NOTE: Letter designations for switches (S#), doors (D#), save crystals (C#), etc., in the text refer to labels on the corresponding level maps. The switches are numbered to match their corresponding doors (e.g., switch 1 opens door 1, switch 3 extends ledge 3, etc.). All pickups are marked on the map (I hope). Enemies and hazards are noted in the walkthrough but not on the maps.

Jungle - Map 1 (click for printable map/map key)

You start at the bottom left corner of this map. Go right to save crystal (C1) but avoid the land mine just beyond it. Take a standing jump over it and climb onto the stone platform above to get the small medipak. Climb to the top level of the platform and pull up onto the platform above. Shoot the snake and then the scorpion on the ledge above/left. (If you want to, you can jump down to the ledge below/left and shoot another scorpion. Then you'll have to drop down, jump over the mine and climb back up again.)

Jump from the ledge where the snake was to grab the ledge above/left. Climb to the ledge above that and get another small medipak hidden behind a rock. Shoot a giant ant on the ledge above/right then take a running jump to get up there. Climb up on the right and get a large medipak.

It's too far to jump to the next ledge (where you can see shotgun rounds). Instead, climb back down to the ground the way you came. Use the save crystal (C1) again and head right, jumping over 2 land mines. Continue right, past some palm trees, to a low tunnel. Roll through. Shoot a scorpion on the ground and a giant ant on a ledge inside the cave. Climb to get the rapid bullets and then roll back outside.

Climb the ledges above the tunnel. Shoot the scorpion on the ledge above/right if you like, and then climb up on the left. Shoot the snake in the grass on the middle ledge and then turn and jump to grab the ledge above/behind. Climb up, shoot the giant ant on the next ledge and climb up there to get the rapid bullets hidden in the foliage.

Climb down and then up on the left near the three palm trees. Watch out for the hole concealed in the plants to the left. There's another scorpion below. Either drop down and kill it or just take a running jump over the hole. The next concealed hole has spikes below, so carefully take a running jump over it. Pick up shotgun rounds on the other side and then climb the stepped ledges above/right.

Jump the gap to the right, cross the ledge and climb onto the ledge above. Shoot the giant ant on the ledge above/left if you want to, and then climb up to the right. Take a standing jump over the concealed spike pit. Pick up shotgun rounds hidden in the weeds and then take another standing jump to clear the next concealed spike pit. Take a running jump to the next ledge on the right. Climb up one level, shoot a giant ant above and then climb up again. Take a running jump to grab the ledge to the left, pull up and climb up a level. Jump over the concealed spike pit and pick up the large medipak hidden behind the palm tree.

Go to the left edge and take a standing jump down to the ledge below. Hop down one level and take a running jump to grab the next ledge to the left. There's a hidden gap in the floor ahead, so walk forward just a little and shoot the scorpion on the other side. Back up and take a running jump across the hole. Pick up rapid bullets hidden in the weeds.

Take a running jump to the left to grab the ledge on the other side of the gap. Pull up. Step off into the pit ahead, shoot the snake and pick up a small medipak. Climb out and then climb onto the ledge above/right. Shoot the bad guy with the gun on the ledge above and climb up. Take a running jump to grab the ledge on the left. Pull up and then climb up twice. Shoot a snake and then climb to the top level for a small medipak. Hop down on the other side and shoot another snake. Hop down one more level and then drop to the ledge below/right.

Climb up three ledges to the right. Shoot a scorpion on the top ledge before climbing up. Take a running jump across the concealed gap to the right. Continue right to the exit.

Jungle - Map 2 (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this map at the middle left. Head right, shoot a giant ant on the ledge above/left and climb up to get a small medipak. Climb down/right to the save crystal (C2). Take a standing jump down to the ledge on the right. Jump over the land mine. Shoot another giant ant on the ledge below/right and then jump down. Hop down to the ledge below/right but watch out for the mine.

Before continuing right, climb down the ladder on the left. Safety drop off the small ledge to avoid landing in the spikes. Walk through the spikes to the right. Pick up the shotgun rounds and climb onto the ledge above. Walk through the next set of spikes and shoot a scorpion on the ledge above. Now, either pull up onto that ledge, taking a little damage, or take a running jump to grab it. If you jump just before the spikes, Lara loses no health. Climb onto the next ledge for a large medipak. Climb down, go right and take a standing jump from the edge to clear the spikes. Safety drop off the next ledge to avoid the other spikes. Walk through and climb up the ledge and ladder to the top.

Jump over the land mine and continue right. Climb the next ladder and either take a running jump over the spike pit to grab the other side, or safety drop into the pit, walk across and climb out the other side. Repeat for the second spike pit and then climb the ladder. Climb the next ladder directly above and kill a scorpion. Enter the little cave to the right to get a small medipak.

Climb the ladder above and backflip to grab the ledge behind. Pull up and shoot the snake. Walk to the left edge and jump to grab the next ledge. Pull up and climb onto the ledge above. Walk to the right through the spikes and then take a running jump to the ledge on the right. Pick up the hidden rapid bullets. Safety drop off the edge then quickly press B to grab the ladder below. Climb down and let go.

Now take a running jump across the gap to the left, taking care not to run on into the spikes. Instead, walk through to the left and shoot the snake. Kill a scorpion on the next ledge before climbing up. Walk through some more spikes and climb the ladder. At the top, crouch and shoot the guy with the gun. Then jump over the mine. (Why doesn't the big lug blow himself up?)

Go left and take a running jump to grab the vines on the ceiling. Monkey swing across, drop down and shoot the giant ant. Climb the ladder to the left. Jump to grab the short ladder behind. Climb up and take a running jump to grab the higher ladder on the leftt. Climb to the top and get a small medipak. Take a running jump to grab the vines on the ceiling. Monkey swing to the right and let go to land on a ledge with 2 land mines.

(NOTE: Before going on, you can safety drop to the ledge below/right to get a large medipak and shoot another scorpion if you like. Lara loses almost half her health in the drop, and you have to make your way back across the two sets of vines to get back to the ledge with the mines, so you may not find it worthwhile.)

Jump over the 2 land mines and either take a running jump over the spike pit to grab the other side, or safety drop into the pit, walk across and climb out the other side. For the second spike pit, you must safety drop in and walk through. If you try to jump and grab the ladder, Lara dies.

Jump to grab the ladder above and climb up. Walk forward a few steps toward the land mine. Look right and shoot the thug with the gun. Jump over the mine and continue right. Take a running jump across the gap to grab the opposite edge; pull up. Jump over another mine and climb up to the exit.

Jungle - Map 3 (click for printable map/map key)

You enter this map at the bottom left corner. Go right and shoot the thug with the club. Climb over the wall and continue right. Climb onto the next wall. Ignore the spike area below for now and climb the ledges above to the save crystal (C3). Shoot the giant ant on the ledge above and climb up. Go right to get a small medipak plus rapid bullets on the ledge below.

Safety drop off the ledge where you got the clips. Shoot the snake in the grass and climb down the ladder. Shoot the scorpion below before dropping down. Pick up shotgun rounds under the ladder to the right. Walk left through the spikes to get a large medipak and then climb back up on the right, the same way you came.

From the ledge above the save crystal (C3), climb up on the left. Shoot the giant ant above, climb up and take a running jump across the gap to the left. Kill another scorpion and then take a running jump across the spike pit to the left. Take another running jump to land on the next ledge to the left. Kill the giant ant and climb up two ledges to some rapid bullets.

Turn right and take a running jump across the gap above where you just came from. Shoot another ant and then a scorpion as you climb up to the grassy ledge. Pick up the small medipak and then take a running jump to grab the vines on the ceiling. Monkey swing across to the right. Drop onto the ledge and immediately draw guns to kill the scorpion lurking in the grass. Pick up shotgun rounds and rapid bullets hidden behind the two columns. (NOTE: The large medipak on the ledge to the right is too far to reach from here. You'll get it a bit later.)

Use the overhead vines to swing back to the left. Climb up two ledges on the left. Shoot the thug with the gun before climbing up a third time. Turn right and climb up twice more to a flat ledge with rapid bullets. Hop down on the left then take a running jump across the gap above the spikes. Climb up two levels to the highest ledge on the map. Go right, shoot another bad guy and pick up a large medipak and shotgun rounds.

Return to the right and down two levels. Take a running jump back across the gap above the spikes. Safety drop off the ledge to land in a safe spot to the left of the spikes. Shoot the snake and walk through the spikes to the right. Take a running jump across the gap to grab the ledge on the other side. Pull up, shoot a scorpion and hop down on the other side, where there's a small medipak. Safety drop off this ledge. Pick up the large medipak to the left and go right to the exit.

Jungle - Map 4 (click for printable map/map key)

(NOTE: This map is wider than a standard 8½" x 11" sheet of paper. Unless your printer automatically scales images to fit the paper, be sure to print it using landscape (horizontal) orientation, or the edges will be cut off.)

You enter this map on the left side. Go right, take a running jump across the gap in the bridge, taking care not to fall into the spikes below. There's a save crystal (C4) just ahead. Save and take another running jump across the next gap. Shoot 2 bad guys on the next section of bridge as you continue to the right.

Jump across the next gap. Then take a running jump to the stone wall. Shoot a scorpion and climb down onto the ladder. You may be able to kill another scorpion in the grass below. If not, drop down, walk to the left through the spikes and kill the scorpion when you meet it. Continue to the left under the bridge. Beyond the spikes there's an open area with a land mine. Jump over it and continue left. A bit farther on there's a snake. Just beyond that, you'll find shotgun rounds hidden behind a broad-leafed plant and a large medipak just beyond the leftmost bridge support. Get the goodies, return to the right and climb up onto the stone wall.

Take a running jump to the right across the next gap in the bridge. Grab the other side and then safety drop into the clear spot between the spikes. Shoot the thug with the gun from below. Before climbing back up, go to the right, kill a snake and pick up a large medipak near the base of the next stone wall.

Climb back onto the bridge and continue right. Take a running jump over the last gap and continue to the exit.

Jungle - Map 5 (click for printable map/map key)

(NOTE: This map is wider than a standard 8½" x 11" sheet of paper. Unless your printer automatically scales images to fit the paper, be sure to print it using landscape (horizontal) orientation, or the edges will be cut off.)

You enter this map on the left side. Take a running jump across the gap above the spikes to grab the ledge with the ladder. You can shoot the scorpion below, but don't drop into the spikes. From the top of the ladder, take a running jump to the right to grab the vines on the ceiling. Monkey swing over the spikes and drop onto the next section of bridge.

Take a running jump across the next gap. Safety drop onto the ledge below the bridge and shoot the snake. Climb down the ladder, but don't drop into the spikes. Instead backflip to land on the ledge behind. Safety drop into the clear spot to the left of the spikes. Walk through to get the small medipak near the stone wall. Climb back out of the spike pit on the left side.

(NOTE: There's no need to go any farther to the left. But if you want to explore, watch out for the mine on the first ledge between the two bridge supports. Walk through the spikes and, if you didn't kill the scorpion before, look out for it on the level above. At the far left is a very deep, concealed pit. If Lara falls in, she dies.)

Jump to grab the ladder above the spikes and climb back up. Climb to the top of the wall between the bridges. Continue right, jumping over the land mine just before the wooden sign.

Instead of swinging across the vines, slide down the slope, jumping at the bottom to clear the deep spike pit and land on the ledge ahead. Then do the same for the next ramp and spike pit. Shoot the scorpion and cross the ledge to the right.

(NOTE: If you want to go directly to the exit from here, missing a few kills and pickups, the climb down the ladder and pick up the walkthrough below at the *.)

Take a running jump across the gap above the ladder to grab the other side. Pull up. Jump over the land mine, climb up and jump over a second mine. Climb up once more and shoot the snake in the bushes. Take a running jump to grab the ladder to the left. Climb up and shoot the 2 bad guys. Take a running jump to grab the vines on the ceiling to the right. Monkey swing all the way across and drop.

Climb down the ladder and get the large medipak and shotgun rounds. Don't drop off this edge; there's a huge spike pit below. Instead, climb back up the ladder and slide down the slope to the left. Now you're back on the ledge where you shot the snake earlier. Climb down one level. Jump over the first mine and climb down once more. Since she'll have to run across the second mine, make sure Lara has full health before taking a running jump to grab the ladder on the other side of the gap.

(*)Climb down as far as you can, backflip off the ladder and immediately crouch and draw guns to shoot the bad guy on the left. Pick up a small medipak under the wall to the left, and then head right. Jump the gap above the slope and get some rapid bullets. Step off the edge and slide down the slope. Continue right to the exit.

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