Stella's Tomb Raider Underworld Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough

CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 5)

Catacombs 1 - Map 5

From the start near the bottom left corner of the map, step to the right, draw weapons and aim upward by pressing 2/Up to shoot a bat. Move carefully past the 2 retracting spikes. The wooden door (D1a) doesn't open yet. So run past it and climb onto the ledge ahead and take treasure #1.

Turn around and jump to grab the first of a pair of poles. Swing across them to the next ledge. Jump to the next ledge, climb up, jump to the next ledge and then climb on top of it.

You can't reach the small, flat platform directly above. So jump over to the ledge on the right and step forward. (CHECKPOINT) There's a stone door (D2) just beyond the spikes, but you don't have the RED GEM needed to open it. So for now return to the left edge and jump to grab the platform above. Pull up. Then climb the handholds to the ledge above on the right.

Run off the edge into the shallow pit, climb up on the right side and run past the next spike when it retracts to fall safely into the next shallow pit. Grab treasure #2 and climb out on the right.

Grab the uppermost handhold. Drop down twice and climb to the right end of this longer handhold. Climb past the right edge to fall quite a long way and grab one of the handholds below. (You can also climb down all the handholds but this is faster.) Climb along the lowest handhold and up the handholds to the right to reach a ledge with 2 retracting spikes. Move past them when they sink into the floor (CHECKPOINT) and run off the edge onto the ledge below.

Climb down to the floor, shoot another bat and pick up the RED GEM (marked RG on the map).

Head to the right and jump to grab the small ledge above the bottomless pit. Pull up and jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and shoot 2 bats, one above on the left and one on the right. Then climb onto the long ledge on the right. Go to the right, climb to the level above and pick up a small medipak.

Go to the left and climb the handholds to the ledge above on the left. Shoot another bat. Then climb onto the wall on the left and jump across the platforms to the right (CHECKPOINT) until you come to another stone door (D3). Access the puzzle panel next to it.

Zip explains how to manipulate the wires to solve the SHORT CIRCUIT PUZZLE. For a recap, see the CONTROLS menu in the game. Each puzzle is random, so I have not included solutions here. When you solve it, the door opens.

NOTE: Beating the first short circuit puzzle unlocks this puzzle type in the PLAY > PUZZLE section of the main menu.

Go to the right and pick up treasure #3. Shoot 2 bats through the wall on the right if you can see them. Then go through the arched doorway (D4a) to MAP 6.

Catacombs 1 - Map 6CATACOMBS 1 – PART 1 (Map 6)

From the entrance (D4b) near the center of the map (CHECKPOINT), go to the right and climb up past the retracting spike onto the wooden box. Shoot a bat. Continue to the right and drop down into the room below.

Pick up THOR'S BRACER (TB) on the left and treasure #4 on the right. Then climb back onto the ledge. Jump to grab the pole on the right and swing over to the ledge with the BLUE GEM (BG).

After picking up the gem, hang from the edge of the ledge and jump to the left to grab the pole again. Swing and jump to the left. Return to the left and climb down past the spike to the exit (D4b).

NOTE: There's another door on the left side of this map, but you don't yet have the BLUE KEY needed to open it.

CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 5 - again)

You re-enter this map from MAP 6 through the door (D4a) near the top center. (CHECKPOINT) Go to the left edge and drop to the ledge below. Again, move to the left and drop down. Move to the right side of this ledge and drop down once more. Now go to the left and jump to the grab the ledge above the bottomless pit. Pull up, cross this ledge and jump down to the solid floor on the left.

Head to the left to the spot where you found the RED GEM earlier. Climb back up the ledges to the spot with the 2 spikes and CHECKPOINT. Then make your way along the handholds, first down, then left, then upward, to the shallow pit where you found treasure @1 earlier. Climb past the single spike and continue to the left. Climb down the handholds to the small ledge below on the right. Then carefully jump down to the ledge on the right with the spikes and CHECKPOINT.

Insert the RED GEM in the niche to open the stone door (D2). Enter and use the switch to open the door below (D1a).

Move back past the spikes and drop down to the ledge below. Jump to the next ledge on the right, then the next. Hang from the right edge of this ledge and drop down next to the door you just opened (D1a). Go through.

Catacombs 1 - Map 7CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 7)

From the entrance (D1b) near the top center of the map, step to the right and shoot down another bat. Wait for the wooden spike to retract and then run past it to fall onto the small ledge below. Climb down the ledges and handholds to the floor.

Move to the left past 2 retracting spikes. Climb onto the wooden box and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up and use the BLUE GEM you found in MAP 6 to open the stone door (D5) on the right.

Jump over to that door, go through and climb to the level above. (CHECKPOINT) Pick up the BLUE KEY (BK). Go to the left, climb down the handholds and abseil down to the floor. Grab the small medipak and climb over the wooden box on the right. Move back past the spikes and climb back up to the entrance (D1b).

Move past the doorway to the right. Pass the retracting spike. Climb down the handholds, head to the right and drop down onto the next ledge, where you'll find a box of rapid-fire ammo.

Wait for the wooden spike to retract and run past it, falling onto the ledge below. Go to the right and pick up treasure #5.

Climb over the wooden crates on the left and push the movable crate to the left. Climb onto it to reach the top of the stacked wooden crates.

Scale the climbing wall to the handhold above. Jump to the handhold above, climb to the right and drop onto the ledge with FATHER'S NOTES (FN). You can review these later if you like by accessing them on the INVENTORY screen.

Run off the ledge to grab the handhold and abseil down to the floor. Return to the right. Drag the movable crate back to the right and use it to climb onto the stacked crates. Continue climbing back to the entrance (D1b) and go through.

CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 5 - again)

You re-enter this map through the door (D1a) near the bottom right of the map. (CHECKPOINT) Now that you have the BLUE KEY, you can return to MAP 6 to use it. This map is accessed through the door (D4a) at the top of the map to the right of center.

CATACOMBS 1 – PART 1 (Map 6 - again)

From the entrance (D4b, CHECKPOINT) turn left and step to the edge of the pit. Jump forward without running to grab the other side of the pit. Or run and jump then quickly reverse directions to keep Lara from sliding off the edge into the next pit. Jump across the next pit the same way. Then carefully run past the retracting spike. Use the BLUE KEY you found in MAP 7 to open the door (D6a). Go through.

Catacombs 1 - Map 8CATACOMBS 1 – PART 1 (Map 8)

From the entrance (D6b, CHECKPOINT) take a running jump across the gap to the ledge on the right. Climb the handholds to the ledge with the wooden spike. Move past it when it retracts and climb up on the left to get treasure #6.

Now climb the handholds to the upper right corner of the map to get the GREEN GEM (GG). Hang from the edge and drop down twice to the ledge with the spike. Climb back down the handholds to the ledge to the right of the entrance. Drop down to the ledge below, which has another retracting spike.

The pit beyond the spike has no goodies in it, so you can ignore it and go to the left. Climb down the ledges below the entrance. Go to the right, grab the handholds and climb across to the ledge on the right, where you'll find treasure #7.

Continue climbing downward. On the way you'll pick up a small medipak. On the ledge below the health, shoot a bat and then drop down once more to the lowest level.

Pick up treasure #8 and then use the GREEN GEM you found at the top of this map to open the stone door (D7). Go through and take the GREEN KEY (GK).

Climb back to the entrance and return to MAP 6.

CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 6 - again)

You return from MAP 8 through the door with the blue lock (D6a). Carefully jump back across the pits to the entrance (D4b). Go through to return to MAP 5.

CATACOMBS 1 – Part 1 (Map 5 - again)

You re-enter this map from MAP 6 through the door (D4a) near the top center. (CHECKPOINT). Go to the left and drop down twice. Then climb down on the right to reach the floor.

Continue to the right across the bottom of the map. (CHECKPOINT) Climb to the ledge above on the right. Move carefully past the retracting spike and pick up treasure #9. Climb onto the small ledge above and then jump to the next ledge on the left.

Grab the long handhold above and climb to the left then downward along the smaller handholds. When Lara is hanging from the lowest handhold in this group, climb to the right end of it and drop down onto the ledge with treasure #10.

Stand at the right edge of the ledge and jump forward (without running) to grab the first of 2 poles. Swing across the poles to the ledge where you found treasure #9. Climb back to the handholds above.

This time, instead of dropping down to the ledge where treasure #6 was, keep climbing upward and to the left. If you didn't shoot the 2 bats here through the wall near door D4a, do that now. Continue climbing to the upper right corner of the map.

Use the GREEN KEY you found in MAP 8 to open the exit (D8).

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