Updated: 8/20/21(†)
There are 8 Side Missions spread over several levels. Things can get a little confusing because some of these missions have multiple parts and objectives. This summary, with links to the relevant walkthrough sections, should help. As far as I know, all but Stay of Execution can be completed after the main story. Stay of Execution is impossible to miss since it's introduced as you follow the story objectives.
If you're not sure which missions you've completed, open the in-game map and page right to the Side Missions screen. (screenshot) Each mission can then be expanded to show its objectives. Highlight any uncompleted mission and press the button indicated at the bottom right corner of the screen to make this your Active Side Mission. The in-game map should then direct you where you need to go. Missions you haven't unlocked yet will not appear on this screen. So continue playing until you encounter each mission giver.
You may hear rumors of a local thug named Omar from a man sitting near the Kuwaq Yaku Base Camp, or you may stumble upon two men fighting as you explore the village. In either case, the mission giver, a local man named Victor, will then be revealed on your map. (screenshot) Talk to him to start the mission, which involves defeating some grave robbers, hence the main objective: Deal with the Pillagers. Check the walkthrough for details and more screenshots.
This mission has two main objectives with separate mission givers. The first, a boy named Takiy, is sitting on a tree stump on the west side of the bridge where Unuratu leaves you when you first enter the city. Talk to him and agree to the first objective: Find Takiy's Dice. This leads to a second mission giver, Pisco the Dead, and a new objective: Seek Out the Outcasts. Both objectives are covered in the mission walkthrough.
This mission has three main objectives. The queen's lieutenant, Uchu, is the mission giver for all three.
Part 1 - Retrieve the King's Horn - This mission becomes available during the story chapter 'Eye of the Serpent.' At this time Uchu can be found at the Unuratu's Home Base Camp. Later, in the 'Rebellion Lives' chapter, Uchu moves to the rebel hideout in Skull Cave. You can still approach him there to start the mission. The walkthrough has details.
Part 2 - Retrieve the Savior's Amulet - Speak to Uchu any time after finishing the King's Horn quest to unlock the second part of this mission. He'll be in the locations listed above for the King's Horn. Again, check the walkthrough for more info.
Part 3 - Retrieve the Champion's Bow - This quest becomes available during the 'City of the Serpent' story chapter, after Lara returns to Paititi from the Mission of San Juan. You must also retrieve the Horn and Amulet (above) before you can go after the Bow. Again, approach Uchu, who can be found in Skull Cave, to start the mission. This one is covered in the main walkthrough.
This mission has two main objectives but only one mission giver, a rebel strategist named Poma. He can be found in Skull Cave after Lara returns from the Cenote. He asks Lara to Free the Rebels who have been captured and put on display around the city. When you complete this first objective and return to Poma, he'll ask you to Save Colqui, one of the rebels who is being held captive. Both objectives are covered in the detailed mission walkthrough.
This is less a quest than a murder mystery that Lara can solve to help the citizens of Paititi. In order to kick things off, any time after returning from the Cenote, put on the Serpent Guard disguise and head for the southwest part of the city. When you reach the area indicated in this screenshot, you'll find the mission giver, Ikal, a man who says his business partner, Sumaq, has been killed. Follow the mission walkthrough if you need help to Investigate Sumaq's Murder.
This mission has two main objectives with separate mission givers. Any time after returning from the Cenote, put on the Serpent Guard disguise and head for the Fishing District Base Camp. You'll find the mission giver, a young girl named Awil, on the little island indicated in this screenshot. She's struggling with her studies, which involve interpreting a series of murals, and Lara agrees to help her Decipher the Murals.
After completing this first objective you return to the girl, only to find she's been taken away to be part of a ritual. The girl's nanny, Mayu, tells Lara to go to the Abandoned Village northwest of the city in order to Stop the Ritual. The mission walkthrough includes details and screenshots.
This mission is introduced by Unuratu's son, Etzli, when you meet him in Upper Paititi during the 'Rebellion Lives' chapter of the main story. You can't miss it as long as you follow the story objectives. Etzli asks Lara to Rescue Hakan, a resistance fighter who happens to be the father of his best friend, Kayara. She is the actual mission giver. You can find her on the east side of the upper courtyard, just beyond where you meet Etzli. (screenshot) Follow the mission walkthrough if necessary.
I know, that's a lot of "missions," but this particular side mission takes place at a Christian mission. When you reach the Mission of San Juan, Abby introduces Lara to her archaeologist friend, Sara. The mission giver is another archaeologist, Guillermo, who can be found standing next to Sara. He asks Lara to find his friend, Isabela, who went missing the night before. If you don't accept his request right away, you can always return later. Guillermo will remain at this map location. In order to locate the missing woman, you'll follow a trail of clues to Explore the Local Mysteries, as detailed in the main walkthrough.
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†UPDATE HISTORY: 8/20/21 - Page first posted online.
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