NOTE: Letter designations for switches (S#), doors (D#), save crystals (C#), etc., in the text refer to labels on the corresponding level maps. The switches are numbered to match their corresponding doors (e.g., switch 1 opens door 1, switch 3 extends ledge 3, etc.). All pickups are marked on the map (I hope). Enemies and hazards are noted in the walkthrough but not on the maps.

Runaway Train (click for printable map/map key)

(NOTE: This map is wider than a standard 8½" x 11" sheet of paper. Unless your printer automatically scales images to fit the paper, be sure to print it using landscape (horizontal) orientation, or the edges will be cut off.)

Yikes! Another timed level. Don't panic though. It's nowhere near as long as the last one. You have 3 minutes to make your way through/over seven speeding train cars to the engine. You can probably figure out your own best way of getting it done, but here's what worked for me:

Car A: Run forward through car A to the save crystal (C1) as quickly as possible and save. Then when Lara dies, you can start from here with a good amount of time left on the clock.

Car B: Run straight through until you reach the closed door at the back of car C.

Car C: Wait for a signal light to pass overhead and then climb up. (You can actually start climbing as soon as you glimpse the light on the right side of the screen, since it takes Lara a second or so to pull up.) Immediately duck and start rolling forward (to the right). Stop when you reach the small hole in the roof near the front of the car, but remain crouching. Wait for a signal light to pass overhead then stand and take a running jump to the top of car D. Immediately crouch.

Car D: From a crouching position, roll forward (right) to fall into the car through the first hole in the roof. Run through the car and take a running jump from the opening at the front, across the gap, to the next car.

Car E: The back door is closed so wait for a signal light to pass and then climb onto the roof. Immediately duck and roll forward. For some reason, Lara will stand up after passing the first small hole. Duck again and keep rolling to fall through the next hole. (Or, after pulling up, just run forward to fall through the first hole.) Run forward through the car and position Lara under the right end of the last hole (near the small window before the "E" sign). Wait for a signal light to pass and then climb onto the roof. Duck, wait for another light, and then take a running jump to grab the top edge of the next car.

Car F: When Lara grabs the edge of the roof, don't immediately pull up. Wait for a signal light to pass and then do it. Immediately duck and roll into the hole ahead. Run through the car and position Lara under the right end of the last hole. Wait for another signal light and then pull up onto the roof. Duck, wait for another light, and then take a running jump to grab the top edge of the next car.

Car G: The back door is open so, as long as you've got about 10 seconds left on the clock, you've got it made. Drop to the floor and run forward through car G. Keep running straight through to the engine. When Lara approaches the controls, it's over.

(NOTE: As far as I could tell, there are no pickups in this level. If you discover any, please let me know.)

Cut Scene: Lara takes the controls and stops the speeding train in time. She climbs out of the subway tunnels and finds herself at the docks. She scopes out the scene with her binoculars and spies the red helicopter landing nearby. Deducing that the cult members will be traveling by sea, she decides to find a way to track the boat.

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WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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