Stella's Tomb Raider Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough - Quest for Cinnabar

Level 12 MapLevel 12: Chapel Tower (MP2957)

The beginning of this level is difficult. There are 4 monks on the level above and they all try and blast Lara with blue energy bolts as soon as she tries to climb up. Feel free to experiment—maybe your reflexes are better than mine—but here's what worked for me after several tries.

Climb up and use the small medipack. Then climb onto the ledge above. Pull up on the left side, draw guns, shoot twice to kill one monk and then quickly holster guns and drop back down through the opening.

Use the large medikit and climb back up to the opening. Again, pull up on the left. This time don't even bother shooting. Just run a few steps to the left, turn around and quickly pull up onto the ledge. If Lara has less than half health at this point, you may want to restart and try again. You'll need to be in fairly good shape later when you'll have to confront the remaining monks. But first, some climbing....

Pull up onto the square ledge just above and to the left. Move to the left edge and jump past the dangling rope to grab the next ledge; pull up. Shoot the switch (S1) on the wall to the right. This lowers a block on a chain (B1) above. (NOTE: Only shoot once. The switches in this level toggle in and out each time you shoot them so you can return things to their original positions.)

Climb on top of the thin wall to the left. Jump straight up to grab the edge of the block above. Pull up. Jump straight up to grab the edge of the block you just lowered and pull up again. Shoot the switch (S2) on the left wall to lower a large dangling block (B2) off to the right.

Hang from the right edge of this block (B1) and drop onto the L-shaped block below. Climb down on the right side of the L and jump past the dangling rope to land on the ledge to the right. Cross this ledge and pull up onto the block you just lowered (B2). Shoot the switch (S3) on the left wall to move a block (B3) above, revealing part of the ladder below the exit.

Move to the right edge of the block Lara is on (B2) and jump onto the small square ledge to the right. From there, jump to grab the ledge with the Uzis. Get them and slide down the rope all the way to the floor. Immediately draw those guns and shoot the monks before they kill Lara.

Cross the room to the left, dropping down into the opening and climbing out on the other side. (If you're really good and didn't use both of the health packs down near the entrance, drop down and get one now.)

Again, climb onto the ledge above and to the left of the opening in the floor. This time, climb up on the right and jump to grab the next block. Pull up and jump to grab the next block. Pull up, turn around, walk to the edge and jump to grab the ladder. Climb up, turn and shoot the switch (S4) on the right wall. This partially retracts the ledge (L4) above the previous switch (S3).

Climb to the bottom of the ladder. Then drop and grab the ledge below. Pull up, turn around and jump to grab the block to the right. Hang from the right edge and let go to slide down the rope.

Once more, cross the room and climb onto the ledge above the opening in the floor. This time, climb up onto the block on the left again. Jump past the rope to grab the next ledge on the left. Climb onto the thin wall ahead and drop down on the other side. Shoot the switch (S5) to lower a movable block (B5) from the ceiling in a room high up on the right. Slide down the rope to the floor.

For the last time, climb onto the ledge above the opening in the floor. Climb onto the block on the left again. Shoot the switch (S1) to the right again to return the block dangling from the chain (B1) to its original position (i.e., the higher position). Then climb onto the thin wall to the left. Pull up onto the block above. Turn and jump to grab the L-shaped block to the right; pull up. Turn and pull up onto the block dangling from the chain.

Jump from the right edge of the block to grab the edge of the ledge with the rope. Pull up. Climb onto the ledge above (L4). Climb onto the movable block (B5) and shoot the switch (S6) to the right. This extends a ledge (L6) halfway up the left wall, which will enable you to reach the switch there (S11).

Before heading for the switch, stand on the left side of the movable block (B5) and push it into the hallway with the spikes on the ceiling. As you go, the block will depress three pressure pads (P7, 8 and 9), retracting the spikes. Pull the block back out and go through the hallway, which is now safe. Use the switch (S10) to retract another block (B10) below the exit. Return past the pressure pads and climb over the movable block.

Drop down onto the ledge with the long rope hanging from it. Walk to the left edge and jump the gap to grab the block dangling from the chain (B1); pull up. Hang from the left side of that block and drop onto the ledge below. Use the switch (S11) to move the last block (B11) preventing Lara from reaching the exit.

Walk to the right edge. Jump to grab the L-shaped block to the right. Pull up. Turn and pull up onto the block dangling from the chain (B1). Jump from the right edge of that block to grab the ledge with the rope. Pull up. Climb onto the ledge above (L5).

Push the movable block (B5) to the left as far as it will go. Climb on top of it and jump across the gap to grab the ledge below the ladder; pull up. Climb the ladder, use the medikit and jump over to the exit.

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NOTE ON ITEM & MAP CODES: Each level and item has a code, which can be found on the map screen or item info screen. Once you have a code, you can enter it on a page at the Tomb Raider Mobile or Eidos Mobile UK web site to access a level map or detailed item information. My walkthroughs include all of the item info, as well as my own maps, which are a bit more detailed than the unlockable ones.

Copyright © 2006- Stellalune (). In-game item descriptions copyright © Eidos, Ltd. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.

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