab. Then access the puzzle and, starting from the bottom, turn each cylinder once to the left to solve it.

Return down the ramp to the statues and jump back across the same way you came—i.e., jump to the first statue on the left, then the middle left, then the middle right. Pause here in the Wii game to uncover RUBBING REWARD #5 (8/12), "The Eye of Horus." Then jump to the far right statue, the far left one, and finally the ledge with the switch. Follow the hallway past CHECKPOINT 22 (same as 20) to the ladder. Climb down.

SANDY ROOM WITH SCARAB MECHANISM (again): In order to use the scarab mechanism, you'll need to repeat the first few steps in the path to the artifact. (These screenshots show the whole sequence.) Climb the block steps in the corner where you got the ammo and medipack earlier. Take a running jump off the top step and grapple the ring above. Wall run back and forth and jump to grab the handhold on the left wall. (Or, if you're having trouble with the wall run, instead grapple the ring, shorten the cable so Lara's feet are just above the bottom of the barred window and then press Jump to land on the vertical post behind her. Turn so the barred window is on Lara's right, jump to the next post and from there to the handhold on the wall.)

Climb along the handhold to the left. Tap interact to make Lara climb faster as you pass the crumbling section; otherwise she'll fall. Climb as far to the left as you can and then jump to the left to grab the bar sticking out of the scarab's wing. Lara's weight pulls it down, activating the mechanism, which opens the trapdoor in the floor, dumping a huge pile of sand into the ROOM WITH TWO RAISED OPENINGS below. Let go of the bar and drop to the floor. This is CHECKPOINT 23.

Hang from the edge of the trapdoor opening and drop down several times to reach the floor. With this big heap of sand here, you can now reach the higher opening. Climb into it and follow the hallway to CHECKPOINT 24.

ROOM WITH 4 SMALL OBELISKS & LEVEL EXIT: This room contains a lovely puzzle involving Egyptian art. In order to solve the puzzle and open the exit, you must first move each of the 8 light-colored blocks around the edge of the room. Behind each block is a small room containing a black panther, a prize, a clue or possibly more than one of these. For the blocks with panthers behind them, it may help to pull the block away from the opening and climb up onto the block to shoot the enemy. One of the panthers likes to play hide and seek, though. So you may need to go into its room to draw it out.

Starting with the block to the left of the entrance (right when Lara is facing the entrance and her back is toward the obelisks) and moving clockwise around the room, we have:

       1st room: 50-caliber pistol clips
       2nd room: Panther and clue
       3rd room: 50-caliber clips
       4th room: Clue
       5th room: Panther, shotgun shells and clue
       6th room: Empty (In the Wii game, this room has the shotgun shells instead of the 5th room.)
       7th room: Clue
       8th room: Shotgun shells

Nintendo Wii version: Here each obelisk is inscribed with a symbol. Each of the four clues found in the small side rooms has two symbols: one of the obelisk carvings and one hand-drawn symbol (i.e., bird carving and 2 wavy lines, scarab carving and a circle with a vertical line through it, sphinx carving and a single wavy line, serpent carving and vertical wavy line.) Once you have obtained rubbings of all four clues, you can solve the puzzle.

Stand facing one of the sandboxes located behind each obelisk and interact with it. Use the Wii remote to draw the second symbol from each rubbing in the sand. Each time you draw the correct symbol in the sandbox, the corresponding obelisk rises up from the floor. When you raise the fourth one, the exit doors open. Don't leave yet, though. There's still a relic to be had. Skip down to that section, below.

All other versions: Each time you move one of the blocks in front of a room containing a clue to the puzzle, one of the four obelisks near the exit rise up from the floor revealing a rotating base with four images painted on it.

NOTE: If you've been in all of the side rooms but one or more of the obelisks still has not risen out of the floor, check to make sure you've moved the stone blocks completely off of the rectangular pressure pads in front of each doorway. Once you've done this, all four obelisks should be fully extended.

Each obelisk has a symbol carved on top: a knotted rope, a bird, a feather and a reed. Each of the four clues found in the small side rooms has two symbols: one of the obelisk carvings along with an image of a person holding a particular object. The figure below the knotted rope symbol holds a smaller human figure. The figure below the bird symbol holds a vessel and what looks like a rope. The figure below the feather symbol holds a round pot, and the figure below the reed symbol holds two tents.

You must rotate the cylindrical bases below each obelisk so the picture in front (i.e., directly below the symbol carved on the top of the obelisk) matches the one in each mural. So, for the obelisk with the knotted rope, turn the base so the picture of the larger figure holding a smaller figure is in front (as shown in these screenshots). You'll hear a click when the cylinder is arranged correctly. When you've done all four, the exit doors open and CHECKPOINT 25 registers.

NOTE: I'm not sure I've explained all the symbols correctly. The ones in the game seem to be slightly stylized versions of the real-life symbols I was able to reference. I welcome any corrections. For more information on Egyptian symbols, their forms, meaning and translation, a good place to start might be the main Wikipedia entry on hieroglyphics.

RELIC: Before exiting the level, you can obtain a relic if you want to. (This series of screenshots and this video walkthrough show the sequence.) Move one of the blocks next to the painted column just to the right of the exit doors. Climb on the block and grab onto the rough horizontal crack in the column. Jump up to grab the crack above and climb all the way around to the other side of the column. Jump back to grab the narrow stone ledge on the wall behind. Climb to the right and jump to grab the horizontal crack in the next painted column. Climb around to the right so Lara's back is facing out toward the middle of the room. Jump up to grab the crack above and then jump back to perch on the nearest small obelisk. Hop across the tops of the other three obelisks to grab a crack in the painted column just beyond the fourth obelisk. Climb around to the right, drop down to the crack below and climb to the right again until you can pull up into the doorway of the well-lit room above. Here you'll find a RELIC (5/8), the Mummified Cat, and a large medipack.

NOTE: After obtaining this relic, if you refer to the Relics list in the Rewards menu, you'll notice a blank line (???) between the Athenian Owl Figurine and the Mummified Cat. It looks like you've missed something, but as long as you have five relics so far, you haven't. The relic from the last Egyptian level, SANCTUARY OF THE SCION, will appear there once you find it.

In the Wii game the doorway to the relic room is blocked by a crumbling stone wall. Use the pickaxe to smash it so you can enter and get the relic.

Drop to the floor and exit this room to end the level.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 6/25/07 - First draft of walkthrough posted online
6/26/07 - Added mention of two medipacks that I'd found in the game but neglected to include in the walkthrough. Oops!
11/20/07 - Added several shortcuts and other tips, many of which were sent in by the players credited below. Rephrased a few sections and added screenshots for clarity. Added missed CHECKPOINTS 3, 16 and 25. (Triple oops!)
2/11/08 - Added Nintendo Wii edition info, along with a few minor corrections and clarifications. Also changed the numbering system for artifacts, relics and rubbings, as explained in the note below.
4/29/08 - Added Macintosh save files and info. Thanks to Andrew W. and Chris H.
4/11/09 - Added missed small medipak just before checkpoint 5 in the Wii game, thanks to a tip from Kurt and Jillian, as well as Jenni D.
10/11/09 - Added videos for all relics.
3/6/11 - Updated the section with the retracting drawbridge.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Thanks to ac_troll, Adrian, Andrew, Denise M., Greg H., Ian K., Ivan B., Jenni D., Jim B., Joseph H., JP2fingers, Kev P., Kurt & Jillian P., Mal, Mary H., Neil, Nicolas, Niyaz, Nocturnal, Panicatak, Paul H., Pom, Raiderchick, Roger Strange, Ronnii and Wiek for their help with this level.

*NOTE ON ITEM COUNT: There is an additional medipak in the Nintendo Wii game.

**ABOUT ARTIFACTS, RELICS & RUBBING REWARDS: Finding artifacts and relics (formerly known as "secrets") unlocks various extras like outfits and concept art. The Nintendo Wii game also includes "rubbing rewards" in some levels. I have numbered each of these bonuses in the walkthrough. So, for example, "Artifact #2 (10/44)" means that this is the second artifact in this particular level and the 10th out of 44 artifacts in the whole game. Please see Anniversary Rewards page for more info on all of these.

***ABOUT TIME TRIALS: After completing a level, you will be able to replay it in Time Trial mode to unlock cheat codes. For more info, please see the Time Trials and Rewards pages. For help beating this level's time trial, see Eldin's Temple of Khamoon - Time Trial Tips.

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WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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