High Security Compound - Hanger Interior with Guard and Laser Trap

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Inside the HANGAR, follow the corridor past a glassed-in room containing a stealth jet. At the end of the corridor, turn left and vault up into a raised passageway. Turn left again and follow this passageway down a ramp until you come to a crawlspace.

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The camera shifts here to show another guard on patrol down below.

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Press Look to regain Lara's perspective. Then duck and crawl through the low tunnel on the right.

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When you emerge from the tunnel and can stand again, move past the window. (The guard doesn't seem to notice Lara although she can see him.)

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Approach the edge and turn around so the windows are on Lara's right. Then safety drop into the room below. It's not a long fall, but if you hang and drop, Lara will land quietly without alerting the guard.

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Duck and crawl along behind the counter so the guard doesn't see you.

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When you reach the switch, stand up and watch the guard. When he moves into the far right corner, pull the switch open the door on the left and activate a laser beam, trapping the guard in the corner.

Just be careful because the beam runs all the way across the room to the corner near the switch. Don't accidentally run into it. The beam is difficult to see in the screenshots, so I've drawn a thin red line where it crosses the room.

- OR -

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Alternatively, you can watch the guard as he paces. Then, just before he reaches the spot where the laser beam originates, flip the switch, and he'll be fried by the laser.

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Timing the pulling of the switch to kill the guard can be a little tricky. If you don't mind taking a little damage to get it done, you can also let him see you. Then wait for him to come around the corner toward the switch, draw his gun, and start shooting. Immediately flip the switch, and the laser will cut him down.

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Once you've trapped or disposed of the guard, jump over the laser beam into the doorway and run down the hallway.

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