NOTE: Letter designations for switches (S#), doors (D#), save crystals (C#), etc., in the text refer to labels on the corresponding level maps. The switches are numbered to match their corresponding doors (e.g., switch 1 opens door 1, switch 3 extends ledge 3, etc.). All pickups are marked on the map (I hope). Enemies and hazards are noted in the walkthrough but not on the maps.

Introductory Cut Scene: A man speaks with a swirling spirit. (I assume he is the cult leader and the spirit is that of the dark magician, Madame Paveaux.) He tells the spirit that it will soon be free. The scene shifts to the Museum of Antiquities in New York. Lara Croft and her friend Jane are discussing a golden sword, which Jane believes was used in rituals of Dark Magic. Suddenly there's an explosion and thieves rappel down through a skylight. They steal the sword, and Lara takes off in pursuit.

Museum - Map 1 - Main Floor (click for printable map/map key)

You begin the level at the lower left corner of the map, near Jane and a locked door (D4a). Go right, past the huge dinosaur skeleton and over a low wall. Continue right, underneath a platform with recessed ladder rungs (L1), to the elevator, which isn't working yet. Use the red switch (S1) to extend the ladder rungs you just passed. (To use the switch, position Lara in front of it and press A.)

Just to the right, beyond the elevator and switch, is guard in riot gear. If Lara approaches, he'll smack her down, so don't waste health messing with him yet. Instead, go back to the left, stand directly under the ladder (L1) and jump straight up (Up on control pad) to grab it. Climb to the top. Walk to the right, jump the gap and use the switch (S2) to extend monkey bars (B2) on the ceiling.

Go back to the left, jump the gap again, and walk to the left edge of the ledge. Jump straight up to grab the monkey bars (hold the B button to hang on) and swing across to the left above the dino skeleton. Let go (release B) to drop on the ledge on the other side.

Go left and pick up a large medipak (position Lara over it and press Down). Climb the ladder. Walk to the left wall, turn around and take a running jump to the right, across the gap. Continue to the right. You can see a key behind the black-and-white door ahead (D3), but it won't open yet. For now, climb to the level with the carved railing above.

Continue to the right. When you reach the wall, climb up. Continue right and climb through the opening in the ceiling. There's another guard to the left, so go to the right. Use the switch (S3) to open the door (D3) you saw below. Return to the left and down three levels, then to the right through the now-open door. Pick up the DOOR KEY (K).

Head left to the end of the ledge and take a running jump across the gap. Climb down the ladder and go right. Safety drop off the end of the ledge below the monkey bars. (Lara will lose a little bit of health. To avoid this, monkey swing across on the bars and climb down the short ladder.) Return to the left.

Use the door key to open the locked door (D4a) next to Jane. Go through to a new area.

Museum - Map 2 - Basement (click for printable map/map key)

You enter through the doorway (D4b) at the left side of the map. Use the wires on the ceiling to monkey swing across the pit of sharp bones to the right. (Although Lara can safety drop into the bones, taking only a little damage, and walk through them with no health loss, if Lara falls onto the bones, she'll die.)

Swing past the platform with the rat but drop down onto the next platform to get the small medipak. Monkey swing the rest of the way across to the right. Here you'll find the first save crystal (C1). (To save your game: Position Lara over the crystal and press Down on the control pad to activate it. Then press Left to choose "Yes" and A to save.)

Now stand in front of the generator (G) and press A to activate it, restoring power to the elevator on the main floor and electrifying the wires overhead.

Jump up to grab the wires and monkey swing back to the left. Stop just before each section of live wires and wait. The wires spark on twice, then stay off for a longer pause. Continue forward during this longer off phase. Drop onto the ledge at the far left and go back upstairs to the main floor.

Museum - Map 1 - Main Floor (again)

Return to the right to the elevator, which is working now that you've turned on the generator. Press A to call the elevator. Then, when Lara enters, press Up to ride to the next floor. (Or, you can press A to exit without riding up.)

Museum - Map 3 - Second Floor (click for printable map/map key)

Go to the left and up two levels. Use the red switch (S5) to extend a ladder (L5) just above. Beyond the switch to the left is another guard in riot gear. Avoid him for now. Climb the ladder. Above on the left is another closed black-and-white door (D8). Take a running jump across the gap to the right.

Continue to the right, past a display of broken columns and three statues. The middle statue (S8) can be activated but is missing a SHIELD. Pick up the small medipak and continue to the right. Take a running jump to the ledge above the big statue with the discus and pick up the DOOR KEY (K) at the right end.

Hop off the ledge on the left side and go to the right to the locked door (D6a). The door key unlocks it, so go through.

Museum - Map 4 - Second Floor, side area (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this area at the middle left (through the door marked D6b on the map). Go to the right, jump the gap and continue right and up one level. The trapdoor (D7) ahead is secured by a guard in riot gear. Instead of tangling with him, climb the ladder above. Pick up a small medipak to the right. Take a running jump over to the left, pick up a large medipak and then repeat the running jump back to the right. Go all the way to the right side of the ledge, climb down the ladder and let go to land near the save crystal (C2). Use the statue (S7) to open the trapdoor (D7), sending that guard for a nasty spill.

Climb down the ladder below the trapdoor. (NOTE: To descend long ladders quickly, tap B repeatedly to let go and re-grab the ladder.)

Pick up a small medipak and ANCIENT SHIELD in the room below. Climb back up the ladder. Take a running jump across the gap where the trapdoor was. (Alternatively, while holding onto the ladder with Lara's hands at floor level, press Left and hold B to jump, turn in the air and grab the edge on the other side. Then pull up.) Go left and down to the door (D6b) where you came in. Return to the previous area.

Museum - Map 3 - Second Floor (again)

From the door (D6a), go left and climb three ledges. Place the ANCIENT SHIELD on the middle statue (S8) to open the black-and-white door (D8) off to the left. To get there, go left, take a running jump across the gap and climb up onto the ledge ahead. Pick up the small medipak and use the switch (S9) to open a door elsewhere.

Return to the right, down the ladder and on to the right past the red switch (S5) you used before. Keep going down and right, back to the elevator. Enter the elevator and press Up to ride up to the next floor.

Museum - Map 5 - Third Floor (click for printable map/map key)

(NOTE: This map is wider than a standard 8½" x 11" sheet of paper. Unless your printer automatically scales images to fit the paper, be sure to print it using landscape (horizontal) orientation, or the edges will be cut off.)

There's a guard up on the ledge to the right, so head to the left and down. Go through the door (D9) beyond the torpedoes. This will be open after using the switch (S9) on the second floor. Climb the ladder ahead. Continue left over the low wall.

There's another guard in the pit ahead. So, for now, use the bars on the ceiling to monkey swing above him to the left. Climb a ledge and a ladder to the level above. Pick up 5 CANNON BALLS (CB) and a large medipak on the next ledge to the left.

Take a running jump to across the gap to the right. Run to the right, past the armored tanks, and jump up to grab the ladder above. If you do this, you should be able to avoid the Doberman on patrol below. (If you do run into the dog, just hurry past to avoid taking too much damage.) On the ledge above, take a running jump across the gap to the right. Climb up and use the switch (S10) to open a black-and-white door (D10) below. Before climbing down, get the small medipak on the ledge above/left.

Drop down two levels, go left and when you reach the gap in the floor, use Look (hold Start and use control pad buttons) to check below for the Doberman. When it passes to the left, safety drop from the ledge and head to the right.

Go through the door (D10) you just opened. Continue to the right, passing in front of a locked door (D12a) and passing under a ledge with ladder rungs. Safety drop off the end of the ledge.

Pick up the small medipak under the overhang to the left. Then use the cannon: Press A to activate, use Control Pad Up/Down to aim (set the angle at the second highest setting) and press B to fire. If the angle is correct, the cannonball will hit and kill the guard below. Press A again to step away. (NOTE: If you miss and need more cannonballs, backtrack to the left to get them in the same spot where you found them earlier.)

Drop off the right end of the ledge, or take a running jump to the right. To the right of where the guard stood is a red switch (S11). Use it to extend 3 ladders to the right and left (L11a-c). Climb the ladder to the right to find another DOOR KEY (K) and NORMAL GUNS (G).

The fire exit is above on the right, but the ladder (L17) can only be extended with the FIRE EXIT KEY, which you don't have yet.

Now that you have a gun. . . you can take care of some business. Go left and down, past the elevator. Continue to the left up one short ladder and partway down the next. Shoot the guard in the while hanging on the ladder. Lara won't lose health this way. When he's dead, climb down and pick up the large medipak. Climb back up and return to the right. Climb the ladder (L11a) to the left of the elevator, then the one to the left of the cannon (L11b).

(NOTE: Unless you're feeling particularly cruel, there's no need to go any farther to the left to kill the Doberman.)

Climb onto the ledge above and to the right of the locked door (D12a). Shoot the rat and pick up the CROWBAR (C). Drop back down. Now that you have a DOOR KEY the locked door (D12a) below will open. Go through to a new area.

Museum - Map 6 - Third Floor, side area (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this area at the middle left (through the door marked D12b). Go right, climb up and duck when you reach the trapdoor (D13). Draw guns and shoot the guard. (If Lara crouches, she can shoot him without taking damage.) Continue to the right. Climb up one level, Shoot another guard on the next level before climbing up. Continue up/right to a ladder.

Climb the ladder and, when Lara reaches the top, press and hold B to grab the monkey bars. Swing across to the left. Drop onto the ledge with the iron column.

Take a standing jump to the next ledge on the left, where you'll find a save crystal (C3). Save and take a running jump across the gap to the left. Pick up the small medipak concealed behind the railing, shoot the guard on the next level and then climb up there.

Cross the ledge and climb down the ladder on the left side. Use the monkey bars to swing across to the left. When Lara can't go any farther, she'll climb onto the ladder leading down to the airplane. Climb down and use the CROWBAR (press A) to drop the bomb, destroying the trapdoor (D13) below. Climb back up, monkey swing across to the right, drop onto the ledge and then safety drop to the floor below.

Go right, take a running jump across the gap where the trapdoor was. Climb partway down the ladder and shoot the rat before dropping to the floor. Pick up the small medipak. Go to the right, climb down two levels and then go left. Use the monkey bars to swing across the room to the switch (S14). Use it to open a black-and-white door (D14) below. Climb down the ladder to the right to get there.

Hop down into the pit beyond the door. Shoot the guard on the ledge above and then climb back up the ladder. Take a running jump across the pit to grab the other side; pull up. Get the FIRE EXIT KEY (FK) and climb all the way back up to the middle level. Return to the left and exit through the door (D12b) where you came in.

Museum - Map 5 - Third Floor (again)

From the door (D12a), go right and down two levels to the elevator. If you don't care about getting every pickup, you can finish the level now. Skip down to the paragraph marked with the *. Otherwise, to get every item, ride the elevator down one floor and continue as written below.

Museum - Map 3 - Second Floor (again)

From the elevator, go left and climb up two levels. Crouch and draw guns to shoot the guard without taking damage. Continue to the left, pick up the DOOR KEY (K) and use it to unlock the door (D15a) to the left.

Museum - Map 7 - Second Floor, side area (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this map at the bottom left (through door D15b). Climb partway down the ladder and shoot the rat in the pit below. Climb back up and take a running jump to grab the opposite side of the pit; pull up.

Shoot the guard on the next ledge before climbing up. Use the switch (S16) to the right to extend the bars on the ceiling (B16). Shoot another guard above and to the left, and then climb up where he was. Pick up the small medipak. Use the monkey bars to swing across to the left. Pick up rapid bullets and a large medipak. Safety drop off the ledge into the pit (taking a little damage) or return down the way you came. Exit through the same door where you entered (D15b).

Museum - Map 3 - Second Floor (again)

Cross the level to the bottom right and ride the elevator down to the first floor.

Museum - Map 1 - Main Floor (again)

Take a few steps to the right. Crouch, draw guns and shoot the guard. Climb the ledges to the right, kill a rat and pick up a large medipak. Climb back down to the elevator.

(NOTE: At this point, you can make a long climb up to the top of this area for a single small medipak, or head for the exit. I didn't think it was worth the effort, but if you want to, make your way up to the top left corner. Refer to the map if necessary. Shoot the guard to get past him and the rat guarding the medipak. Grab it and then return to the elevator.)

Ride the elevator back up to the third floor (i.e., enter and press Up two times).

Museum - Map 5 - Third Floor (again)

(*) From the elevator, climb up two levels to the right. Use the FIRE EXIT KEY at the green sign to extend the ladder (L17) on the right wall. Climb up to exit the level.

Cut scene: Lara reaches the top of the ladder and finds a radio. She hears the bad guy team leader announce that the helicopter will leave in five minutes. "Five minutes!" Lara gasps. "I have to stop them!" She dashes off.

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