Tomb Raider I-III Remastered updates are in progress. For levels that have not yet been updated, I will continue to link to the ORIGINAL WALKTHROUGHS, which cover all the basics. Please check the introductory notes at the start of the first TR1 level for info on my process, modern vs. classic tank controls, etc. This guide covers most but not all possible achievements/trophies. Follow this link for the archived classic Hive walkthrough.
Updated: 11/22/24(†)
Secrets: 1 Pickups: 60, including the Uzis Kills: 41
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)
The Hive Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
OBJECTIVES: Navigate the trapped rooms in the starting area to reach an underground lava stream. Follow it to find the entrance to a large, flooded cavern. Find a way to open the doors at the top of the pyramid-like structure above the subterranean pool and enter the main Atlantean hatcheries. Destroy Natla's remaining mutants and make your escape.
ROOM WITH BOULDERS & CHECKERBOARD FLOOR: Before rushing into an elaborate trap, get the lay of the land. Ahead is a room with a checkerboard floor and 25 lava boulders dangling from the ceiling. In typical Tomb Raider fashion, all but one of these boulders can be triggered by stepping on various tiles, and they do not follow any normal laws of physics. Lava-filled trenches run along each side of the checkerboard area, preventing you from straying off the floor. On the far side of the room are two alcoves, each containing a switch.
NOTE: There's a handy shortcut here if you're replaying the level or don't care about 100% completion. Details are in a footnote.
If you're achievement/trophy hunting, you'll need to proceed carefully in order to unlock two contradictory ones. The "On Tiptoes" achievement/trophy requires you to avoid triggering any boulders before using either of the switches on the other side of the room. "Roll, Action!" involves triggering all but one of the boulders in all 4 Unfinished Business levels. The one boulder that doesn't roll happens to be in this area, so you'll need to trigger 24 of the 25 boulders. There are 47 boulders across all 4 Unfinished Business levels, but these 24 are the only ones in The Hive. Note that all of the ornate, decorated tiles are safe. Most, though not all, of the plain tiles will trigger boulders.
If you don't care about achievements, this guide may still be useful, but you obviously won't need to be as careful.
From the starting point, step forward and pick up the small medi pack and magnum clips (1-2) lying on the floor. Watch out for the holes in the corners—there's lava below—and note the two closed doors on the side walls. Climb the first two wide steps toward the checkerboard area, but don't step up onto the third step (i.e., the one with the plain, undecorated tiles), since this will trigger 2 boulders. Grab the 2 sets of Uzi clips (3-4) from the alcoves. Don't worry, the 2 mutants (1-2) inside won't come to life yet. (screenshots)
I recommend saving the game before proceeding, since this sequence is a little tricky. To cross the room without triggering any boulders, start by jumping over that third step, since touching it triggers two boulders. (The boulders won't squash Lara but will negate the achievement.) (screenshots)
The 6 decorated tiles at the top of the steps are safe, as are the two decorated tiles near the lava along the right edge of the checkerboard floor. So advance carefully. Take a running jump over the plain trigger tiles to land on the nearer of the two decorated (i.e., safe) tiles near the lava. Adjust Lara's position then take another running jump over the two plain tiles to land on the safe tile in the far right (northeast) corner of the checkerboard. (Again, the screenshots show how to position Lara precisely to make these jumps.) The other decorated tiles near the alcoves are safe, too, so move into the alcove. When you pull the switch, as long as you haven't triggered any boulders, the "On Tiptoes" achievement/trophy should unlock.
Using the switch opens one of the doors back at the entrance and also awakens one of the mutants (1). Roll, run forward a few steps so the camera moves behind Lara, and draw weapons. Lara is vulnerable in this narrow alcove, so use Magnums if possible to destroy the mutant before its projectiles do too much damage. Sidestepping left and right while firing can also help, but don't run out into the room or you're likely to trigger some boulders. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you mess up, either reload an earlier save or restart the level and try again. (To do this, jump in the lava or let a boulder squash Lara. Then, instead of reloading your last save, press Right to turn the page in the passport menu and choose "Restart Level.")
Now, we'll deal with the other mutant and trigger all the boulders for the "Roll, Action!" achievement/trophy. Exit the alcove and make a quick U-turn into the other alcove. Doing so triggers a boulder (1/24), which rolls across the room to land between the two alcoves. Use the switch in the alcove to open the other door back at the entrance and awaken the second mutant (2). Again, roll, draw weapons, and run forward a few steps so you can see the mutant as it approaches. Sidestep left and right as you shoot to hopefully avoid taking too much damage from its projectiles. (screenshots)
Triggering all of the boulders is complicated and best explained by showing, rather than telling. So please refer to the separate section with screenshots. If you don't like my method, there are lots of YouTube videos showing other possibilities. If you don't care about unlocking achievements/trophies, the first few steps of this sequence will get you back to the entrance safely.
TRAPPED CORRIDORS NEAR ENTRANCE: After tripping the boulders (or not), you're now back at the entrance. If you used the 2 switches, the small doors on the left and right will now be open. Go through the one on the right (when facing the entrance). Move carefully past the metal jaw trap (approach carefully then run through just as the jaws begin to open). Continue into the dead-end alcove on the right and pick up 2 sets of magnum clips (5-6). Then return past the trap to the main hall and go straight through the opposite door, where you'll encounter dart traps as well as another jaw trap. Take each in turn and you'll manage. Just be careful not to run into the lava pool beyond. At the end of the passage is a small medi pack (7). Pick it up and save before continuing. (screenshots)
SERIES OF SLOPES ABOVE LAVA POOL: Below is a series of slopes above a lava pool. Begin by standing near the middle of the ledge angled slightly to the left. Jump forward to land on the first slope so Lara slides down facing forward. Near the end of the slope, jump to clear the first gap and land on the next slope. Slide again and jump across the next gap onto the slope below, which angles down to the left. Now hold down the Jump button so Lara hops back and forth between the two angled slopes over the lava stream. Hold the right direction button at the same time so she gradually creeps to the right as she repeatedly jumps and backflips. Stop when she reaches the slightly raised block at the far end of the second slope. This tile is level enough to stand on. (screenshots)
CAVE WITH STONE COLUMNS & LAVA STREAM: Step forward into the open and kill the mutant (3) lurking on the left. Three shotgun blasts should do it. Or, if you don't have shotgun ammo to spare, instead run forward past the square column, turn right, and take a running jump across the lava pool onto the ledge directly opposite where the mutant appears. Roll and shoot the mutant from there. If you watch your step, you can even flip from side to side to avoid the mutant's projectiles as you shoot it with pistols. Then take a careful running jump back across the lava. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you explore the sloped pathway to the west, you may spot the UZIS on the other side of the webbed window to the north. (screenshot) You'll get them later on from the other side.
Approach the spot where the mutant emerged. Look to the right. There's a gap in the sloping stone wall here with a low, flat step. When you move toward the low step, a flying mutant (4) rises out of the deep lava pit ahead. If you keep the shotgun ready, you can take it down with three blasts just as it appears. (screenshots)
There's another mutant (5) in the cave on the far (west) side of the lava pit, but it's difficult to target it from this distance. You'll have a better angle later, but if you want to take care of it now, jump over to the slope on the left side of the pit, shoot the mutant from there, sidestepping left and right to avoid its projectiles. Then return to the low step. (screenshots)
SECRET CAVE IN LAVA PIT: Step carefully off the edge or hang and drop onto the flat corner block in the lava pit where the flying mutant came from. Move to the outer corner of the block and take a standing jump across the lava to the next safe block. Step carefully off the edge or hang and drop onto the ledge below. Position Lara at the outer corner of this block and angle her toward the block in the opposite corner of the cave, where there's a large medi pack (8). Hop back and then take a running jump to grab the front edge of the block. Pull up and take the medi pack, which is this level's only SECRET. If you've found all the others, you'll unlock the "Codex of Hive" achievement/trophy now. (screenshots)
To get back out, retrace your steps: First, turn around, move to the outer corner of the block where the medi pack was, and angle Lara toward the block you just came from. Hop back and then take a running jump to grab the front edge of the block. Pull up. Climb back onto the ledge above. Now take a running jump across the lava to grab the edge of the block where you first dropped down. Pull up. And finally, pull up onto the low step at the rim of the pit. If you managed all this without landing on either of the slopes, you'll unlock the "I See Goals, I Don't See Obstacles" achievement/trophy. (screenshots)
AROUND THE RIM OF THE LAVA PIT: Head for the far right (southeast) corner. There's a small medi pack (9) on the ground there. Get it. Then jump up the slope onto the flat ledge above the deep lava pit with the secret. Be careful not to run forward into the smaller lava pit ahead on the left. (screenshots)
If you didn't destroy the mutant (5) on the far side of the room between the square pillars, it'll be waiting for you now. Move forward just far enough to target it. Then sidestep left and right while shooting to avoid its darts and/or fireballs. Or, slide down the slope ahead and use the shotgun to take out the mutant at close range. Pick up another small medi pack (10) in the southwest corner. Then head to the right (north) toward the lava stream. (screenshots)
TIMED DOORS & BLOCK JUMPING IN THE LAVA STREAM: There's a square, fleshy door on the left and several blocks, some flat and some sloping, sticking up out of the lava. Walk to the right corner of the flat ledge overlooking the lava stream. Angle Lara toward the tan block with gold decorations just ahead on the right, and take a standing jump to land there. (screenshots)
From here you can see that there are actually 2 fleshy doors. The surface of this block is a pressure pad that opens the door on the right. Before heading for the exit, make a couple of pickups. Move to the corner of the block nearest the darker, angled block with the Uzi clips (11). Step back once. Then take a standing jump to land on top of the ammo. Grab it, turn right, and take another standing jump to land on the flat block ahead, which also has Uzi clips (12). Turn back toward the tall, decorated block with the pressure pad. Walk to the edge and take a standing jump up onto that block. The right door opens again as you do. (screenshots)
The door is timed to close about 15 seconds after Lara steps off the pressure pad. To get through in time, begin by turning around and walking to the corner nearest the block where you found that last set of Uzi ammo (i.e., the one that's flat on the right side and angled on the left). Face the nearest corner of the flat block and hop back once. Then take a standing jump forward to land on the corner of the flat block. Turn left to face the door. Step back and left so Lara's left foot is fairly close to the back left corner of the flat block. Then take a running jump over the angled block and grab the ledge in front of the door. Pull up and run through the door before it closes. Just take care not to run off the edge ahead. (screenshots)
If you're having trouble with this sequence, try the other timed door. To open it, jump across the blocks to the other decorated tan block a bit farther upstream. The pressure pad on that block opens the fleshy door on the left. Like the other timed door, this one closes about 15 seconds after Lara leaves the pad. To get through in time, begin by taking a running jump onto the dark, angled block where you found the first set of Uzi clips, aiming for the left side of that block. Turn left and take a standing jump onto the decorated block that opens the door on the right. Now take a few seconds to walk to the edge of the block nearest the doors, hop back, and take a running jump to grab the block below the left door. Pull up and run through. (screenshots)
ROOM WITH UNEVEN LEDGES & MUTANT INCUBATORS: You are now aiming for the curved, fleshy wall that runs across the middle of this room between the two incubators. There's another lava pool beyond, and when Lara lands on the wall, the eggs will hatch, so you'll need to go carefully. Use photo mode to scout ahead if you like. (screenshots)
NOTE: The switch in the southwest corner re-opens the nearer of the timed doors leading back to the LAVA STREAM. You probably won't need to return there, but if you missed the secret, you can go back for it. When you pull the switch, there's a 15-second delay before the door opens, then another 15 seconds before it closes, giving you plenty of time to get there. (screenshots)
If you entered through the timed door on the right, Lara will be facing the left incubator and the gray stone blocks below it. Turn around, slide backwards down the sloping wall, and grab the edge. Skip the next paragraph. (screenshots)
If you entered through the timed door on the left, Lara will be facing the wall between the left incubator and the switch. Stand at the right edge of the doorway and step off. Slide down the fleshy slope onto the flat tile beneath the incubator. Turn around, move forward into the left corner of the flat area, jump forward, and grab the edge of the tan, fleshy slope below the other door. (screenshots)
Traverse along the edge of the tan slope all the way to the left. Pull up and hold Jump to backflip onto the gray stone slope behind, then spring off the gray slope and land on the curved, fleshy wall. Release Jump so Lara slides down to the middle of the wall instead of springing off. As soon as Lara lands on the fleshy wall, the eggs hatch releasing 2 winged mutants (6-7). Hold Walk as you fight, to avoid accidentally stepping off into the lava pool. Any weapons will do, but I start with the shotgun for the first mutant, since it closes in pretty quickly, then switch to magnums or pistols for the other, which usually takes a little while to approach. (screenshots)
If Lara falls into the room below, just climb the steps below and to the left of the tan, fleshy slope. Turn around, move to the outer left corner of the upper step, angle Lara about 45 degrees to the right, and jump onto the curved fleshy wall. The first time you land there, the mutants will hatch, so be ready. (screenshots)
After you've killed the mutants, move to the end of the curved, fleshy wall farther from the incubators. Turn left and take a running jump (without pressing Action) to land on the jutting, fleshy ledge below the exit. From here you can see a centaur (8) in the room above, but don't worry; it doesn't animate until you climb up to its level. If you draw weapons and step up onto the right side of the wide slope in front of the centaur, you can shoot while flipping side to side in order to avoid its fireballs. Even with pistols, it won't take too long to kill it at close range. (screenshots)
WINDOWED ROOM WITH UZIS: Safety drop through the opening in the floor into the room below. Pick up the UZIS (13) on the pedestal, plus some ammo (14) on the floor nearby. Now slide down the long slope into a subterranean pool. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you've found the other weapons in Atlantis, you'll unlock the "To Arms" achievement/trophy when you take these guns.
CAVE WITH POOL & PYRAMID-LIKE STRUCTURE: There are items scattered on the bottom of the pool, but unless you're very low on health, ignore them for now. Otherwise you'll risk triggering various mutants lurking on ledges above the water. Climb out on the ledge in the northeast corner (i.e., on the left when facing the slope you just slid down). There's a mutant (9) lurking on the ledge above. Climb up and kill it quickly before it bombards Lara with projectiles. Then pick up the magnum clips (15) in the northeast corner. (screenshots)
Follow the walkway where the mutant was standing to the far end, where it slopes down toward the water. Just before the end of the walkway, there's a square bit that juts out on the left. Take a running jump from there to the flat, rectangular island in front of the tiered ledges with the 3 mutants (10-12). When Lara lands on the island, the mutants animate, and you can shoot them across the water with pistols. Ignore the mutant (15) off to the left (southwest) for now. We'll get a good angle on it momentarily. Take a running jump across the water to grab the edge of the wide opening. Pull up. Then climb the tiered ledges where the 3 mutants were and drop down behind them to find 5 sets of Uzi clips (16-20). Nice! (screenshots)
When you climb back out, 2 more mutants (13-14) have spawned on the ledges near the pool. You may be able to target the first mutant with pistols as you first climb out of the pit. Then, when it explodes, step out a little farther to the right to target the second. If they do start hurling projectiles, don't be afraid to break out the magnums or Uzis. There are a few tougher encounters ahead, but your weapons and ammo won't carry over to the next level, so there's no need to be too stingy with ammo. (screenshots)
Now, go to the right side of the wide ledge above the water and jump onto the square block with the magnum clips (21) on top. Immediately draw weapons and destroy the mutant (15) on the southwest corner ledge. Sidestepping left and right while firing can help minimize the damage from its projectiles. (screenshots)
The last mutant (16) in this area is guarding the gold door high in the southeast corner. If you approach from the north, rather than the west, this mutant will usually not start throwing projectiles, making it easier to destroy. So, standing on the ledge where you just found the magnum ammo, turn around to face north. (The tiered fleshy ledges are now ahead on the left.) Then make your way clockwise around the edge of the room, either swimming or climbing, until Lara is facing the gold door. Climb out of the water onto the small square ledge below the gold door from the north side, not the west. Get a lock on the mutant with pistols and jump up and down while firing. Lara will creep forward little by little as she jumps. So, when she gets close to the far edge of the ledge, back up a little so she doesn't fall into the water, then repeat until the mutant explodes. If the mutant does attack, either switch to Uzis or jump up onto the block to the right of the alcove, whip out the shotgun, and finish the creature off. (screenshots)
If you want all the pickups, explore the bottom of the pool. You'll find 5 small medi packs and some Uzi clips (22-27) scattered about: One medi pack (22) is directly below the southeast alcove with the gold door. Another medi pack (23) is near the northeast corner of the pool, below the ledge where you killed the first mutant. Two more small medis (24-25) and the Uzi ammo (26) are concealed beneath the stone structure in the middle of the pool. The fifth medi pack (27) is in the northwest corner of the pool, below the rectangular island. (screenshots)
NOTE: There's a transparent, fleshy door under the ledge in the southwest corner of the pool. This door only opens from the other side, so ignore it for now. You may also notice some ammo on top of the central structure. We'll get it later when we climb up to the exit.
When you're ready to move on, climb out of the water on the small, square ledge near the gold door. Jump over to the block to the right of the alcove then into the doorway. Pick up 2 sets of Uzi clips (28-29) in the niches on the left. Then use the 2 switches to open the gold door and another one just beyond it. (screenshots)
BEHIND THE GOLD DOORS: There are 2 centaurs (17-18) lurking behind the pillars in the next room. In order to unlock the "Ben Hur" achievement/trophy, you'll need to defeat both of them using only Lara's pistols, in the arena, without taking damage. I emphasize "in the arena" because, although you can trigger the centaurs, run back into the doorway, and shoot them from relative safety, the achievement/trophy will not unlock unless Lara is standing in the large room when each centaur dies.
Here's one possible strategy: Move past the dark stone pillar into the room, staying in the near left (northeast) corner for now. Do not advance onto the red-and-gold tiled strips on the floor yet, in order to avoid triggering the centaurs. Turn right (west) so the central pillars are ahead on Lara's left and the gold doors where you came in are on her right. Then position Lara as shown in this screenshot. If you have medi packs to spare, top up your health. Then it'll be easier to notice if Lara takes damage during the fight. Ready pistols and save the game. (screenshots)
Now side flip twice to the left to animate the centaurs and immediately get a pistol lock on one of them. Continue firing as you flip left to right. When the first centaur explodes, release and re-press Action to target the second, and continue flipping back and forth while shooting. If the RNG spirits are favorable, you'll destroy both without getting clipped by a fireball, and the achievement/trophy will pop. If not, reload and try again. (screenshots)
Or, if you don't care about achievements, or already have this one, you can run into the room to get the centaurs' attention and then rush back to the doorway. Step out just far enough to get a lock on either one. Hold Action to maintain the lock as you hop back to relative safety. Step out to shoot, hop back, and repeat until both have been destroyed. (screenshots)
In the raised niches between the switches are 3 sets of Uzi clips (30-32). Near the gold doors at the far end of the room are 2 large medi packs (33-34). (screenshots)
There are 4 switches, two on each side of the central pillars. You can use them in any order, but we'll start with the two on the north side (nearer the entrance). First use the switch on the left to open the gold door in the southwest corner, releasing a mutant (19). When you've killed it, pull the switch on the right to open a door at the top of the tan stone structure in the middle of the pool in the previous area. On the other side of the pillars, the right switch opens the other gold door, releasing another mutant (20). The left switch opens another door inside the stone structure above the pool. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you don't care about all kills, pickups, and achievements/trophies, you can take a shortcut here. Use only the right switch on the side nearer the entrance to open one of the doors above the pool. Then return there through the gold door to the northeast and avoid the small hatchery and underwater rooms altogether. Skip down to the CAVE WITH POOL & PYRAMID-LIKE STRUCTURE (again), below.
SMALL HATCHERY WITH POOL: Enter the glassed-in room to the west through either gold door. There are 3 incubators here. The ones opposite each other hatch winged mutants (21-22). The egg on the other side of the pool releases a centaur (23). If you proceed carefully, you can hatch two of them, kill those two, then hatch the third. This page with screenshots shows one strategy.
After the mutants are dead, jump in the water and use the 2 levers to open underwater doors on each side of this pool. The lever on the right opens the left door, and vice versa. Surface and take a breath. Then save the game. If you're able to collect the next 11 items without coming up for air, you'll unlock the "Lucky Diver" achievement/trophy. Behind the left (south) door are 4 sets of Uzi clips and a large medi pack (35-39). Behind the right (north) door is a low-ceilinged room with many square pillars. Scattered about are 3 boxes of shotgun shells, 2 sets of Uzi clips, and a large medi pack (40-45). If you're fast, you'll have just enough air to get all 11 items, but not enough to reach the surface afterwards—at least not without burning through a bunch of health packs. So, once you've unlocked the achievement, let Lara drown, reload, and collect the items again. This time, take as much time and as many breaths as you need. This diagram, along with the linked screenshots, show one possible route.
NOTE: For underwater sequences especially, I find that enabling Walk To Action in the Controls menu can be helpful. With this setting enabled, you don't need to position Lara as precisely. As long as she's close enough, if you hold Action, she'll automatically maneuver into position to pick up the item. You'll still want to get as close to each item as you can, to avoid wasting precious seconds.
In the far right (northeast) corner of the room behind the right door, there's another lever, which opens a door just below and to the left. Go through that door to emerge back at the large pool in the previous area. (screenshots)
CAVE WITH POOL & PYRAMID-LIKE STRUCTURE (again): Swim to the northwest corner of the pool and climb out onto the base of the sloping walkway that runs along the north wall. Go up the walkway and turn right where the tan stone structure connects to the walkway. Take a running jump over to the flat spot at the top of the steep, tan slope. Turn left and take a standing jump (or run across at the corner) onto the small ledge ahead on the left. Climb onto the ledge above, turn right, and grab the Uzi clips (46) on the highest ledge. (screenshots)
INSIDE THE STONE STRUCTURE: Enter the central structure and go up the ramp to the left. Vault onto the low, tan step at the top of the ramp, turn left and climb onto a slightly higher and darker block. There's a tan ledge straight ahead, but don't climb onto it. Turn around, walk to the edge, and take a standing jump over to the ledge with the magnum clips (47). Then climb over the fleshy ledge on the right and drop down near the two small doors you opened earlier. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you took the shortcut and only pulled one of the switches back in the room with the 2 centaurs, BEHIND THE GOLD DOORS, only one of these doors will be open. That's fine. Both lead into the same room. If you missed the switches entirely, you'll need to climb down and swim to the southeast corner of the pool. Climb out of the water, go through the gold door, and re-enter the centaur room to use at least one of the door switches. Then return to the pool and climb back up the pyramid structure. Follow the walkthrough above if necessary.
Both doors lead into the same room. There's another mutant (24) just inside on the left. Draw weapons, (the shotgun is especially effective here), move past the first door, and go through the second door. Immediately turn left and start shooting. Entering through the second door, instead of the first, puts a little more distance between Lara and the mutant. Two or three shotgun blasts should take it down. If it gets close, roll to get past it and continue firing until it explodes. (screenshots)
Alternatively, face the left door, step forward just into the doorway to trigger the mutant. Quickly backflip once, then hop back and grab the edge of the ledge. If you're quick, the mutant won't reach Lara before she can drop and hang. Traverse to the left and drop down onto the ramp. Climb back up to the ledge where you found the magnum ammo. Pull up onto the fleshy block to the right, and shoot the mutant from here with your weapons of choice. You may need to dangle Lara from the edge to get the mutant's attention, but if you pull up quickly, it will do little or no damage. (screenshots)
Get the small medi pack (48) on the high ledge on the left (east) side of the room, above and to the right of the alcove where the mutant originated. Then follow the long, low-ceilinged corridor to the west, picking up 2 boxes of shotgun shells (49-50). Continue to the end and go through the second door, which opens as you approach. Make a mental note of the first door. This is where you'll exit after completing the next room. (screenshots)
When you take the box on the east side of the pedestal, the camera pulls back for a wide-angle view of the room, indicating that the mutants are ready to be triggered and the door to the next area is open. It's the one you passed passed on the way in, just outside the entrance and around the corner to the right. (screenshots)
If you don't care about getting all kills, it is possible to escape the room without activating any of the mutants. Step down off the north side of the pedestal (i.e., the entrance/exit is ahead and to the right). Move forward but don't step on or jump over the brown trigger tile directly ahead, since this will trigger mutant #8. Instead, go around it on the left side, then continue through the gap between the two middle pillars toward the north wall. Turn right and go behind the pillars and and mutant #1. Do not step on the trigger tile in front of the doorway. Face the north wall with the doorway on Lara's right. Sidestep just far enough so Lara's right foot is on the seam between the safe tile and the trigger tile to the right. Pivot about 45 degrees to the left. Then side flip into the hallway. If you've positioned Lara correctly, she won't trigger the mutants. (screenshots)
Or, if you want all kills, and the achievement/trophy for getting them, you can trigger the mutants carefully, and dispatch them with little or no damage. The diagram above shows the layout of the room. Red numbers represent each mutant, and black numbers show which squares on the floor animate them. Using this information, you can trigger just one or two mutants at a time and then jump back onto the pedestal to kill them from safety. Squares with no black numbers have no triggers, but keep in mind that jumping over a square with a trigger will activate any mutants connected to that trigger. The mutants shouldn't climb up on the pedestal or throw projectiles, but after you've shot one a few times, it may run out into the hallway. You'll have to come down from the pedestal to draw it back into the room. Then jump/climb back up and continue firing until the mutant explodes. Repeat until you've destroyed all 8 mutants (25-32). (screenshots)
MUTANT HATCHERY - UPPER LEVEL: When you've finished in the big, square room, exit the way you came in, through the door in the northeast corner. Turn right and continue to the next small door, which is now open. This leads into a room with a checkerboard floor, beyond which is a hatchery with a red-and-gold floor and a gold door at the far end. Along the side walls are 4 incubators, each with a flying mutant (33-36) inside. The 2 switches near the entrance open the gold door at the far end. This door is timed to close after about 16 seconds. (screenshots)
Again, if you don't care about defeating all the enemies, you can throw the switches, then run straight along the middle of the room and through the gold door. None of the eggs will hatch. (Skip down to the room with the centaur, below.) (screenshots)
Alternatively, for all kills with minimal mayhem, hatch the eggs one at a time. The linked page with screenshots includes a few tips. When the coast is clear, use the switches and run through the exit. (screenshots)
As you enter the next room, the gold door closes behind you and the centaur (37) playing nanny starts shooting fireballs. Jump from side to side while firing to quickly dispatch the centaur. All the eggs in this room are "blanks," so there's no need to worry about hatching more enemies. (screenshots)
MUTANT HATCHERY - LOWER LEVEL: Proceed to the far end of the room and follow the ramps down to the bottom to find 2 sets of Uzi clips and a large medi pack (58-60). As you collect these items, you may hear eggs hatching above, but they're just the empty incubators in the room you came from, assuming you didn't trigger them earlier. (screenshots)
The next room, with the square fleshy blocks, lava pits, and incubators, is the final room in the level. You don't have to kill all the mutants, but if you want to, I do have a few tips. Every other egg is empty, so there are 4 mutants (38-41) in all. The first and third incubators on the right and the second and fourth incubators on the left, actually contain mutants. If you still have plenty of Uzi ammo, just approach each egg to hatch it and kill what emerges. (screenshots)
If you're using pistols and/or just want a safer strategy, you can hatch each mutant, jump onto one of the fleshy blocks, and shoot from safety. The linked page with screenshots has details.
If you'd rather avoid the mutants altogether, use the switch on the block near the ramp to open the exit. Then make a run for it, as described below. The eggs on the left side of the room will hatch as you pass, but you should be able to outrun the enemies.
NOTE: If you've killed all enemies in Atlantis (41 in this level, 31 in the Atlantean Stronghold), the "Not Too Late" achievement/trophy will unlock when you finish the level, not upon killing the last mutant. You'll also get "Business Is Finished" for completing the two Atlantis levels. "Roll, Action!" won't unlock until you've triggered all possible boulders in the upcoming Egypt levels as well.
When you're ready to finish the level, use the switch near the entrance. This opens the gold door at the far end of the room. It's timed to close in about 13 seconds. To make it through, throw the switch, tap Look to regain Lara's perspective, hop back twice, and turn left. Then run along past the fleshy blocks, using running jumps to cover more distance. As you approach the far end of the room, take a final running jump angled slightly to the right, over the lava pit, and toward the doorway, and continue running through. (screenshots)
You land on a slope, which dumps you in a pool as empty eggs hatch above. Swim through the tunnel on the right to end the level. And that's all she wrote...until you return to Egypt in the next level.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 11/22/24 - First major update for the remastered version posted. Apologies for the long absence. <3 Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider I-III Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the original guide. This update includes many screenshots and revisions for clarity. I also added a few shortcuts and a new tactic for the ROOM WITH SQUARE PILLARS & STANDING MUTANTS, describing how to get all pickups without triggering any mutants, thanks to a tip from Tobias B.
SHORTCUT AT START OF LEVEL: This allows you to bypass the boulder room and the series of slopes above the lava pool. Near the starting point, there are two square openings in the floor. Stand facing either opening with the other behind Lara. Walk to the edge of the opening, hop back, then run forward into the hole, holding Action as you fall. Lara will land below in the "CAVE WITH STONE COLUMNS & LAVA STREAM." (screenshots) You can then animate the mutants and go after the secret if you like, or just move on to the section with the timed doors. Thanks to Ioannis for sharing this strat.
DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © - Stellalune ( ). The full-color level maps belong to VGCartography and are used with permission. Follow them on Twitter/X, YouTube, and DeviantArt for more fantastic game maps. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.
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