IMPORTANT: If you haven't already done so, you may want to review the INTRODUCTORY NOTES on the storyline, controls and saving/checkpoints. These appear at the start of the PROLOGUE walkthrough.

As always, I highly recommend that you do not rely exclusively on the autosave. Instead be sure to save manually at least once or twice each level. Then, if you miss something or run into a bug, you can reload rather than having to replay the entire level. The most common bugs in the Wii game are documented in this walkthrough. They are in hot pink text, like this, so they're easy to spot. However, not all potential bugs are covered here yet. Wii saves are available on my Underworld Save Files page if you need them.

(Windows PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 version - click here)


Updated: 1/2/09()

When the movie ends, exit the cage room through the doorway on the right. (The doorway behind Lara is the way you came in.) Follow the hallway. The doors open automatically.

ESCAPE THE SINKING SHIP: The ship starts to list as you make your way along the passageway. At this point it's clear the ship is not going to stay afloat much longer. You'll need to make your escape. Don't worry, though, there's no actual time limit.

As you round the next corner into the hallway with several small, light-colored containers sitting at the end of it, a situational adrenaline sequence begins. Time slows and you must navigate Lara past the hazards using the normal controls. Here you need to run forward, jump over the barrel rolling toward you, and then run to the right into the next corridor. If you make it, Lara will be safe. Otherwise, the cargo crushes her, the game reloads and you must try again.

When you move forward along the corridor, the ship tilts 90 degrees, so what was a wall is now the floor. Go to the end of the hall and climb the grating on the left wall all the way to the top. Climb then jump to the right to grab the rectangular metal handholds on the next wall. Climb up until Lara is hanging from a bluish pipe. Traverse along this pipe to the right, around the corner, then on around the next corner. When Lara braces her feet against the wall, jump up to grab the pipe above. Jump up twice more, to grab various pipes, then once again to reach the ledge at the top.

Follow the corridor forward to the end. Move into the right corner and jump straight up to grab the narrow metal bar. Climb to the right along the bar, around the corner, and then jump up to grab the bar above. Again climb to the right around the corner. Traverse along the blue pipe. (Here Lara dangles in the opening with the hallway stretching out in front of her.) Continue around the next corner. Then jump to grab the blue pipe above. Climb up a little father to hang onto the next higher pipe. This allows you to continue climbing around to the right until Lara is hanging from a light-colored metal ledge. Pull up.

Grab one of the short metal bars on the wall ahead. Climb to the right and upward so Lara is hanging from the longer metal bar. Climb to the right to position Lara close to the wall. Then jump up several more times until you can traverse to the right onto another blue pipe.

Continue traversing along to the right and then jump up to stand on the pipe. Jump straight up again to grab the handhold above. Climb to the right toward the corner, then up to the handhold just above. Finally, climb to the right and pull up into the hole in the wall. Step forward through the dark opening.

Cinematic: As the ship goes down, a helicopter flies off, with Amanda clinging to a rope ladder dangling below. Lara emerges from a hatch near the bow of the ship and takes a few potshots at the other woman, grazing her face. To save her own skin, Amanda flings the gauntlet into the sea. Lara dives after it and surfaces a few moments later holding her prize. As Amanda disappears into the distance, Lara climbs aboard her own boat and heads for Thailand.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 1/2/09 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.

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