STELLA'S LARA CROFT GO WALKTHROUGH - Android, iOS, PS4 and Vita, Steam, and Windows Phone/PC/Tablet


Updated: 9/7/15()

Relic Fragments: 1
Gems: 3

Follow this link for my video walkthrough.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move two spaces to the left. Then hang from the ledge and climb past the pressure pad to avoid triggering the block and boulder trap above. Pull up onto the ledge and continue to the left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step on the next pressure pad to trigger the block trap above. The block shoves the boulder off the top ledge onto the one below it.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move back to the right one space, then to the left onto the pressure pad once more. The boulder then rolls past Lara without squashing her.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb down onto the ledge with the 2 boulders. Smash the vase under the tan stone structure to the left to get a SAPPHIRE (27/32). Then go through the doorway...

Lara Croft GO screenshot emerge on the ledge below. Move one space to the right to grab the SPEAR, but don't throw it yet.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Instead of using the spear to kill the lizard, step back to the left. The lizard then moves toward Lara, stepping on the pressure pad with the orange diamond and triggering the first boulder trap above and causing the boulder to fall on the lizard, squashing it flat.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
As you move back to the right, the first boulder rolls off the edge. At this point you could target the second lizard with the spear, but don't do that. You'll need the spear to kill the snake above.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Instead move forward two spaces to get the lizard's attention. Then grab onto the wall, climb to the right, then upward, then left.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
As you maneuver, the lizard follows Lara, so that when she pulls up onto the ledge and steps on the pressure pad, with the yellow diamond, releasing the second boulder...

Lara Croft GO screenshot rolls off the ledge, crushing the lizard.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Now hang from the ledge in order to make the yellow block retract into the wall. Climb over to the left and pull up. Now throw the spear to kill the snake.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Hang from the ledge once more, climb to the right, and pull up next to the yellow block. Smash the vase in the niche above the yellow block to get another SAPPHIRE (28/32). Continue to the right end of the ledge, but don't go through the doorway yet.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Smash another vase below on the right to get a fragment of THE FROZEN SPIDER relic (11/12). Then proceed through the doorway to emerge on the ledge below.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move forward twice, left, then forward again to get the lizard's attention without getting too close to it.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb down onto the ledge near the yellow-striped boulder. Then hang from the ledge in front of the cracked wall. The lizard follows two spaces behind.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Climb down once, then back up onto the cracked wall, which then collapses, dropping Lara onto the pressure pad below. Meanwhile, the lizard drops down onto the ledge in front of the boulder but can go no farther.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Depressing the pressure pad with the yellow diamond triggers the yellow-striped boulder, squashing the lizard.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move off the pressure pad, then to the left to avoid the yellow-striped boulder as it falls from the ledge above.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step forward onto the pressure pad with the orange diamond. This triggers the orange-striped boulder on the ledge above. The yellow-striped boulder continues forward, landing on the lower walkway. The tan-striped boulder, directly behind Lara, does not move yet.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Step forward two more spaces. The boulder on the ledge above rolls onto the pressure pad with the tan diamond, triggering the tan-striped boulder directly behind Lara. The yellow-striped boulder continues rolling alongside Lara as she moves. It is no longer a hazard. Before advancing farther, break the vase in the lower right corner to get another SAPPHIRE (29/32).

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Advance three more spaces to the end of the walkway, but do not move to the left or Lara will be squashed by the orange-striped boulder.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Instead backtrack one space. As you do this, the orange-striped boulder rolls off the upper ledge onto the walkway below. The tan-striped boulder moves one space closer to Lara but still isn't close enough to hurt her.

Lara Croft GO screenshot
Move back to the end of the walkway, then to the left, as the orange-striped boulder rolls off the edge and the tan-striped boulder advances to the corner where Lara was just standing. Now you can proceed safely to the exit.

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UPDATE HISTORY: 9/4/15 - Walkthrough first posted.
9/7/15 - Added video walkthrough.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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