Stella's Walkthroughs - Tomb Raider: Underworld for Nintendo DS
This page includes the following levels (click the links to go directly to each section): Part Two: Bhogavati (Thailand) |
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
The level begins with a cinematic sequence. Before setting out, Lara converses with Zip and Alister over the computer uplink. She says she sees no sign of her father's earlier explorations here and surmises that the ruins must be farther inland.
Go to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Climb the vertical pole next to the cliff wall and jump to grab the next pole on the left. Climb to the top and jump to the ledge on the right. Turn left and shoot the hanging rock. It falls creating a ledge below. Jump back to the pole, slide down a bit and then jump on top of the fallen stone. Jump to grab the handhold on the rock to the left. Climb to the ledge above.
Duck through the tunnel on the left. Climb the ledge to the health pack. Then continue to the left. Climb the pole and jump to the ledge on the right. Continue to the right, climb the handholds on the gray stone wall. Climb over the man-made wall and drop down on the other side to find the first ARTIFACT (1/3) in the level. Climb back on top of the man-made wall, turn right and jump to grab the stone ledge above where the artifact was. Pull up and continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
Climb the handholds on the cliffside and jump to grab the vertical pole. Climb up it and jump to the next pole. Climb to the top and jump to the grassy ledge on the right. Climb the next pole and jump to the narrow, grassy ledge on the left. From there, jump to grab the next pole, then the next. Climb to the top and jump off on the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Go up the slope, climb to the level above and continue to the left to find another ARTIFACT (2/3).
Take a long running jump across the gap to the left to grab the edge of the next ledge, which juts out above the sea. Press X for a saving grab. Then pull up to find a TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Take another running Jump back to the right and pull up. Cross to the right side of this ledge and jump to grab the slightly higher ledge ahead. Pull up. Climb onto the ledge ahead and continue to the right up the hill. Grab the handhold on the cliff wall and jump up to grab the first of three vertical poles. Jump from pole to pole, climbing up between jumps if necessary, to reach the ledge on the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Go to the left and jump to grab another vertical pole. Climb up and jump to the next pole. Climb to the top and jump off on the right. Go up the grassy hill. Pick up one more ARTIFACT (3/3) and enter the jungle to finish the level.
Kills: 3 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go to the right. Slide down the short slope and climb onto the ledge ahead. (CHECKPOINT) Turn around and jump to grab the dangling rope.
NOTE: The on-screen tutorial explains how to swing on vines and ropes. Once Lara grabs the rope, you can climb up and down using the Control Pad. Alternate pressing Left and Right on the Control Pad to swing back and forth. The more you do this, the higher Lara will swing. Press B at the peak of the swing to jump off.
Now do that to swing and jump to grab the vine twisted around the tree to the left. Jump up twice. Then jump to the right to grab the ledge behind Lara. Pull up and go up the hill. Step off the edge into the low area to the right, where you'll find the first ARTIFACT (1/3).
Climb back up on the left and jump to grab the branch above and to the right. Swing around the branch and jump to grab the dangling rope. Swing and jump to the tiered, grassy ledges on the right. (CHECKPOINT)
Climb up to the highest grassy ledge. Here the cliff wall prevents you from going farther. So turn around and grab the branch above. Swing around and jump to grab the next branch. Swing on that branch and jump to grab the ledge on the left. Pull up and turn around.
Take a take a running jump to grab a handhold on the wall to the right. Jump up, jump to the left to grab another branch, swing and jump to grab the ledge on the left, and then pull up.
Hang from the left edge of this ledge and drop down a series of handholds to reach a small ledge with another ARTIFACT (2/3). Jump to the grassy ledge on the left to find the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Take a running Jump back to the right and pull up. Climb back up the handholds to the ledge above. Jump straight up to grab the tree branch above. Swing and jump to grab the ledge on the right. Pull up.
Head cautiously to the right. There's a big, nasty lizard in the low area head. (If you reference the info in the Extras menu later on, you'll find these are known as naga, after the snake people inhabiting one of the Hindu underworlds.) Naga are tough and pretty fast, but fortunately you've got plenty of room to fight. Use your acrobatic maneuvers. Or simply back away shooting until the naga gets close. Then leap over it and back away shooting in the other direction.
You'll also find shotgun ammo (which looks like the gun itself) on the right side of this open area. Just a few shotgun blasts at close range will kill a naga.
When the fighting is over, go to the right and climb to the top of the rocky outcrop. (CHECKPOINT) There's a rope ahead, but don't go there yet. First drop down into the low area on the right. Here you'll find more shotgun ammo and another naga on which to use it. Then, if you continue to the right, you'll find the final ARTIFACT (3/3).
Return to the left, climb the rocks and jump to grab the dangling rope on the right. Swing on the rope and jump to grab the branch ahead. (Don't swing too high or Lara will overshoot the branch.) Jump from there to the next rope. Swing and jump to grab the third rope. Slide to the bottom, swing and jump over to the top of the hill on the right.
Go down the hill. As you start up the next hill, a naga comes down toward you. Take care of it and continue to the right to end the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Climb the vertical column and jump to the top of the wall on the right. Slide down the slope and pick up a grenade. Continue to the right to find some more shotgun shells. (CHECKPOINT)
A little farther on there's a spike pit with a thin wall on the other side. The on-screen tutorial explains how to grapple objects with X and pull by pressing X again. Do that now to pull down the wall, forming a bridge over the spikes. Cross over it to find a health pack. (It's is partially obscured by some leafy plants, but if you have room in your inventory, you'll pick it up when Lara runs past it.)
Continue to the right beneath the stone platform supported by thick pillars. When Lara steps on the pressure pad, a vertical pole rises out of the floor ahead. It only remains extended for a little while, though. Before trying to climb up, go to the right and get the ARTIFACT (1/3).
Then return to the left side of the pressure pad and stand facing it. Wait for it to pop up, and then run over it, triggering the pole to rise. Keep running and jump to grab the pole. Climb up, tapping A to climb faster, and jump onto the platform to the left before the pole retracts. If you don't make it the first time, return to the left side of the pad and try again.
When you make it onto the platform, go to the left. Climb to the top of the long, vertical pole and jump off on the right. (CHECKPOINT)
Run down the slope and off the right edge to land on a ledge with an ARTIFACT (2/3). To get back to where you left off, slide down the slope on the left to land on the platform above the pressure pad. Go to the left, climb the long pole, jump to the ledge on the right and go down the slope once more.
This time, instead of dropping down, jump to grab the vertical pole. There are two poles here; you want the one on the right first. Climb up a bit and jump to the pole on the left.
Climb to the very top of this pole. Jump to the right to grab the narrow ledge on the façade of the ruined building. Jump straight up to grab the ledge above and pull up to find the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.) Hang from the edge, drop down once and then jump back to the pole on the left.
Jump from the pole to the ledge on the left with the health pack. Cross to the left side of this ledge and take a running jump to grab the rope. Swing over to the narrow ledge on the left. Slide down the slope and as Lara slides, jump to grab the dangling rope ahead. Swing on the rope and jump to grab one of the handholds on the wall ahead. Climb to the top. (CHECKPOINT)
A short cut scene shows the giant stone head teetering on the ledge ahead, then the cracked floor far below.
To push the big head off the ledge, approach it and press X. It plummets down, creating a gaping hole in the floor.
Hang from the left side of the ledge and drop down. Duck through the low opening picking up the grenade as you go. Step off on the right to grab the edge of the low opening. Jump back to the handhold on the right wall and then drop to the ledge below.
Take a take a running jump to the right to grab the vertical pole. Slide down just a bit and jump to the pole on the left. (Press X to save.) Climb up a little if necessary and then jump onto the narrow ledge on the left. Step off the left edge and as Lara slides down the slope, jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up to find the third ARTIFACT (3/3).
From this ledge, jump to grab the thicker vertical column on the left. Slide to the bottom and then drop to grab on where the broken column continues below. Press X for a saving grab. (You may notice this as the spot where you first entered this area earlier.)
Jump to the ledge on the right, slide down the slope and jump into the big hole to finish the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Jump to grab the handhold on the wall to the right. Drop to the ledge below. Hang and drop three times. After the third drop, you'll need to press X for a saving grab. At this point, Lara will be hanging from a handhold on the back wall. Climb to the right, jump to the next handholds and then jump to grab the ledge on the right. Pull up. (CHECKPOINT)
Jump to grab the nearest handhold on the back wall to the right of the ledge on which Lara is standing. Climb the handholds upward and to the left. When Lara is hanging from the uppermost handhold, just to the left of the tree root, jump to the right to grab the horizontal pole. Swing around and jump to the next handhold. Climb to the right and drop to the handhold below. Climb then jump to the right again. Climb to the right and drop onto the ledge below.
A cut scene shows a huge statue of Shiva ahead.
Hang from the right edge and drop onto the slope below. Slide down to land near some shotgun ammo. (CHECKPOINT)
Take a running jump across the gap to the left. Take another running jump to grab the vertical pole above the next gap. Swing over to the other side, where you'll find an ARTIFACT (1/3).
A short cut scene focuses on the area below. It's dark so the details are a bit hard to see.
Before dropping down there, take a running jump to grab the pole on the left. Swing and jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up to find a TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.) Hang from the edge, drop down once and then jump back to the pole on the left. You may also notice the red gem embedded in the wall below. This will come into play again later. Jump back to the pole and swing across to the right.
Now Lara should be standing on the ledge between the two gaps with horizontal poles. Hang from the right edge and drop to grab a handhold below. This is the spot the camera showed earlier. Climb to the left, drop to the handhold below and then drop to the floor. Go to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
Take a running jump to grab the horizontal pole sticking out of the wall above the huge pit. Swing and jump from pole to pole to reach the right edge of the pit. Continue to the right, beneath the wide platform that supports the Shiva statue. Climb the ledges on the right.
In the next short cut scene, Lara notices a carved relief of Shiva, depicted with four symbols: the sun on the left, the moon on the right, stars below and an eye on the forehead. These clues will come in handy later.
Drop down on the right to find another ARTIFACT (2/3). Climb back onto the wall and jump to the left to grab the lowest handhold. Climb the handholds on the back wall and jump to grab one of the handholds on the right. Then climb to the level above.
Here Lara sees a larger stone panel, also depicting Shiva, but with empty spaces at the top, bottom and sides. The crank on the right won't work until you find the missing pieces. (CHECKPOINT)
Obtaining the STARS KEY: From the crank device, jump across the gap to the right. Go through the doorway and down the ramp. About a quarter of the way down, jump up to grab a handhold on the back wall. Climb up to the ledge on the right, where you'll find an ARTIFACT (3/3). Go to the right to find a grenade a little farther along and, at the far right, the STARS KEY in the hand of an earlier explorer, who managed to find it but didn't get out alive.
Notice the circular plaque with stars carved in it on the wall here. You'll see others like it down below.
Return to the left, step off the edge and climb down the handholds to the floor. Continue down the ramp to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
About a quarter of the way from the bottom, jump forward to grab the horizontal pole sticking out of the wall. Swing, jump and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up (CHECKPOINT) and go through the door near the moon plaque into the MOON ROOM. (See the separate walkthrough below.)
NOTE: The MOON, SUN AND EYE rooms are separate levels. You don't have to explore them in any particular order. I just found it easiest to start at the top, with the STAR KEY, since it's easiest to get, and then work downward. After completing each side room and obtaining the key there, you return to the SHIVA level.
After exploring the MOON ROOM and obtaining the MOON KEY, Lara emerges back in the SHIVA room. Go to the left. (CHECKPOINT) Hang from the edge of the floor and jump back to grab the pole. Drop to the floor and jump across the gap to the right. Go past the plaque with the eye motif and enter the EYE ROOM. (See the separate walkthrough below.)
After exploring the EYE ROOM and getting the EYE KEY, Lara re-enters the SHIVA room. Go to the left, hang from the edge of the ledge and drop to the level below. Pick up the health pack if there's room for it in your inventory. Go past the plaque with the sun motif and enter the SUN ROOM. (See the separate walkthrough below.)
After exploring the SUN ROOM and obtaining the SUN KEY, head to the left. There may still be a health pack here if you didn't get it earlier. Climb the wall to the ledge above on the left and go up the ramp. (CHECKPOINT) Jump the gap in the floor and approach the device. (CHECKPOINT) Press X to use the crank.
DS Challenge – Shiva Puzzle: Touch the blue circle at the top right corner of the touch screen to open the item menu. Then touch one of the keys to insert it in the bottom slot. Touch the crank and move the stylus in a circle to turn the dial. The arrangement of keys is shown in the Shiva carving on the level below. So, to solve the puzzle, first touch the STARS KEY to place it in the niche at Shiva's feet. Then spin the crank to turn the dial 90 degrees clockwise, bringing the next empty niche to the bottom of the upper screen. Then insert the MOON KEY, EYE KEY and SUN KEY, in order, turning the dial 90 degrees clockwise each time. If you make a mistake, just press B to exit the puzzle, then X to open it again.
NOTE: If Lara says the device won't work because she's missing something, check your inventory: Press Start then choose Items. You should see the four keys—STARS, MOON, EYE and SUN—listed at the bottom left. If you're missing any of them refer to the relevant sections in the walkthrough above.
When you've solved the puzzle, a beam of light shines form third eye on the Shiva statue's forehead to the red gem on the wall below where you found the TREASURE CHEST. This causes the door to open. (CHECKPOINT)
Hang from the left edge of this ledge and drop down a series of handholds to the ledge where you first saw the panel with the clue to the Shiva puzzle. Climb down on the left side of that ledge and continue left to the wide pit. Use the three wooden poles to swing across to the other side. (CHECKPOINT) Continue left to the exit.
Since you've already explored the MOON ROOM, EYE ROOM and SUN ROOM, the next level is actually RJC (level 19, below).
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
The door closes behind Lara. Go to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Wait for the spikes to retract and then run over them. Continue to the edge of a spike pit. Jump to grab the dangling rope. Swing across to the ledge with the health pack.
Before going on, hang from the edge of the spike pit and drop down into a safe spot to find this level's TREASURE CHEST. Climb back out of the pit. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Jump to grab the rope once more. Lara can't turn around while hanging from a rope, so swing to the left side of the pit and jump off. Then grab the rope once again so Lara is facing right. Swing and jump to grab one of the handholds on the wall ahead.
Climb up, wait for the spikes to retract and move past them. The short slope ahead is not slippery. So just wait for the second set of spikes to retract and run to the bottom of the slope. To get the ARTIFACT (1/3) sitting on the third set of spikes, wait for them to retract, step forward, grab the goodie and then quickly move to the right. Continue to the top of the next slope, carefully navigating past two more spike traps.
Jump from this ledge to grab the rope. Slide to the bottom and then swing and jump to the ledge on the right. (CHECKPOINT) Approach the pedestal and press X.
DS Challenge – Moon Key: Blow into the DS microphone to clear the dust away. (For best results, don't put your mouth too close to the mic.) Once the visible dust specks have been moved to the edges of the screen, use the stylus to drag the key out of its niche toward the edge of the screen. When you finish, Lara places the key in her pack.
At this point, a cut scene shows the various windows around this area closing. Lara says, "If I don't hurry, that door will trap me inside." When you press A to dismiss the message, you have about 45 seconds to reach the exit. If you don't make it in time, Lara will be trapped and die.
(CHECKPOINT) Drop onto the slope to the left. There's an ARTIFACT (2/3) hidden behind one of the broken pillars on the landing at the base of the slope. Get it and step off the left edge. Slide down the next slope and jump just before the end to grab the rope, otherwise Lara will land in the spikes. Swing and jump to the left to clear the trap. Run forward and pick up another ARTIFACT (3/3).
Climb onto the ledge on the left. Run forward and jump to grab the rope above the spike pit where you found the treasure chest earlier. Swing and jump to the other side of the pit.
Continue to the left, pausing if necessary to wait for the spikes to retract. Then run on through the exit. Return to the SHIVA level walkthrough (above) to continue.
Kills: 4 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1 Weapons: Automatic Pistols
Again the door closes behind Lara. Go to the right (CHECKPOINT), down the slope, past the caged naga and up the slope on the other side of the room. Drop down off the ledge and continue to the right, past another naga cage, where you can see this level's TREASURE CHEST.
Climb the right wall to the ledge above, where you'll find the AUTOMATIC PISTOLS and the pedestal with the EYE KEY.
DS Challenge – Third Eye: Tap the blue circle at the top right corner of the touch screen to open the item menu. Tap the chisel to select it and then scrape the stylus over the little chunks of dirt to chisel them away from the edges of the key. When you've cleared away all the dirt, touch the key and drag it toward the edge of the screen to take it.
A cut scene shows the naga cages opening, along with the exit door. You also get a glimpse of a few artifacts. When you press A to dismiss the message, you have a little longer than 2 minutes to reach the exit.
(CHECKPOINT) Take a take a running jump to grab the ledge above on the left. Pull up and shoot the naga ahead. You can use your new guns, but 2 shotgun blasts are still quite effective here. Continue to the left to find the first ARTIFACT (1/3).
Climb the handholds on the left wall and then jump to the ones on the right. Climb higher and jump back to the left. Pick up automatic pistol ammo. There's another naga in the room below on the left. There's also a health pack directly below, but unless you're desperately low on health, don't drop down onto it. Doing this can allow the naga to pin Lara against the wall, making it impossible to fight. If this happens try kicking the naga repeatedly (A) to get free. Either kill the Pick up another ARTIFACT (2/3) on the left.
Climb the wall and on the left and continue left down the slope. Grab one of the handholds on the wall ahead and drop down to the floor. Go right past the columns to find the final ARTIFACT (3/3).
Hop down into the room below, jump past the naga and shoot it while backing away to the right. Return to the left, stand in front of the TREASURE CHEST, which is tucked into the naga's cage, and press X to grab it as usual. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
It isn't possible to climb up on the left. So go to the right, climb back onto the ledge where you got the EYE KEY and then jump back to the ledge on the upper left. Run to the left, past where you killed the first naga, and climb the handholds, jumping between the two walls, to reach the ledge above on the left. Drop down on the left and run past the spot where you killed the second naga. Climb up the left wall. Run to the left, down the slope, drop down to the next level, run to the right, hang from the next edge and drop.
This time, run to the left, kill one last naga and continue left to the exit. Return to the SHIVA level walkthrough (above) to continue.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
After the door closes behind Lara, go to the right down the slope. (CHECKPOINT) Cross the bridge over the lava pool and continue to the right. At the top of the next long slope you'll find the pedestal with the SUN KEY.
DS Challenge – Sun Key: First blow into the DS microphone to clear the dust away. (For best results, don't put your mouth too close to the mic.) Once the visible dust specks have been moved to the edges of the screen, tap the blue circle at the top right corner of the touch screen to open the item menu. Tap the chisel to select it and then scrape the stylus over the little chunks of dirt to chisel them away from the edges of the key. When you've cleared away all the dirt, touch the key and drag it toward the edge of the screen to take it.
A cut scene shows flame traps igniting and the bridge you crossed over earlier sinking into the lava. The exit opens and Lara says, "The door is closing me in. I've got to move fast unless I want to become a permanent resident." When you press A to dismiss the message, you have a little more than a minute to reach the exit. If you don't make it in time, Lara will be trapped and die.
(CHECKPOINT) Turn left, wait for the flame jet to go out and run past it. Start running down the ramp and jump to land on the slope above. Continue to the left. Climb the handholds on the wall to the ledge above. Wait for the flame to go out. Then grab the ARTIFACT (1/3) and keep going.
Jump to grab one of the handholds on the left wall and drop down three times. On the last drop, when Lara grabs the handhold on the back wall, you'll need to make a saving grab. Then wait for the flame jet on the left to go out and jump to land below it. Pick up another ARTIFACT (2/3).
Run to the left wall and climb the handholds. Lara can survive a few hits from the flames here—they won't knock her off the ledges—but if you've been doing well time-wise so far, you can pause and wait for them to extinguish before climbing up.
At the top, go left and slide down the steep slope, jumping just a little after Lara starts to slide so she grabs the edge of the ledge ahead. Pull up and take the ARTIFACT (3/3). Wait for the flame jet on the left to extinguish and then run past it into the alcove with the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Return to the right and drop off the ledge to the level below. Run to the left up a short slope and jump to grab one of the handholds on the back wall. Watch out for the flame jets as you climb down to the floor. Here, if Lara gets blasted by flames, she may fall to the floor, but depending on how far she falls and how much health she still has left, she could still live.
Run up the slope on the left and through the exit. Return to the SHIVA level walkthrough (above) to continue.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 0 Treasure Chest: 0
Go to the left into the huge room with the statue of Odin and cross the walkway toward the small tree.
Cinematic: Lara takes a look around and notes that this part of the ruins must have been built long before the temple above. She finds more Proto-Norse runes and finds references to the second gauntlet, Thor's belt and his hammer scattered throughout the world. These treasures, she reads, "are protected by the dead to keep Jörmungandr subdued." But the map, which apparently showed the artifacts' locations, has been destroyed. . . and recently, Lara observes.
She then approaches the pedestal in the center of the platform. "If one of Thor's gauntlets was here, it's gone now," she says. Then, upon examining the pedestal more closely, she notices a rough inscription: "Natla, I see your goal and am your puppet no longer. Richard James Croft." Lara ponders the inscription and finds it odd that he should use the initials RJC. Apparently he never used his middle initial to avoid confusion with Lara's grandfather. Lara realizes this must be a clue to the location of the second gauntlet.
Exit the statue room to the left. Lara says she can still use the first gauntlet to move this block. Press X to grab the stone with the glowing blue carvings and press Control Pad Left to push the stone forward into the pit. Cross over it, drop down on the other side and continue left to the exit.
Kills: 2 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go down the slope to the left. (CHECKPOINT) Approach the huge block. As in the previous level, the carved runes on this block glow blue when Lara approaches wearing the gauntlet. Press X to grab the block. Then press Control Pad Left to push it off the ledge. Drop down onto it. Jump to grab one of the handholds on the left wall. Drop down to land on a slippery slope and slide down to the floor. Pick up the ARTIFACT (1/3) off to the right.
Now go to the left (CHECKPOINT), ducking through a low tunnel, where you'll find a health pack. Step off the edge. Here Lara slides down a series of slopes and lands safely on a small ledge with automatic pistol ammo. (You may not notice it behind the rocks, but it will be added to your inventory.)
Jump over to the ledge on the left. This is actually the top of another carved block. Cross over it to the left side. Wait for the spikes to retract and then run or jump over them to the safe spot beyond. Pick up the ARTIFACT (2/3), wait for the spikes to retract again, and then move back to the right.
Cross over the carved block, jump to grab the top of the wall on the right and drop down the handholds to the floor. Grab the carved block and pull it to the right. Climb back up the wall, cross over the carved block, grab the edge of the ledge with the spikes and drop down to the floor to the left of the carved block.
Hang from the edge and drop onto the slope below. Slide, jump and grab the ledge above on the right. Pull up to find another ARTIFACT (3/3).
Move cautiously down the ramp to the left. There's a tiger lurking below. (You can see a shotgun on the ledge above, but you can't reach it from here.) There's not much room to maneuver under the low ceiling on the ramp. So it may help to run toward the tiger, get a lock on it and then move back to the right while firing. Then, when you get near the edge, jump over the tiger and move to the left while shooting.
When the big cat falls, go to the left and push the carved block into the depression ahead. Then climb on top of it to reach the ledge above on the left, where you'll find another health pack.
Jump over to the ledge on the right. Wait for the spikes to retract and quickly move past them to the TREASURE CHEST. Then continue to the right for the shotgun ammo. (Click to click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Drop down on the right. Continue to the right along the level below. Hang from the edge, drop onto the steep slope below and slide down onto a narrow ledge with a grenade. (CHECKPOINT) Slide down the next slope onto another narrow ledge.
There's another tiger in the room on the left, and it's not possible to climb back onto this ledge once you jump down. So equip pistols, hop down, get a lock on the enemy and then jump over it and keep shooting as you back up the slope on the left. The tiger should fall before it reaches Lara.
Then push the carved block at the top of the slope off the edge into the pool below. Then hop in after it to end the level.
Cinematic: Lara hauls herself back on board and grabs her laptop for a little conference with the boys back at home. She tells Zip and Alister about the map and her father's involvement. She says she's convinced he kept a record of the map's contents and that he found and hid the other gauntlet. . . .right under their noses. We then see her motoring toward home.
NOTE: Don't forget to solve any treasure chest puzzles you may have had to skip as you played through the Thailand levels.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/15/09 - Walkthrough first posted.
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