High Security Compound - Pool Below the Satellite Dish Tower

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Approach the opening in the floor and save the game if you can. Step off the edge into the hole, rather than safety dropping.

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Lara falls a long way through the center of the tower and splashes down in the pool below.

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If you safety drop, she tends to get sucked in by the circulating fan in the square duct at the bottom center of the pool. If you step off the edge instead, you can then press the swim (Jump) button as soon as she lands in the water to swim forward into the octagonal alcove directly ahead.

NOTE: There is a save/power-up crystal in the duct with the circulating fan, but you can't get it until you deactivate the fan.

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You'll still need to fight the current created by the circulating fans behind the metal grilles on the sides of the pool in order to reach the surface. So as soon as you enter the alcove, roll to face the center of the pool.

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Swim forward along the bottom, avoiding the central circulating fan by swimming along the left side of the metal structure that contains it. When you reach the part of the structure next to the opening that leads down to the fan, swim straight upward.

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You'll then break the surface next to a small, square ledge.

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Climb out of the water here. Don't worry; the pattern of holes is just for show. The burner does not ignite.

NOTE: If you're struggling with this swimming sequence, as long as you saved before dropping through the hole in the tower, you can change your mind and try the shortcut described in the main walkthrough. In order to do that, you must first drop through the square opening to the right of the satellite dish (not the one above the pool) and follow the stairs down and around to the ledge below the doorway. Then follow the sequence shown in these screenshots.

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Face the barred opening with the "BAY D" signs beyond and jump across the water to the slope directly ahead. Walk up the slope, turn right, and walk along next to the bars.

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Now either take a standing jump down to the small, triangular corner ledge, or jump onto the slope directly ahead and slide down onto the triangular ledge.

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Walk to the far corner of the triangular ledge and take a standing jump up onto the next square burner.

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Take a running jump to the next small, triangular corner ledge.

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Turn right, walk to the far corner and take a standing jump to the square burner in front of the green crawlspace.

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