When you first enter the SATELLITE DISH TOWER area, it's possible to take a substantial shortcut without missing any kills or pickups. Instead of going around to the glassed-in control room and then dropping into the pool, as described in the main walkthrough, try this:
From the doorway overlooking the tower room...
...hop down to the ledge below. Then move to the far right corner of the ledge, to the spot marked with the 'X' in the screenshot above.
Turn around so the glassed-in control room is behind Lara and her right hand is touching the wall. Now, instead of doing a normal safety drop, use a modified safety drop to land on the angled support below. Start by walking backwards to the edge. Then press Action + Back, just as in a safety drop, but release the controls just before Lara grabs the edge.
She will then drift slightly forward as she falls, landing on the angled block directly below the ledge where she started...
...and slide down to the floor. Doing a regular safety drop would cost about two-thirds of her health, but because Lara doesn't fall as far when she lands on the slope, she'll only lose half her health.
Special thanks to Hazel for this idea. I had originally suggested safety dropping all the way to the floor, but in this level, where you're still trying to build up your supplies, every bit of health counts.
NOTE: For more about this technique and its uses, check out the Useful Bugs section.
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