CENOTE - San Cordoba Challenge Tomb

Updated: 2/10/19()

SCORE & TIME ATTACK: If you're replaying this tomb from the Challenge Tombs section of the main menu and need tips for the various Attack modes, check out these videos from Treeble: Score Attack or Time Attack.

NOTE: This guide assumes you're exploring the CENOTE for the first time. If you completed the level but missed the tomb, this page with screenshots shows how to reach the tomb entrance from the Cenote Temple Ruins Base Camp.

PATH TO THE TOMB ENTRANCE: When you first receive the on-screen notification of a nearby challenge tomb, instead of turning left (west) toward the main objective, head to the right (east) up the path between the golden totems At the top of the hill, jump across the gap, latch onto the climbing wall, and climb to the ledge above. Follow the path forward into the next cave. Here you'll find a wooden barrier that can only be taken down with a shotgun, which you probably don't have yet. The jade you saw earlier is behind it. (There's a reminder in the main walkthrough to return here once you've obtained a SHOTGUN.) (screenshots)

FLOODED CAVES: For now, jump into the pool on the other side of the cave and follow the flooded passageway. There's an air pocket just ahead on the right, which you probably won't need right away. Swim past it and dig up a survival cache (4/8) just ahead. Pick up some salvage off to the left. Then surface for air just beyond the salvage crate. There's no need to climb out here. This passage leads back to the main path. We'll return this way later. (screenshots)

Swim past where you dug up the cache and continue northward along the tunnel between the golden totems. Follow the tunnel past a sunken rowboat, through a narrow passage and on to another air pocket. Just ahead, the tunnel splits. There's some salvage in the middle and 2 moray eels, one on each side. If you just can't stand dealing with eels, you can avoid them by quickly swimming to the left and hiding in the grass on the bottom of the tunnel. Then when the eel passes, swim forward and follow the tunnel to the next area. If you want all the pickups in this area, swim toward either eel to trigger a QTE: The eel wraps itself around Lara and you must mash Interact to stab it. Once it's dead, return to the previous air pocket or on to the next one, at the top of the slope on the right (east) side of the cave. Take a breath, swim out and deal with the second eel the same way, then return to either air pocket. (screenshots)

Now you can explore without too much stress. Just make sure you don't stray too far from the air pockets. Collect the salvage just beyond the first air pocket, jade embedded in the west wall just beyond the grassy area, and a resource canister near the second air pocket. (screenshot)

When you finish here, take a breath, then follow the tunnel to the northwest. Soon Lara gets caught in a fast current, which drags her through the tunnel and deposits her in a small pool fed by several waterfalls. Climb out of the water in the northwest corner. Scale the climbing wall and jump to the right grab the ledge beyond the waterfall. Climb along that ledge to the right. Jump to the right and latch onto the next climbable wall. Climb up as far as you can, then scramble up to the ledge above. Follow the low tunnel to emerge on a ledge overlooking another small pool and the Collapsed Temple Base Camp. Gather some salvage and other resources on the bottom of the pool, and dry off at the camp before climbing up to the tomb entrance. (screenshots)

ENTERING THE TOMB: Scramble up onto the ledge, enter the dark passageway, and squeeze through the narrow opening ahead. Just inside, look for a buried survival cache (5/8) below the walkway on the right (screenshot) and a relic (3/5) Primitive Doll (Mam/Handmade Dolls) below on the left. (screenshot) Gather some salvage, black powder, and cloth.

To get through the wooden barrier to the southeast, you'll need to move the mine cart and cannon blocking the way. Start by pushing the cart off to the left to clear a path. Then push the cannon down the slope to smash through the barrier. (screenshots)

HUGE CAVERN WITH TRAPPED GALLEON: It wouldn't be a 21st-century Tomb Raider game without some kind of shipwreck, am I right? No matter, it still makes for a fun puzzle. Before attempting to board the ship, dive into the pool and swim down on the left side to find another survival cache (6/8). (screenshot) One of the relics that was revealed on your map when you found the archivist map earlier is also in this pool, but it's behind a wall of debris, so you can't reach it from this side. We'll get to it soon.

NOTE: If anybody wants to correct my inept use of sailing terminology, I'd be grateful. ;)

Climb out of the pool and follow the path around to the right (starboard) side of the ship. Stand near the wooden raft and press Interact to kick it out into the water. Now climb onto it and jump to grab a handhold on the hull of the ship. Climb/jump up, left, and up again to reach the deck. Here you'll find a wooden barrier preventing you from reaching the captain's quarters, below. You'll need to break it open. (screenshots)

Follow the stairs down to the deck below. Grab the handle and pull it to turn the capstan and swing the dangling cannon around toward the stern of the ship. When it's in position above the barrier on the deck, Lara will say, "The falconet's in position." (screenshots)

Before continuing toward the bow of the ship, head for the gap in the port side railing near the capstan you just turned. Jump overboard and swim down and to the left to find a relic (4/5), a Rusty Sword (Conquerors), in an ornate little chest on the bottom of the pool. Climb out onto the rock. Then climb the ladder to get back onto the ship. (screenshots)

The ship is more or less broken in half. To reach the bow, you'll need to drop into the water below the capstan you turned before. Swim down and loot a resource container on the left. Then head forward and right, and pry open the iron gate. Take a breath. Then swim through the gate and follow the narrow passageway until you can surface and climb out of the water. Rifle another resource container off the left. Climb onto the ledge above for some cloth. Then follow the ledge around to the right. Scramble up the wall to grab the horizontal hole. Then scramble up again to grab the curved boards above. Climb then jump left to the horizontal pole, swing and jump toward the wall, and quickly scramble up onto the deck above. (screenshots)

There's a second capstan here, but Lara can't turn it yet. For now, move to the left and walk out onto the jutting beam toward the cliff wall. At the end of the beam, jump out and grapple the rough wall ahead. Climb the cable until you can latch on with your axes. Then continue climbing to the ledge above. Follow the path forward and around to the left, cracking open a salvage crate along the way. When you come to the edge, jump and grab the end of the jutting beam. Pull up and walk along the beam to the platform. Use your axe to pry the mechanism attached to the mast in order to swing the nearby boom around to the left. (screenshots)

You can't reach the boom from here, so move around to the right side of the mast, scramble up the wooden boards and grab the ladder above. Climb to the top until Lara is standing on the yard (that horizontal beam that extends outward from the mast to both sides). If you have room in your inventory for salvage, step to the right a bit, then jump straight up to grab the rough ladder above. Climb to the top to find a crate of salvage. Then drop back down onto the yard. Turn left and walk out to the end of the yardarm. Jump to grab the edge of the tunnel opening ahead. Pull up and enter the tunnel. (screenshots)

To the left is a dead end with some jade, salvage, and other supplies. When you've collected everything, follow the path down to the end, jump across the gap, and latch onto the craggy wall. Rappel down until Lara is hanging roughly level with the boom that you just moved. Swing back and forth to build momentum, then jump onto the boom. Walk along the boom toward the mast, go around behind it, and drop onto the deck near the second capstan. (screenshots)

Grab the handle on the second capstan and pull it to rotate the boom in toward the dangling crate. Go around to the other side of the mast. Move up the wooden ramp and climb onto the large crate. Turn right and jump to grab the boom you just rotated. Pull up onto the boom, walk to the end, and jump onto the dangling crate. Jump from the crate to the ladder on the mizzenmast. Climb up then to the right, along the wooden board supporting the "San Cordoba" sign. Jump up to grab the ladder above. Climb to the top and move in toward the mast. Use your axe to pry the mechanism attached to the mast in order to drop the falconet through the barrier on the deck. To get down quickly, stand under the rope-wrapped beam, shoot a rope arrow into the beam above the quarterdeck, and slide down the line. Drop through the opening you just made. (screenshots)

Inside the captain's quarters you'll find a document (3/6), Captain's Note (Conquerors), 2 piles of gold, and the tomb stele. Examine it to unlock Scavenger Skill Caiman's Breath II, which further increases Lara's breath capacity.

NOTE: If you haven't already retrieved relic #4, do that before leaving the ship. See above for details.

Then use a rope arrow to pull down the wooden barrier next to the stele for a convenient exit back to the pool. Dive in, retrieve survival cache #4 if you didn't get it earlier, and then head up the ramp and straight through the building to the southeast to get back to the Collapsed Temple Base Camp. (screenshots)

BACK TO THE MAIN PATH: If you have returned from a later level to complete this challenge tomb, just use the base camp to fast travel to wherever you left off. If this is your first time through the CENOTE, you'll need to make your way on foot.

From the Collapsed Temple Base Camp, swim across the pool, climb out on the ledge at water level, then climb up on the left. Climb the stairs and continue to the edge of the chasm. Jump off the wooden ledge and latch onto the climbable wall. Climb up as far as you can. Then jump up to grab the narrow ledge above. Climb then jump to the next handhold to the right. From there, climb onto the ledge above. Scramble up the stone wall, then axe-climb the rough wall above to reach the next high ledge. Head to the left. Slide down the slippery slope, and jump at the end to avoid sliding into the pit lined with spiky branches. Latch onto the climbing wall above the pit and climb onto to the ledge above. Use the rope line to slide down across another spike pit. Continue forward. Then grapple-swing across the next pit to another climbable wall. Climb to the top. (screenshots)

Move out onto the wooden platform and dive into the pool below. Swim down through the blue-lit opening to the south. Follow the flooded passageway forward to an air pocket. Then continue on to the cavern with the sunken rowboat. (Remember you passed through here earlier on your way to the tomb?) Turn left (south) here and continue more or less straight across the next cave, past the spot where you dug up survival cache #4 earlier and into the passageway ahead. You can surface here and climb out of the water. Pick up some black powder and break down the wooden barrier to get back to the main path. (screenshots)

[Cenote Walkthrough]

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UPDATE HISTORY: 11/10/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.
2/10/19 - Added Score Attack and Time Attack videos, thanks to Treeble.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at tombraiders.net/stella/community.html. If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit tombraiders.net/stella/support.html. As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

Stella's Tomb Raider Site: tombraiders.net.