NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls, and I have not yet included strats for all achievements/trophies.
Updated: 3/8/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*
Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Items: 12, including 2 health items, 2 chocolate, Farsee Code, and Assistant's Pass
Kills: 13
Upgrades: none
Notebook Entries: none
Controls for Kurtis Trent: These are basically the same as controlling Lara. The only differences are he cannot swim, sprint or get strength upgrades, and his movement is a bit clunkier, if that's possible. In the classic game, his only weapon is the Boran X, which he has at the start. Kurtis is promised a glow-up in the remaster, so stay tuned for updates.
IMPORTANT: You may need quite a lot of ammunition for the boss battle at the end of the next level. I recommend making sure to get every pickup and conserve ammo. (This may not be a factor in the PlayStation game. I've heard Kurtis starts with a lot more ammo.) Keep in mind that the weaker inmates can be avoided, fought hand-to-hand or taken down with fewer bullets at close range. Some of the tougher inmates can also be avoided. I've noted these in the Maximum Containment Area walkthrough.
Click for a printable map if you need one. (Thanks to John B.)
ELEVATOR SHAFT: Pick up the Boran clip (1) on the floor to the right and make your way down the shaft. You can either hang from the opening inside the shaft, tap Action to let go and then quickly tap it again to re-grab on the level below, or make your way down the ledges where there are no railings. The first way is pretty straightforward. Just don't forget to pull up on the levels where there are pickups on the ledges.
Alternatively, to get down via the various ledges, first safety drop off the top ledge near where you found the clip. Pick up another Boran clip (2) below. Jump to the yellow ledge and climb down the ladder. To right, turn around and then jump to grab the end of the walkway surrounding the central shaft. Pull up. Safety drop to the walkway below and pick up health pills (3). Go to the end where there's no railing and drop down again.
Enter the lift shaft, hang from the edge and drop. Open the trapdoor and drop through.
Exit the lift, go left, climb down a short ladder then a long one. It's too far to drop to the ground. So instead jump to grab the walkway above near where it connects to the lift shaft. Pull up and go through the door on the left.
SANITARIUM WARDS: Kill the zombie-like inmate (1) ahead and go through the barred area into the hall beyond. Approach the dead guard.
Cut scene: Something drags a soldier's body into a duct. Kurtis muses, "And I thought this would be one of my easy days."
Pick up the Boran clip (4) near the guard and continue to the open door at the end of the hall. There's another inmate (2) running around out there. Kill it and follow the hall to the right. Enter the open cell on the right and approach the man sitting on the cot.
Dialogue - Truck Driver: This poor guy has just about lost his mind. After transporting the Sleeper from Turkey, he and his comrades were locked up. He's been hiding out here, but his comrades were fed to Boaz's creation, the Proto-Nephilim.
Exit the cell, turn right, and approach the barred door with the keypad. Press Action and Kurtis will use his farsight ability to locate the door code. It is recorded in the Items section of your inventory as Farsee Code: 06289 (5). Use the code on the keypad to open the door. Go past the glassed-in office. Approach the barred door but don't open it yet. Wait for the next inmate (3) to approach and then shoot it through the bars, saving ammo and avoiding injury.
NOTE: As far as I know, it's not possible to get the delicious chocolate bar (not counted) lying on the floor in the glassed-in office without using either the fly cheat or exploiting glitches in the game. Summers made this useful YouTube video showing how to get in and out. Basically you need to move toward the corner where the cot legs meet the wall to the left of the window and press Crouch + Jump + Forward simultaneously to go through the bottom of the wall. Once you have the chocolate, use the same technique just to the left of the door to get out again. I'm assuming they'll fix this in the remaster.
Go through the next short hallway and out through the barred door at the end. Kill another inmate (4) in the hallway ahead and go through the double doors.
DINING HALL: Go down the ramp. Now you're in a curved hallway that passes by an open dining area. You'll meet several enemies here. The first inmate (5) approaches as you enter. Another inmate (6) emerges from the first cell on the right. When you've taken care of them, enter the cell on the right to find a chocolate bar (6). Then continue along the curved hallway to the open dining area. The inmate in the orange PJ's (7, optional) isn't dangerous, but you can beat him out of his misery if you're feeling ornery. (WWLCD?) You'll find more chocolate (7) and a Boran clip (8) on the floor of the dining room. You may also be able to shoot a fourth inmate (8) behind the serving counter through the window. If it doesn't come close enough to kill, just wait; you'll have another chance shortly.
Leave the dining hall and continue to the left along the curved hallway, killing 2 more zombie inmates (9-10) as you go. Proceed up the ramp at the end of the hall and through the double doors.
NOTE: There are several areas with missing textures in this level. I also experienced a bug where upon entering a new area the scenery textures didn't load and Kurtis was moving around in total blackness. Quitting and restarting the game generally fixed that.
LABORATORY: Go past the dismembered soldier into the lab at the end of the hall. Get the Boran ammo (9) on the floor on the left and the scientist's STRAHOV ASSISTANT'S PASS (10). Return to the dining room the way you came.
DINING HALL (again): Make a mental note of the sign near the door opposite the dining area: 38471. You'll need this five-digit code later.
Pick up the chocolate bar (7) and a Boran clip (8) if you didn't get them earlier. Go to the back right corner of the room behind the fat, round column. Use the assistant's pass in the card reader to open the door. Kill the inmate (8) in the KITCHEN if you didn't get him before. (If you don't see him immediately, look in the little room ahead on the right.) Then climb the metal stairs just outside the kitchen door. At the top, go right and pick up a large health pack (11). Now continue along the catwalk in the other direction. Take a running jump across the gap. Go to the computer and enter the code you saw on the wall below: 38471. This opens the door near the sign containing the code. Return to the gap in the walkway, drop down, and go through the KITCHEN to the DINING HALL, then out into the curved hallway. Proceed straight ahead through the door with the '38471' sign. Continue upstairs and through the next set of doors.
SECOND LAB/VENTILATION DUCTS: Go to the right and look into the lab.
Cut scene: A scientist is hard at work when he hears strange noises coming from the ventilation duct. The Proto-Nephilim springs out and attacks him.
When the cut scene ends, another inmate (11) attacks. Kill it and continue to the end of the hallway. Pry the vent open, crouch, and scooch through. (Kurtis doesn't exactly crawl.) Climb up into the higher duct, follow it to the end, and drop down into the lab. At this point, you may notice 2 more inmates (12-13) in the hallway beyond the window. They can't get in, but if you want all kills, you can climb back into the duct (take a standing jump onto the table below the opening, then pull up into the duct). Follow it back the way you came. Then continue through the lower duct to the hallway. Shoot the 2 enemies. Then return through the ducts to the SECOND LAB.
Cross the room, pry open another duct, at floor level, and go through. Again, climb into a higher duct and keep going.
Cut scene: From hiding, Kurtis sees the Proto-Nephilim feasting on another soldier. Perhaps sensing Kurtis's presence, the beast flees through an opening in the ceiling.
Hop down and pick up the Boran clip (12) near the moving fan.
NOTE: In some versions of the game this clip may respawn after you pick it up. I was not able to reproduce the effect, but other players have found unlimited ammo here.
You can't go through the moving fan and you can't climb the broken ladder. So shoot one of the yellow tanks to destroy the broken ladder. To conserve ammo, you might want to save the game before doing this. You can stand fairly close without being injured, but shooting from certain angles just doesn't seem to work. So if you find yourself spending more than five or six rounds without destroying a tank, you can reload and try a different angle. Once the ladder has been destroyed, climb up where it was. Throw the switch to turn off the fan then duck under it. Go through the duct at floor level on the left. Follow the hall to the right to finish the level.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/16/07 - Revised basic info about Kurtis. I had originally stated that he couldn't sprint or use stealth mode, but these seem to work in some versions of the game but not others, or at certain times but not others. Thanks to Jemma and a few others who set me straight on this. Also added John B.'s level map and rephrased a few sections for clarity.
4/14/07 - Added note on unlimited Boran ammo in last area, thanks to Aurimas, who also posted a video of his find on YouTube.
2/25/11 - Added Summer's useful method for obtaining the chocolate bar in the locked office.
2/6/25 - Added the last 2 optional kills (oops!). Renamed these enemies from "mutants" to "inmates." As several players pointed out, they're not technically mutants, just severely malnourished and freaked-out humans. Also added running item and kill counts, as well as notebook entries, which hopefully will be useful in the upcoming Remaster.
2/20/25 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
3/8/25 - Renumbered notebook entries for the remaster. Full update still in progress.
*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). Special thanks to Annifer, Jemma, John B. and Aurimas for help with this level. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.