Stella's Tomb Raider 3 Walkthrough - Updates for Tomb Raider 3 Remastered Coming Soon


Updated: 5/4/24()

NOTE: In order to access this level, you must have found at least 59 secrets in the game. If you missed a few secrets but want to play this level anyway, download a classic PC/Mac save file or use the PlayStation all items/secrets cheat. Or, if you're playing the remastered game, download a Steam save for the end of the Meteorite Cavern.

Secrets: none  Pickups: 15, including 1 key  Kills:Save/power-up Crystals: 3

NOTE: In the classic PlayStation version, you start with pistols only. The only weapon pickup is the UZIS. PC and Mac players, as well as those playing the remastered game, carry over their weapons and ammo from the Meteorite Cavern level.

LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)

All Hallows Video Walkthrough by Eldincy

LARGE ROOM WITH SUSPENDED METAL PLATFORMS: The level begins with Lara sliding down a chute. Immediately jump and roll to face uphill. Then hold Action to grab the end of the slide. Let go and quickly press Action again to grab a narrow crevice in the wall below the slide. If you miss and drop to the floor, climb onto the tan stone block to the left of the dome (i.e., left when Lara's back is to the entrance chute). Turn right and take a running jump to the flat spot on the dome just to the right of the tall cement pillar. Turn right again and take a running jump to grab the crevice in the wall. (screenshots)

Whichever way you manage to grab on, you now need to traverse to the left along the crevice until you can pull up into a crawlspace. Then turn around and drop down on the other side. Vault up onto the low block. Just ahead on the right is a spike pit. Stand at the edge and take a standing jump forward to grab the grates on the ceiling. Monkey swing across to the opposite ledge to get a save/power-up crystal (1) and flares (1). Do the same thing to get back across the spikes. Then climb back through the crawlspace and safety drop to the floor. (screenshots)

Now you need to make your way up to the top of the room via the suspended platforms, making a couple of pickups on the way. Climb onto the stone block to the left of the dome (i.e., left when Lara's back is to the entrance chute). Pull up onto the metal platform above. Take a running jump to the L-shaped metal platform ahead. Walk around to the right end of the platform. Then take another running jump to grab the next platform. Pull up and move to the right end of this platform. (The tall, cement pillars in the middle of the room are still on your right.) Take another running jump to the next platform and vault up onto the low ledge. Now jump over to the angled platform ahead. Aim for the sloping left side since the right side has a railing across it. Turn right, walk to the edge, and pull up onto the platform above, then the next one above on the left, where you'll find some Uzi clips (2). (screenshots)

NOTE: In the PlayStation game this will be the UZIS themselves, rather than clips.

Safety drop twice to get back down to the platform with the railing and one sloped side. Jump up to grab the grate above. Monkey swing forward and drop onto the stone pillar behind the railing. A harmless but startling flock of bats flies out of the crawlspace ahead. When you've gotten your heart rate under control, walk to the edge and take a standing jump to grab the opening. Crawl in to get a small medi pack (3) and a save/power-up crystal (2) in the shallow pit ahead. Crawl back out and safety drop to the floor. (screenshots)

NOTE: This fall will take about a quarter of Lara's health. You'll need full health before dropping through the cathedral ceiling. So, unless you have other medi packs, hang onto this one until then.

Return to the stone pillar near the entrance, climb up, and work your way back around the suspended platforms to the ledge next to the tall stone pillar. Vault up onto the low ledge as you did before but this time, instead of jumping onto the angled platform ahead, turn right, walk to the edge, keeping the cement pillar on your right, and pull up onto the small, angled platform above. Take a running jump to grab the ledge ahead. Pull up and get some flares (4). Turn around and take a running jump to land on top of the rightmost of the two cement pillars. Watch out for the vertical support cable in between. (screenshots)

DROPPING THROUGH THE DOME INTO THE CATHEDRAL: Make sure Lara's health is at 100%. You'll lose nearly all of it in this next maneuver. Walk to the high side of the pillar and jump up to grab the grating. Monkey swing to the middle of the last square of grating. Then drop onto the other angled pillar. Slide back, grab the edge, and let go to drop through a break-away tile in the cathedral dome and land on a catwalk below. There's a large medi pack (5) nearby for a quick fix-up. (screenshots)

CATHEDRAL INTERIOR: Turn so the lit chandelier is on Lara's right, then take a running jump to the dark ledge ahead to the left. Pick up the flares (6). Turn left, walk to the corner of this ledge, and look over the edge to spot a square pillar set forward from the long, rectangular ledge. (This ledge and pillars seem to represent a large pipe organ.) Angle Lara toward this pillar. Hop back then take a standing jump to land on it. Drop into the square hole to get Uzi clips and another large medi pack (7-8). There's another similar hole at the other end of the long ledge. It is blocked by a trapdoor, which you'll open later. (screenshots)

Ignore the trapdoor for now and step out onto the square pillar set forward from the middle of the long ledge. You're now facing the domed central structure. Walk to the outer right corner of the pillar, hop back, and take a standing jump to land on the metal platform suspended below. Take another standing jump to land on the gray-and-white tiled ledge on the right side of the central structure. Then vault up into the slightly angled alcove ahead. Turn right, walk to the edge, and take a carefully angled standing jump to grab the horizontal crevice on the wall ahead. There's a blast of dramatic music but no real danger. Traverse to the left, pull up and take the large medi pack (9). Use the switch to open a door down at ground level. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you miss grabbing the crevice but survive the fall, you can climb the wall of bookcases to reach the alcove with the switch.

Either safety drop to the floor, losing some health in the process, or angle Lara toward the climbable wall, jump to grab it, and climb down. Turn so the central structure is on Lara's left and then head for the right corner of the room. Scale the climbable wall until Lara is hanging above the wide, tan stripe and backflip onto the square ledge with the small medi pack (10). Then either safety drop to the floor, again losing a little health, or take a standing jump over to the suspended metal platform and safety drop from there. (screenshots)

NOTE: It is possible to jump from the switch alcove to the suspended metal platform and then to the ledge with the small medi pack, but the low ceiling makes this quite tricky. Climbing the wall is much easier.

Now head for the door you just opened. It's in the right corner of the room when facing the wall with the square pillars and pipe organ textures. Run across the break-away tiles with spikes below. Pull the switch to raise a a panel with bars near the top of the room. (Later you will monkey swing across these bars.) Turn around, walk to the edge of the spike pit, and take a standing jump to grab the ceiling grates. Monkey swing back over the spikes and re-enter the main room. Climb the bookcase on the left wall to the small, protruding ledge. Then pull up onto the black-and-white tiled walkway above. (screenshots)

THE VAULT KEY & ZIP LINE: Climb into the raised passageway on the left and use the switch to open a door elsewhere. (This will enable you to exit the level later.) Take a standing jump from the opening to grab the ceiling grates. Monkey swing along the grating and the bars you raised earlier using the switch. Continue to the end of the grating. Then let go and grab the ledge below. Pull up through the small opening onto a ledge below a zip line. Don't slide down yet. (screenshots)

Turn around so the railing is on Lara's left and the zip line handle is above on her right. Climb the grating ladder. At the top, you'll find the VAULT KEY (11). Take it and climb back down. Now grab the zip line handle and ride the line across the room. Press Look to get Lara's perspective back as you slide and be sure to let go just before the end to land on the cement walkway. Otherwise, Lara will slide down a chute and fall to her death. Once you land safely on the cement ledge, turn around, position Lara with her back to the right wall, and take a standing jump over the spikes to grab the crawlspace on the left. Crawl through and drop down on the other side. A concealed door in the bookshelf then opens. (screenshots)

NOTE: If you missed the VAULT KEY and then ride the zip line, reload an earlier save if you have one just before the zip line. Otherwise, don't worry; you'll have a chance to go back for the key later. Do not bother climbing down and back up to the top of the zip line. It does not reset, so you can't ride it a second time.

CRUSHERS AND BURNERS AND DUCTWORK (OH, MY!): Go through the passage behind the revolving bookcase and drop down several times until you come to a metal ledge near spikes. Pick up the small medi pack (12). Then stand near either wall and take a standing jump to grab the ceiling grates. Monkey swing forward, staying as close to the wall as possible. Lara will still take some heat damage as the metal pipes amid the spikes ignite, but she should not actually catch fire. (If she does, just quickly swing forward and drop into the pool as described here.) Continue to monkey swing above the spikes, and let go when you hear a "clank" to drop into a pool between the spikes and the burner. If you can't hear the game audio, just make sure to swing forward past the second-to-last silver line on the grating, then drop. (screenshots)

Follow the short, underwater passage to a crusher like the ones in Lud's Gate. Stay close to the bottom facing the crusher and wait. As soon as the crusher starts to pound down, swim forward. Lara should pass beneath it before it comes down again. Climb out of the water and crawl forward through the low opening, then around to the right. Press the button on the wall to open a trapdoor back in the main room of the cathedral, as well as another door at the top of the ladder you'll climb in a moment. Turn so the button is on Lara's left and pull up onto the ledge above the crawlspace to get another small medi pack (13). Drop down and return through the crawlspace to the ledge near the water. Turn around to spot a grating ladder in the alcove. Climb to the top. (screenshots)

CATHEDRAL INTERIOR (again): Take a standing jump with action to get over the orange trapdoor. (If Lara falls through, she'll slide onto the burner below. You can then jump into the water to put out the flames, but you'll have to swim past the crusher again and climb the ladder once more.) Beyond the trapdoor, continue forward, into the main room. The door will close behind you. Pull up onto the tall pillar with the pipe-organ decoration. (screenshots)

THE VAULT: Drop through the trapdoor you just opened into the pool below. Climb out of the water in a room with a locked door and several alcoves. Two of these alcoves have breakable grating over them. Shoot out the grating in the alcove nearest the locked door to get some flares (14). Then use the VAULT KEY in the keyhole to unlock the door. Enter and pick up a large medi pack (15) in the left corner. (screenshots)

NOTE: As long as you have the VAULT KEY, you can ignore the second grating-covered alcove. It contains a blade trap and a switch, which you probably won't need to use. It If you missed the VAULT KEY, you'll have to go back for it now. See the footnote at the end of the walkthrough for instructions.

FLOODED CATACOMBS AND LEVEL EXIT: Inside the VAULT there is also a small opening in the floor. Below is a roughly H-shaped network of underwater passages. Jump in and swim to the left. When you reach the middle of the passage (just before the first floating corpse), turn right, swim through the diamond-shaped opening, then turn right again. At the end of this passage, just beyond next two floating bodies, turn left to find the final save/power-up crystal (3). Snag it, turn around, and swim back to the right. Then follow the long, straight passage to the end, where you can surface. (screenshots)

Climb out on either side of the pool, rather than in the middle, where there's a flaming barrel. Shoot the armed guard and his dog (1-2). Finally, climb the grating, through the trapdoor you opened earlier, and approach the room full of goodies to end the level and the game. (screenshots)

NOTE: If this trapdoor is still closed, you'll need to open it. See the second footnote below for details.

BUG WARNING: When you complete the bonus level, the game will send you back to the main menu. If you then start a new game, you'll have all weapons and unlimited ammo, but you might first want to review the bug warning about "Location Looping Second Time Through."

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BACKTRACKING FOR THE VAULT KEY: If you reach the VAULT only to discover you've missed the VAULT KEY, here's how to retrieve it. Shoot out the grating in the second alcove near the locked vault door, enter and pull the switch. Doing so activates the blade trap and turns on an alarm. Carefully jump over the blades to get back into the room with the pool. Head for the far left corner and climb the grating ladder recessed into the ceiling. At the top, go through the crawlspace on the right to get back to the main room of the cathedral.

Head straight across the room and scale the climbable wall to get back up to the black-and-white tiled walkway. Climb into the raised passage on the left and use the switch to open the trapdoor near the level exit if you didn't do so before. The switch should be in the down position. Now walk to the edge of the raised passage and take a standing jump to grab the ceiling grates. Monkey swing to the left along the grating and the bars you raised earlier using the switch. Continue to the end of the grating. Then let go and grab the ledge below. Pull up through the small opening onto a ledge below a zip line. Turn around and climb the grating ladder to find the VAULT KEY at the top.

Climb back down the ladder, crawl backwards to the opening, and drop down onto the black-and-white-tiled walkway. (If Lara won't crawl backward and hang from the edge at first, keep trying. This area is a little glitchy, but if you try backing up from different angles it should work eventually.) Now climb down to the floor, cross the room, and return through the crawlspace and down the ladder to the VAULT. Pick up the walkthrough with the VAULT section, above.

BACKTRACKING TO OPEN THE FINAL TRAPDOOR: If you reach the room with the guard and dog only to find the trapdoor above is still closed, here's how to open it. Jump into the pool and swim through the flooded tunnels back to the VAULT. (That is, from the pool, swim forward to the middle of the first long passageway, turn right there, then left. Continue to the end and swim straight up into the VAULT.) Climb out of the water and exit the vault into the room with the alcoves and small pool. Shoot out the grating in the second alcove on the left. Enter and pull the switch. Doing so activates the blade trap and turns on an alarm. Carefully jump over the blades to get back into the room with the pool. Head for the far left corner and climb the grating ladder recessed into the ceiling. At the top, go through the crawlspace on the right to get back to the main room of the cathedral.

Head straight across the room and scale the climbable wall to get back up to the black-and-white tiled walkway. Climb into the raised passage on the left and use the switch to open the trapdoor near the end of the level. The switch should be in the down position. Then climb back down to the floor, cross the room, and return through the crawlspace and down the ladder to the VAULT, then through the FLOODED CATACOMBS to the room with the guard. Pick up the walkthrough there.

UPDATE HISTORY: 12/17/14 - First major update since this walkthrough was created in 1998. This revision includes many new screenshots as well as various other corrections and clarifications.
2/5/24 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt for high-res versions, and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
5/4/24 - Added kill and item counts. (Actual remastered updates coming eventually, but this should help.)

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Special thanks to Erwin, Frank, Haydon, Helena, John G., Mark R., Reveler, and 'Team JAMO' for their help on this level, and to the various people who sent me tips about the climbable bookshelves, which I missed in my haste to complete the initial walkthrough.

WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!

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