Tomb of Semerkhet - Secret #6 (part 1)

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After taking the wooden TORCH from the niche and throwing it down to the floor, as shown in the previous section, retrieve the torch.

Tomb Raider Last Revelation screenshot
Now carry it back into the ROOM WITH THREE DANGLING ROPES. Use the stone ramp to jump up onto the pedestal with the lit burner.

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Press Action to light the torch.

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Carry the torch back into the corridor to the east and use it to light the 2 wall-mounted torches flanking the doorway to the room with the climbing pole.

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Doing so opens a trapdoor in the floor nearby.

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You can bring the torch along with you to supposedly repel beetles, but I've found it's more trouble than it's worth. So I recommend leaving the torch and climbing down the ladder on one side of the hole.

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Follow the passageway to the end. Drop down.

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Then climb up again, until you hear the chime for SECRET #6 (36/70).

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A bit farther along the passage there's a circular blade trap blocking the way.

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To get past it without injury, walk forward until Lara is standing very close to the blades without actually touching them. Now observe: The blade opens and closes twice in rapid succession followed by a pause when it remains open for a moment. It's three beats: Snick, snick, pause...snick, snick, pause.

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If you wait for the pause and then roll...

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...Lara will come through without a scratch.

NOTE: This is my preferred method for clearing this type of trap. You can also use a diving roll (i.e., jump while sprinting), stand a few steps back from the blade and take a standing jump-grab as it opens, or stand on the seam between tiles just before the trap then backflip as the blades open.

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Now turn around and continue to the treasure room.

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