Updated: 2/9/25(†)
Secrets: 4 Pickups: 29, including the HARPOON GUN, 1 key and 3 Serpent Stones (optional) Kills: 26 Save/power-up Crystals: 5
NOTES: Like the River Ganges, there are several possible routes through this complicated level. This walkthrough covers the route with maximum kills, items, and secrets, but I've also included a few notes about shortcuts and alternate routes. There are four possible secrets, even though the statistics screen in the classic game (accessed through the stopwatch in your inventory) says there are only three. In the classic game, you only need 59 total secrets to access the bonus level at the end of the game. So, you can miss one and make up the difference here. In the remaster, you'll need all 60 secrets for 100% completion, and all four secrets in this level for the "Codex of Polynesia" achievement/trophy. This guide covers the path with all four secrets. Also, in the remaster, you can finish the level with 30/29 items. I'm not positive, but the extra item may be the SWAMP MAP that Lara receives in the cutscene at the end of the level.
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)
Coastal Village Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Objectives: Get from the lagoon to the village (by any of several possible routes). Once you reach the village, find a way into the tree house near the big swamp. Inside you'll meet a soldier, who will give you a map to help you cross the swamp at the beginning of the next level.
TROPICAL LAGOON: You begin the level underwater. Swim forward until you're able to surface. Turn around to face the gap in the rocks where you entered the level. (You can see sky and a small island with a palm tree beyond.) Then swim through the smaller gap between the rock outcroppings on the left. On the bottom of the lagoon you'll find the SMUGGLER'S KEY (1). Grab it, turn around, and swim back toward where you first surfaced. Then continue forward to the rock wall and climb out of the pool onto the small, flat ledge at water level. Pull up onto the block above to find a small medi pack (2). (screenshots)
NOTE: The SMUGGLER'S KEY is optional, but if you want all secrets you will need to take the path through the Smuggler's Hut, so you should retrieve the key.
Swim to the other end of the lagoon near the bamboo hut and the fat palm tree. In the middle of this section of the pool, there's a gray stone outcropping with a small medi pack (3) on top. Swim around to the right side of of the rock, where one corner is low enough to reach. Pull up and take the health pack. Then look out across the water to spot a secret. Across the pool you'll see a series of flat blocks just above water level. There is some MP5 ammo (4) sitting on the rightmost block. The leftmost block has a steeply angled block connected to it. Take a running jump from the peak of the rock where Lara is now standing to grab the angled block. Traverse to the right and pull up onto the flat ledge. Turn right, step to the outer corner of this block, and take a standing jump to the next flat block ahead. The chime will sound for SECRET #1, but you'll need to take a running jump to grab the next ledge and then pull up to get the ammo. (screenshots)
Now swim across to the sandy shore near the hut.
NOTE: If you don't mind missing a secret, you can take a shortcut here and skip down to the section BEACHSIDE CAVE AND MISTY CANYON. You can still get the required three secrets this way, but you will miss the extra fourth one. If you want all four secrets, follow the path through the SMUGGLER'S HUT, beginning with the next paragraph.
THE SMUGGLER'S HUT: Climb the stone steps and enter the hut. (screenshot) Avoid the campfire and head for keyhole on the back wall, where you can use the SMUGGLER'S KEY to unlock the trapdoor. Safety drop into the tunnel below and pick up a save/power-up crystal (1). Hop down off the ledge into the lower passageway. Then crawl forward avoid being skewered by a wooden spike trap that pops out of the wall. (screenshot) Once you've cleared the trap, you can stand up and continue around the corner to a cavern with a pool.
LARGE CAVERN WITH POOL: Draw pistols and shoot the 2 crocodiles (1-2) in the water and the warrior (3) with the blowgun on the stone bridge high above on the right. (screenshot) He shouldn't be able to reach Lara with his blow darts from there. If you don't kill him now and he manages to hit you later, you'll need to use a medi pack or power-up crystal to antidote the poison.
Sweep the bottom of the pool to find the HARPOON GUN and 3 bunches of harpoons (5-8). The weapon and one bunch of harpoons are on the bottom just below the entrance. The other two sets of harpoons are about a quarter of the way along the bottom of the pool on the right and three-quarters of the way along on the left. When you have them all, climb back onto the ledge at the entrance.
NOTE: If you already have the HARPOON GUN, you'll get a fourth bundle of harpoons instead.
Take a running jump from the ledge near the entrance across the water to the next ledge. Take a standing jump to the next ledge. Then climb up to the high block near the burning torch. Turn right and jump straight up to grab the vines on the ceiling. Hold Action to hang on and use the direction buttons to monkey swing across the pool to the other side. Release Action to drop onto the ledge. (screenshots)
Turn right, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump to the next ledge. Follow this up and around to the end, which is just above and to the left of the doorway where you came in. Turn left and pull up onto the block above. Step forward and pull up once more onto a narrow, uneven ledge. (screenshots)
Off to the left, you can see the stone bridge with the vines underneath, which you used to monkey swing across the cavern earlier, and beyond them a save crystal on another high ledge. Walk to the end of the uneven ledge where Lara is now standing. Directly ahead you'll see a raised crawlspace above a vine-covered wall. Jump forward to grab the edge of the opening and pull up into the crawlspace to get some MP5 clips (9). Back out of the opening and hang from the edge. Climb about halfway down the vine-covered wall and press Jump to backflip onto the ledge behind. Turn around and follow the ledge back to the other end, where you climbed up. (screenshots)
Take a standing jump from the edge to grab the green ledge above the entrance. Pull up, walk toward the corner, turn right, and jump straight up to grab the vines on the ceiling. Monkey swing forward to the last section of vine-covered ceiling. Then drop down onto the stone bridge near the body of the tribesman you killed earlier. (screenshots)
Cross the bridge to the far end, turn left, and take a standing jump forward onto the slope hidden behind the thick, stone column. Slide down the slope and jump near the end land on the next ledge. Try not to fall into the water or you'll have to reload an earlier save or swim all back to the ledge near the entrance and work your way around to this point again. (screenshots)
Follow the ledge forward toward the ladder and spikes, but before jumping across, look up to your left to spot another warrior (4) with a blowgun on a high ledge. Shoot him from below if possible. (screenshots)
NOTE: If Lara is poisoned by one of the tribesman's darts and you're playing the PC or Mac game, you can probably make it to the next crystal without having to use a health pack. Just keep an eye on your health bar and make sure it doesn't get too low.
Take a running jump from the end of the ledge over the spikes and grab the ladder. Climb up and get the large medi pack (10). Drop back and hang from this ledge. Then traverse to the left, past the ladder, until you can pull up again. Turn left and follow the ledge forward to get the save/power-up crystal (2) and small medi pack (11) on the walkway near the dead guy. (screenshots)
Take a standing jump–grab from the end of the walkway to the ledge below. (There's nothing to grab, but pressing Action alters Lara's trajectory so she doesn't bang her head on the rocks.) Drop back to hang from the ledge, then traverse left and pull up. Turn left, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and follow the passageway out of the cavern. (screenshots)
WOODEN BRIDGE ABOVE MISTY CANYON: Step out onto the wooden bridge spanning the canyon. Before crossing, take a little detour for a secret. At the beginning of the bridge, turn right and take a running jump to grab the vine-covered stone column. Climb onto the top of the column. Step to the middle of the left edge and take a standing jump to grab the angled ledge just around the corner. When you pull up the chime sounds for SECRET #2. Jump to the next ledge to get some grenades (12). (screenshots)
NOTE: At this point you can take a shortcut and climb down into the canyon below instead of entering the temple on the other side of the bridge. You will miss one kill, one large medi pack, and a save crystal inside the temple. Also, you will be forced to take the path to the SERPENT STONE GATES, rather than one of the alternate paths, but you will not miss any secrets. If you want to do this, skip down to the section BEACHSIDE CAVE AND MISTY CANYON.
If you want to explore inside the temple, first turn around and jump back onto the angled ledge. Step to the outer corner and take a standing jump down to the ledge around the corner. Walk to the edge of that ledge and take a standing jump down onto the bridge. (screenshots)
TEMPLE WITH SKYLIGHTS AND DART TRAPS: Cross the wooden bridge and enter the temple. Draw the shotgun or Desert Eagle if you have it. Turn right, then take a couple of walking steps backwards onto the low ramp to trigger the appearance of another tribesman (5) from the dead-end passageway opposite. Stand your ground as you shoot him. If you back up too far, you'll run into a whirling blade. Or, if you'd rather use pistols, use the same tactic to trigger the tribesman and then run past him, roll and shoot him while backing up into the safe alcove he came from. When the coast is clear, crawl under the blade into the next room. (screenshots)
Lara looks up at the skylight in the ceiling as you enter. Yes, this is a hint. Don't step into the light or you'll trigger a poisoned-dart trap and raise the spikes in the trench ahead. Instead, go around the corner to the right and press the button to cover the skylight and deactivate the traps. (screenshots)
Now, pick up the large medi pack (13) and take a running jump across the stream. Climb onto the higher section of floor, take a few steps forward, then duck and crawl over to the save/power-up crystal (3). Approaching it activates more poisoned-dart traps. Stay low to avoid being struck and poisoned. (screenshots)
NOTE: Now you can choose from three possible routes. To get all four secrets, you should choose the second or third option.
(1) SHORTCUT: Slide down the chute right next to where you found the crystal inside the temple. This leads directly into the village. You'll miss a secret and several kills and pickups. For details, pick up the walkthrough below at the section titled ENTERING THE COASTAL VILLAGE.
(2) Crawl past the darts and jump into the water-filled trench in the middle of the temple. Lara will be swept downstream and land on a ledge outside the temple. In this case, follow the ALTERNATE WALKTHROUGH FOR THE SERPENT STONE AREA, which is on a separate page. You can still get the maximum number of kills, items, and secrets this way.
Or, (3) return through the temple to the WOODEN BRIDGE and climb down the rocks into the MISTY CANYON below. If you choose this path, skip the next two paragraphs and pick up the walkthrough with the one that starts, "If you're inside the temple with the skylights and dart traps...," below. The numbering of items and enemies follows this route.
BEACHSIDE CAVE AND MISTY CANYON: The walkthrough for this area varies slightly depending on where you come from. If you're coming from the beach at the beginning of the level, you'll find the entrance to this cave just to the right of the SMUGGLER'S HUT. (screenshot) Slide down the chute into the cave, wade through a shallow pool, and pull up onto the wide ledge on the right side where the top is a little lower. Move forward through the undergrowth and shoot the hostile tribesman lying in wait just ahead. Now skip down to the section on CROSSING THE QUICKSAND.
If you've just gotten secret #2 and want to skip exploring inside the temple, instead of jumping back to the wooden bridge, starting from the ledge where you found the grenades, turn so the canyon wall is on Lara's left and the wooden bridge is ahead on her right. Safety drop onto the angled block below. Lara will then slide down to the bottom of the canyon without injury. (screenshot) Behind you is the BEACHSIDE CAVE, where you could have entered this area had you taken the shortcut at the beginning of the level. You don't need to go there since there are no pickups, but you can check it out if you like. When you're ready to move on, follow the canyon forward beneath the wooden bridge, killing the hostile tribesman who emerges in front of you. Now skip down to the section on CROSSING THE QUICKSAND.
If you're inside the temple with the skylights and dart traps, from the spot where you got the save crystal, crawl forward to the edge overlooking the water-filled trench. Stand up carefully in an area with no flying darts and step off the edge to land on the long ledge near the water. Back up to the wall and then take a running jump across the water onto the raised floor at the top of the slope. Crawl past the whirling blade and exit the temple onto the wooden bridge. (screenshots)
Cross the bridge to the far end, turn left, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump to grab the vine-covered rock column. Instead of climbing up, like you did earlier when you went after secret #2, climb down to the flat, square block below. Then safety drop to the ground. Be sure to drop from the flat side of this block. If you slide down the angled side, Lara will land in the pool of quicksand below. If you want all the kills, head up the green slope. Then turn around to confront a hostile tribesman (6) who tries to sneak up behind you. If you hop back while shooting, you should be able to kill him with pistols before he reaches you. (screenshots)
At the end of the canyon is the BEACHSIDE CAVE, where you could have entered this area had you taken the shortcut at the beginning of the level. You don't need to go there since there are no pickups, but you can check it out if you like. When you're ready to move on, return to the end of the canyon with the pool of quicksand.
CROSSING THE QUICKSAND: Take a running jump from the edge of the quicksand pool to grab the square block in the middle. Pull up but don't step forward since you've just activated a poisoned dart trap. The darts shoot from the canyon walls across the middle of the block. Turn right and take a running jump to the rock ledge with the large medi pack (14). Take the health. Then turn around, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump back down to the nearest corner of the square block. Turn right and take a running jump to the green ledge on the far side of the quicksand pool. (screenshots)
Follow the path around to the right, killing another native spearman (7) who emerges from behind a big tree on your left. Ahead is an open area overlooking the face of a huge, stone temple. (screenshots)
You will now need to retrieve 3 SERPENT STONES in order to open the gates between the TEMPLE and the VILLAGE.
OPENING THE SERPENT STONE GATES: Ignore the temple for now and turn around to face back the way you came. Just before the path turns left toward the quicksand pool, there's an outcropping of gray rocks with flat, green tops. Climb onto these rocks, turn left, and pull onto the bent tree trunk. (You're now facing the quicksand and the wooden bridge.) Turn right and climb onto the rock ledge behind the tree. (screenshots)
Now turn around to face the tree trunk. Jump across the gap where you just climbed up to land on the flat branch just to the left of the tree trunk. Jump from there to the second of the two triangular, green ledges. Step to the outer corner of the triangle. Then take a standing jump around the corner to grab the ledge with the shotgun shells (15). Pull up and take the ammo. Turn around, step to the outer corner of the ledge, and jump back down to the green triangle. Hop over to the branch then to the long ledge running along the canyon wall. (screenshots)
Turn left and take a few steps along this ledge toward the quicksand pool. Turn left again and jump onto the thick branch on the right side of the tree trunk. Follow the branch forward, over a slight rise, to the stone ledge at the end. Take a running jump to grab the next branch and pull up. The temple is directly ahead, but don't jump over there yet. Instead turn right and climb into the raised alcove for SECRET #3—Desert Eagle clips (16). Turn around, hop back down onto the branch, and move forward to retrieve the FIRST SERPENT STONE (17). (screenshots)
NOTE: If you came through the BEACHSIDE CAVE from the start of the level, this will be the second secret.
After picking up the SERPENT STONE, turn right to face the temple, walk to the edge of the branch, and take a standing jump down to the flat ledge near the burning torch. Turn around to face the branch you just came from and step off the edge to slide down the brownish slope onto the green ledge at the edge of the cliff. This is the same forested area where you met (and killed) that last tribesman. (screenshots)
Look over the edge of the cliff to spot a save/power-up crystal (4) bobbing below. Climb down to get it. Then climb back onto the green ledge just above. Follow it around to the left until you're you're standing on a square ledge jutting out next to the face of the temple. Take a carefully angled standing jump into the alcove behind the waterfall, where you'll find the SECOND SERPENT STONE (18). Walk around to the alcove's other opening. Position Lara near the right wall, facing through the falling water to the ledge between the alcove's two openings. Step back from the opening a bit, then take a standing jump (with Action) onto the ledge. (screenshots)
Turn around and take a running jump to grab the wooden ladder on the cliff wall ahead. Don't let go; there are deadly spikes below. Climb up to the opening at the top right. Follow the passageway around to another ladder. Climb to the top. (screenshots)
Pull up onto the tall stone block on the right to find a small medi pack (19). If you now turn around and face the temple, you can see where you need to go next. The THIRD SERPENT STONE is on the high ledge near the burning torch. There are some climbable, gray rocks off to the left that will enable you to get up there. Drop down on the safe side, turn around, and head for those climbable rocks. Pull up onto the lowest block. Turn and shoot the tribesman (8) inside the doorway above. Then jump up onto the ledge where he fell. (screenshots)
IMPORTANT: Inside this doorway are three gates which can be opened with the SERPENT STONES. Do not place any of the stones into the snake receptacles until you have all three. Several players have reported a bug where they placed one stone then went to get the others. When they came back they were unable to open the gates.
Turn around and take a running jump to grab the ledge above the block where you just stood. Turn right and take a running jump to the uneven, gray stone ledge near the temple. Jump over to the ledge with the burning torch and the THIRD SERPENT STONE (20). (screenshots)
SERPENT STONE GATES: You should now have all 3 SERPENT STONES. Slide down the side of the building, climb back onto the low block, jump into the doorway where that last tribesman fell, and then place the stones in the 3 snake-head receptacles to open the gates. Slide down the chute into the village below. (screenshots)
ENTERING THE COASTAL VILLAGE: This area is shown the VILLAGE MAP. Both entrances, from the SERPENT STONE GATES and from the TEMPLE WITH SKYLIGHTS AND DART TRAPS, are marked near the lower left. I've linked to it instead of including it on the page so you can choose whether or not to print it. Note that the map includes some spoilers, such as the location of various items, enemies, etc.
If you slid down the chute after opening the SERPENT STONE GATES, follow the passageway to the end and turn left to emerge in a forested area. Kill the tribesman (9) with the spiked club lurking in the trees. Head for the back left corner of this area to find a small medi pack (21). (screenshot) When you have it, slide down from this ledge into the village proper and shoot another tribesman (10), who emerges from the hut on the left. (Skip the next paragraph.)
Alternatively, if you slid down from inside the TEMPLE WITH SKYLIGHTS AND DART TRAPS, you'll enter the village on the lower level. Move forward and take out a tribesmen with a spiked club who approaches from the hut ahead and a warrior with a a blowgun on the ledge to the left. If you side flip from left to right while shooting the one with the blowgun, you may be able to avoid being poisoned. (screenshot)
There's a rocket (22) lying on the floor inside the hut opposite the one where the tribesman with the club emerged. Grab it. Then go around to the rock wall next to that hut. Pull up onto the flat ledge between the hut and the stone doorway to get some grenades (23). There's no need to jump to reach the ledge; just stand facing the wall and press Action + Forward. (screenshot)
NOTE: If you came down via the SERPENT STONE GATES and want an extra kill, head for the stone doorway shown in the previous screenshot. This is where you would have entered the village had you take the alternate route. Jump onto the slope to trigger the appearance of a warrior (11) with a blowgun on the ledge near the huts. If you side flip from left to right while shooting, you may be able to avoid being poisoned. (screenshot)
Go around the larger hut in the middle of this area and shoot another villager (12) with a spiked club. Then enter the hut, avoiding the campfire in the middle, to find a small medi pack (24). (screenshot)
Just opposite the entrance to this hut is a huge, wooden gate flanked by stone arches with torches on top. There's a save/power-up crystal (5) behind the hut to the right of the gate. (screenshot) Inside that hut is a quicksand trap. You can't reach the large medi pack inside, so don't bother trying. (screenshot) Around the right side of the quicksand hut there's a path leading to another section of the village. A spike pit blocks the way, but you'll return there later.
For now, face the pool with the waterfall. Then head off to the left, between the large hut and the gray, stone wall. At the corner of the stone wall, turn right and move into the narrow canyon just far enough to trigger the appearance of another warrior (13) with a blowgun. Backflip out into the open. Then flip from side to side while shooting to avoid being hit by poisoned darts. Afterwards, follow the canyon to a clearing with a tree house. This is "tree house #1" on the left side of the map. (screenshots)
TREE HOUSE OVERLOOKING THE SWAMP: When you enter this area, turn left and move past the tree with weapons drawn. Another enemy (14) emerges from behind one of the blocks next to the stone building. Kill him. Then climb onto the gray rock at the corner of the stone building. Take care not to fall into the swamp ahead or Lara will drown. Kill another warrior (15) with a blowgun lurking at the front of the building. Jump over to the alcove where he was standing—the angled block in between is safe to stand on—and turn the wheel to raise a trapdoor over the spikes back in the village. (screenshots)
NOTE: The large swamp stands between you and the next level. Although there are a few solid spots in the quicksand, you can't make it all the way across yet. You'll need to return here later.
Jump onto the angled block to the left of the wheel and walk to the edge. If you look down around the corner, you'll spot another tribesman (16) lurking in the grassy area under the tree house. He can't reach you with his spiked club, so you can shoot him with pistols from here. Then return past the tree and through the narrow canyon to area with the huts, taking out another tribesmen (17) on the way. (screenshots)
VILLAGE HUTS (again): When you enter the clearing with the huts, turn left and go between the gray stone wall and the large hut. Then turn right and go past the entrance to the large hut. Continue forward, past the entrance to the quicksand hut, then left, into the alley between the quicksand hut and the rock wall. At the end of the alley turn right again and you'll see the trapdoor with the spike pit below. Pull up onto the ledge above the pit to get a box of shotgun shells (25). Then drop down and continue across the pit—it's safe with the trapdoor closed—to another clearing with several huts. This is the area at the top right corner of the map. (screenshots)
SECOND CLUSTER OF HUTS: Draw weapons and move into the alley between the two huts directly ahead. Just before you reach the end of this alley, 2 villagers (18-19) with spiked clubs appear ahead to the left and right. Jump back into the clearing and keep shooting until you've killed them both. (screenshots)
Go between the hut on the right and the gray, stone wall. In the far right corner behind this hut there's a dark cave. This is SECRET #4. If you roll and back into the cave with weapons drawn, you can see and shoot the villager (20) who sneaks up from behind. Then pick up the shotgun shells and MP5 clips (26-27). (screenshots)
NOTE: If you came through the BEACHSIDE CAVE from the start of the level, this will be the third and final secret.
Exit the cave, turn right, and move along behind the two huts. Enter the second hut to get some flares (28). Come back outside, turn left, and climb onto the gray, stone ledge where there are 2 more bamboo huts. Go around the hut on the right. When you reach the back, right corner, turn right and back up into the alley behind the huts with weapons drawn. A warrior (21) with a blowgun appears at the corner. Try to shoot him quickly before he poisons Lara. (screenshots)
Turn around and continue along behind the huts. Go between the two huts, enter the second one, and turn the wheel inside to open the trapdoor beneath the tree house with the ladder. As soon as you turn the wheel, another villager (22) attacks from behind. Roll and shoot him, or hop back once and take a standing jump up onto the block where the wheel is mounted. The enemy can't climb, so you can shoot him from above with pistols. (screenshots)
Exit the hut, turn right, and drop down off the ledge into the clearing below. The tree house with the ladder is just ahead. It's labeled "tree house #2" on the map. Climb the ladder into the tree house. Backflip off the leader. Then then climb into the window, which opens as you approach. Angle Lara to the left and take a standing jump from the windowsill to the wooden ledge on the side of the stone building with the carved skulls. (screenshots)
Enter the building, turn right, and take out the tribesman (23) who rushes toward you. You may want to run and jump past him. Then roll and continue shooting as you back up toward the end of the hall. Then he won't be able to push Lara into the burners near the entrance. This is the area marked "elevated passage" at the top center of the map. (screenshots)
You can't get past the burners yet. So instead take a running jump from the window at the end of the hall onto the bamboo ledge behind the huts. Follow this ledge forward, jumping the gap between the huts. Take care not to fall through the hole in the floor ahead. It's not a long drop, but you'll have to climb all the way back through the tree house and around to this point. Pick up some harpoons (29) in the dark corner on the left. (screenshots)
NOTE: This area is not shown on the map, but it is directly above the cluster of huts at the top right corner.
VILLAGE ROOFTOPS: Jump up to the flat spot on top of the nearest thatched roof. Then jump straight up to grab the monkey bars in the trees. Monkey swing forward, right, then left, following the bars to cross over the spikes. At the end of the monkey bars, where the last section slopes upward, drop down onto the roof beyond the spikes. Slide down the sloping roof, cross over the top of the next roof, and walk down to the flat, triangular spot near the balcony with wooden railings. Jump across to the balcony and enter the hut. This is "tree house #3" on the map. Press the button to raise a platform over the burners in the stone building. Immediately roll and kill the angry villager (24) who rushes in through the doorway behind you. (screenshots)
Drop down to the ground and climb back up through the tree house with the ladder. Again, jump from the window to the building with the carved skulls and the burners inside.
Inside the building, take two hops back from the edge of the burners, then a running jump to land on the platform above the flames. Cross the platform and jump down into the alcove straight ahead. Press the button to open the wooden gates on either side of the alcove, roll, and take out another tribesman (25) who appears out of nowhere. (screenshots)
Do not press the second button in the neighboring alcove. This only turns on the burner beneath it, setting Lara on fire. Instead, go left into the hallway. There's a nasty double circular blade trap here. You can sprint after it as it moves away, or walk as close to it as you can, then hop back and take a running jump as it moves away from you. Continue to the end of the hallway and turn the wheel. This opens the gate next to it, along with the trapdoor in the little pool below. Turn right, hop back, slide backwards out the window, and safety drop to the ground. (screenshots)
UNDERWATER PASSAGEWAY TO THE TREE HOUSE OVERLOOKING THE SWAMP: You're now back in the clearing with the first cluster of huts. Jump into the pool and swim through the trapdoor you just opened. Follow the underwater passage. As you turn the corner to the left, you'll run into a crocodile (26). You can harpoon it or swim past it and up to the surface. Then quickly climb out and either shoot the crocodile from above or just move on. If it bites Lara, don't bother using a medi pack unless she's about to die. You're almost at the end of the level. Alternatively, swim into the passageway just as far as the first corner. Roll and swim back out. The crocodile will follow, so climb out on the bank as quickly as you can. Then shoot the croc with pistols when it emerges. (screenshots)
Climb the ladder and cross the wooden bridge spanning the narrow canyon you came through earlier. This is the "elevated passage" on the left side of the map. Continue around to an opening overlooking the TREE HOUSE near the swamp. Walk to the edge and take a standing jump to grab the bamboo ledge in front of the tree house. Pull up to end the level. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you miss this grab and fall down into the area below the tree house, you'll need to backtrack through the canyon to the village, jump into the pool, and follow the passageway back around to this point. Then try the jump again.
A cut scene follows: Lara enters the hut and meets an Australian soldier whose leg has been cut off below the knee. He says he thinks the tribesmen did it, but it was dark when it happened so he can't be completely sure. The soldier tells Lara that his plane crashed in the mountains. Some of his men vanished under mysterious circumstances, and the rest fled. When Lara asks if he knows a safe route through the swamp, he offers her a map and asks that if she meets any of his men, she should warn them away from this area. The dialogue is included on the cut scene transcripts page. You can also re-watch the movie on my YouTube channel.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 3/30/14 - First major update since this walkthrough was created in 1998. This revision includes many new screenshots as well as various other corrections and clarifications.
2/5/24 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt for high-res versions, and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
4/30/24 - Added sequential kill and item counts, which will hopefully be helpful for both the classic and remastered versions.
2/9/25- Added note about needing 60 secrets in the remaster.
More remaster updates coming eventually. Thanks for your patience.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to the participants in the newsgroup, without whom some parts of this walkthrough could not have been written. Thanks also to Adam, Arvo 29, Berend, Cujo, and Norbert B. for for pointing out a couple of things I missed.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 1998- - Stellalune (). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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