IMPORTANT: If you haven't already done so, you may want to review the INTRODUCTORY NOTES on the storyline, controls and saving/checkpoints. These appear at the start of the PROLOGUE walkthrough.

As always, I highly recommend that you do not rely exclusively on the autosave. Instead be sure to save manually at least once or twice each level. Then, if you miss something or run into a bug, you can reload rather than having to replay the entire level.

(For Windows PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii and DS - click here)


Updated: 2/8/09()

SHIVA/KALI STATUE COURTYARD - ENTRANCE: After the cut scene, Lara is standing on a jutting ledge overlooking the courtyard. Hang from the edge of this ledge and drop down onto the ledge below. Drop from there into the courtyard below.

Between here and the big statue are 2 smaller statues of Thai dancers with fans. These move, but you'll need to do some other business before they'll do anything useful. Ignore them for now.

There are two hallways here, one on the left, one on the right. You can explore them in either order. For now, go through the doorway on the left (when facing the statue) and climb two long flights of stairs.

SHIVA/KALI STATUE COURTYARD – UPPER LEVEL – LEFT SIDE: At the top of the stairs there's a dimly lit room with square columns. Turn left and head toward the sunny, outdoor area ahead. Pull the lever to lower one of the Shiva statue's right arms.

Then drop down into the slightly lower area ahead. Cross to the far wall and take the FIRST SHIVA GEM, which is square, from the niche.

Climb back onto the ledge near the lever. Turn right, go up the short flight of steps and follow the walkway around and up two more sets of stairs to the ledge beside the huge statue. Hop up onto Shiva's palm and place the FIRST SHIVA GEM in the lotus-shaped receptacle he's holding.

Return down the steps to the lever and pull it to raise the statue's arm once more. With the gem in place, a beam of sunlight is directed down into the courtyard.

Now, if you're collecting treasures, return up the walkway to the spot where the statue's hand was before. Jump to the narrow ledge running along the wall behind the statue. Walk along this ledge and pick up the treasure (4/4) lying behind the statue. Then continue along the ledge to the other end. Jump across to the walkway ahead.

NOTE: Even if you don't want the treasure, you may still want to take this shortcut across the narrow ledge to the other side of the courtyard. If not, after pulling the lever to raise the statue's arm again, return through the dimly lit room with the square columns and back down the stairs to the lower level. Cross the courtyard and enter the hallway on the opposite side. Go up the stairs to the dimly lit room at the top.

SHIVA/KALI STATUE COURTYARD – UPPER LEVEL – RIGHT SIDE: If you've come to this area across the narrow ledge behind the big statue, follow the hallway down to the right. If you've come up the stairs from the lower level, go through the dark room and turn right to emerge near the lever. Pull the lever to lower one of the Shiva statue's left arms.

Then drop down into the slightly lower area ahead. Cross to the far wall and take the SECOND SHIVA GEM, which is round, from the niche.

Climb back onto the ledge near the lever. Turn left, go up the short flight of steps and follow the walkway around and up two more sets of stairs to the statue's lowered hand. Again, hop up and place the SECOND SHIVA GEM in the lotus-shaped receptacle in the statue's hand.

NOTE: If you haven't already picked up treasure #4, you can do that now. Jump from Shiva's hand to the narrow ledge behind the statue. Walk along the ledge to reach the treasure. Then return to the hand the way you came and hop back down to the walkway.

Return to the lever and pull it once more to raise the statue's arm to its original position. With the second gem in place, another beam of sunlight is directed down into the courtyard.

Return through the dimly lit room with the square columns and down the stairs to the courtyard.

SHIVA/KALI STATUE COURTYARD – MOVABLE STATUES WITH FANS: Approach the 2 small statues of Thai dancers holding fans. You'll notice these are set on tracks in the floor, enabling them to move. Face the big Shiva/Kali statue to get oriented and then go to the dancer statue on the right. Press Interact to grab it. Slide it along the straight track to the left. Then push it clockwise along the circular track, almost all the way back to the straight track. When it reaches the correct spot, the beam of light shining from the gem in Shiva's hand reflects off the fan the small statue is holding.

Now go to the statue on the left. Take hold of it and push it counterclockwise along the circular track all the way around to the straight track. Then slide it to the left all the way across the straight track. Finally push it forward (clockwise) just a little bit along the circular track until the sunbeam from the gem above reflects off the fan. (The diagram at right shows the sequence.)

When the statues are positioned correctly, the two beams of light strike the Kali statue and the floor opens up, revealing a doorway.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 1/2/09 - First draft of walkthrough (Nintendo Wii version) posted online.
2/8/09 - First revision with PS2-exclusive information posted.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Very special thanks (the most special kind possible) to Fiona M. and John W. for helping me update the Wii walkthrough for PS2 players. As many of you know, I don't own a PS2, so writing this walkthrough would not have been possible without their help. Special thanks also (the next best level of special) to Treeble for helping us find all the treasures. You guys are treasures to me!

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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