NOTE: Rather than create a separate page for each of the small side areas off the HALL OF SEASONS, I have combined them on one page. Links lead back and forth from the Hall of Seasons page.
LEVEL 14: THE BREATH OF HADES | Updated: 9/26/11(†) |
Items: 1 health item, Air Crystal
Weapons & Ammo: 4 ammo items
Enemies: none
Upgrades: none
After stepping on the button with the Air symbol in the MAIN ROOM of the HALL OF SEASONS, the three Air doors open. Go through the right door and pull the lever (as shown in this screenshot). The portcullises blocking the inner hallway rise. Go through. The next door opens automatically, leading into the BREATH OF HADES level proper.
Enter, approach the deep pit and turn right. Find the movable section of wall and push it to reveal a small room. Pick up 2 Vector clips. Use the lever to open the gate at the other side of the area and raise some logs for Lara to jump across. Return to the rim of the pit.
Because the logs keep swaying back and forth, this series of jumps is basically trial-and-error. Just be sure not to jump when the carved heads are blowing their Hades breath, or Lara will fall to her death. Activating Walk before starting out may help keep Lara from falling, even when the wind is blowing. Also, remember the difference between the short hop (Walk + Jump) and the regular jump (Jump + Forward). Sometimes you can use the regular jump to leap over one log and land on the next.
On the other side, pick up the AIR CRYSTAL. Turn around and start back toward the entrance. The wind has stopped now, making the jumps a little easier. Jump from the first log to the one closest to the right side of the room. When you land there, one of the stone heads slides back, revealing some goodies (shown in this screenshot). Jump to the alcove and pick up a large health pack and 2 boxes of V-Packer shells.
Then make your way back across the logs to the entrance. I found it easier to jump from the log that triggered the movement of the head back to the left (nearer to where you got the crystal) and then across the logs on the other side of the room.
Return through the various gates to the HALL OF SEASONS.
LEVEL 15: NEPTUNE'S HALL | Updated: 1/16/07(†) |
Items: 3 health items, Water Crystal
Weapons & Ammo: 5 ammo items
Enemies: fire knight
Upgrades: none
After stepping on the button with the Water symbol in the MAIN ROOM of the HALL OF SEASONS, the three Water doors open. Go through the left door and pull the lever (as shown in this screenshot). The portcullises blocking the inner hallway rise. Go through. The next door opens automatically, leading into NEPTUNE'S HALL.
When you enter this area, a fire knight begins hurling fireballs in Lara's direction. He is similar to the other undead knights you've encountered except for his flaming sword and missile weapon. Punching, kicking and shotgun blasts won't destroy him but can subdue him temporarily. Dodge the fireballs and either outrun him or knock him into the hole in the floor. Just be careful Lara doesn't fall through. The fall will kill her. If Lara does catch fire, run through to the next room and jump into the water.
There are 2 boxes of V-Packer shells in the corners of the room with the big hole in the floor. If you can't get them now, you'll have another chance later. Hop into the water-filled opening in the second room.
Swim down, then forward through a room with some fish swimming around in it. Swim into the small room ahead, avoiding the blades in the doorway. Pull the lever to raise the water level in the surrounding rooms. Swim back out past the blades and up through the hole where you came in. Climb out of the water. Return to the other room, where the fire knight is/was, and drop into the larger hole. Now that the water level is higher, Lara will splash down harmlessly.
Submerge and face the archway with the carved stone face above it. To the right of the arch is a small opening at floor level (shown in this screenshot). Swim through it and pull the lever to raise the water level once more. Swim back to the surface.
Now you can get to the three doorways that were too high to reach before. All three doors lead to sections of the same tunnel. Go through the door on the right to get a Vector clip. The middle door has a large health pack. The left door leads to a water-filled opening in the floor.
Jump into that opening and swim down then forward along the curving passageway. There's another large health pack on the bottom of the passage. (You may have noticed it behind the bars before.) Return to the previous opening for air if necessary. Otherwise, just continue swimming forward along the tunnel to another square opening in the floor. Swim straight down and retrieve another large health pack. Then turn to face the barred opening and swim through the hole near the top of the bars. Continue forward then upward to an opening where you can get air.
Save your game. Beyond the spot where you got the last medipack, the tunnel is lined with retracting spikes, and it may take a few tries to get past them. Swim down through the opening in the bars then advance cautiously until the first set of spikes springs out. Note that the spikes don't make a complete circle. Stay close to the side of the passage where no spikes are coming out as you swim through. Lara may take some damage but at least she won't be skewered completely. Repeat for the remaining sets of spikes.
Beyond the spikes, swim straight on through the holes in the bars. Turn right at the T-intersection and then swim forward and up to get air. Backtrack for the Vector clip at the opening to this square side tunnel. Get air again if you need to, then swim straight forward along the square tunnel. In the next open area, swim down to get the WATER CRYSTAL off the pedestal. Below, on the side of the pedestal, is another lever. Pull it to open the grating directly above, as well as the door below the carved face in the flooded room where you were before.
Swim straight up to the top of the dome for air. Then swim down through the opening below the carved face. This takes you back into the room where you pulled the first lever. Don't go all the way to the lever. Instead swim up through the hole in the ceiling to emerge at the small pool where you first dove in.
Climb out of the water and continue to the next room. This is where you encountered the fire knight. He'll still be there if you didn't knock him into the hole before. (Pick up the V-Packer shells in the corners if you didn't get them before.) Then return through the various gates to the main room of the HALL OF SEASONS.
LEVEL 16: The Sanctuary of Flame | Updated: 1/16/07(†) |
Items: 1 health item, Fire Crystal
Weapons & Ammo: 1 ammo item
Enemies: none
Upgrades: none
After stepping on the button with the Fire symbol in the MAIN ROOM of the HALL OF SEASONS, the three Fire doors open. Go through the right door and pull the lever (as shown in this screenshot). The portcullises blocking the inner hallway rise. Go through. The next door opens automatically, leading into The Sanctuary of Flame.
Cut scene: The gate closes and lava flows in, triggering a series of eruptions.
Wait near the entrance for the pyrotechnics to subside a bit. Then cautiously move forward. You'll want to avoid the darker colored blocks, since these explode out of the ground, taking Lara with them. (This usually isn't deadly, and it's definitely worth trying once just to see it. Save first just in case.)
Now you'll need to jump from block to block across the lava pool. (Refer to this series of screenshots if you need visuals to help get across.) Perhaps it's because of the hexagonal shaped blocks, but the short hop doesn't work here. Instead of hopping forward, Lara swerves randomly and usually lands in the lava. Instead, use regular forward jumps, but judge your distance carefully.
First, walk down toward the middle of the pool. Step back from the edge (avoiding the darker block) and take a standing jump to land on one of the first two hexagonal blocks. Walk out to the farthest block. (The previous block sinks into the lava after you pass.) From there, jump to the block ahead, then to the lighter colored block in the group beyond.
Jump to the rightmost block in the group of three ahead and to the left. From there, jump to the nearest in the next group of three blocks, off to the right. Go to the end of this group of blocks. Then jump over the single block to land at the base of the stairs. Go up the stairs and take the FIRE CRYSTAL.
Before or after taking the crystal, you can pick up a few health items in a high alcove. (This screenshot shows the spot. It's on the right when facing the crystal.) To get there, take a standing jump from the top of the stairs to the first floating platform. Jump straight up to grab the edge of the platform above and pull up. Jump from there to grab the edge of the alcove; pull up. Take the bandages and V-Packer shells. To get back, take a running jump from the alcove over the floating platforms to the steps.
To get back across the lava after getting the Fire Crystal, don't jump from the base of the stairs or you'll overshoot the first block and land in the lava. Instead walk down the steps to about the third step from the bottom and jump to land on the first block. (These screenshots show the path back to the entrance.)
Several floating platforms rise up from the lava. Turn right and jump to the first floating platform. Grab the floating platform above, pull up and turn to the left. Jump to the next set of floating platforms. From there, turn left again (toward the middle of the pool) and jump down to the next set of platforms (one floater joined to one that is anchored).
Stand on the solid block for a moment and new platforms will appear ahead. This is not a bridge. There's a gap between the last two blocks. So step out onto the first floating block and then jump to the solid one. More floating platforms appear to the left. Jump over to them. Another floating platform appears ahead. Walk to the end of the three joined floaters and jump over to the single one. From there, jump to the solid blocks near the exit.
Return through the various gates to the main room of the HALL OF SEASONS.
LEVEL 17: WRATH OF THE BEAST | Updated: 4/21/12(†) |
Items: 1 health item, Earth Crystal
Weapons & Ammo: 3 ammo items*
Enemies: fire knights
Upgrades: none
*Technically the ammo found in the entrance to this level is part of the HALL OF SEASONS.
After stepping on the button with the Earth symbol in the MAIN ROOM of the HALL OF SEASONS, the three Earth doors open. Go through the middle door. Pick up the Viper clip lying on the floor to the right of the trapdoor. Then pull the lever (as shown in this screenshot). The portcullises blocking the inner hallway rise. Go through. The next door opens automatically, leading into the WRATH OF THE BEAST level.
Cut scene: A huge statue collapses, destroying most of the floor.
Walk forward. The ledge ahead falls away. Drop down onto the ledge below and to the right of the entrance to get some bandages. Climb back up near the doorway. (Refer to this series of screenshots if you need visuals for the rest of this area.)
Drop down on the left side and follow the ledges around to the left wall. At the first gap, walk to the edge and take a short hop to the next block. (Short hop = Walk + Jump. A longer jump can land you on the orange block beyond, which sinks into the abyss.) Turn right. Run across the uneven bridge of orange rocks. It crumbles away beneath you, so jump at the end to land on the solid block near the wall.
Walk along the narrow ledge near the wall. (If you approach it at a walk, Lara will automatically turn her back toward the wall. Then just press left/right to maneuver.) Walk out onto the slightly lower green block. When Lara steps on the far side (marked X), it starts to slide across the gap. Jump onto the orange block ahead when you get close enough. This block starts to fall in, so immediately turn to the right and jump to the next block, then the next. Turn right and immediately run up the collapsing stairs, jumping to land on (or grab) each of the higher blocks. This sequence is quite tricky because the blocks fall away as you stand on them, so the right jump to use depends on how far the block has sunk. The last block, near the wall, is solid.
Turn right and walk to the pointed edge of the ledge. It's hard to see in the darkness, but ahead is a higher block. Jump forward to grab the edge above. Pull up. Immediately jump to the next higher ledge as the lower one collapses. Walk forward and jump to grab the edge of the walkway above. Pull up and turn right. You can now see the final approach to the alcove with the crystal. Position Lara near the wall before starting to run so she can build up some speed. Run along the right side of the walkway. (The left side collapses more quickly.) Jump near the end to land on the steps.
Go up the steps and pick up 2 boxes of V-Packer shells and the EARTH CRYSTAL.
Cut scene: Shards of rock swirl up from below, rebuilding the floor.
When you step out into the room, 3 fire knights appear and begin hurling fireballs in Lara's direction. These guys are similar to the other undead knights you've encountered except for the fireballs and flaming swords. Punching, kicking and shotgun blasts don't destroy them but can subdue them temporarily. You can knock them into the abyss in the center of the room, but I found this to be a major waste of time and health. Instead, just try and dodge the fireballs and outrun the knights as you use the 2 levers on the side walls to open the exit.
One trick that worked for me was to stand Lara under the rushing water near the steps. This protects her somewhat as the knights approach. (There's another cascade near the exit, which you can also use to extinguish Lara if a fireball hits her.) When the knights come near, run/jump past them. Lara moves much faster than the knights, so you shouldn't have too much trouble outrunning them. Pull one lever. Then run to the other lever and pull it. That opens the exit. Return through the various gates to the main room of the HALL OF SEASONS.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 7/16/03 - Items in alcoves added to the Breath of Hades and Sanctuary of Flame sections. Thanks to Penny and Angie for pointing these out.
1/16/07 - Reorganized a few sections for clarity and flow. Added additional screenshots.
9/26/11 - Fixed typo in header for Breath of Hades level. Thanks to Nathanael for the heads-up.
4/21/12 - Added missed ammo pickup in the entrance to the Wrath of the Beast level. Thanks again to Nathanael and his eagle eye. ;)
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Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). I am eternally grateful to the members of the newsgroup, whose contributions to this walkthrough are numerous. Thanks also to the developers of Fraps, the program used for all AOD screenshots. Special thanks to Penny, Angie and Mark for their help with these levels. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.
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