Stella's Tomb Raider Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough - Elixir of Life

Level 14 MapLevel 14 – Access Tunnels (MP5607)

Go to the right, jump the gap and carefully move past the steam jet to get the Uzi. Move past the second steam jet and climb over to the right. Use the computer (C1) to disable a laser tripwire in the hallway below. Return past the steam jets and climb down the ladder. Go to the left. With the tripwire disabled, the door (D1) won't close and you can reach the next computer (C2). Use it to open a trapdoor (D2) just to the right. Jump over the opening and get the medipack. Then climb down through the opening and shoot the Doberman.

Go right, down the ladder, then left. Use the first computer (C3) to open the door (D3) just to the left. Go through and use the next computer (C4) to open the nearby trapdoor (D4). Drop down through the opening. When Lara crosses the laser tripwire, the doors to the left and right open, releasing 2 more dogs. Kill them.

Follow the passage to the left, down, right, then up to a medipack. Return to the long hallway above, where you shot the 2 dogs, and continue to the right. When you come to the two ladders, jump from the edge to grab the ladder on the right wall. Climb to the top.

Unless Lara's health is very low, leave the medikit for now. There are 2 more ladders overhead. Climb the one on the right and shoot the Doberman. (If you still have Uzi rounds, don't waste them on the other dog. It can't reach Lara.)

Climb the next ladder, move carefully past the steam jet and get the Uzi (or more ammo). Go to the right, jump the gap, climb down the ledges and ladder and shoot the security droid. Use the computer (C5) to open one of the 3 doors (D5) near the exit.

Climb back up the ladder and ledges, go left, climb down 2 ladders and use the medikit if you didn't before. Go left, climb down the long ladder and go left again. The exit is just to the left, but you can't reach it yet because there are still 2 doors in the way. Climb down the short ladder, shoot the Doberman and go to the right, picking up a medipack on the way.

Follow the passage up 2 ladders then to the right. Stand at the edge of the long, vertical shaft. When the moving platform approaches, jump onto it and ride it downward. Mounted laser guns line the walls. It may help to hang from the platform on the right side to avoid the lasers. Drop off at the bottom.

Go left, use the medipack, drop down and use the computer (C6) to open another door (D6a) near the exit, as well as the door just to the left (D6b). Immediately draw guns and shoot the 2 Dobermans and robot that emerge when the door opens. Or, quickly climb up on the right to avoid them.

Ride the moving platform back up and jump off on the left. Follow the passage back down and to the left. After passing the opening in the ceiling with the short ladder, go down some steps and climb a ladder. Shoot the security droid in the hall above and continue to the left. Climb down the next ladder and kill another Doberman. Climb up another ladder, get the medipack and then use the computer (C7) to open the last door (D7) near the exit.

To get there, follow the hallway back the way you came. At the top of the steps, climb the overhead ladder, jump across to the left and continue to the exit.

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NOTE ON ITEM & MAP CODES: Each level and item has a code, which can be found on the map screen or item info screen. Once you have a code, you can enter it on a page at the Tomb Raider Mobile or Eidos Mobile UK web site to access a level map or detailed item information. My walkthroughs include all of the item info, as well as my own maps, which are a bit more detailed than the unlockable ones.

Copyright © 2006- Stellalune (). In-game item descriptions copyright © Eidos, Ltd. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.

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