PERUVIAN JUNGLE - First Crypt (Urqu, The Scout)

Updated: 9/16/18()

CRYPT ENTRANCE: The entrance to the first crypt is west of the Plane Wreckage Base Camp near the top of the map. You can also find it by following the streambed out of the large pool (where Lara retrieved her gear) toward the northwest. As you approach, you'll notice the telltale flashing light of a survival cache on the rock ledge. Climb up on the right, follow the ledge to the left, and dig up the survival cache (1/9). Exploring this area also reveals the Crypt entrance on your map. (screenshots)

As in Rise of the Tomb Raider, Crypts are optional but well worth the effort, since you'll always find something useful inside. Enter the tunnel and keep your eyes peeled for collectibles, including some mushrooms and a document (1/3), Struggle for Power from the Conquerors Story, just inside the entrance. Use a rope arrow to tear down the barrier blocking the passage ahead. Scramble through the low opening and continue forward. Move between the spears—they aren't actually dangerous—into a room with two gates. Push the handle to open the gate on the left. As you slog through the mud, you may notice some interesting items behind the bars on the right. We'll get them on the return trip. Continue forward. (screenshots)

The passage slopes downward. Go cautiously. There's a spear trap at the bottom where the passage levels out, but you can trigger it safely by cutting the tripwire. Then scramble under the spears. Just beyond the spear trap, on the left, is an alcove with a document (2/13), Jack's Journal 2, from the Expedition Unknown 2 Story. Continue along the main passage to a small room with a mural (1/7), Urqu, the Scout, from the Resting Places Story. Examine it to improve Lara's skill in a new dialect: Quechua. (screenshots)

Ignore the passageway off to the right (south) for now. It's trappy and just leads back to the start. Instead continue northward toward the light. The stone floor collapses as Lara steps on it, but there's no danger; she just slides down into the room below. When you approach the sarcophagus, it too is revealed on your map. Push it open for a gear reward: Vestige: Eveningstar's Boots, plus 750 gold coins. We'll cover this outfit component at the next Base Camp, since that's where you craft and change outfits. (screenshots)

EXITING THE CRYPT: The exit is just behind the sarcophagus on the left. Squeeze through the narrow opening. On the far side of the shallow pool is a vein of gold ore. If this is your first time through this level, you're still missing the CLIMBING AXES so you won't be able to pry the gold out of the wall. Turn around and climb the ledges on the left. Stand near the rope-wrapped post and shoot a rope arrow into the rope-wrapped beam on the far side of the room. Grab the line and climb along above the sarcophagus to the other side. Drop down in the high doorway. Duck through the low tunnel and drop down into the room with the mural from before. (screenshots)

Move past the mural and advance cautiously toward the concealed spike pit. It's difficult to spot at this stage (later you'll earn a skill that will help), but if you watch out for the lighter brown stones with visible gaps between them, you can jump safely over the pit. The floor collapses as you pass over it. If you turn around, you'll see what Lara would have fallen into. Continue along this passageway, jumping over an open spike pit to grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up and continue. At the next open spike pit, you'll need to jump over the pit, scramble up the wall, and grab a handhold above. Then jump up to grab the ledge above and pull up. (screenshots)

Slog through another muddy area. Then examine the painted wall ahead. This is not an "official" mural, but it does provide a clue. Lara says, "This seems to describe a hidden chamber nearby." And sure enough, just ahead on the right is a narrow gap in the wall that you can squeeze through. Inside you'll find an archivist map (1/2). When you examine it, a number of documents, relics, and murals are revealed on your in-game map, as well as this level's one monolith. There's also a container of supplies and 2 piles of gold ore. Grab everything and exit through the narrow gap the way you came. Turn right and use the handle to open the wooden bars. On the other side is the room with the handle you used earlier. Turn left, squeeze between the spikes, and follow the passageway back the way you came to exit the crypt. (screenshots)

[Peruvian Jungle Walkthrough]

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UPDATE HISTORY: 9/16/18 - First draft of walkthrough posted online.

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