HIDDEN CITY – Side Mission: Stay of Execution

Updated: 8/18/21()

This mission is first introduced by Unuratu's son, Etzli, when you meet him in Upper Paititi after returning from the CENOTE. (This is covered in the main walkthrough.) Lara has already heard about Hakan's capture from Uchu and Jonah, but because Etzli is friends with Hakan's daughter, Kayara, it's especially important to him that they Rescue Hakan. Lara agrees to do what she can.

The actual mission giver is Kayara. You can find her on the east side of the upper courtyard. Just head for the green mission icon on your in-game map. As you approach the entrance to the cell where Hakan is being held, Lara sees Kayara pleading with the guards. They send her away and she sits down on the steps opposite the cell, crying. Talk to her. (screenshots)

As you approach the entrance to the cell where Hakan is being held, Lara sees Kayara pleading with the guards. They send her away and she sits down on the steps opposite the cell, crying. Talk to her. She tells Lara that there are other rebels in the square who want to help, but they're afraid. Maybe Lara can convince them. (screenshots)

Next, talk to the 2 rebels, one to the left of the steps leading up to Hakan's cell and one to the right. They agree to help if she can deal with the guards. In order to distract the guards, start by speaking with the man holding the conch shell horn, just to the right of the second rebel. Lara convinces him to signal a halt to the prayers. This causes the assembled crowd to disperse. Now speak to one of the musicians on the dais to the left of Kayara. Lara asks him to start playing. This attracts the attention of the 2 guards, who then move away from the cell. Talk to the 2 rebels again. Now, when you approach the cell door, the men come and operate the levers, opening the door so Lara can get inside. Enter and speak to Hakan. (screenshots)

As Lara unties him, Kayara comes to the door, but it closes before they can get away.

You'll need to Find Another Way Out. Use your axe to break down the crumbling stone wall. (It's pretty dark in the cell, but the way out is fairly obvious. Use Survival Instinct to spot it immediately.) Squeeze through the opening, then follow the passageway to a closed door. Talk to Hakan again and together he and Lara can open it and make their escape. Outside the door, Hakan gives you the FINELY-CRAFTED KNIFE he was planning to use to kill Kukulkan. You also receive 400 gold pieces. At the top of the stairs, he reunites with his daughter and the mission is complete. Before moving on, go back down the stairs to find a pile of jade that you passed during the cutscene. Don't you just love happy endings? (screenshots)

[Hidden City Walkthrough]

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UPDATE HISTORY: 12/9/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.
8/18/21 - Renumbered missions and made a few minor tweaks while working on the Guide to 100% Completion and Quick Collectibles Guides.

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