When you exit the cave with secret #4, turn right and move along behind the two huts.
Enter the second hut to get some flares. Come back outside, turn left, and climb onto the gray, stone ledge where there are 2 more bamboo huts.
Go around the hut on the right.
When you reach the back, right corner, turn right and back up into the alley behind the huts with weapons drawn.
A warrior with a blowgun appears at the corner. Try to shoot him quickly before he poisons Lara.
Turn around and continue along behind the huts. Go between the two huts and enter the second one.
Turn the wheel to open the trapdoor beneath the tree house with the ladder.
As soon as you turn the wheel, another villager attacks from behind. Roll and shoot him, or hop back once and take a standing jump up onto the block where the wheel is mounted.
The enemy can't climb, so you can shoot him from above with pistols.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Coastal Village Walkthrough]
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