Coastal Village - Second Cluster of Huts (part 2)

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When you exit the cave with secret #4, turn right and move along behind the two huts.

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Enter the second hut to get some flares. Come back outside, turn left, and climb onto the gray, stone ledge where there are 2 more bamboo huts.

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Go around the hut on the right.

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When you reach the back, right corner, turn right and back up into the alley behind the huts with weapons drawn.

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A warrior with a blowgun appears at the corner. Try to shoot him quickly before he poisons Lara.

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Turn around and continue along behind the huts. Go between the two huts and enter the second one.

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Turn the wheel to open the trapdoor beneath the tree house with the ladder.

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As soon as you turn the wheel, another villager attacks from behind. Roll and shoot him, or hop back once and take a standing jump up onto the block where the wheel is mounted.

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The enemy can't climb, so you can shoot him from above with pistols.

[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Coastal Village Walkthrough]