Stella's Walkthroughs - Tomb Raider: Underworld for Nintendo DS
This page includes the following levels (click the links to go directly to each section): Part One: Niflheim (Mediterranean Sea) |
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 0
Follow the on-screen instructions or refer to the controls list in the game's Options menu to navigate Lara through the burning mansion.
Step out of the elevator and go to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Jump over the shallow hole in the floor and climb the stairs. Continue to the right, climbing the ledges. Vault up onto the fallen column and walk to the upper end. (CHECKPOINT) Step off to hang from the edge. Then drop down by pressing Control Pad Down + B. Press X to take the ARTIFACT (1/3).
NOTE: See the page on Controls and Gameplay Notes for info on artifacts, treasure chests and unlockable content.
Jump straight up to grab the edge of the fallen column again. Press Jump to pull up. Turn right and jump forward (Control Pad Right + B) to grab the handhold on the bookcase. Jump up twice until Lara is standing on top of it. Go to the right edge (CHECKPOINT) and drop down.
The tutorial text explains how to press X to do a saving grab when Lara loses her grip. Do that now. Then drop down to get another ARTIFACT (2/3). Run back to the left, grab the ledge above, pull up and repeat the jump and saving grab. Pull up onto the ledge and slide down the slope on the other side.
Continue to the right, jumping over the flames. (CHECKPOINT) When you reach the fallen column with the glowing embers, run up it and jump up to grab the lowest handhold on the wall ahead. Jump up three times. When Lara is hanging from the uppermost handhold, hold Left on the Control Pad to make Lara lean in that direction. Then press B to jump back and grab the ledge behind her. Pull up. (CHECKPOINT)
Now head to the left along the upper level. Jump the gap in the floor. Climb on top of the bookcase, jump across the next gap to grab the other side of the opening. Then pull up. On the other side drop down twice and you'll find the third and final ARTIFACT (3/3) in this level. (NOTE: There is no treasure chest in this level.)
Continue to the left. (CHECKPOINT) As the tutorial directs, stand next to the bookcase and press X to tip it over. (CHECKPOINT) Cross over it and continue to the doorway.
In a brief cut scene, Zip Lara spots Zip and Winston near the main entrance. Zip aims a gun at Lara and fires. Winston tries to intervene, but Zip seems determined to stop Lara from following them. Apparently he knows or suspects something that neither Winston, Lara or we, the players, do.
Kills: 15 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 0
One Week Earlier: The next level begins with another cinematic. It opens with Lara's boat floating on the Mediterranean. Lara hears a beeping climbs down into the boat's cabin to activate her laptop computer and speak with her colleagues, Zip and Alister, over a satellite uplink. She says she hasn't made much progress yet but thinks she's close to finding the entrance to Avalon, which her father believed was nearby. Alister warns her not to lose perspective. After all, the odds of finding her mother still alive after all these years are remote at best. Lara agrees but insists she must still search for the truth.
Swimming Controls: Use the control pad to swim in any direction. Hold A to swim faster. Tap L for a fast 180-degree turn. Y to shoot harpoon.
From the surface near Lara's boat (CHECKPOINT) dive beneath the water. First, locate the ARTIFACT (1/3) on the left rim of the deep trench. Then swim down into the trench.
A short way down, you'll see a purple jellyfish. These creatures can sting Lara if she touches them, but they can't move from the spot where they're hovering. So either avoid them or, if you want a perfect kill score at the end of the level, seek them out and shoot them with the spear gun.
This weapon only shoots in a straight line, and the normal targeting button (R) doesn't work underwater. So, to shoot a jellyfish, maneuver Lara so she's facing it and press Y to fire. The spear gun has unlimited ammo, so it's OK to practice a little. (When you kill the first jellyfish a CHECKPOINT registers.)
A little farther down, there are 2 more jellyfish, one on the left, one on the right, and a big blue shark prowling the area. The tutorial text reviews how to shoot. The shark isn't too aggressive, but it will bite Lara if she doesn't get out of its way. When it's dead, swim down a little farther. (CHECKPOINT) Just below the next jellyfish, near the left edge of the trench, there's another ARTIFACT (2/3) sitting on a rock shelf. (CHECKPOINT)
Swim downward a bit more, past another jellyfish (CHECKPOINT), then yet another jellyfish, down toward where the trench spreads out along the bottom. Here there's a little dramatic music, and Lara notes that she's found the ruins but needs to locate the entrance.
Just below, on roughly the same level, there's another shark, as well as 2 more jellyfish, one off to the left and one to the right. If you want all the kills, head for the lower left, where you'll find another jellyfish but not much else. Swim to the right along the bottom until you encounter one more jellyfish. Then, swim upward and follow the top of the ruins to the right (CHECKPOINT) past 2 more jellyfish. Continue to the right wall. Then swim down to the bottom, where there's another jellyfish and the last ARTIFACT (3/3).
NOTE: Again, you don't have to seek out every jellyfish unless you want a perfect score at the end of the level. As far as I know this doesn't provide any rewards, except your personal satisfaction as the supreme murderess of jellyfish. ;)
Now head back to the left. At the PUZZLE DOOR, follow the on-screen instructions and press X to interact with objects.
DS Challenge – Entering Niflheim: Use the stylus to touch and drag the circular "eye stones" around the screen. Each eye stone has three eye motifs on it: one open eye, and two closed eyes. Arrange the three stones so the open eyes are all in the center. You can stack stones on top of each other as you go. When you get each stone in the correct spot, it will glow blue. When all three are correctly placed, the door opens and the level ends.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 0
Go to the right and climb onto the ledge to get a view of the statue above. Continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Slide down the ramp, climb over the ledge and duck through the low opening.
NOTE: The tutorial explains that Lara will crouch automatically when you come to a low opening. You can also go faster by running toward the opening and pressing A to roll or running and pressing B + Down on the Control Pad to slide.
Approach the door. The camera pans to show a lever on the ledge above on the left. Climb up and press X to use the lever. The door below comes down.
Go to the left, slide down the ramps to the floor below. Then return to the right and go through the door you just opened.
Continue to the right up the ramp. Duck through the low opening. Jump toward the wall on the right. The edge is too high to grab, but if you quickly press Jump again, Lara will spring back and grab the pole above. Or, if you prefer, jump up to grab the handhold on the wall to the left. Jump up to the handhold above. Then jump back to grab the pole behind.
Once Lara is hanging from the pole, press Left on the Control Pad to swing then B to jump from the pole to the ledge on the left. Climb up to find an ARTIFACT (1/3).
Don't drop down on the left; it's too high, and Lara will die. Instead take a running jump to the right, past the pole, to the next ledge. (CHECKPOINT) Climb over the wall on the right.
Continue toward the right wall and drop into the shallow pit to find another ARTIFACT (2/3). Climb back onto the ledge on the left. Then jump to the right to grab the edge of the high wall. Pull up and go up the slope. Climb up and over the high wall to find the last ARTIFACT (3/3).
Climb back to the top of the wall. Hang from the left edge. Jump back to grab the pole. Swing around and jump to the ledge on the left. Continue to the left, jumping the gap. (CHECKPOINT)
Go up the slope and climb two low ledges. Then turn right and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up.
Follow the on-screen instructions to slide down the slope and, when Lara has almost reached the end, jump to grab the ledge ahead. Press X to do the saving grab if necessary. Pull up.
Jump across the gap. Run down the ramp and jump to the right to grab the pole. Swing across the gap to the flat ledge ahead. Slide down the slope to the floor. Continue to the right and go through the low tunnel to end the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go to the right. (CHECKPOINT) Wait for the spears to retract then run past them. Climb the handhold on the wall and jump back to grab the pole. Swing around it and jump to the ledge on the left. Go to the left edge and jump to grab the next pole. Swing and jump to the next pole on the left. Then turn to face right, swing and jump to the third pole. Swing form there to the ledge on the right. Continue to the right and jump across the gap. (CHECKPOINT)
Hang from the right side of the ledge. Drop down the handholds to the floor to find an ARTIFACT (1/3). Watch out for the spikes beyond. Go back to the left, climb up to the second handhold and jump to grab the pole. Swing and jump to grab the wall to the right. Pull up. Slide down the short slope. Go to the right and climb the low steps. (CHECKPOINT)
Here Lara hears a rumbling and wonders what it could be.
Avoid the spikes ahead. Instead of trying to jump over them, turn left and grab the pole. Turn right, swing and jump to the next pole. Swing and jump to the handhold on the wall to the right. Climb up to the ARTIFACT (2/3) on top of the wall. The drop-off ahead is too high, so drop down on the left and then continue to the right. Follow the long, flat passage to trigger a cut scene.
A huge tentacle bursts through the door and destroys the floor ahead, leaving a steep slope in its place. (You don't need to do anything here. Just wait and watch as Lara leaps out of the way.) (CHECKPOINT)
When you regain control of Lara, slide down the slope. Lara automatically grabs the edge of the ledge ahead. Drop down.
From here you can see a treasure chest off to the left. Head that way, but instead of grabbing the pole, slide into the shallow pit to find an ARTIFACT (3/3) as well. Then climb up on the left to get the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
NOTE: For more about treasure chests see the Controls and Gameplay Notes page.
To get back on track, jump to grab the pole, swing and jump to the right and climb onto the wall. (CHECKPOINT)
Jump to grab the pole on the right. Press X to do a saving grab. If you miss, climb back up onto the wall and try again. Swing and jump from the pole to grab the ledge on the right. Pull up, climb the wall ahead and go forward to finish the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go to the right (CHECKPOINT), down the slope and past the chain to find an ARTIFACT (1/3) in a low alcove. Then stand near the chain and jump to grab it. Climb up (tap A to climb faster) and jump to the ledge on the right.
Here you'll find a set of huge gears with a huge tentacle entwined in them. The lever won't work yet because a gear is missing. (The flashing light shows where it belongs.) Go to the right (CHECKPOINT), hang from the edge and jump to grab the chain. Slide down to the floor.
Go to the left through the low opening to find a health pack. (Just move past it to pick it up.) Continue to the left, hang from the edge and drop down twice. (CHECKPOINT)
Jump to the left and climb the ledge to get another ARTIFACT (2/3).
Climb down two ledges and continue to the right down the ramp toward the spikes. Run or jump over them when they retract. Another tentacle blocks the next gap. If Lara touches it, she will be injured. So shoot the tentacle to make it retract temporarily. Then take a running jump to grab the chain. Slide to the bottom and drop to the floor.
Go right, jump to grab the next chain and then jump to grab the handhold on the right wall. Drop down to the floor to find another ARTIFACT (3/3). Climb over the low wall on the left to get another health pack. Continue to the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Jump to grab the chain, slide down and drop to the floor. Go to the left and press X to pick up the GEAR.
Climb the ledges on the left to get back to the chain. Jump from there to the ledge on the right. Continue to the right and jump to grab one of the handholds on the wall. Climb to the top. Jump to grab the chain on the left, climb up and jump to the ledge on the left. Stand beneath the next chain and jump up to grab it.
Climb to the top of the chain and jump to the right. Wait for the spikes to retract before running over them. Approach the low tunnel lined with spikes. Wait for them to retract and then roll or slide through (i.e., start moving to the right then tap A to roll or Control Pad Down + B to slide).
Go up the slope, get another health pack and then climb the handholds on the right wall. Jump to the left to grab the ledge; pull up. A cut scene shows the tentacle in the next room. (CHECKPOINT)
Climb to the top of the chain and jump to the left to grab the wall. Pull up, hang from the left edge, drop to the handhold below and then jump to the left to grab the ledge above the tentacle. Pull up and take the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Drop down on the right, shoot the tentacle to get it out of the way and then go to the left to find a FLASK OF OIL.
Climb over the wall on the right, drop down to the room below and return to the left to the area with the spikes. Roll or slide through the tunnel when the first set of spikes retracts. Then wait for the second set to retract and run or jump past them.
Continue left to the gap. Shoot the big tentacle to get it out of the way again. Then jump across. Go carefully past the next set of spikes and up the ramp. (CHECKPOINT)
Climb onto the ledge on the left. Turn right and jump to grab one of the handholds on the wall ahead. Climb to the top and go to the right through the low opening. Climb the chain to the gear room and jump off on the right. Stand near the brazier. (A flashing light indicates the correct spot.) Press X to use the OIL to start a fire, which causes the tentacle to retract.
Go to the left, jump past the chain and place the GEAR on the shaft (at the other spot with the flashing light). Step to the left (CHECKPOINT) and pull the lever to operate the machine. This opens the door to the right.
Run to the right, jump across the gap and exit the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Run up the slope. A short cut scene shows the kraken below. (CHECKPOINT) Shoot the tentacle to make it retract temporarily. Go to the right. Jump across onto the elevator platform and shoot the next tentacle. Cross the platform and jump over to the ledge on the right. (CHECKPOINT) Pull the lever to raise the elevator to the second level.
Go up the ramp on the right and climb onto the ledge above. There's a dead end farther to the right, so turn around and jump over to the ledge on the left. Continue left, climb the handholds to the ledge above. Jump straight up to grab the carved molding on the back wall. Climb to the right until Lara can't go any farther. Then jump to the right across the gap in the molding. Climb then jump to the right again. Drop onto the ledge with the ARTIFACT (1/3).
Go to the right and jump to grab the chain. Climb up and then jump to the left to grab the carved molding. Climb to the left, jumping across two gaps in the molding, and finally grabbing the ledge on the left. Pull up.
Go to the left and duck under the low wall. (CHECKPOINT) Climb onto the ledge. Turn right and jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and continue to the right. At the top of the slope, climb onto the ledge and pick up the ARTIFACT (2/3) partially hidden behind the brazier.
Return to the left, jump to grab the molding and climb to the left. When Lara can't go any farther, jump to the left. Lara will miss the top strip of molding and grab the one below. Jump up to the one above and continue climbing to the left. Jump to grab the first chain, then the second. Slide down to the bottom of the chain and jump from there to the platform.
Cross the platform to the left. Jump across the gap between the platform and the ledge and climb up to the lever. (CHECKPOINT) Pull it to raise the elevator to the next level.
Go up the ramp on the left. Climb the handholds on the wall and jump to grab the ledge on the right. Pull up. Step to the right edge and jump to grab the handhold on the wall. Climb to the right, jump up to the higher handhold, climb to the right end of it and then jump over to the chain. Climb to the top of the chain and jump to the ledge on the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Continue to the left, past the next chain and up the low ramp, to find the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Return to the chain you just passed, climb up it and jump to the ledge on the right. Climb to the top of the wall. Run to the right across the platform and jump the gap to the ledge on the right.
Go up the slope and grab the chain. Climb up past the top of the wall on the left. Then jump to the left to grab the next chain. Climb all the way down to the bottom of the chain, so Lara is hanging below the edge of the wall on the left. Then jump to the left to grab the third chain. Climb up a bit and jump to the ledge on the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Use the lever to raise the elevator to the top level. Then climb up on the left to reach the elevator platform. Use the lever there to drop the platform on the kraken.
After the action-packed cut scene finishes, go to the right, pick up another ARTIFACT (3/3) and continue right to the end of the level.
NOTE: The kraken does not count as an official "kill" on the stats screen. Maybe that's because you don't kill it directly.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 0 Treasure Chest: 0
The gate closes behind Lara. Approach the pedestal holding the gauntlet.
Cinematic: Lara reaches out to touch the glove and it glows blue and disintegrates, leaving behind a small turtle-shaped device. She places it on the back of her hand and it extends four straps to encircle her hand. Faint tracings of blue energy outline the shape of a phantom gauntlet.
As Lara ponders the connection between Thor's hammer and Avalon, a squad of mercenaries in wetsuits sneaks up behind her. They hold her at gunpoint while their leader takes the gauntlet device. As they make their exit, the leader plants a bomb and tells Lara, "Amanda Evert sends her regards." Lara quickly takes cover behind the pedestal as the bomb explodes, sealing the exit under a pile of rubble.
Run to the right (Lara appears to move into the background) to finish the level.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
Go to the right (CHECKPOINT), climb the low ledge to reach the higher one, and then grab the handhold on the right wall. Jump to the left to grab the handhold on the back wall. Climb the handholds upward then right to reach the slope above.
Go up the slope to the wall. (CHECKPOINT) Jump up to grab the handhold. Then jump left to grab the ledge behind and pull up.
First, head downward to the left and get the health pack. Beyond it is a wide gap in the floor. Jump to grab the carved molding on the back wall, climb along it to the left and then jump to the floor on the left. Duck under the low opening to find an ARTIFACT (1/3). Then return to the gap, use the molding on the back wall to cross back to the other side and climb onto the low ledge where you climbed up before.
Turn left and jump to grab the ledge above. Pull up. Go up the ramp and jump to grab the dangling chain. Climb up a little and jump to the ledge on the left. Cross to the left and drop down. Then jump across the gap to grab the handhold on the left wall. Climb to the top of the wall. (CHECKPOINT)
Jump to grab the single handhold on the left wall. Then jump to the right to reach the lowest of several handholds on the back wall. Jump up three times and then jump to the left again to grab the next handhold. Jump to the handhold above and then jump back to grab the chain. Jump from there to the ledge on the right.
Jump across the gap to the right and go up the slope. At the top, jump another gap and go down the next slope. (CHECKPOINT)
Step off the edge to catch one of the handholds on the back wall. Drop to the floor. Roll through the low opening on the right and continue to the right. When you reach the right wall, grab the handhold and jump to grab the lower handhold on the left wall. Jump up once then right, then right again to the ledge. Climb the handholds on the right wall and jump to the chain. Jump left again to grab another handhold on the back wall. Climb to the left and then jump up the handholds on the left wall. At the top, jump to the ledge on the right.
Go up the slope and climb onto he wall ahead. Roll or slide through the tunnel on the right to find a TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Return to the left, jump across the gap where you climbed up earlier and continue left up the slope. Climb the handholds on the back wall to reach the ledge above on the right. Continue to the right, climb onto the low ledge and jump to grab the lower handhold on the wall ahead. Climb up and jump back to grab the chain. Jump from there to the ledge on the left. (CHECKPOINT)
Go to the left past the brazier and climb the chain. Here you receive a brief tutorial about situational adrenaline sequences. Follow the instructions and jump to the right to avoid the falling boulder. When the danger has passed, jump back to the chain, climb to the top and jump off on the left.
Slid down the slope and pick up the ARTIFACT (2/3) at the bottom. Then climb to the top of the wall. (CHECKPOINT)
Go to the left edge and step off to grab a handhold on the back wall. Drop down to the ledge below and from there to the floor. Pull the lever to open a trapdoor above and lower a chain. (CHECKPOINT)
Grab the handhold above the lever and jump back to grab the edge of the ledge on the left. Pull up. Climb the handholds to the ledge above. Jump to grab the chain, climb up to the floor above and jump off on the right.
Go to the right to pick up another ARTIFACT (3/3). Then return to the chain and jump across to the left. Slide down the slope to end the level.
Kills: 3 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 0
Swim downward and to the left along the tunnel. (CHECKPOINT) When you reach the vertical shaft, swim down for an ARTIFACT (1/3). Then head upward, past the tunnel where you started.
A little farther up the shaft widens and you'll encounter a shark. Harpoon it. Then get the ARTIFACT (2/3) on the ledge to the right.
Just above this, you can see a break in the rocks in the background. Continue upward. (CHECKPOINT) Kill another shark and then keep swimming upward. When you first glimpse the surface, look for another ARTIFACT (3/3) lying on a ledge on the left.
There's one more shark a little higher up. You can kill it or just swim past it and surface on the left side of Amanda's boat to finish the level.
Kills: 5 Artifacts: 0 Treasure Chest: 0
The start of this level is basically a combat tutorial. Go to the right (CHECKPOINT) to meet the first enemy, one of Amanda's mercenaries. Follow the on-screen instructions and press R to get a target lock on him. Then, when the tutorial asks you to, press Y to shoot. You will then regain control of Lara. Keep shooting as you back away to the left until the enemy falls. The door to the right then opens so you can proceed to the next room. (CHECKPOINT)
NOTE: In order to progress through these tutorials, you must press A to navigate through the on-screen prompts and then press the exact buttons called for by the tutorials.
For the next mercenary, press A to dismiss the tutorial screen and A again to kick. Then press A again to navigate through the tutorial. Then hold Control Pad Down and press B to perform the slide attack. After this, you don't have to use those particular moves to defeat the mercenary. However you do it, once he's dead, the next door opens so you can continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
The next tutorial requires you to lock on to the enemy by tapping R. So press A to close the tutorial screen then press R. Then, after pressing A to dismiss the next tutorial screen, Hold Control Pad Right and press B to vault over the third enemy. Press A again to dismiss the prompt, and then press Control Pad Left + B to leap away. Then press A once more to close the tutorial and fight the enemy using any of the moves you've learned so far. When he dies, continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
In the next room, there are 2 more mercenaries. You can fight them any way you want. It may help to get a lock on one of them (with R) and back away to the left firing. Then return to the right and repeat the process. This can be useful whenever there's a long, flat area for fighting. Note that you can tap R to change targets while fighting multiple enemies.
Continue all the way to the right to end the level.
Kills: 8 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1 Weapons: Shotgun
Go to the right (CHECKPOINT) and hop over the barrels to find a health pack.
NOTE: Lara can carry a maximum of 4 health packs at a time. So if you've reached that maximum, you won't be able to pick up this one. You can come back for it later if you need it.
Just ahead are some grenades. Run over the grenades to pick them up. You'll see 4 grenades have been added to the inventory on the touch screen.
NOTE: Normally you only get one grenade at a time. This pickup is special. The on-screen tutorial explains that L is the button to throw a grenade. If you want to throw one at a particular enemy, press R first to lock on. Then press L.
Continue to the right and kill the mercenary using guns or grenades. Then continue to the right. Enter the storage compartment and hop over the barrels. (CHECKPOINT) Just beyond the forklift, there's another mercenary crouching behind some barrels. The on-screen tutorial explains how to hold Control Pad Down to crouch and avoid being shot. If you do that immediately and then tap R to get a lock on the enemy, stand up, toss a grenade and crouch down again, you should be able to take him out before he harms Lara.
Jump over the barrels to find an ARTIFACT (1/3) where the mercenary was crouching. Continue to the right and pick up another grenade just before starting up the stairs. (CHECKPOINT)
There's an ambush waiting at the top, with one soldier on the catwalk above on the left throwing grenades down at Lara, and 2 more mercenaries off to the right behind a low stack of barrels. If you go all the way to the top of the stairs, they'll gang up on Lara. So you may want to stand about three-quarters of the way up the stairs and target the man up above on the left with guns or grenades. Then continue up the stairs, take out the man behind the barrels first, and then the one behind him.
When the coast is clear, pick up the ARTIFACT (2/3) near the barrels and a health pack on the far right beyond the next set of barrels. Continue to the right down the next set of stairs. You'll find another ARTIFACT (3/3) at the bottom. (CHECKPOINT)
Just ahead there's another mercenary lurking behind some barrels and another man up above tossing grenades. Here I'd recommend jumping past the man on the ground and heading to the right. Then you can deal with him without being exploded. There's also a health pack off to the right if you need it. Then, if you want all the kills, go back to the left and take out the man on the elevated walkway. His grenades are a little hard to see on the small screen, but do your best to watch out for them.
When you've taken care of both men, take the TREASURE CHEST lying beneath the walkway. Lara will say "I don't have time to solve this right now." You can do this later from the Extras section of the main menu. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Beyond the barrels on the right, you'll find the SHOTGUN. Run past it to pick it up, read the on-screen info and then continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT)
NOTE: To equip the new weapon, just tap it on the touch screen. When you first obtain the shotgun, it comes with 2 shells. These are shown below its icon on the touch screen. When you run out of ammo for it, Lara automatically switches back to pistols.
Take out the soldier guarding the door at the top of the stairs. Then continue to the right to finish the level.
Cinematic: Lara peers into the next room and sees Amanda standing on a glassed-in observation deck. She's holding the gauntlet device that her men stole from Lara. "Damn," she curses. "It's too small. Only Lara can use it now. . .until I kill her."
A familiar voice replies, "Even that won't unbind the artifact."
Amanda then learns that the ship is taking on water. So she leaves the conversation unfinished to attend to the immediate danger. Once Amanda has gone, Lara enters the room to find her old nemesis, Jacqueline Natla, encased in a huge glass cylinder.
"I'm very pleased to see you again, Lara," she says, despite having her back toward the door where Lara enters.
In the ensuing conversation, Lara learns that Amanda has been holding Natla in this giant specimen jar, and it was apparently Natla who told Amanda about the existence of Avalon. Despite her captivity, Natla seems calm and patient. She's taken some enjoyment in watching Amanda's suffering.
When Lara asks about her mother, Natla answers that the dais Lara found in Nepal [in TR: Legend] is actually part of a travel network. She tells Lara that while searching for Avalon, her father accidentally discovered Niflheim instead. But, in truth, Natla believes Amelia Croft did not end up in Avalon but in Helheim, another Norse underworld.
Lara demands to know where Helheim is. Natla says she'll tell her one day, but when that day comes, Lara will need Thor's hammer to enter. Natla taunts Lara a bit, saying maybe she'll have better luck finding the hammer than her father did.
Lara demands to know more, but Natla provides only a cryptic reference to the coast of Thailand before one of Amanda's helicopters lifts her glass prison out of the hold and carries her off.
Kills: 0 Artifacts: 3 Treasure Chest: 1
NOTE: Without scuba gear, Lara has a limited air supply so watch the air meter at the bottom of the screen. Don't stay underwater too long, or Lara will drown.
From the ledge at the start (CHECKPOINT) hop in the water and swim downward. When you see a yellow corrugated metal box and a red trunk floating among the debris on the right, swim through the space above them. If necessary, surface for air directly above the yellow box. Then swim back down along the right side of the yellow box to find an ARTIFACT (1/3).
Continue to the bottom of the room where you'll find another ARTIFACT (2/3) on the floor to the right of a different red trunk. Swim along the bottom to the right then up through the gap between the heaps of debris to the surface. Climb out of the water on the ledge on the right side of the room and go through the hatch. (CHECKPOINT)
Go up the ramp. At the top a situational adrenaline sequence occurs. Time slows and you must jump to the right to avoid the falling barrel. Then continue to the right.
A brief cut scene shows a man trapped under some debris off to the right. Thor's gauntlet is lying near him.s
Climb the cargo containers to find a health pack. Jump to grab the broken walkway on the left. Climb up and take the ARTIFACT (3/3). Then take a running jump to grab the ledge off to the left. Press X to perform a saving grab and then pull up next to the TREASURE CHEST. (Click to show/hide treasure chest puzzle solution or click for all solutions on one page.)
Jump back to the ledge on the right and from there to the top of the crate below. Climb down on the right and approach the GAUNTLET. Climb up on the right and exit the level.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 1/15/09 - Walkthrough first posted.
3/2/09 - Fixed an error in the cut scene in the 'Battle' section, in which I mistakenly wrote 'Underworld' instead of 'Legend' when referring to the earlier game. Thanks to Matt for pointing that out.
7/1/12 - Fixed a mixed up left/right near the last artifact in Niflheim, thanks to a correction from Nick D.
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