Stella's Tomb Raider Underworld Mobile/Cell Phone Game Walkthrough

BALDR'S TOMB 1 – Part 1 (Map 1)

Baldr's Tomb - Map 1

From the starting point at the bottom left corner of the map, run to the right, passing beneath several stone ledges that are too high to reach. After passing under a ledge with a golden statuette on it, climb up onto the next ledge. Go to the right, turn around and climb onto the ledge above this one. Follow it to the left and drop down into the pit with the golden statue. This is treasure #1. To pick it up, stand over it and press crouch.

Climb out of the pit on the left and continue that way. Jump across the next gap and grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up and continue left.

Climb the wooden ledges to the upper left corner of the map, where you'll find treasure #2. Then climb the narrow, stone handholds upward and to the right until you can drop onto the wide ledge made of stone blocks.

Go to the right side and jump to the wooden ledge beyond. Continue to the right. Roll through the low opening (crouch + right). Climb down the handholds. (CHECKPOINT)

Climb up the next set of handholds. Traverse to the right along the upper handhold. When you come to the spikes pause and wait for the first one to retract. Then quickly traverse past it so Lara is hanging between the two spikes. Wait for the second to retract and then traverse past it. Drop down the series of handholds to the wooden ledge below.

Climb up on the right and then drop down the next set of handholds to the long, wooden ledge below. Go to the right, roll through another low opening and continue right to find treasure #3.

Climb the handholds upward and left. Then drop onto the stone ledge with treasure #4. Drop back down to the level below.

Return to the left end of this long ledge and drop down to the level below. Go to the right. Roll under the slicing blades.

At the right end of this ledge, look down below to spot an undead knight. When it moves off to the left, drop down or climb down the handholds. Draw weapons and shoot the knight until it disintegrates. Continue to the left end of this long ledge. (CHECKPOINT)

Drop down and pick up the small medipak on the right. Then go to the left and climb onto the wall. When the undead knight in the area below moves off to the left, drop down and shoot it. Then climb onto the wall on the left, jump to the left to grab the small, wooden ledge above. Don't let go now or Lara will fall into the bottomless pit below. Turn around and jump to the right to grab the next wooden ledge. Pull up and take the large medipak.

Hang from this ledge and drop onto the wall below. Return to the right, climb over the wall and continue past a series of retracting spike traps. Carefully run past each set of spikes as they retract. To keep Lara from skidding into the next trap, lightly tap the opposite direction button.

Continue to the right. Zip explains how to navigate the climbing wall, but before doing that, go a little farther to the right. Move carefully past the 2 retracting spikes and pick up treasure #4 in the corner. You can't reach the handholds above so return to the left.

To scale the climbing wall, first press Up to grab on. Then press the buttons indicated by the numbers on the little hand symbols. You need to press each key before the symbol turns red or Lara will slip. Each successful press lets you climb a little higher. When you reach the top, climb along the solid handhold to the right and drop down. (CHECKPOINT)

Climb the handholds upward and to the left. Drop onto the ledge and carefully move past the retracting spikes. Climb onto the wooden ledge on the left. Jump to the next ledge on the right. Then climb across the handholds to the ledge below on the right.

Move past another retracting spike. Then climb down the next set of handholds to another wooden ledge. Climb toward the upper right corner of the map. Traverse past another set of retracting spikes. Then drop down onto a small medipak.

Return past the spikes and then carefully climb down to the right corner of the map, where you'll find the exit.

BALDR'S TOMB 1 – Part 2 (Map 2)

Baldr's Tomb 1 - Map 2

From the start, at the top left corner of the map (CHECKPOINT), go right. Hang from the end of the ledge and drop to the handhold below. Traverse to the left and drop onto the small ledge with treasure #6. Hang from the left end of the small ledge and drop to grab the ledge below. Drop to the floor and get treasure #7.

Go to the right end of the ledge, overlooking a bottomless pit. Grab the long handhold above and traverse to the right. As you traverse across the pit, watch out for falling boulders. Drop down on the other side.

Proceed to the right. When you come to the wooden door (D1), stand near the puzzle panel to the left of the door and press 5 to use it. Zip explains how to manipulate the cogs to solve the TRANSMISSION PUZZLE. For a recap, see the CONTROLS menu in the game. Each puzzle is random, so I have not included solutions here. If you fail, Lara says she's triggered the alarm; however, this doesn't seem to have any effect in the game. It just means you have to try again with a different puzzle. When you succeed, the door opens.

NOTE: Beating the first transmission puzzle unlocks this puzzle type in the PLAY > PUZZLE section of the main menu.

Continue to the right. Take a running jump over the retracting spike and bottomless pit to grab the edge of the higher ledge beyond. Pull up and shoot the undead knight. Go to the right end of this ledge and climb onto the long, wooden ledge above. Shoot another knight and continue to the left.

Climb onto the stone block at the end of the wooden ledge. Then climb the handholds upward and to the left. Drop onto the next solid ledge and destroy another undead knight.

Go to the left and pick up treasure #8. Climb onto the wooden ledge above and pick up some rapid-fire ammo. (To equip special ammunition, select it in the INVENTORY screen.) Climb onto the smaller wooden ledge above this one and jump over to the stone ledge on the right. Shoot another knight and continue right. (CHECKPOINT)

Drop into the shallow pit. Carefully move past the retracting spikes and climb onto the wooden ledge on the right. Jump to grab the next wooden ledge above on the left. Grab the handhold above and traverse to the right. When you come to the spikes pause and wait for them to retract. Then quickly traverse past them. Drop down the series of handholds to the solid ledge below.

Stand at the edge of this ledge and jump to the left to hit the wall, drop and grab the edge of the ledge with treasure #9. Pull up and take it. Then jump back to the right to grab the ledge Lara was just standing on. Drop down twice to the floor and pick up the large medipak.

Head to the left, climb down the handholds and then continue to the right to a series of shallow pits with slicing blades. Stand near the edge of the first pit, wait for the blade to pass and then step into the pit. The blade can't hurt Lara when she's standing in the pit. So just move to the other side, wait for the blade to pass and climb out. Repeat for the second blade. Then continue to the right. (CHECKPOINT)

Drop into the pit ahead and get treasure #10.

Climb out on the left. Jump forward to grab the pole, which looks like a silver dot on the wall. Swing around and jump to grab the ledge on the right. Pull up.

Climb onto the small, wooden ledge. Turn around and jump to the next wooden ledge. Jump to grab the pole on the left. Swing and jump to the next wooden ledge. Climb the stone handholds above. Traverse along the uppermost handhold to the right. Drop down near the exit.

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