Tomb of Semerkhet - Dark Room with Climbing Pole

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After retrieving secret #5 and using the rope to swing over to the elevated walkway on the east side of the room (as shown in the previous section)....

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Follow the elevated walkway toward the pole.

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Turn around and shoot the 2 bats that drop down from the ceiling behind you.

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Then take a running jump to the base of the pole.

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Climb the pole until Lara is hanging just above the jutting ledge. Then rotate around the pole so the ledge is behind her...

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...and jump back to land there.

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Shoot another bat. (If it doesn't appear right away, just keep going. It'll turn up eventually.)

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Turn left and take a standing jump to grab the black switch. This raises the hinged ledge behind you.

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After pulling the switch, Lara falls to the ledge below. Draw pistols and kill another bat.

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Take a standing jump to the base of the pole, climb up...

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...and backflip onto the jutting ledge as you did before.

NOTE: You can jump directly from the pole to the hinged ledge, but getting the proper angle is tricky.

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Jump onto the hinged ledge...

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...and reach into the niche to get a wooden TORCH.

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Now you need to get back down to the floor. Lara won't climb while holding the torch, so press the Draw/Holster Weapon button to throw it down first. Try and notice where the torch lands since you'll need to retrieve it.

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Take a standing jump to grab the pole, slide down, and let go. Then take a standing jump with Action from the base of the pole into the wide opening.

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Pass under the arch and move to either edge of the elevated walkway. Take a standing jump to grab the ledge near the wall. Then drop to the floor, taking no damage.

[Tomb of Semerkhet Walkthrough]