Stella's Tomb Raider Underworld Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough

SNOW RIDE 1 (no map)

This is basically a linear obstacle course. Steer the bike with the direction buttons to avoid obstacles like trees, stumps, small rocks and black boulders, which will kill Lara and force you to restart from the last checkpoint. If you can't steer around a low obstacle like a stump or rock, press Jump to hop over it. If you like you can steer over gas cans and wrenches to pick them up, though I don't see any benefit to this. Snow banks slow Lara down but don't injure her. Ramps allow her to jump the bike over obstacles or reach elevated pickups. The progress bar at the top of the screen shows how far you still have to go.


Valhalla - Map 15

From the entrance at the top right corner of the map, go left and swing across the 2 poles to the small ledge. Jump to the next ledge on the left to find treasure #1.

Hang from the edge and drop to the ledge below. Climb the handholds to the left to a ledge with ammunition for Thor's gauntlet. This looks like a small stone with a carved rune. When you pick it up, it adds 10 charges to the gauntlet. To use it, equip the gauntlet from the inventory screen then fire as you would pistols.

NOTE: Be sure to save some gauntlet ammo for the final battle with Natla.

Climb back along the handholds to the right and jump over to the ledge below the entrance. Drop down and shoot the Yeti. Then roll through the low opening on the right to get more gauntlet charges. Roll back out and proceed to the left.

Jump across the toxic pool. (CHECKPOINT)

Climb the ledges on the left. Ignore the handholds for now. You don't yet have the key needed to open the door above.

Continue to the left and climb the handholds above the hole in the floor. Grab the small medipak on the ledge to the left. Then climb the handholds to the left and drop down near the huge block of ice.

Open the inventory screen and equip Thor's Gauntlet if you haven't already. This gives Lara the strength needed to move the block. Push it to the left onto the pressure pad (P1). This opens the ice door (D1) on the ledge above. Climb up and use the switch to open another ice door (D2) below.

Climb back down to the ledge with the block and return to the right. When you come to the hole in the floor, climb down the handholds, go to the left (CHECKPOINT) and kill the polar bear.

Continue to the left, pick up some explosive ammo and then climb onto the ledge above the door you just opened. Get treasure #2, drop down and go through the door (D3a).

Valhalla - Map 16VALHALLA (Map 16)

From the entrance (D3b, CHECKPOINT) at the middle left side of the map, jump across the gap on the right and pick up a large medipak. Hang from the left edge and drop down twice.

Climb over the block of ice. Equip Thor's Gauntlet to give Lara the strength she needs to push the block onto the pressure pad (P4). This opens the ice door (D4) near the top right corner of the map.

If you like, you can climb down to the floor and kill a polar bear. Or wait until you obtain the RED ICE KEY needed to open the door on the lower level.

Climb back to the ledge where you found the medipak (i.e., just to the right of the entrance). Then climb the handholds to the ledge above on the right. Keep climbing to the ledge with treasure #3. Drop back down and then climb across to the ledge on the left. Scale the climbing wall and then climb the next set of handholds to the ledge above on the left to find treasure #4. (CHECKPOINT)

Climb along the handholds to the ledge on the left, where the ice door (D4) was, and pick up the GREEN ICE KEY (GK).

Grab onto the handholds again. Climb down to the abseil point and then lower Lara to the handhold below. Drop down the handholds to the ledge below, where the large medipak was, and jump over to the entrance (D3b), which is on the left. Go through.

VALHALLA (Map 15 - again)

You re-enter this map through the door on the far left (D3a, CHECKPOINT). Drop down to the level below and run to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Climb the handholds to the level above. Go to the right end of this ledge and climb the handholds upward and to the left. Use the GREEN ICE KEY you found in MAP 16 to open the door (D5a) and go through.


Valhalla - Map 17From the entrance near the top of the map (D5b, CHECKPOINT) climb down into the room on the left, kill the Yeti and take treasure #5. The narrow pit on the left contains no goodies, so ignore it and climb back up to the entrance.

Now head to the right and climb all the way down the ledges and handholds to the bottom of the map. Drop down, shoot a polar bear and pick up treasure #6.

Move to the middle of the room (CHECKPOINT) and climb the handholds to the ledge with the BLUE ICE KEY (BK). Then climb back down the way you came.

Move to the left side of the map and climb the ledges and handholds to an ice door (D6) with a puzzle panel.

Zip explains how to manipulate the brass disks to solve the CHAIN REACTION PUZZLE. For a recap, see the controls menu in the game. Each puzzle is random, so I have not included solutions here. When you succeed, the door opens and you can take the RED ICE KEY (RK).

NOTE: Beating the first chain reaction puzzle unlocks this puzzle type in the PLAY > PUZZLE section of the main menu.

Climb back down the handholds and ledges on the left side of the map. Cross to the right (CHECKPOINT) and climb up the right side of the map to get back to the entrance. Go through.

VALHALLA (Map 15 - again)

You re-enter this map through the door with the green lock (D5a), near the upper middle of the map. Now that you have the RED and BLUE KEYS from MAP 17, you need to return to MAP 16, where the red lock is. Drop down to the level below and go to the left. At the hole in the floor, climb down the handholds to the lowest level. (CHECKPOINT) Run along the corridor to the left. Climb to the ledge above and go through the door (D3a).

VALHALLA (Map 16 - again)

From the entrance (D3b, CHECKPOINT), jump across the gap on the right. Climb down the ledges on the right. (CHECKPOINT) Then go to the left and climb down the handholds to the bottom level. Kill the polar bear if you didn't do so earlier. Then use the RED ICE KEY from MAP 17 to open the door (D6a). Go through.

Valhalla - Map 18VALHALLA (Map 18)

From the entrance at the top left corner of the map (D6b, CHECKPOINT), step to the right, hang from the edge and drop down to the handhold below. Climb over to the ledge on the left to get treasure #7.

Climb back along the handholds to the ledge on the right. Climb up to the level above, kill the Yeti and climb to the ledge above to find some rapid-fire ammo.

Climb down and make your way back across the ledges and handholds to the left side of the map. Climb down to the bottom left corner and then jump across the small toxic pool to the flat area on the right. (CHECKPOINT) Kill another Yeti and proceed to the right.

When you come to the wide green pool, climb onto the ledge and then climb the handholds upward and to the right to another solid ledge. Go right, jumping across two gaps, to a ledge with gauntlet charges.

Hang from the edge of this ledge and drop to grab the handhold below. Do not drop from the two small, stacked handholds or Lara will fall into the pool. Climb down the handholds to the right and drop to the floor. (CHECKPOINT)

Go to the right, solve the aqueduct puzzle to open the ice door (D7) and take the RED GEM (RG).

Return to the left to trigger the CHECKPOINT again so you won't have to redo the puzzle if Lara dies before the next checkpoint. Now climb the handholds to the ledge above and shoot another Yeti.

Climb the handholds to the long ledge above on the left. Equip Thor's gauntlet and drag the ice block to the right. Use it to climb onto the ledge above so you can get treasure #8.

Drop down, go right and climb the handholds to the door (D8a) at the top right corner of the map. Use the BLUE ICE KEY from MAP 17 to unlock the door and go through.

Valhalla - Map 19VALHALLA (Map 19)

From the entrance at the bottom right corner of the map (D8b, CHECKPOINT) go left. Stand at the edge of the small toxic pool, face right, draw pistols and aim upward to kill the Yeti on the ledge above.

Holster your guns and jump across the pool to get the attention of another Yeti. Then jump back across the pool and shoot it from safety. Jump back across the pool and continue to the left.

Climb onto the ledge above, jump to the ledge on the right and then climb across the handholds to the right and drop down on the ledge above the entrance. Shoot the Yeti if you didn't do so earlier from below.

Climb the ledges to the upper right corner of the map, where you'll find treasure #9.

Hop down to the ledge below on the left and then swing across the 3 poles to the next ledge on the left, where there are a series of Norse warrior statues. Shoot the undead knight ahead and the Yeti on the ledge above if you like. There are no goodies up there, so you don't have to climb up.

Head for the left end of the ledge. Climb the handholds across the map to the upper left corner to get treasure #10.

Climb the handholds downward and to the left to a ledge with a small medipak. Grab it and drop to the floor. Head to the left, shoot the Yeti on the ledge above if you want to. (It's not necessary since you won't be returning that way.)

Use the RED GEM from MAP 18 to open the ice door (D9). Go through and pick up THOR'S HAMMER HEAD (HH).

After the dialogue with Zip, return to the right and go through the level exit (D10a), which also opened when you used the gem.

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