Stella's Tomb Raider Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough - The Osiris Codex

TRAINING: Follow the on-screen prompts to learn the controls. Walk/run to the right along the bottom of the map. You'll pass beneath the exit and Lara will comment. Climb up the ledges and down the other side.

Training Level MapDraw pistols, crouch and shoot the switch (S1) to raise a block (B1) behind you. Stand, holster pistols, turn and run to the left. Climb back up the ledges to the top. With the block raised, you can climb higher. Face right and press Up to jump and grab the ledge above; pull up. Cross the long, flat ledge. At the end, press Down twice to drop to the ledge below. Go to the right and climb the ladder.

At the top, turn around and press Action to jump the gap to the left. Follow the ledge to the left until you come to a movable block. Press Action to grab onto it and Left to push it in that direction. Push the block as far as it will go. Press Action again to let go. Climb on top of the block and jump up to grab the ledge above. Pull up and hop down the other side. Stand over the medipack (GN4700) and press Down to use it.

Continue to the left to the cable. Press Up to jump and grab it. Lara will hold on and slide down automatically. Stand near the switch (S2) and press Action to use it to extend a ledge (L2) near the exit. Climb over the block with the switch and drop down on the other side to land on the ledge you just extended. Press Up to go through the exit door.


Item Code: GN0000
Item Name: Pistols
Description: These are the standard pistols that Lara always carries. They are not particularly powerful, but are better than nothing in a tight situation.


Item Code: GN4700
Item Name: Medi Pack
Description: This is a small medical pack that will restore a portion of your health. It is an immediate use item and cannot be kept for later use. (NOTE: The Eidos web page designers seem to have swapped the medipack and medikit pictures. I have taken the liberty of switching them back.)


From the start, go to the right. Climb over the various blocks until you come to a ladder; climb down and press Down once more to let go and drop. Push the movable block to the left. Climb onto the block and jump over the spike pit to grab the opposite ledge. Pull up. Press Up to go through the exit.


Pull the movable block out from underneath the ledge. Climb on top of it and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up, turn around, and press Action to jump the gap and grab the ledge to the right; pull up. Crouch to pick up the dynamite (GN9342).

Climb over the low ledge. Ignore the block under the ledge; just jump straight up to grab the ledge above. Pull the movable block to the left. Climb over it onto the small ledge above. Walk to the left side and drop and grab the edge. Drop down several more times until Lara is standing on another movable block. Climb over the block to the right and drop down.

Walk to the edge of the spike pit and jump over it to grab the edge of the movable block. Pull up and climb over it. Pull the block to the right until it is underneath the ladder. Climb onto the block, jump to grab the ladder and climb to the top. Jump across the gap and then push the movable block to the left. Climb over the ledge onto the block. Jump over the spike pit to grab the ledge. Pull up and exit the level.


Item Code: GN9342
Item Name: Dynamite
Description: Dynamite can be used to destroy weak sections of walls in the levels. When you pick up dynamite, it is stored in your inventory until you find a place where you can use it. A floating '?' indicates that Lara can interact with the environment. There are several possible types of interaction, one of which is placing the dynamite.

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NOTE ON ITEM & MAP CODES: Each level and item has a code, which can be found on the map screen or item info screen. Once you have a code, you can enter it on a page at the Tomb Raider Mobile or Eidos Mobile UK web site to access a level map or detailed item information. My walkthroughs include all of the item info, as well as my own maps, which are a bit more detailed than the unlockable ones.

Copyright © 2006- Stellalune ( or contact me via web form). In-game item descriptions copyright © Eidos, Ltd. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.

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