Return to Egypt - Into the Desert - Three Achievements/Trophies:
"Exhausted," "Bastet's Stash," and "Like Alice"

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After destroying the 2 cat mummies, as shown in the previous section, move down the slope to the right of the wooden bridge. The standing mummy on the far side of the bridge is not a threat, but if you get too close to it, the level will end. The trigger tiles are marked in the screenshot above. Avoid that area for now. Climb down the corner ledges to the pool.

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Shoot (or ignore) the crocodile (38 or 20)* in the water. Swim down and pick up a small medi pack (50). Climb back up and around to the wooden bridge.

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Cross the bridge and approach the standing mummy. It drops through a trapdoor into the room below. If you've had enough, just step forward to finish the level. However, if you want all the kills, pickups, and a few more achievements/trophies, you'll need to make a foray into the desert.

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While standing on the bridge tile closest to the mummy's dais, turn about 45 degrees to the left and take a running jump...

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...to land on the sandy slope two tiles beyond the dais's left corner block. (It looks steep, but Lara can stand there.) Again, try not to land on or pass over the stone structure or the level will end.

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There's a panther (39 or 21)* running around out here, so quickly climb up onto the back of the stone structure if you want a safe spot from which to shoot. Just be careful to only stand on the three blocks at the back. If you stand toward the front, the level will end. And do not move farther out into the desert. The sand is deadly! (I guess the level designers didn't want players straying too far.) The safe areas are outlined in the screenshot above.

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Once you've taken care of the panther...

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...save the game. Then step out into the desert. Lara will collapse and you'll unlock the "Exhausted" achievement/trophy.

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Reload and continue exploring. The standing mummy is now prowling around inside the dais. You may be able to hear it growling, and you can see it if you look down into the opening, but you can't target it.

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Next, you're headed for the small pool near the two gray blocks to the southwest. To get there safely, from the back of the stone dais, face the two palm trees. Hop down and proceed straight ahead (south) between the trees. Off to the left there's more deadly sand. Beyond the palm trees, continue straight ahead. Then, just before the gray block, turn right and climb onto the sandy ledge near the pool.

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Swim down to pick up the UZIS and 2 sets of Uzi clips (51-53).

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If you found the SHOTGUN and MAGNUMS earlier, you'll unlock the "Bastet's Stash" achievement/trophy for finding all weapons in Egypt.

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After picking up the guns, there will be a mummy (40 or 22)* running around above. If you climb out on the square ledge in the far left corner of the pool, you'll have a few seconds to shoot before it reaches Lara.

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Another mummy (41 or 23)* lurks in the desert to the southwest. If you switch to pistols and hop up onto the little hill with the two palm trees...

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...you'll have a good angle on it, though you may need to wait for it to come into range.

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For the last achievement/trophy, head for the carved block and large cat face to the south. I haven't mapped every safe tile, but as long as you move straight for it, and don't go beyond the broken line in the screenshot above, you should be fine.

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Standing on the carved cat's face unlocks the achievement/trophy "Like Alice."

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Return to the hill with the 2 palm trees and take a running jump over the fence into the area with the spikes and boulders.

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Go down the path to the left, past the spikes, then around to the right toward the pool.

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Again, climb over the carved block to the right of the pool.

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Follow the sandy path to the wooden bridge, and this time, go all the way across to end the level.

NOTE: If you obtained all 53 items without harming any crocodiles, the "Crocodile Rock" achievement/trophy should unlock on the stats screen.

*NOTE: The running kill counts track the total with or without crocodiles. You'll need to avoid harming any crocs for the "Crocodile Rock" achievement/trophy.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)